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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    *hugs mad_gater and Keaira*

    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      Hope you feel better soon Pol

      Okay I give in - that photo of Jack that Kusanagi posted on page 171 - which episode is it from?


        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        And...because the manip is so freakin' incredible!!!
        Mala manip...awesome, eh?

        Thanks Pol!!


          Originally posted by Fluffy17 View Post
          Hope you feel better soon Pol

          Okay I give in - that photo of Jack that Kusanagi posted on page 171 - which episode is it from?
          You mean this one??

          Actually, I don't think it's from an ep. Seems more like a shot from a set, but not too sure


            Hey! Does nyone actually remember me? Anyone wondering whatever happened to the Shippy Hippies? Anyone missing the thick and hypnotizing cloud of broccoli smoke? No? Hm.

            Calling out to all Shippy Hippies and anyone else who feels the love:

            We are still alive and Shippin'!

            *hugs the Ship Family*
            *happy dances. Nekkid*

            S/J Rules.
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by kusanagi View Post
              You mean this one??


              Actually, I don't think it's from an ep. Seems more like a shot from a set, but not too sure

              *picks self up from floor*

              Okay, you can't just go around posting stuff like that!

              *fans self*



                *picks self up from floor*

                Okay, you can't just go around posting stuff like that!

                *fans self*
                I know! We need to have a caption contest for that one!
                My Stories: FFdotNet
                My Stories AO3
                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!



                  Originally posted by kusanagi View Post
                  You mean this one??


                  Actually, I don't think it's from an ep. Seems more like a shot from a set, but not too sure
                  I do recognize it from an episode...but can't remember the name atm...I thought S6...and it's a zoom-in...


                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    Hiya all *Pol waves at the room.*

                    OT stuff
                    So, I took the day (and will again take tomorrow) to hide from the world. I spent today on my kayak on the ocean and will do so again tomorrow. Why, you ask? Further info in additional spoiler, skip at will:
                    Because I have had the...wait for the music...return of the melanoma. I'm a bit sick (as I am sure are you) of having medical crap to deal with (and me sharing with you), but I could use some good thoughts. Yes, I have to have back surgery, but we're postponing that - the pain is under control for now. You can see my latest blog entry for the Melanoma Saga if you're bored. The upshot is I have to have yet another "deep excision" on another spot on my body (biopsy came back positive for melanoma). This is happening on Monday and she's taking a good chunk of muscle too, so I won't be on the water for six weeks after.

                    This is the 3rd time in a 3rd spot, all on the right side of the body, same side I had breast cancer on at age 25 (17 years ago, if you're counting, which I am). So...there you go.
                    Before you ask, YES, I was covered head-to-toe while on the water, including gloves. Not a wee spot had sunlight on it. God bless the inventors of 50SPF O'Neill (of course!!!) shirts!

                    Shoot any good thoughts my way about 3pm (PST) Monday. Thanks! It did cross my mind this morning as I slathered sunscreen all over my freckles (AT and I share the same coloring) that I'll have more scars than will Sam Carter! Hmmm, not so good a thing, no?

                    Anyway, the time offshore has done some good and I've got story ideas bubbling away.

                    And...because the manip is so freakin' incredible!!!
                    Mala manip...awesome, eh?

                    I believe.

                    The water was velvet smooth; quiet until their oars cut through the silky surface of the ocean. They raced their kayaks against the rising sun and each other; neither prepared to give up, neither daring to stop short of their goal.

                    Her arms burned from the efficient use of her oars, but Pol refused to relent. She knew what it meant to have the odds stacked against her and she knew what it meant to win. That knowledge drove her on. That, and the sheer determination that was laced into her DNA.

                    Sam Carter wasn't far behind, keeping pace. She'd had Pol's back for years and it made sense on every level that she'd be with her now, on the water that was deceptively smooth on the surface but in fact covered a swirling undercurrent.

                    As they met the buoy set as their target Pol rounded it with deft ease, breathing deeply as Sam manouvered her own craft next to her. Sam slowed but didn't turn, causing them to come face to face. Looking into her friend's eyes, Sam told Pol, "We're going to get you through this."

                    Pol, seeing the conviction in Sam's eyes, matched it with her own, squaring her shoulders she declared, "I know."

                    They weren't idle words. Pol knew that Sam and so many other were behind her and as they watched the sun rise into a new day, Pol reaffirmed to herself, "I know."
                    Last edited by trinity3; 21 March 2010, 03:55 PM.
                    sig by Mada
                    As a matter of FIC


                      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                      POL!!!! I'll be thinking about you! **HUGS**

                      And I had a random question that I spoilered the other day--so either it was just uninteresting, or it was too random--

                      But have you all noticed how many people on SG-1 have dimples? The whole team, in case you hadn't noticed. What are the chances?

                      Okay--and for a Stargate related question:

                      I'm writing a fic around Entity. I have a theory, that I'm not going to mention yet, because the discussion isn't going to change the story/theory--but do you think that Sam changes her mind about thinking that communicating with the Entity is the way to go in hindsight? And do you all think that Jack is at all miffed with Sam that her actions made him have to zat her twice?

                      What do you all think?
                      I was going to answer but there really is nothing to add to Rachael and Jenn's previous posts. They did a good job.

                      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                      Hey! Does nyone actually remember me? Anyone wondering whatever happened to the Shippy Hippies? Anyone missing the thick and hypnotizing cloud of broccoli smoke? No? Hm.

                      Calling out to all Shippy Hippies and anyone else who feels the love:


                      We are still alive and Shippin'!

                      *hugs the Ship Family*
                      *happy dances. Nekkid*


                      S/J Rules.

                      Good to see you **hugs**

                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post

                      *picks self up from floor*

                      Okay, you can't just go around posting stuff like that!

                      *fans self*

                      And La Doyle!!!!

                      **more hugs**
                      sig by Mada
                      As a matter of FIC


                        *hugs Pol for her battle*

                        I read the Melanoma Saga, but not because I was bored, but because I care. As do the others in this thread and other threads who speak to you.

                        I will be praying for you on Monday.

                        trinity, that was a beautiful fic for Pol that was very emotional and shows the strength of not only Sam, but Pol too. Nicely done.

                        Just like Sam and Jack who are surrounded by friends in their times of need, we are also on GW. It is great to see the love and friendship pour through the words that are posted on this thread and many others. We are truly a family.
                        I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

                          I believe.

                          The water was velvet smooth; quiet until their oars cut through the silky surface of the ocean. They raced their kayaks against the rising sun and each other; neither prepared to give up, neither daring to stop short of their goal.

                          Her arms burned from the efficient use of her oars, but Pol refused to relent. She knew what it meant to have the odds stacked against her and she knew what it meant to win. That knowledge drove her on. That, and the sheer determination that was laced into her DNA.

                          Sam Carter wasn't far behind, keeping pace. She'd had Pol's back for years and it made sense on every level that she'd be with her now, on the water that was deceptively smooth on the surface but in fact covered a swirling undercurrent.

                          As they met the buoy set as their target Pol rounded it with deft ease, breathing deeply as Sam manouvered her own craft next to her. Sam slowed but didn't turn, causing them to come face to face. Looking into her friend's eyes, Sam told Pol, "We're going to get you through this."

                          Pol, seeing the conviction in Sam's eyes, matched it with her own, squaring her shoulders she declared, "I know."

                          They weren't idle words. Pol knew that Sam and so many other were behind her and as they watched the sun rise into a new day, Pol reaffirmed to herself, "I know."
                          Oh. My. God.

                          I am in tears. Trin, I have saved this and printed it out, it is now taped to my monitor under my Vince Lombardi quote. This is brilliant (and timely):
                          I have sold a manuscript, and it is centered on Olympic rowers. Talks about "God's own timing," eh?

                          Still wiping my eyes. Wow. I am truly humbled.

                          And...stealing Kus' pic...I'll take a stab at this one:

                          (OS) Well?
                          Dunno, Carter. I think I liked the other one better.
                          Which one? I've tried on four.
                          The one with know...sleevy thingies. (waits while she changes. Carter returns.) Oh. Yeah. That one. Definitely.
                          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                            *hugs Pol for her battle*

                            I read the Melanoma Saga, but not because I was bored, but because I care. As do the others in this thread and other threads who speak to you.

                            I will be praying for you on Monday.

                            trinity, that was a beautiful fic for Pol that was very emotional and shows the strength of not only Sam, but Pol too. Nicely done.

                            Just like Sam and Jack who are surrounded by friends in their times of need, we are also on GW. It is great to see the love and friendship pour through the words that are posted on this thread and many others. We are truly a family.

                            Still thinking about you Pol!

                            (OS) Well?
                            Dunno, Carter. I think I liked the other one better.
                            Which one? I've tried on four.
                            The one with know...sleevy thingies. (waits while she changes. Carter returns.) Oh. Yeah. That one. Definitely.
                            And that's exactly what I was thinking . . .

                            And CONGRATS on selling a manuscript! Is this for a book? Wow! Presence of greatness, people!
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              *Huggles Pol*
                              + =


                                Okay, Jann threatened bodily harm if I didn't post my fics that I wrote the other day here. So...

                                Best Laid Plans- Angst...sort of... fluff...sort of The first two parts are set at the end of S3/beginning S4 and the last part is post-threads

                                Kindling the Fire- A bit of angst, fluffage, a dash of gutter.... Set in SGU S1

                                Memor- Lots and lots of angst...but AUish...also it's the first chapter so it's a WIP

                                My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                                Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

