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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by fems View Post
    Hmm, they've been rolling around in the hay obviously


      Thanks for the pic spam, fems


        so i decided to look up to see if there were any mother's day esque fics on FF.Net relating to Sam and Jack, only one folks. i think we need to start a little fic challenge for holidays.
        Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 12 May 2013, 10:18 AM.


          Sad moment


            Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
            I thought it would have been cool if they (fisherman!Jack and geeky!Sam) used the puddle jumper to go through the Stargate to live on a different planet, something more technically advanced for Sam. Daniel would bury the Stargate when they left. I don't remember if the puddle jumper was found at the dig site with the Stargate after the events of Moebius, was it?
            Like Ikorni, I feel like I've read a fic like that before. Three actually.

            One had Jack and Sam settling on planet Arkhan (of King Arkhan aka Harry Maybourne fame) and concluded with the revelation that Garan, the woman with the crossbow in It's Good to Be King, was a descended.

            Another Maybourne focused one was him on a world (cannot say if it was the world he became king of or not, do not recall or it was not detailed) after the Tok'ra dropped him off following Paradise Lost and discovered a statue of Jack and Sam in the town square.

            The third, that one involved Jack and Sam settling offworld and eventually going on adventures which involved Daniel, Oma, and Anubis/Jim and righting the timeline so that, as Jack and Sam lived happily ever after, so did Oma and Jim.

            Just... do no ask me what the titles, authors, or links are. My googling is not very good today. I will keep looking though.

            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            I have a vague recollection of Moebius Sam and Jack crash landing (with the puddle jumper) in a jungle-like place ... and the story sort of is like what happened to the people in "Lost".

            Isn't the puddle jumper that was used in Moebius found at the dig site, or near it?
            Have not come across that one! Would not mind the link if it is handy or easily found.

            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            so i decided to look up to see if there were any mother's day esque fics on FF.Net relating to Sam and Jack, only one folks. i think we need to start a little fic challenge for holidays.
            Something to rectify indeed.
            Last edited by A. Karswyll; 12 May 2013, 10:48 AM. Reason: Calarifying which Garan.
            My stories at or


              Originally posted by A. Karswyll View Post
              Like Ikorni, I feel like I've read a fic like that before. Three actually.

              One had Jack and Sam settling on planet Arkhan (of King Arkhan aka Harry Maybourne fame) and concluded with the revelation that Garan, the woman with the crossbow in It's Good to Be King, was a descended.

              Another Maybourne focused one was him on a world (cannot say if it was the world he became king of or not, do not recall or it was not detailed) after the Tok'ra dropped him off following Paradise Lost and discovered a statue of Jack and Sam in the town square.

              The third, that one involved Jack and Sam settling offworld and eventually going on adventures which involved Daniel, Oma, and Anubis/Jim and righting the timeline so that, as Jack and Sam lived happily ever after, so did Oma and Jim.

              Just... do no ask me what the titles, authors, or links are. My googling is not very good today. I will keep looking though.
              I remember reading the second and third fics as well. I have a feeling I read them on Always and Forever.
              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post

                By the way, remember the fanfic writer Doc? She has wrote the 1st and 4th of the Fandemonium books. She's a good writer. My only criticism of her books is she REALLY knows her archeology and it has a tendancy to give too much info becoming a textbook when you want more SG-1. Heck, the reason I think the Fandemonium books did not take off is the 4th book had a tad bit of shippiness at the end that they caught tons of flack over from non-shippers.
                Isn't "Doc" Sabine Bauer? If so, she wrote SG1 "Trial by Fire", "City of the Gods", and"Transitions". I enjoyed all of them. She also wrote the SGA book, "Mirror, Mirror".

                And I honestly think what happens at the end of City of the Gods has absolutely nothing to do with why the books might not be selling well. That scene can be seen as shippy or not shippy, either way. If that was their excuse, then they ignored several other scenes early on in the book that could have been considered shippy.


                  Originally posted by fems View Post
                  Spoiler cause the thread is rated PG
                  Carter, I think we broke it last night.

                  This is probably old news to you guys but it's the first I've seen it and it TICKS ME OFF!

                  The film would end with Atlantis settled back in Pegasus for a new season of adventures, with Dr. Beckett signed on as head of the expedition’s medical R&D, and — through the magic of time-travel — Sheppard and Teyla now aware “that they are destined to be together.”

                  WTW?? i have absolutely nothing against John/Teyla but THEY would have gotten confirmation? Not Sam/Jack or US??? The loyal? Down through the years diehard shippers?

                  sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                    NO NO NO NO!!!
                    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
           Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                      Sorry, Sparky. I should have posted a warning post for you first. Like "are you lying down? Get a tranquilizer and a glass of water ready."
                      sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)




                          That ticks me off too. Although I suppose in a way its easier for them to just come right out and say those two are an item because Teyla isn't in the military, although he had been her CO for, what, 5 years. Stargate Revolution would be still be dancing around on the egg shells that are their working relationship. If Jack was still head of Homeworld Security he would still be her boss and I don't think RDA or AT would have signed up for the film if the issue hadn't be handled with the same respect it was given throughout SG1. That dinner scene that seems to be designed to torture us for an eternity would (one would hope) have been their very subtle delicate way of saying, yes they are together but its not shouted about.

                          P.S. Hedwig, I loved Trial by Fire, I didn't realise she'd written two others, I shall have to seek them out when I've finished the SGA Legacy Series - if I ever get past book 2. I'm struggling to get into them, the first was very back-story/personal-lives heavy and so far book 2 is highly predictable but I know Sam will make an appearance so I'm persevering.
                          Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                          If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                          Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post

                            Jack: Daniel?

                            Daniel: Jack?

                            Jack: What are you doing with that rock?

                            Sam: Wait a minute, how is that possible?

                            (bad I know.)
                            Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                            If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                            Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                              John and Teyla????

                              Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                              That ticks me off too. Although I suppose in a way its easier for them to just come right out and say those two are an item because Teyla isn't in the military, although he had been her CO for, what, 5 years. Stargate Revolution would be still be dancing around on the egg shells that are their working relationship. If Jack was still head of Homeworld Security he would still be her boss and I don't think RDA or AT would have signed up for the film if the issue hadn't be handled with the same respect it was given throughout SG1. That dinner scene that seems to be designed to torture us for an eternity would (one would hope) have been their very subtle delicate way of saying, yes they are together but its not shouted about.

                              P.S. Hedwig, I loved Trial by Fire, I didn't realise she'd written two others, I shall have to seek them out when I've finished the SGA Legacy Series - if I ever get past book 2. I'm struggling to get into them, the first was very back-story/personal-lives heavy and so far book 2 is highly predictable but I know Sam will make an appearance so I'm persevering.
                              What is "Stargate Revolution"?
                              sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                                Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                                John and Teyla????

                                What is "Stargate Revolution"?
                                It was the name of the shelved movie.

                                I much prefer your caption
                                Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                                If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                                Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.

