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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    Now, we might all say that Jack is also a father figure--he was her SO, after all, and he's a good 15 years older than she is. But he accepts her for who she is--and doesn't ever force her hand in personal matters. And I would think that the trust they've built up over the years goes a long way towards making her stronger in that relationship than she was with either Jonas or Pete.
    I think, actually, the fact Jack didn't force her hand, so to speak, and she was used to that sort of thing rather handicapped her relationship with jack because I think she was assuming all along that *if* he loved her, he would act and let her know. It was his allowing her to take the lead, so to speak, that was an instrumental part in convincing her he didn't really care any more. She didn't realize that it was because he loved her that he was letting her choose.

    EDIT: LOL. I love the wall scene. Ah, the effects of so many years of UST misdirected. ((Sam))


      EDIT: LOL. I love the wall scene. Ah, the effects of so many years of UST misdirected. ((Sam))
      Oh, to have such a scene played out with Jack, instead. But I fear his knees wouldn't hold out. Again, I sigh.
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        Oh, to have such a scene played out with Jack, instead. But I fear his knees wouldn't hold out. Again, I sigh.
        Now that, my friend, *is* one of the uses for fanfic

        Fortunately, her knees are good enough for the both of them.


          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          Now that, my friend, *is* one of the uses for fanfic

          Fortunately, her knees are good enough for the both of them.


            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
            *iz excited by all the Pete love in the thread*

            Just watch yourselves...we all know whose boyfriend he
            Then you might just like this sig:

            I just love him in that epi I have nothing against David DeLuise as an actor. I'm just gonna say that as a character, um, wasn't my fave of his roles.
            But anything else and he's great.
            But like Jess said, we will never try to take im away from you.


              Now that, my friend, *is* one of the uses for fanfic

              Fortunately, her knees are good enough for the both of them.
              Where there's a will there's an or?
              My Stories: FFdotNet
              My Stories AO3
              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                Where there's a will there's an or?
                lol. I only do within canon. Unfortunately, that means it's an 'and'. Or:

                "Yes. That's *much* better..."


                  lol. I only do within canon. Unfortunately, that means it's an 'and'. Or:

                  "Yes. That's *much* better..."
                  I must admit, I don't see either of them letting little things like knees prevent "or-ing" or "and-ing".
                  My Stories: FFdotNet
                  My Stories AO3
                  Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    yep, and I can't watch the show because all I see is him and Sam and a wall.
                    LOL, I think it's funny to watch the show because his character's a bit clueless and very "eye-roll-worthy".

                    I just can't help but see Pete.
                    The Return of King Arthur
                    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Me too...I enjoy mild, "we're bound by our professionalism and duty so we can't be together now" angst...and even some whump worry and angst. And I agree that Pete was a very useful plot device. But I absolutely can't do death fic that involves either S or J...and ultimately, I want to know that they are together and that it's a good choice for both of them.

                      So you'll find me sitting on the edge of the angst cave with Pol...and we'll probably be sipping hot cocoa and making s'mores.

                      Technical OT:

                      So...why can't I open the .flv and .mp4 files I downloaded from YouTube via ? I have IE7; I have a fairly new lappie. I have Flash Player and Windows Media Player. Exactly what type of sofware do I need to open files with these extensions???

                      * sg-1fanintn pouts, because she can't stand things she doesn't understand.
                      Technical OT:
                      Certain video-making programs only work in certain formats... You can get a free format converter to a format that you know that works (you just have to google it )

                      Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                      And inspired I was...

                      Eve absolutely did a lovely job, as always. So with all due loving respect for hers... I was *inspired* to make something that might appeal to those pesky Cavern-dwelling Shippers.



                      Click for full size WP...

                      {{{{{{{{{{Cavern-dwelling Angst Lovers}}}}}}}}}

                      Those are lovely...

                      Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                      Well, yeah... <sigh>

                      But my Valenship *Wallpaper* is drenched in Gutter. You know, the one that's not the invite. Cause I don't know that *all* Shippers would want something so... blatant.

                      Yeah. Well, wou all ought to to know me by now...

                      Sneak preview:

                      but this one is better!
                      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                        Now that, my friend, *is* one of the uses for fanfic

                        Fortunately, her knees are good enough for the both of them.
                        Superhuman strength there huh? I did read one author who thought Jack ought to have decent knees the number of times he went through the sarcophagus, but as we saw with Daniel's eyes, it's not a lasting effect.

                        Although I did read one fic that suggested that the sarcophagus also gave Jack a brand spankin' new fishing rod with which to go fishing. State of the art and great for quick recasts. I found that slightly hilarious to say the least. Only in fanfic, my dears, only in fanfic.


                          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                          Superhuman strength there huh? I did read one author who thought Jack ought to have decent knees the number of times he went through the sarcophagus, but as we saw with Daniel's eyes, it's not a lasting effect.
                          I actually meant.. uhm...

                          Never mind


                            Although I did read one fic that suggested that the sarcophagus also gave Jack a brand spankin' new fishing rod with which to go fishing.
                            The better to reel her in?

                            Why did that author assume that his old rod wasn't up to the task? It's not like he's out for marlin.


                            He's just going for a little bass.
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                              The better to reel her in?

                              Why did that author assume that his old rod wasn't up to the task? It's not like he's out for marlin.


                              He's just going for a little bass.
                              You are so bad (and good at the same time).
                              I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                I actually meant.. uhm...

                                Never mind
                                I mean to break that up better. Superhuman strength SAM hoisting Jack... Oh... wait... 'er... don't want to break the PG barrier...

                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                The better to reel her in?

                                Why did that author assume that his old rod wasn't up to the task? It's not like he's out for marlin.


                                He's just going for a little bass.
                                If it ain't broke don't fix it right? Besides, I don't know about everyone else but fishing for hours gets a little tiresome after a while. If Jack got one of them fancy fishing rods no doubt Sam would start wondering if he was ever going to reel anything in and then fishing just wouldn't be as much fun.

                                Again, it's not the rod, it's the fisherman that makes fishing enjoyable.

