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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Ooh, the isn't he or is he, discussion LOL.

    Wait for it!


    What? I'm waiting for Jenn to appear. (((Jenn)))

    I think - anyone else shocked - that it was in his momentum to get them up.

    No, seriously, I do think it's in his momentum of pulling them to a standing position that he pushes down to push up.


    Or in my Gutter mind he is pushing his body more into her, getting a sniff of her arousing aroma.

    I mean, all joking aside, Jack did say to Sam that he didn't remember it all because he was under the influence himself.

    But he lies - because the tank-top convo kinda gives him away.

    So, yes he was already under the influence when Sam reacted to him.

    Is it stated in the episode that it's airborne? 'Cause I can't imagine everybody touching each other, violently or seductively, in such a short period of time. Or am I wrong? (am not near my dvd's)
    I think Jenn's at work or something. Darn money you have to make. . .

    And he doesn't really start reacting violently until he's confronted by Daniel. If he still has the presence of mind to take her to the doctor, then I don't believe he's already "gone" so to speak. And I think that if he'd been under the influence already, then he would have taken advantage of the situation and done the deed.

    It makes it more interesting, then, in that light. (And please forgive me for rehashing what I'm sure you all have been going over forever. . . ) If he's NOT under the influence at that point, then what he says and does there is MORE interesting. Because then he's acting on his own--doing what he wants.

    Hmmm. Must go back and rewatch Broca Divide.
    My Stories: FFdotNet
    My Stories AO3
    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      I think he in not under influence as well, not completely at least. Maybe he starts feeling something and in the locker room he looses control just for a second but than realizes what's going on and stops. Just a theory


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        I think Jenn's at work or something. Darn money you have to make. . .

        And he doesn't really start reacting violently until he's confronted by Daniel. If he still has the presence of mind to take her to the doctor, then I don't believe he's already "gone" so to speak. And I think that if he'd been under the influence already, then he would have taken advantage of the situation and done the deed.

        It makes it more interesting, then, in that light. (And please forgive me for rehashing what I'm sure you all have been going over forever. . . ) If he's NOT under the influence at that point, then what he says and does there is MORE interesting. Because then he's acting on his own--doing what he wants.

        Hmmm. Must go back and rewatch Broca Divide.
        Oh yes, I agree. If he's not under the influence it would make his reactions count more. I'm gonna quote myself on the review I did of that scene:

        "The shippy thing that I like about this whole scene is that Jack's confused. His emotions come twirling up. There he was utterly interested in this woman and then she jumps him. Whoa!"

        "He looks at the ground, averting his eyes from her tank top clad body. She eyes him, grabs his shoulder and turns him around to face her. She launches herself at him and kisses him full smack on the luscious lips. His hand goes around her and onto her back. He even tilts his head .

        Just watch as his hand goes up to touch her hair, letting his fingers run through that hair of hers, holding it but he realizes it and backs his hand away."

        "He's pushing her away AND pulling her to him. His hands are on her shoulders but not in a defensive way. They're on top of her shoulders, not square against them to push her away."

        This is what always made me wonder. He doesn't really push her away. And if he's not under the influence then, that to me, is a huge signal that somewhere in the back of his mind, he really does want Sam.

        "She bends down to kiss him and he puckers his lips to catch hers. What gets to me isn't the fact that he expected it (I mean being that age and having had relationships you kinda know it's coming) but that he still tries to kiss her. He's a man but still. He is pushing her away...just not hard enough."

        She asks him if he wants her and he says: No! Not like this.

        It's the 'not like this' that had my shippy heart flutter. I mean, if he knows that 'wanting her' is against regulations then why go ahead and confirm he wants her. I don't really know what to make of that sentence. So, if she'd be romancing him, I'd be okay? Which I doubt. The writers getting confused there and not having the Air Force to toe-curl on that statement? (don't know if the Air Force was there from the very start)

        "If someone would do that to me, I'd smack him or her against the wall. Quickly. There'd be no second kiss or touch of lips or groping or anything. In that situation, mind you. I don't want know. But he doesn't stop her right away, does he?

        I love how Jack's inner turmoil makes him go with the flow."

        That was my opinion and I'm still going with that. He's confused at his own inner turmoil. I'm not talking love - but indeed, he likes her, he's interested in her on a level that he shouldn't and can't. That confuses him.

        Wow, longest thought process I had - ever. *snort*


          Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
          And to celebrate me becoming a Gateworld Major, wohoo, I'll throw out some eye-roll-worthy-piccaps
          (and could someone explain me where the word "buttload" came from? I 'know' what it means but why the expression "buttload"? 'Cause to me a "buttload" is - *splashes around in the Gutter* - that was too easy!
          Congratulations on your promotion:


            Wow, longest thought process I had - ever. *snort*
            but a good one! And I agree with it, so it must have been a good one. I think that the attraction between them is there from "arm wrestling" but i think that the "love" portion comes later--and this is pure and physical, and raw, and (licks lips) delicious!
            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              (and could someone explain me where the word "buttload" came from? I 'know' what it means but why the expression "buttload"? 'Cause to me a "buttload" is - *splashes around in the Gutter* - that was too easy!
              I think it probably comes from where you're thinking it does--it just refers to someone having a lot of something. Kinda gross, but it gets the job done as a phrase!
              My Stories: FFdotNet
              My Stories AO3
              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                I'm not sure about that scene in Broca Divide, I must rewatch to form an opinion
                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  Originally posted by yessika View Post
                  I'm not sure about that scene in Broca Divide, I must rewatch to form an opinion
                  Aw shucks! Such a hardship ...


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    Aw shucks! Such a hardship ...
                    The things this thread makes me do
                    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                      Originally posted by yessika View Post
                      I'm not sure about that scene in Broca Divide, I must rewatch to form an opinion

                      good idea


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        Aw shucks! Such a hardship ...
                        Yeah, all the suffering that we are ready to endure!! What a commitment!!


                          I'm enjoying the discussion. You guys are a perceptive bunch!
                          "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                          "I am quite sure they will say so."


                            Just came back from work!
                            Love the discussion about Broca Divide

                            Video project update:
                            Until now, people involved are:
                            (From GW)
                            - Devilish Me
                            - es
                            - Lara_SGC
                            - Cagranosalis
                            - Starlover
                            - gater62
                            - Torzy86
                            (Not GW)
                            - akachan
                            - Ellana-san

                            Anybody else interested?
                            My vids Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by Pol View Post
                              Wow. Ask a simple question in another thread and get my @$$ handed to me on a platter! I sure love it here on our Family thread!
                              Aww what happened? What thread? I wanna go look!

                              I'm probably in the minority here but I don't think Sam would be doodling the name 'O'Neill' anywhere. She's a mature woman who I don't think is prone to such teenage doodlings. But, that's just me!
                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                                Originally posted by es! View Post
                                I'm enjoying the discussion. You guys are a perceptive bunch!

                                Proud to be part of it!!


