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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Hey, everyone! I am off for the weekend and suddenly there is so much to catch up on

    Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post
    So true. I don't exactly know why but... those 2 really have something that I find lacking in a big part of the other pairings I like (and not just TV pairings). A few came close but... it's rare. It's quite something when you consider that the ship didn't always have the best writing (regretful but... at least, there are fanfics).
    What do you think make them so special (funny because some anti fans enjoy to call them boring... but I don't think the S/J pairing falls into the cliché category *I mean, yes, they're co-workers in love... and many shows play with that... but it's not enough to make the entire relationship cliché in my book*) ? Or more precisely... what makes them so special "to you" ?
    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    interesting is not the word i'd use...

    i'm still holding out hope that someday someone will take hold of the tv franchise and answer the questions still remaining. yes, the hints are STRONG that they're together, but proof is still wanted and needed.

    ~our confirmation came in 'threads' : the ep showed that they both came to an understanding and weren't going to fight it anymore. they're committed to get together, to be together. now did they?

    this reboot movie trilogy is *not* stargate to me, b/c stargate became sg1/atlantis(sgu) and the beloved characters and storylines. the reboot will be an alternate universe.

    if someone with a brain, imagination, and love for the tv franchise would someday step forward and be given the chance to continue...
    I meant it in a way it was very subtle and fragile and often barely there, but looking at those two, I could tell they are so much more for each other than just co-workers (I myself met my hubby at work, so had some experience on that field ). Maybe it was about they way AT and RDA had portrayed their characters or maybe it was about all those things left for us to interpret... but even though the relationship between them was non-sexual, it was just as intense. The looks they've shared and how they often understood each other right away. The bond between them was clearly there, but we could never take anything for granted. It was as frustrating as it was fascinating (at least for me) and that was something that made the relationship even more interesting. I bet we would not be thinking and talking about it for years if it was just handed to us on the plate and stated they are together. If they just showed us, for example, a couple of scenes of their private lives, how they indeed are together, the 'what if' factor would fade away and so would the angst! They would eventually become just like any other tv couple. And they're after all, unlike any others...

    Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
    From Stargate Wikia:
    In the original screenplay, O'Neill and Carter were supposed to kiss after he resigns in the engine room of the Tel'tak. The relationship between the two characters had been a running theme throughout the course of the series, and spawned much speculation and debate as to what the ultimate result would be, but the kiss was edited out when an eighth season was confirmed.

    So that would be where Sam now says "What I wanted to say earlier..." and Jack interrupts her and says "I know..."
    Such a shame...
    As in, it was edited out after they actually have kissed or edited out with no actual kiss at all?

    And about them wearing the same clothes in the fishing scene... Really? All I see is Jack wearing a vest of some kind and Sam wearing a sweater? Was there any other fishing scenes in that episode or what? Am somewhat confused here and I'd definitely want that to be clarified


      Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
      Well, I don't follow Supernatural. I haven't even watched it yet. It's on my 'To-Watch' list, but I haven't come around to it.

      So I think they did that to have the option of making RDA return as guest star - and not just let him be 'Sam's guy', though that would have definitely been an interesting turn of events seeing that AT was always worried that bringing them together would turn Sam into 'Jack's girl'.
      You really need to get on that, Supernatural is brilliant! It has a really stupid tag line but it's like a more tongue-in-cheek version of the X-Files (a show I loved as a kid!) Also, Jensen Ackles is really hot. Just sayin'

      I always thought that Jack was way more "Sam's guy" than Sam was ever "Jack's girl". If you look at it from an objective point of view, it goes like this:

      Freaked out when Kawalsky grabbed Sam in the lift
      Wanted to rip Turghan's head (or other parts!) off when he found out what he was planning to do to Sam
      Wouldn't leave Sam alone in the bunker with Cassie when he thought she would explode (and, let's face it he was panicking big-time!)
      Was very hung up on the idea of him being in a relationship with Sam in another reality
      Cried when he thought the ashrak had killed her (he *so* didn't have something in his eye!)
      Was on the verge of confessing his feelings to Samantha in POV before he got interrupted and was clearly having trouble separating her from Sam in his head in the corridor
      Needed physical reassurance that Sam was still alive in "Into The Fire" - cold my mik'ta! Like you can get body heat through 3 layers of clothing and a tac vest!
      Invited her fishing (which clearly surprised her)
      Ordered her to stay on base when he was stuck on Thor's ship
      Wouldn't leave her behind in Upgrades
      Looked seriously distraught when he shot Sam with the zat - he sat by her bed looking like an anxious lover rather than a concerned CO

      ... And that's just up to season 4!

      Sam, in many ways, was much less obvious about it, "100 Days" being the exception!

      The one point above that I always found really interesting was in POV when he starts to say " I get confused-" - given that, up until now he hasn't met an AU Sam who was in a relationship with his alternate self, what is it that he 'sometimes' (I.e. Implying more than once and perhaps fairly regularly!) gets confused about? I really feel bad for him here because he clearly has no clue about the mountain of feelings he's developing for Sam until it whacks him upside the head in 'Upgrades'.
      Last edited by AmberLM; 08 September 2014, 01:25 AM.
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
        And about them wearing the same clothes in the fishing scene... Really? All I see is Jack wearing a vest of some kind and Sam wearing a sweater? Was there any other fishing scenes in that episode or what? Am somewhat confused here and I'd definitely want that to be clarified
        The same "fishing" scene is shown at the end of "Threads" and "Moebius". Sam and Jack are wearing the same clothing in both scenes. However, in the scene at the end of "Threads", Jack is sitting kind of sprawled in the deck chair with his legs crossed at his ankles. In the same scene at the end of "Moebius", Jack is totally sprawled out in his chair, legs sticking out and even spread apart a bit, and he's looking very, very relaxed and is a very satisfied, happy man. As though maybe, perhaps "something" has already happened between him and Sam.


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          The same "fishing" scene is shown at the end of "Threads" and "Moebius". Sam and Jack are wearing the same clothing in both scenes. However, in the scene at the end of "Threads", Jack is sitting kind of sprawled in the deck chair with his legs crossed at his ankles. In the same scene at the end of "Moebius", Jack is totally sprawled out in his chair, legs sticking out and even spread apart a bit, and he's looking very, very relaxed and is a very satisfied, happy man. As though maybe, perhaps "something" has already happened between him and Sam.
          I just saw the sprawled out pic on Tumblr today. He does, in fact, look very...relaxed.
          Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


            Originally posted by SOtogether View Post
            It was as frustrating as it was fascinating (at least for me) and that was something that made the relationship even more interesting. I bet we would not be thinking and talking about it for years if it was just handed to us on the plate and stated they are together. If they just showed us, for example, a couple of scenes of their private lives, how they indeed are together, the 'what if' factor would fade away and so would the angst! They would eventually become just like any other tv couple. And they're after all, unlike any others...
            are you talking about the 'what if' before or after season 8? i'd like to believe that 'that' question would be answered after 'threads'...



              okay, tongue in cheek for Sally



                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                okay, tongue in cheek for Sally




                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  The same "fishing" scene is shown at the end of "Threads" and "Moebius". Sam and Jack are wearing the same clothing in both scenes. However, in the scene at the end of "Threads", Jack is sitting kind of sprawled in the deck chair with his legs crossed at his ankles. In the same scene at the end of "Moebius", Jack is totally sprawled out in his chair, legs sticking out and even spread apart a bit, and he's looking very, very relaxed and is a very satisfied, happy man. As though maybe, perhaps "something" has already happened between him and Sam.
                  Dayum... I knew I should have watched Threads and Moebius yesterday when I got a chance. Oh, well... those are my plans for tonight

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  are you talking about the 'what if' before or after season 8? i'd like to believe that 'that' question would be answered after 'threads'...
                  Believing is also my drug of choice!


                    Belief isn't just a drug of choice, it is the foundation of shipperdom!


                      Some of the mantras of shipperdom can be found in my sig below.
                      No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                      It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                        Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                        Some of the mantras of shipperdom can be found in my sig below.
                        Yes, I must say... Your siggy is totally cute!

                        Nolamom, I agree!


                          Originally posted by RadicalDreamer View Post

                          But since you're talking about Lost City, I personally think they should have kissed. As it was shot, the scene seems like a parallel to the forcefield scene in season 4. But while the forcefield scene was perfect (without the lines), I think the Lost City scene is a bit lacking (Jack just resigned and he was totally able to express physical affection later with Teal'c... so why didn't he and Sam at LEAST hug? Not to mention... can't you imagine Sam's feelings at that point? Lost City happens not so long after Heroes, after all... she did hug him then and pretty much admitted how scared she had been when he got shot). But it had less to do with "improving a scene" and more with "crap, we just learned there will be a season 8 now... DO NOT KISS". It's a bit of a shame.
                          Yes, but at that time Sam was engaged to Pete. I´m not sure she would have cheated him, not even with Jack. Although, in the DVD commentary AT herself said that "she should have kissed him"
                          Thank you Britta for this lovely picture.


                            Originally posted by ErikaMariia View Post
                            Yes, but at that time Sam was engaged to Pete. I´m not sure she would have cheated him, not even with Jack. Although, in the DVD commentary AT herself said that "she should have kissed him"
                            What should have happened was that they should have written Chimera then had Sam break up with Pete after he followed her. Then a kiss would have been awesome!
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              ^ Indeed. but they didn't and they cut out the closest thing we had to an on screen confirmation. I will never forgive them...
                              Thank you Britta for this lovely picture.


                                Originally posted by ErikaMariia View Post
                                ^ Indeed. but they didn't and they cut out the closest thing we had to an on screen confirmation. I will never forgive them...
                                I mostly blame Rob Cooper. He's the reason why RDA made so few appearances after season 8. I remember Rick saying in an interview that, after he left, the relationship between him and Rob became "arctic" and he didn't know why. Rob was in charge of SG-1 at that point as Brad Wright had pretty much taken over running Atlantis.

                                There was a misunderstanding as well over Continuum. They killed Jack because RDA was apparently only available for a short time so they reduced the number of scenes he was in, but when he was asked in an interview, he said he offered to be in more scenes but apparently the message didn't get through to the writers.

                                At the same time he essentially replaced Amanda, tried to write her out of the series after season 9 (she was the last to get a contract so she phoned him and he said, and I quote, "Oh, I didn't think you'd want to come back because you have Olivia now" - as a Sam fan that peed me off but, as a woman, I was raging! How dare he (a man) just assume that Amanda no longer wanted to work just because she had a child!!! All the guys had kids and he never did that to them. In the UK he could have been sued for discrimination for saying something like that.)

                                He also ignored Teal'c for the last two seasons, made SG-1 the Cam, Vala and Daniel show and blamed the fans for not liking his changes to the show.

                                Sorry, I'll get off my soap box now *stamps foot Marvin the Martian style* "He makes me so angry!!!"
                                Last edited by AmberLM; 09 September 2014, 09:51 AM.
                                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                                My fanfic

