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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post

    : Sam, you are the light of my life, the light of my heart, so maybe we should turn off the light and- Sir!
    : I know, I know. It needs a lit work.
    : I so didn't want to hear that.
    : Indeed.

    that seriously just made my day! haha
    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


      Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
      I'm hanging out here. I just don't have much to say on the matter. Except that my almost two year old niece is talking in small, not-so complete sentences. I agree that it differs wildly from child to child.

      Er, + =
      Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
      haha im here too! i just dont plan on having kids ever so im just lurking and letting the baby talk fly...
      and enjoying the speculation of Sam and Jack having kids
      I'm around, too...always around, even though I don't have much to say.

      I am never, ever going to have children , however I work with them daily(pre-k). I agree that children vary greatly...I have four year olds going on forty, four year olds going on two, and everything in between. I think Sam and Jack's child would be smart, not necessarily a super genius, but bright.

      What's kinda funny is, coincidentally, I'm watching Learning Curve right now.


        : Carter, quick, before your dad catches up on us!

        *door slams shut, trapping Jacob behind it*

        Jacob: Sam?!
        : Don't worry, dad. It's gonna take me about ten minutes to get it back open!
        : Make that twenty!

        *they rush off*

        Jacob: Kids.

        Why don't we have a Jacob smiley? I want a Jacob smiley.
        *starts wailing like a 2-year old*


          Another one in the 'getting rid of dad' series (I l-o-v-e Dad, don't worry)

          After all his interruptions, Sam and Jack got sick of it and shoved Jacob through the wormhole.


            ROFL Lara it's good to see you back in here!

            as for the mean something like this:



              (I nicked this one off NCIS LOL)

              : You have been googling Major Carter for over two minutes, O'Neill.
              : Ogling, T.


                Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                Just... ftr... I adore that pic. Cause it's totally obvious how much not-in-love they are.


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  It's funny, cause when I had Sam pregnant during that year I was certain that fic was going to go AU *really* fast but wrote it anyway cause I just *had* to... I'm still surprised - frankly - the darn thing *still* fits in canon lol.
                  Which fic of yours is this one? I don't recognise it, and I'd like to read it.
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                    Which fic of yours is this one? I don't recognise it, and I'd like to read it.
                    You likely have, but aren't associating it here. It's 'Once Upon a Time', my Continuum fill-in. The Alt Timeline events of Continuum occur during that period after Sam returned from Atlantis during SGA S5 before EatG.


                      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                      I actually have a plan for my next long fic to take place during that year. I place the fact that I'm writing it at that point squarely on your shoulders because I was going to write it AU but decided it would fit IC if I placed it post-Atlantis. :: glares :: I'm going to need to come up with some good AU soon to appease my AU half

                      I have nothing of value to add to the pregnancy/baby/kidfic convo I missed whilst out to lunch.

                      But the AU thingy... I happen to be working on an AU story, as a matter of fact. And it's really going to be quite the AU rollercoaster ride. I actually had to label and map out the AUs as I hammered and ironed out the plot so that I wouldn't lose track myself. And because it's gonna be such a convoluted storyline, I'm not even going to upload it to ffnet or start posting it anywhere else until it's completely finished. I've never been able to do that before, you know. Feedback junkie that I am, I want that instant gratification as soon as each chapter is finished.

                      Unfortunately, that has left me with the unfortunate endlessly dangling WIPs on ffnet, like that O'Malley's story still waiting for its Gutter-filled conclusion... <le sigh>

                      For anyone curious as to the AU story, though... It's going to be a sequel to my one Awards-winning fic "Falling Through Grace". Now way back when I first composed that story, I had long intended to add an epilogue. But that kinda fell by the wayside for a while. Then I got some feedback on it a couple of weeks ago--fellow authors, I'm sure you can relate to how awesome it felt to get a great review on a story written long, long ago!--from the awesome Lara_SGC (Thanks again, hun!!!!!!!!), and a little baby PlotBunny woke up.

                      You see, in "Falling Through Grace", not only did this slightly-evil author find it necessary to kill off young Grace, she was actually *obliterated* from existence in *any and all* realities. And a series of scenes came to mind... one AU after another in which Sam & Jack witness their daughter Grace vanish into thin air right before their very eyes. Ooops! But I'm only slightly evil. And I believe in happy endings, too. I like a nice dose of Fluff at the end of an Angst-ridden journey as much as any other Shipper. So... a story has been conceived, and with any luck, hitting inboxes near you in the near future will be this sequel story, "Re*Conceiving Grace".

                      Wish me luck!

                      Love and hot fudge,
                      Bren Ren
                      My stories!



                        Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                        You see, in "Falling Through Grace", not only did this slightly-evil author find it necessary to kill off young Grace, she was actually *obliterated* from existence in *any and all* realities.


                        If you know how I feel about small girl-offspring named Grace...

                        That sounds like the perfect ending to me

                        *ducks tomatoes*


                          : You did it where? Oh man, I am never sitting on that chair again!


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post


                            If you know how I feel about small girl-offspring named Grace...

                            That sounds like the perfect ending to me

                            *ducks tomatoes*
                            I feel much the same - but wouldn't it better just to have Sam and Jack never remember than to repeatedly kill the kid off? I mean, there's disdain and dislike and then there's flat out hate. Sort of how I felt about that character in the movie A.I. The one with the robot kid. Hours of my life I will never ever get back.


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post


                              If you know how I feel about small girl-offspring named Grace...

                              That sounds like the perfect ending to me

                              *ducks tomatoes*

                              Okay, now I have to know! What did little, cute, filled with too adult quips, officially played by Amanda as being her daughter, do to you?


                                Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                                : You did it where? Oh man, I am never sitting on that chair

                                Should we tell him he should probably avoid most of the surfaces around here, then?

                                Nyah. Let the poor guy maintain some illusions.



