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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Ship Day! Ship Day! Ship Day SOON!!!

    As always, loving all of the artwork and drabbles. My! We have a talented fanbase, don't we?

    Oh! And I'm in the camp that says that Jack and Sam married after Season 8. The way that I see it, Jack and Sam were already committed to each other. Even though they weren't together throughout the series, they knew each other well enough to not let the petty things come between them. I'm sure that in the first few weeks of dating, they had to talk about the big relationship topics to ensure that they were on the same page in their relationship, but after that I don't think that they would have had a problem making it official.

    Logistically, I think that Sam transferred to Area 51, they started dating while Jack was still in charge of the SGC, and before Jack headed up Homeworld Security, they got married so that it wouldn't be a problem after she was in his chain of command again.

    But like akamaimom said, I don't think that they did a big wedding. Something intimate, with Cassie as the Maid of Honor, Daniel as the Best Man, and Teal'c giving Sam away. General Hammond's there and Jonas comes back, and several other friends, but that's about it. (Depending on how sentimental I'm being, I like to picture them getting married in the Gateroom )

    I've always loved the image of Teal'c giving Sam away because if they'd gotten married between Season 8 and 9, Jacob would have only recently passed, and I think the guys would have shown their support for her to make up for that loss. Throughout the series, Teal'c especially has always been a rock for Sam in her times of need, and I like thinking that he would have fulfilled Jacob's role in that moment.
    Last edited by SamJackShipper93; 27 July 2015, 08:02 PM.
    The Return of King Arthur
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


      Happy Ship Day Everyone!

      For the next 24 hours the Party is over on the Ship Day Thread!

      So pop on over and check it out. Be sure to say Hi! and share your S/J Love!


        It's Ship Day!!!!!

        Jack, hold still.

        Carter, is this really necessary?

        It’s Ship Day!

        I know that.

        You’ve been counting down for over a week.

        But why am I in this thing . . . again?!

        Ship Day is the anniversary of the first airing of Divide & Conquer.

        That’s when you admitted to caring about me more than you’re supposed to.

        Yeah I remember. I was there . . .

        . . . here.


          It's Ship Day!!!!!

          What I want to know, Carter, is why are we doing this again?

          I did tell you I had big plans for Ship Day.

          This isn’t what came to mind.

          I just think that it’s good that we take the time to remember this important moment in our relationship.

          Remember, yes. Relive?

          Couldn’t you just make a vid, or a wallpaper, or something?


            It's Ship Day!!!!!

            Jack, it’s important for me to know that you still feel the same way about me after all these years.

            I don’t.

            You don’t?


            Sam, if you’ll get me out of this thing, I’ll show you how things have changed for the better...


              Good to know I'm not alone. doesn't mean I don't wish they did. And I do enjoy married -fan fics, I've even written one myself.

              What I meant about committing to each other was that this time there are no Kerrys or you-know-whos. They'll wait. Doesn't mean they can't hug whenever they meet in private.

              Thanks, Akamaimom
              Thank you Britta for this lovely picture.


                The trouble with them not being married by the beginning of Season 9, and just making a promise to each other is that there will also be no sex until they can get married or Jack retires. If they actually did have sex, then they negate all those years that they did not participate in that activity, and I don't see them waiting another 3 years or so before getting to do so.


                  There's that. Darn TPTBs for not giving us answer.

                  Ps. can anyone posto on the Ship Thread? I have couple of pics, can I post them directly or do they have to be linked to somewhere else?
                  Thank you Britta for this lovely picture.


                    Originally posted by ErikaMariia View Post
                    There's that. Darn TPTBs for not giving us answer.

                    Ps. can anyone posto on the Ship Thread? I have couple of pics, can I post them directly or do they have to be linked to somewhere else?
                    You could post them directly, but it is better to upload them to a service like Photobucket first and use its sharing links here on GW.
                    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      The trouble with them not being married by the beginning of Season 9, and just making a promise to each other is that there will also be no sex until they can get married or Jack retires. If they actually did have sex, then they negate all those years that they did not participate in that activity, and I don't see them waiting another 3 years or so before getting to do so.
                      Why should they have no sex until being married? They are not devoutly catholic (sp?) And once they are no longer in one chain of command there is nothing that speaks against it, it would cheapen their relationship a bit when they did it right after threads with him still being in charge of the SGC and her leading SG 1, but then I wouldn´t care ;-)

                      But when she left for Area 1 adn he for washington, no probelms.

                      I think they left at the same time, when season 9 startet it was said tht Sam started working at Area 51 one week ago and Landry was still busy with put in place his office, there were still cartons.

                      I like to imagine that they had a few months holiday after season 8, ( approximate 6 months lying between end season 8 and start season 9) she was already ordered to Area 51 quite early in that time period, had a bit of waiting time and could start things with Jack because she wasn´t listed as a SGC member anymore and soon the same would apply for Jack.


                        As I said, I don't see a problem with that either. I've heard from several sources, that this isn't as big a problem as the show wanted to make us believe. Most because the Air Force used the show as kind of promotion. And as with every publicity, the image has to be kept.
                        In reality, people hooking up happens all the time. Ask Shoe Queen for army related stuff. Or browse one of the several Air Force forums (or reddit subreddits) where people give each other advice on what forms to fill, etc.
                        You read this stuff all the time.

                        I think for Sam and Jack it would have been problematic as long as he was her direct CO (meaning, she answered to him directly). Later on, when Landry got in the picture and became her direct superior, that was no longer the case.


                          Originally posted by ErikaMariia View Post
                          There's that. Darn TPTBs for not giving us answer.

                          Ps. can anyone posto on the Ship Thread? I have couple of pics, can I post them directly or do they have to be linked to somewhere else?
                          Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                          You could post them directly, but it is better to upload them to a service like Photobucket first and use its sharing links here on GW.
                          It's also worth noting that if you use GateWorld's attachment system, only logged in users can see the images.

                          "BRITTA? WHAT KIND OF LAME NAME IS THAT?"


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            The trouble with them not being married by the beginning of Season 9, and just making a promise to each other is that there will also be no sex until they can get married or Jack retires. If they actually did have sex, then they negate all those years that they did not participate in that activity, and I don't see them waiting another 3 years or so before getting to do so.
                            Now THAT I cannot live with... Changing my mind now lol.. I think they are married and bonking all over the shot... That would make me a happy person.
                            .... sigpic ....

                            "I didn't leave - because I'd rather die myself than lose Carter."


                              Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

                              Final Prompt! Don't quit on me now! Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene or story in 100 words. It can be humorous or sad, poetry or prose. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

                              Drabble Prompt #10
                              Hold On


                                THE LEAST SHIPPY EPISODE

                                Resurrection (2)


                                The Road Not Taken (7)

                                I'm voting for Resurrection, just because I hate the episode. I don't like TRNT, either, but the other one's worse.

                                So, the winner (loser) is The Road Not Taken!

                                I'm going to take the FINAL VOTE over to the Ship Day thread, so visit us there to vote. But here's the final match-up.

                                THE LEAST SHIPPY EPISODE FINAL

                                The Road Not Taken


                                Beast of Burden
                                My Stories: FFdotNet
                                My Stories AO3
                                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!

