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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    as soon as i saw this pic, i went guh and sighed fangirly.

    too bad these two aren't very good looking ppl.
    Everlovin--that pic should be illegal! SOOOO great!!!!!

    And having just finished writing Sam and Jack HAPPY in a fic, this pic should have been on the title page!!!!!!

    ***Joins MajorSal in sighing fangurliness***
    My Stories: FFdotNet
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    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
      I love this photo... the funny thing is they really do seem to love each other in real life. Not the romantic love but the genuine kind of deep friendship love... like they really would do anything for one another and want each other to be truly happy. Ok.... that it... I have officially gone off the shipper deep end. THanks alot you guys
      sigpic Gets better with age!

      Creation Vancouver SG Con 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
      GateCon Vancouver 2011
      Creation Chicago SG Con 2013 - 2014


        Ok.... that it... I have officially gone off the shipper deep end. THanks alot you guys
        We're like those carpet cleaning cult people in Seinfeld. . .We'll get you sooner or later!
        My Stories: FFdotNet
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        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          We're like those carpet cleaning cult people in Seinfeld. . .We'll get you sooner or later!
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
            We're like those carpet cleaning cult people in Seinfeld. . .We'll get you sooner or later!
            sigpic Gets better with age!

            Creation Vancouver SG Con 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
            GateCon Vancouver 2011
            Creation Chicago SG Con 2013 - 2014


              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
              We're like those carpet cleaning cult people in Seinfeld. . .We'll get you sooner or later!


                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                We're like those carpet cleaning cult people in Seinfeld. . .We'll get you sooner or later!
                To quote one of my all time fave characters, I don't know what that means.

                ...But it's true!

                Yet somehow my SJ muse has left me...


                  Squee!!!!! Shannon wrote me a story!!!

                  It's a lovely tag to Line in the Sand called Lovers in a Dangerous Time:



                    This is the one that I was originally going for, but when I saw the previous one. . .

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                      Okay so I wrote an episode tag for Line in the Sand but it was written for Melissa - as appreciation for all her hard work. I hope she likes it

                      Lovers in a Dangerous Time
                      Like it is much too mild. I loved it!!! And isn't it odd that I turned on the lappie for the first time in days just an hour after you posted it????? Must be some sort of shippy psychic connection!


                        To quote one of my all time fave characters, I don't know what that means.

                        ...But it's true!

                        Yet somehow my SJ muse has left me...
                        S/J Muse has left? Go! Find it and bring it back!!! That kind of behavior will not be tolerated out of you, young lady! (How's that for sounding like a MOM?)

                        (And the carpet cleaners--Seinfeld's friend George has a run in with a bunch of happy carpet cleaners who he finds out later are part of a cult. They try to recruit everyone except for George, so George feels jealous and tries to get them to want to recruit him. Nutshell, but that's really all there was to it.)
                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          FYI Greetings Shippers!!! Follow this link to RDA's comment about Window of Opportunity at Startgate Con in Oz!



                            Congratulations, majorsal, on 15,700 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, Everlovin', on 11,800 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, hedwig, on 8,800 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, leiasky, on 7,400 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, JenniferJF, on 6,900 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, Egle01, on 6,700 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, mad_gater, on 6,100 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, Rachel500, on 2,800 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, Valerie_Jackson, on 1,700 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, yessika, on 1,300 posts!!!


                              Congratulations, dipsofjazz, on 31,200 posts!!!

                              Congratulations, Akamaimom, on 600 posts!!!

                              Congratulations, XFchemist, on 200 posts!!!

                              Welcome, Artie!!!

                              Welcome, baltar13!!!
                              Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 06 March 2010, 09:10 PM.


                                Thanks Melissa!!

                                *starts watching Ripple Effect*
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

