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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by ErikaMariia View Post
    In the episode Earth

    he ordered Col. Young to carry out a dangerous attempt to bring them home. Dr. Rush believed it would destroy Destiny. I felt it was exactly the kind of order he'd defy if he were on the field. It felt like he had become one of "the Men" he'd been sticking it his whole life. He trusted the people at Pentagon over the most expert (Rush) what it became of knowing Destiny. I mean, how many times Carter knew better than them...
    I do understand that Jack is not the hero in SGU, that he's just in a very minor role but still...

    Uh, that´s really not good.


      Thanks SamJackShipper93! Loved all your comments! It felt like I was right there with you! I especially liked the info about the game (may need to go back and replay it again), the new books coming out (can't wait), and the Michael Shanks interview (he sounds like a hoot!). You have wonderful insight! Thanks again!


        Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
        And on to the shippy parts of the weekend:

        Spoiled for length:
        A bit of a shippy moment during the rest of Suanne Braun’s panel. She’s from South Africa originally (and knew Cliff Simon when she was young), but she lives in England now. “Sometimes I like to imagine what it would have been like if Stargate was made by the Brits!” she said. “Like if it was Stargate and Downton Abbey mashed together. It’d probably be something like… (in a very Mr. Darcy-ish voice)…
        Would you take a turn about the base with me, Doctor Jackson.
        Why, certainly, Colonel O’Neill. Whatever is the problem?
        Doctor Jackson, I am exceedingly perplexed and vexed about the lovely and beautiful Samantha Carter!

        People were laughing at her accents too much for me to hear the last couple of lines, but even Hathor knows that Jack loves Sam and Sam loves Jack (but maybe the hug in “Into the Fire” gave it away for her!).

        Fandemonium Novels: One of my absolute favorite parts of the weekend was meeting five of the lovely ladies who write the Fandemonium novels. Those present included Sally Malcolm (“A Matter of Honor/The Cost of Honor,” “Hostile Ground/Exile,” “Sunrise” among others), Laura Harper (“Hostile Ground/Exile,” “Sunrise”), Diana Dru Botsford (“Four Dragons/The Drift”), and Jo Graham and Melissa Scott (SGA Legacy series, “Moebius Squared”).

        (Left to Right) Melissa Scott, Jo Graham, Jess (me), Sally Malcolm, Laura Harper, and Diana Dru Botsford

        And now there’s been a lot of talk about the novels, so I’ll tell you a little about what Sally told me this weekend and then give my two cents. Sally Malcolm and her husband had the idea to start Fandemonium because Stargate didn’t have any novels to accompany the series the way Star Wars and Star Trek does. She contacted MGM about it (assuming that they wouldn’t even respond) but the very next day, she got a phone call asking her to come into their London office to talk about her idea. They gave her the go ahead and Sally began writing “A Matter of Honor;” she also handpicked the first authors (I believe they included people that she knew through fandom and fanfiction authors) to write the other novels.

        I will just say that it’s a bit harsh to rail on the series simply because the books don’t touch much on Sam and Jack’s relationship. MGM edits the manuscripts and makes suggestions, mainly telling people to stay away from addressing the Ship directly. If the authors want to have some shippy moments, they have to be exceptionally subtle and beneath the surface (I still think Sally does the best job of this in “Matter of Honor/Cost of Honor.”)

        It’s also really easy to criticize the books if the author portrays characters differently than we personally think they should, but I try not to judge. Each person does have a slightly different interpretation of the characters and the world, and it is a difficult job to get into the heads of characters that we’ve only ever seen on screen.

        I guess what I come back to is this: many of these authors have written their own fiction, but they truly are just fans of the show like we all are. The books aren’t necessarily always the highest of quality, but hey, I’m just glad that MGM still cares enough to let Sally run Fandemonium and attach their name to the books. Whether you consider them canon or not, the franchise actually is continuing through these stories. Enough people are buying/reading them that it’s still lucrative to write them, and that actually is something to be thankful for.

        In my own opinion, the books inhabit a realm that’s slightly more authoritative than just any Fanfiction (because MGM still has a hand in their creation) and slightly less authoritative than the episodes themselves. This last weekend, the authors talked a lot about how one of the main purposes of the Fandemonium books was to seek to fill in the plot holes or the implied but never explicitly seen character development (and since the writers of the series almost always neglected to examine the aftermath of important/traumatic episodes there is a lot that the books can fill in). There’s a lot of good Fanfiction that does that too, but if anything, I still love the feeling of holding a physical book in my hands.

        Now onto what happened this weekend.

        I signed up to go to the authors’ breakfast on Saturday morning. It was a nice little gathering, and I got to talk quite a bit with Sally and with Laura. They talked about their writing a bit, but since they were also doing that at the panel on Sunday, they let us talk about ourselves and any writing that we’ve done.

        Me with Sally Malcolm (I love her shirt!)

        I let Sally know that her Fanfiction that was posted under the name SallyReeve is still read and enjoyed by the S/J Shippers. She seemed a bit embarrassed by the continued reading of some of the older stuff, and let me know that she also had some newer Fanfiction up on AO3 under the name Salr323. I knew that I read some of the fics under that name as well, but I didn’t make the connection that it was from the same person.

        What I most loved about talking with all of these ladies is hearing about how much they all love Sam and Jack and their relationship. Sally said that “Solitudes” was the episode that hooked her and of course, she started with S/J fanfic (though she pulled back a bit when she began writing the Fandemonium novels for more general SG audiences). Laura specifically announced during the panel that she was first drawn to Stargate because she was immediately a die-hard shipper, and talking with Melissa and Jo it was clear that they also believe that Sam and Jack have been together ever since “Threads.” I talked with them about their book Moebius Squared and their thoughts on what happened to geekSam and Jack that were left there (in that book, they have a daughter named Ellie).

        As people have said, Diana is working on her first book about Sam commanding the Hammond. She has confirmed that it will deal in part with Sam and Jack’s relationship after the series. She talked a bit about how her assumption was that they were granted a pardon by the President to be together after “Threads” but were told to keep the status of their relationship quiet. If I remember correctly, she said that her book deals with some of the ramifications of that, especially because by this time Jack is getting tired of keeping everything under the radar. I’m super excited for this one to come out!

        Also, a really great moment during the author panel was when Laura Harper, who’s from Scotland and has a beautiful accent, was talking about her works, and Paul McGillion slips on stage through the back curtain and comes up right behind her.

        Paul with Laura in the middle

        She was super startled and excited by him being there, and Paul asked her (in his Beckett accent, of course!), “Are you from Scotland, love?” She said that yes she was, and he answered, “I knew it. I heard your voice from out in the hallway and just had to see who it was. And now I just feel so at home!”

        New Shipper Author: Also exciting is that Sally gave some info about new books coming in the near future. There is apparently a book planned that’s set right after “Entity” and will deal with the ramifications of that. There’s also a new author who has been approached to write for the company. I can’t remember her real name, but many of us know her as AstraPerAspera.

        Stump the Experts Trivia: All right, this is such a little thing, and not even really shippy, but I was super proud of myself. On Saturday, there was a game called “Stump the Experts,” where three fans (including me, at one point) were chosen to be on a panel of experts, and other fans made up difficult trivia questions.

        The actual game wasn’t important, but there was one guy who stepped up to the microphone, and he looked so confident that he had a question that nobody knew. The question that he asked was, “In “Threads,” when Pete buys Sam the house, what is the name of the realtor displayed on the sign?”

        The other two panel members clearly had no idea, but I was so excited that I actually knew the answer, which is “Joe May.” Now, I wouldn’t know those little things from every episode, but it’s only because of the sheer number of times that I’ve watched “Threads” that I got this one, and it was satisfying to watch that guy snap his fingers and walk away in disappointment when I got it right!

        Sam/Jack FanVideo: Before the con, fans are allowed to make and submit one video to a contest for a chance to have their video shown at the con throughout the weekend. One gentleman made a nice little Sam/Jack video to the song “Wondering,” by Good Charlotte (that just links to the song; the music video doesn't seem to be online). When it comes to pop music, I generally put my head under a rock and turn on my classical music station, so I didn’t know this song, but I do really like it for Sam and Jack.

        Also, I couldn’t stop smiling at the murmurs of approval that rippled through the crowd during a few of the clips. People definitely liked the WoO kiss, and there was a lot of chuckles and quiet laughter at the clip of Sam asking, “What are you smiling at?” and Jack’s sly reply of “Nothin’.”

        New Friends: I complimented one lady on her shirt, which had the silhouettes of Sam and Jack during the forcefield scene in D&C and the words “Because I care about her a lot more than I’m supposed to.” I want that shirt so bad!!!

        Also, I met a lady sitting behind me whose also from my neck of the woods in Minnesota (!!! - carpool buddy for next year???) and was so excited to find out she has written some S/J fanfic, though she says she only writes sporadically. She’s written several things on under the name nymaeria and also has a LiveJournal under the same username. We talked quite a bit about S/J fanfic, and it’s just so special when it actually becomes apparent that there are real people behind the computer! I wish that I could meet every one of you, too!
        THANK YOU, samjackshipper93, for sharing!!



          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          THANK YOU, samjackshipper93, for sharing!!
          Ditto from me. I really enjoyed reading your notes from the convention.


            Soooo, I guess this thread is good as any other to start posting...

            And since I mentioned in my brief introduction (which I don't know if and where has been posted) that I've been a SJ shipper for nearly a decade now, well "There no place like home"

            I'm Marta, I'm from Italy, 27 year old, Stargate addicted, yadda yadda... Please feel free check my profile thingy for more info because I'm lazy and unlike Daniel who never grew tired of his 'We're peaceful explorer' speech, well I do and introduction aren't really my thing I never know what to say anyway...

            So if you have any question, ask away!

            I hope to make good friends and to ensure this I'm gonna make my big entrance with this one:

            Hope you don't mind
            WHACKO!!! (signature is still W.I.P.)



              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
              All right, get ready, everybody, cause here is a bunch of stuff from the Chicago Con. Seriously there’s so much you guys will probably never want me to speak again! . But when a history major goes to a lectures, she can’t help but take a copious amount of notes. At least I remember a lot of details that way.

              Most of the Sam/Jack stuff is down further, because I also included a couple personal photos and recapped some of the major highlights just because I wanted to tell someone! I’ll spoiler it since it’s off topic, but I hope you’ll indulge me and that enjoy the recap!

              Can I just say that I LOVE the Jack parallels in you traveling from Minnesota to Chicago for the Con? Since Jack claims both (or either) as home. . .

              That's singluarly awesome.
              My Stories: FFdotNet
              My Stories AO3
              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                Originally posted by hammer227 View Post
                Soooo, I guess this thread is good as any other to start posting...

                And since I mentioned in my brief introduction (which I don't know if and where has been posted) that I've been a SJ shipper for nearly a decade now, well "There no place like home"

                I'm Marta, I'm from Italy, 27 year old, Stargate addicted, yadda yadda... Please feel free check my profile thingy for more info because I'm lazy and unlike Daniel who never grew tired of his 'We're peaceful explorer' speech, well I do and introduction aren't really my thing I never know what to say anyway...

                So if you have any question, ask away!

                I hope to make good friends and to ensure this I'm gonna make my big entrance with this one:


                Hope you don't mind
                Welcome aboard, Marta! So happy you're here!
                The Return of King Arthur
                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                  Hello SamJackShipper93 (man that's long to write XD)

                  Thanks for the welcome, I'm happy to be here too and I hope we'll all have fun, shippy fun of course!
                  WHACKO!!! (signature is still W.I.P.)



                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    Can I just say that I LOVE the Jack parallels in you traveling from Minnesota to Chicago for the Con? Since Jack claims both (or either) as home. . .

                    That's singluarly awesome.
                    Oh yes, one of the things that drew me to Stargate was Jack/Rick’s love for Minnesota and the many references to it. I am a die-hard Minnesotan through and through, and all of the fishing references really resonate with me because that’s truly part of our culture here. I grew up going to my uncle’s cabin “up North” during the summers and fishing for bass “that big.”

                    But really, if I could sum up Minnesota in one Stargate moment, it’s when Jack takes Teal’c to the cabin and just stands there angrily smacking mosquitos.

                    Another funny connection, (and I can say this because I’m moving away in two days ), I currently live in Roseville, MN, which is where Richard Dean Anderson grew up. In fact, my apartment is about a mile away from where RDA went to high school! (That sounds super stalkerish, but I swear it's all on Wikipedia! ) I’ve often thought that it would be so incredible if he got his butt out of Malibu and returned to his roots in Minnesota! We’d love to have him back here (especially if that meant I could meet him!)
                    The Return of King Arthur
                    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                      Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                      Oh yes, one of the things that drew me to Stargate was Jack/Rick’s love for Minnesota and the many references to it. I am a die-hard Minnesotan through and through, and all of the fishing references really resonate with me because that’s truly part of our culture here. I grew up going to my uncle’s cabin “up North” during the summers and fishing for bass “that big.”

                      But really, if I could sum up Minnesota in one Stargate moment, it’s when Jack takes Teal’c to the cabin and just stands there angrily smacking mosquitos.

                      Another funny connection, (and I can say this because I’m moving away in two days ), I currently live in Roseville, MN, which is where Richard Dean Anderson grew up. In fact, my apartment is about a mile away from where RDA went to high school! (That sounds super stalkerish, but I swear it's all on Wikipedia! ) I’ve often thought that it would be so incredible if he got his butt out of Malibu and returned to his roots in Minnesota! We’d love to have him back here (especially if that meant I could meet him!)
                      That WOULD be awesome.

                      Jack Johnson (the singer) went to my high school. That's my one brush with fame.

                      Oh--and if you follow football, Manti Te'o (Notre Dame, now plays for the Chargers) - his dad and mom were in my high school graduating class. In fact, I had a gigantic crush on his dad. He was hawt.

                      And I got to see Alex Kingston (Dr. Who - River Song) in Stratford on Avon in "Much Ado About Nothing" at the Royal Shakespeare Theater.

                      But RDA living nearby would be WAAAAAAAAYYYYY cooler.
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
                      My Stories AO3
                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        Originally posted by hammer227 View Post
                        Soooo, I guess this thread is good as any other to start posting...

                        And since I mentioned in my brief introduction (which I don't know if and where has been posted) that I've been a SJ shipper for nearly a decade now, well "There no place like home"

                        I'm Marta, I'm from Italy, 27 year old, Stargate addicted, yadda yadda... Please feel free check my profile thingy for more info because I'm lazy and unlike Daniel who never grew tired of his 'We're peaceful explorer' speech, well I do and introduction aren't really my thing I never know what to say anyway...

                        So if you have any question, ask away!

                        I hope to make good friends and to ensure this I'm gonna make my big entrance with this one:

                        Hope you don't mind



                          Originally posted by houghtam View Post
                          Thank you!!!
                          WHACKO!!! (signature is still W.I.P.)



                            Welcome, hammer!

                            Going back to "Covenant" (because it was bugging me lol), it's actually mentioned in the commentary with Martin and Amanda about the previous "relationship" between Colson and Sam. There was a scene that was cut after Jack goes into his office from the briefing room meeting with Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c where it is apparently Sam tells Jack that their previous working relationship won't affect the current situation.
                            On another note: when the attempt is made on Colson's life and Sam tells Jack about it, there's a nice little recall (in my opinion) back to "Secrets" and the reporter being hit by the car.


                              SamJackShipper93: Thanks for giving us the tour!!! >.<

                              Welcome, hammer!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              sig by Ikorni

                              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                                SamJackShipper93: Thanks for giving us the tour!!! >.<

                                Welcome, hammer!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Thank you SaraBahama!!!!

                                Originally posted by brendini View Post
                                Welcome, hammer!
                                Thanks Brendini!!! *salute*
                                WHACKO!!! (signature is still W.I.P.)


