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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by IamDKScully View Post
    That was the song my hubby and I danced to

    president obama and his wife danced to that when he was elected president!



      Working my way backwards to catch up the drabbles. I never knew I could like these so much! Fun, fun, fun!

      Never Again

      “‘Come with me,’ you said. ‘It’ll be fun,’ you said. I swear, Carter if I have to sit here for one more…” His complaint lodged in his throat as she stepped out of the dressing room wearing a red, white, and blue bikini.

      Jack would never again complain about going shopping with Sam.

      Irregular Orbit

      Black holes will wreak havoc in a solar system if they get too close to a planet. They will literally pull the planet apart over time affecting the orbits and trajectories of other objects in the system.

      Irregular orbits slowly sending heavenly bodies slamming into each other with no regard for physics or the rules and regulations thereof.

      Sam slowly opened her eyes just enough to peek through the half-opened lids at the man next to her. She couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face. Heavenly body indeed.


      “Yes!” Jack threw his fists up in the air as if he’d just won the Stanley cup. “Finally!”

      Sam smirked at him as she added up the points on the Scrabble board. “Doohickeys” had just earned Jack a triple word score.

      A Moment in Time

      “Ours is the only reality of consequence.”

      She wasn’t sure why Teal’c’s words were commanding her thoughts today. Maybe she wished she were somewhere else…some other day…or time.


      She’d always felt that there would be a time when she’d have her one day, her always. But now she realized that one moment in time could change her reality forever. She looked at the Colonel lying so still and pale in the infirmary bed. She brought his hand to her lips and promised in the sweetest of whispers, “Tomorrow.”

      FFN ----- AO3 ----------


        I decided to take a little different approach to the last drabble.

        This is my little love note to this great big wonderful shipper family:


        The first moment Sam walks into the briefing room and sasses Jack you can see the sparks ignite. You don’t even know them but you already adore them.

        Year after year the tension builds, searing looks and glancing touches. Every moment Sam and Jack are near is electric.

        The angst, the unfilled desire, the honor that makes them admirable and miserable pulls at you heart.

        Jack kisses Sam in a time loop and you cheer.

        Sam kisses Jack in her mind. You watch it over and over and over.

        Jack promises Sam “Always.”

        Sam lets you know she’s “not exactly” single.

        Then there’s the dream you’ll never let go. One day we will see, the world will know they are SO MARRIED!

        Sam and Jack are a beautiful obsession.

        {{{Huggles Shippers}}}


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          I decided to take a little different approach to the last drabble.

          This is my little love note to this great big wonderful shipper family:


          The first moment Sam walks into the briefing room and sasses Jack you can see the sparks ignite. You don’t even know them but you already adore them.

          Year after year the tension builds, searing looks and glancing touches. Every moment Sam and Jack are near is electric.

          The angst, the unfilled desire, the honor that makes them admirable and miserable pulls at you heart.

          Jack kisses Sam in a time loop and you cheer.

          Sam kisses Jack in her mind. You watch it over and over and over.

          Jack promises Sam “Always.”

          Sam lets you know she’s “not exactly” single.

          Then there’s the dream you’ll never let go. One day we will see, the world will know they are SO MARRIED!

          Sam and Jack are a beautiful obsession.

          {{{Huggles Shippers}}}
          Oh, I so wish I could green you for that!
          Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


            Very well said, hlndncr! SJ_green.gif


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              my explanation was my super short drabble. call it a dribble.



                I'd actually gone to bed, but stupidly started thinking about a drabble for Obsession. I thought I might as well get up and write it before I forget it.

                My first drabble!

                Daniel knew exactly where to find them.

                He made his way down the hall and came to a slow stop just outside the doorway to her lab.

                Sam sat hunched over her laptop, brow furrowed in concentration as she tapped away furiously at the keys. No doubt she was on the cusp of some scientific breakthrough... again.

                Jack was perched on a stool, a similar expression on his face. Except that he was trying to master that yo-yo trick that looked like a swing... rock the cradle? Was that it?

                Daniel took a small step forward, shoved his hands down into his pockets and shifted a bit of his weight against the doorframe. Neither of them seemed to noticed him, or if they had they had no intention of letting him know it. That would spoil their game.

                He loved watching his two friends like this, and it had made him forget what he'd wanted to talk to them about. They both seemed so engrossed with their respective activities, but to Daniel they looked... whole... complete. There was a pattern to them, like a circle. No. Like a yin yang. Yes, that was it. He could see it. And he could tell by their body language - the way Sam's head was tilted just so, the way Jack's body leaned towards her - that they weren't really obsessed with what they were doing.

                Nope, Daniel wasn't going to spoil this little game... even if he was being ignored.
                sig by Jper

                "It's just a little airborne... It's still good, it's still good!"


                  Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                  I decided to take a little different approach to the last drabble.

                  This is my little love note to this great big wonderful shipper family:


                  The first moment Sam walks into the briefing room and sasses Jack you can see the sparks ignite. You don’t even know them but you already adore them.

                  Year after year the tension builds, searing looks and glancing touches. Every moment Sam and Jack are near is electric.

                  The angst, the unfilled desire, the honor that makes them admirable and miserable pulls at you heart.

                  Jack kisses Sam in a time loop and you cheer.

                  Sam kisses Jack in her mind. You watch it over and over and over.

                  Jack promises Sam “Always.”

                  Sam lets you know she’s “not exactly” single.

                  Then there’s the dream you’ll never let go. One day we will see, the world will know they are SO MARRIED!

                  Sam and Jack are a beautiful obsession.

                  {{{Huggles Shippers}}}


                    Originally posted by Starship Trooper View Post
                    I'd actually gone to bed, but stupidly started thinking about a drabble for Obsession. I thought I might as well get up and write it before I forget it.

                    My first drabble!

                    Daniel knew exactly where to find them.

                    He made his way down the hall and came to a slow stop just outside the doorway to her lab.

                    Sam sat hunched over her laptop, brow furrowed in concentration as she tapped away furiously at the keys. No doubt she was on the cusp of some scientific breakthrough... again.

                    Jack was perched on a stool, a similar expression on his face. Except that he was trying to master that yo-yo trick that looked like a swing... rock the cradle? Was that it?

                    Daniel took a small step forward, shoved his hands down into his pockets and shifted a bit of his weight against the doorframe. Neither of them seemed to noticed him, or if they had they had no intention of letting him know it. That would spoil their game.

                    He loved watching his two friends like this, and it had made him forget what he'd wanted to talk to them about. They both seemed so engrossed with their respective activities, but to Daniel they looked... whole... complete. There was a pattern to them, like a circle. No. Like a yin yang. Yes, that was it. He could see it. And he could tell by their body language - the way Sam's head was tilted just so, the way Jack's body leaned towards her - that they weren't really obsessed with what they were doing.

                    Nope, Daniel wasn't going to spoil this little game... even if he was being ignored.
                    So sweet. Loved it.


                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      I decided to take a little different approach to the last drabble.

                      This is my little love note to this great big wonderful shipper family:


                      The first moment Sam walks into the briefing room and sasses Jack you can see the sparks ignite. You don’t even know them but you already adore them.

                      Year after year the tension builds, searing looks and glancing touches. Every moment Sam and Jack are near is electric.

                      The angst, the unfilled desire, the honor that makes them admirable and miserable pulls at you heart.

                      Jack kisses Sam in a time loop and you cheer.

                      Sam kisses Jack in her mind. You watch it over and over and over.

                      Jack promises Sam “Always.”

                      Sam lets you know she’s “not exactly” single.

                      Then there’s the dream you’ll never let go. One day we will see, the world will know they are SO MARRIED!

                      Sam and Jack are a beautiful obsession.

                      {{{Huggles Shippers}}}


                        Quote Originally Posted by hlndncr View Post
                        I decided to take a little different approach to the last drabble.

                        This is my little love note to this great big wonderful shipper family:


                        {{{Huggles Shippers}}}
                        Yeeee Haaa!!!


                          OK, here's the rest of the drabbles. I'm not sure what happened but somewhere between Seeking Solace and Have a Little Faith a giant rabbit hopped through my brain and covered all my angst with it's fluffy fluff. Strange, very strange. Happy Reading!

                          Seeking Solace

                          Usually it was hiding in her lab, lights out, staring into the darkness. Sometimes it was pushing her limits on the running path or pushing the limits of her bike as she took corners so fast it was almost impossible to maintain control. But tonight she needed something more.

                          Desperate to erase the haunted images that kept assaulting her mind, she fought to keep her composure. Turning around she found him there and lost her control, her breath, and all pretense that she would find the solace she was seeking anywhere else but in his body tonight.

                          It’s Complicated

                          And there it was. Simple, but beautiful, it was perfect.

                          No glitz, no glam, but just enough girly girl to make her giddy.

                          “You two been together long?” the salesperson asked.

                          “You could say that,” he answered.

                          “I see,” she said with a smile. “So its been a long drawn out angst-filled courtship full of obstacles and situations constantly forcing you to throw your love aside for the greater good until years later you finally got the chance to make your own dreams a reality?”

                          “Ah, well when you say it like that you make it seem so complicated.”

                          To Oz

                          She curled up on the couch next to him savoring the moment. His feet were on the coffee table, a bowl of popcorn in his lap. She smiled up at him resting her head on his shoulder and reveling in the warmth of his arm wrapped around her.

                          “Ready?” he asked practically drowning her with his chocolaty gaze.

                          “To Oz,” she whispered breathlessly as the adventure began.


                          “C’mon Daniel.”

                          “No, Sam.”



                          “Pretty please?” She batted her eyes at him and pouted.

                          “Really? Did you really think that would work? That just like that you could bend me to your will?”

                          “You’d be surprised what I can get away with using just my lips and my baby blues.”

                          “Really, Carter…do tell.”



                          Have a Little Faith

                          “I can do this.”

                          “I didn’t say you couldn’t, I just asked if you wanted some help!”

                          “No, gave me the instructions! Really, Sam, the instructions!?!”

                          “I thought you might need a little…guidance is all.”

                          He reached up to rub her swollen belly and gave it a quick kiss before turning his attention back to the task at hand. “I got this, really. Can you just have a little faith?”

                          “Yes, Sir,” she answered with a grin. ‘What is it with men and directions?’ she thought.

                          FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                            Seemed to be a very touching clip:

                            Hope i am allowed to post clips, if not i'll erase it in now time.
                            Last edited by Scofield; 24 July 2013, 02:11 AM.


                              Another one for A Moment in Time.

                              He didn't know how many loops he'd been through, but he was SOOO over it.

                              And then he'd kissed her. So emphasis on the was.

                              Now he just wanted to do it again and again and again... and again. Now, suddenly, the idea of kissing Carter every ten hours until the end of time, sans consequences, seemed pretty damn appealing.

                              He definitely wasn't telling Teal'c about this. No, Teal'c might just decide to explore the idea of making him very dead every ten hours until the end of time. Who knows how many different ways a Jaffa has to kill a man?

                              And then there was Sam. Carter. He'd have all the time in the world to get to know all about her. But she'd never remember even one of their conversations... not a single one of the moments they would share. She didn't even remember their kiss.

                              This wasn't the way. Jack knew he'd have another window of opportunity. Someday. And when it happened he'd get to kiss Carter every day for the rest of his life. And she'd definitely remember.
                              sig by Jper

                              "It's just a little airborne... It's still good, it's still good!"


                                Hi everyone! I missed Ship Day.

                                It was a situation beyond my control, I got banned from the computer.
                                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane

