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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    ^ I don't think she can sense people who used to carry a symbiote, only those that currently do. Otherwise she would have sensed Qetesh in Vala before it was learned Vala was an ex-Goa'uld.
    I think that she and Jack just have an innate sense of each other.

    And I totally agree with what you're saying about the lack of character development in dealing with the huge life impacting events they all experienced. Every one seemed to be just swept under the rug. But that seems to be typical of most episodic shows typical of the 90's as opposed to the shows more common today where there is a continuous arc developed in each episode. They were more concerned of the Monster of the Week (or Alien of the Week), then the overall story as a whole. Just look at SGU compared to SG-1.


      Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
      Everything oh so subtle... the essence of Jack & Sam

      ...or maybe a REALLY STRONG prescription of shippy glasses.

      cuz that's how I roll...

      Originally posted by Samantha-Carter-is-my-muse View Post

      (I've been on holiday, but will now resume my ship related activities )
      *tackle hugs SCIMM*

      Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post
      When I said the show's writers had issues with other things than "romantic relationships"... I was thinking about this particular issue : too rarely developing the logical consequences that heavy events had on the characters (hence... developping the characters further). Sam's kidnapping on earth ? Rape/mind rape (lightly developed with Jolinar though) ? Jack killing Sam in Entity (knowing his tragic history and his love for her) ? Jack's horrendous torture by Baal ? Teal'c killing Daniel's wife ? The aftershock of Janet's death (especially since Cassie was completely absent in the episode, even at the ceremony) ? Jonas Quinn (is he dead or...) ? And there are others... Don't get me wrong. All of this is excellent material for fanfics... but I can't help thinking it was partly the show writers' job to develop that (maybe SG1 wasn't the kind of show to do that... but I always thought it was a shame, that's all).
      Oh, RD: ALL *this*

      *motions to the above paragraph*

      We start something, get emotionally tangled in it, and by the end of the episode, everyone is FINE...but so many things are buried and unresolved.

      Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post
      I don't think the original SG1 members treated Baal the way they should have. I feel like season 9/10 treated Baal as an entertaining hot nuisance instead of a monster who killed their beloved friend multiple times in horrible ways. See above with Teal'c teasing comment. Sam's behavior was closer to what I expected from all of them though.
      Yes! This always bothered me! Seriously? He's like a Frenemy now?
      The only way I reconcile this discrepancy is a lot of internal story editing and filling in. I do it many times without even thinking about it -sometimes my head is a lovely place...sometimes it's just a LIVELY place.

      Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post
      So yeah, I do think she was reminded of what he did to Jack when she looked at him. Also, I think I remember, when Fifth tortured Sam at the beginning of season 8... that we got a very brief flashback to when Jack was tortured in season 6. It can mean she always blamed herself for that (especially considering what Fifth blamed her for : betrayal *it's a low blow though... Sam couldn't have known all of this would happen to Jack, she initially just wanted him to live*). It can mean it's one of the most painful memories she has. To me, it's both. But it's a bit ridiculous how season 6 showed nothing of that.
      I NEVER thought of this. Thanks for making the point. I will have to go back and watch with that mindset now.

      Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post
      Those seasons weren't my thing but I admit this is true. But it's not just her. Daniel too. Cam too (but that's mostly because the writers wanted a similar leader guy *I do know he got his own identity though, but he started as "Jack's replacement"*). The thing with Jack being absent in those seasons is that... it allowed Sam to behave differently. It allowed her to be funnier. Sassier. A bit more like her true self, really. Not hiding anymore. Not that I think Jack's character himself blocked this part of herself before. It's more like the writers had established Sam to be the more serious character compared to the wisecracking one at the time. The military/chain of command made it difficult. And, I guess Sam just learned to let go after her father's death. She got character development. Behind the screen.

      I think Sam is pretty funny and teasing in their personal life (kind of reminds me of the Legacy books by the way... the thing she said during
      the fishing scene
      I wonder if Sam and Cam are close enough in age that their time at AFA overlapped?

      I don't hate Cam at all. I DO wish that the writers had made him the 2IC of another SG team rather than a pilot outside the actual Stargate program (that would have made more sense). I think Sam has a soft spot for him and loves him the way she loves Daniel.
      sig by Ikorni

      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


        Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
        I don't hate Cam at all. I DO wish that the writers had made him the 2IC of another SG team rather than a pilot outside the actual Stargate program (that would have made more sense). I think Sam has a soft spot for him and loves him the way she loves Daniel.
        Cam is supposedly two years younger than Sam (he was born in 1970, according to various sites that describe him). Amanda said that she and Ben got together and discussed their backgrounds and decided to play it as though their characters had been friends for quite a few years, though I don't recall that she said they were at the academy together.


          Ah, my most favorite pics! Thanks, Samantha-Carter-is-my-muse

          Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
          ...or maybe a REALLY STRONG prescription of shippy glasses.

          cuz that's how I roll...

          I like that... since I do wear glasses... it speaks to me somehow

          Originally posted by ajay View Post
          I think that she and Jack just have an innate sense of each other.
          I'd like to believe that. Most of the fanfics I've read made me think so and I assume it must have been noticeable by other fans/shippers, as well.

          Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post
          I've seen quite some fans express that opinion. And not just shippers. For a lot of people, SG1 truly ended with Threads/Moebius. And in a way, it's true.

          But Jack's torture in Abyss is especially important here. Because the show never rightfully adresses Sam's guilt over this (even the end of the episode where she brings him water wasn't filmed with the actors fully knowing the context). And it must have been HUGE since she was the reason he accepted to get cured by a snake.
          Knowing Sam's characters, I agree. She must have had a huge sense of guilt about that.

          It must have been a huge shock for people who watched the show as it was originally aired to see seasons 9 & 10 becoming so different from the other seasons. I recently watched Continuum and was uncomfortable with the fact how Jack wasn't so important anymore for the general plot. They could easily have given him a bigger role, yet they didn't. Or maybe RD didn't want that, but either way, it made me sad to see the movie. And not like I don't like Mitchell, but I know originally lots of people thought of him as a replecement for Jack.


            Originally posted by IamDKScully View Post
            OOh...awesome pic spam Muse!!
            Thanks, Scully

            Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
            *tackle hugs SCIMM*
            Oh, wow - hugs you right back!

            Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
            Ah, my most favorite pics! Thanks, Samantha-Carter-is-my-muse
            You're welcome




                i know we've talked about this before, but i think sam and jack would try to have children. (or i want them too. )



                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  i know we've talked about this before, but i think sam and jack would try to have children. (or i want them too. )
                  I think it depends upon which timeline they ended up in!

                  It's like that guy in Men In Black 3 who can see possible futures like "they would have a kid if they're in the future where Jack retires" or "they won't have a kid if this is the future where Sam takes over running Atlantis then becomes Captain of a starship" or "this is the timeline where they find another orphaned child off-world then adopt it". I could see many reasons and circumstances for or against both canon-compliant and not.
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                    I think it depends upon which timeline they ended up in!

                    It's like that guy in Men In Black 3 who can see possible futures like "they would have a kid if they're in the future where Jack retires" or "they won't have a kid if this is the future where Sam takes over running Atlantis then becomes Captain of a starship" or "this is the timeline where they find another orphaned child off-world then adopt it". I could see many reasons and circumstances for or against both canon-compliant and not.
                    Pol has a story in which Sam and Jack adopt three orphan children from another planet.

                    I've also read stories in which they had a child or two and Sam still went off to serve on Atlantis. In one of the stories, the child wound up distancing herself from Sam because she was gone so often. In another, the girl was only about three or four, and Sam had gone missing with The Hammond, and Jack had to deal with the fallout from that. I honestly don't think Sam would take on such assignments if it meant she would have to be an absent Mom. She went through too much herself with Jacob being an absent Dad to do that to her own chilren.


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      Pol has a story in which Sam and Jack adopt three orphan children from another planet.

                      I've also read stories in which they had a child or two and Sam still went off to serve on Atlantis. In one of the stories, the child wound up distancing herself from Sam because she was gone so often. In another, the girl was only about three or four, and Sam had gone missing with The Hammond, and Jack had to deal with the fallout from that. I honestly don't think Sam would take on such assignments if it meant she would have to be an absent Mom. She went through too much herself with Jacob being an absent Dad to do that to her own chilren.
                      i don't think so either.

                      if i wrote fics (that weren't crappy ), i'd do one where sam and jack tried to have a child when they first got together, but after a year of trying, stopped. they'd end up adopting a new born, but after a couple or so months of having it, sam finds out she's pregnant. fate is sneaky that way.



                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        i don't think so either.

                        if i wrote fics (that weren't crappy ), i'd do one where sam and jack tried to have a child when they first got together, but after a year of trying, stopped. they'd end up adopting a new born, but after a couple or so months of having it, sam finds out she's pregnant. fate is sneaky that way.
                        I've read at least one that follows that story idea. Another where she didn't even know she was pregnant until the baby was born (not unheard of idea).


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          I've read at least one that follows that story idea. Another where she didn't even know she was pregnant until the baby was born (not unheard of idea).
                          Maybe for your average person but I find it hard to believe that a person who has monthly medical check-ups with a military doctor wouldn't find out they were pregnant for nine months. Their doctor would have to be downright incompetent lol.
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            I can't picture Jack and Sam having kids. For some reason... it doesn't really suit them. And not like I have something against kids, I'm a mom myself, but for those two... I don't know, I've read the fan fics when they became parents and even though I liked the stories in general, that part was always rather unconvincing. But, it's probably just me.


                              Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
                              I can't picture Jack and Sam having kids. For some reason... it doesn't really suit them. And not like I have something against kids, I'm a mom myself, but for those two... I don't know, I've read the fan fics when they became parents and even though I liked the stories in general, that part was always rather unconvincing. But, it's probably just me.
                              Nah, I'm the same. Sam wouldn't want to be an absentee Mom and she loves her job too much to give it up. I just don't see it happening. In '2010' her circumstances were different. She had an office job working with the Aschen and the SGC was obsolete. She had little else to accomplish professionally and she'd been married for a few years. That Sam settled for a lot IMO, part of me wonders if she wanted a kid to fill the gap in her life that the SGC left. After all, they were all a bit surplus to requirements thanks to the Aschen "fixing" all of the problems on Earth and making so many jobs obsolete. I mean, the military was all but useless, Daniel wasn't really needed, Janet's entire profession was made unnecessary as she pointed out... "2010" Sam was not a happy Sam. She was at most content but there was something about her that felt like, I don't know, she'd maybe given up on life. She has a tendency to do what she's expected to when it comes to her personal life rather than what she wants, I think she settled for Joe, she settled for the job the Aschen gave her, she settled for the 'easy' life and ignored the warning signs.

                              In our timeline she is in a completely different place both professionally and personally. I just don't think kids would fit into that lifestyle and that's without Jack's bucketload of issues around kids.
                              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                              My fanfic


                                ^ My thoughts exactly
                                I loved 2010, maybe also because it showed us how different their reality could have getten. One of my most favorite episodes. And the sparks between Jack & Sam when she went to talk to him! It was like yet another conversation they've been having with their eyes.

