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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    Thanks! Yeah I just re watched that scene and there are so many layers. I always think RDA says far more with his face than he ever does with his mouth.
    Btw, anyone read any good fics/missing scenes around this episode?
    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

    My fanfic


      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
      Does Jack ever actually meet ?
      Not onscreen, sadly. Presumably they would have met after the Osiris incident but we don't get to see it.
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        Originally posted by AmberLM
        Not onscreen, sadly. Presumably they would have met after the Osiris incident but we don't get to see it.
        One, you double posted. Thought you might want to know that.

        Two, DANG!
        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


          Thanks yeah my GW went iffy for a moment there, not sure what happened!
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic


            Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
            If only Jack showed as much jealousy when it came to ...
            Plenty of fanfics show that. I prefer the ones where there's some humor in his jealousy. The ones where he gets mean and angry and takes his frustration out on Sam in an insulting way is just soooo not him (IMO). I guess some authors think this adds to the angst.


              I agree, one of the things I love the most about Jack's side of the ship is that he's so obvious because he tries to be so unobvious! I don't see Jack being outright hostile towards Pete, it's never been his style. He'd just crack an awkward joke, smile his fake smile (think "Go pick flowers!") and then probably high-tail it out the door before anyone could question why he just stepped backwards and tripped over a plantpot/chair/his own feet.

              He'd then be followed by Daniel who would try to ask him if he was ok without actually asking, Jack would play dumb and Teal'c would just stare knowingly.

              I feel really bad for Sam and the judgement she got for wanting to have a life. Yeah Pete was the wrong guy by a mile but then if she'd showed up with someone handsome and charming then I think Jack really would have closed himself off completely. He's already got a complex about not being good enough for her, that's pretty obvious without him saying anything. I've said it before and I'll say it again but Jack loves Sam. I mean, completely and utterly adores her. You can see it on face in those moments he lets his guard down and it makes me want to hug him. In '2010' he's a broken shell of a man who has given up and is waiting for the end of the world without her.
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                What happened in "2010"? Why is he so broken?
                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                  Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                  What happened in "2010"? Why is he so broken?
                  The team disagreed with Jack over whether to trust the Aschen to a point where he walked away from his team and would barely have anything to do with them. He felt they betrayed him. Assumably because of this, Sam wound up getting involved with and marrying Joe Faxon (the ambassador to the Aschen). So Jack retreated to his cabin and pretty much became a hermit.


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    The team disagreed with Jack over whether to trust the Aschen to a point where he walked away from his team and would barely have anything to do with them. He felt they betrayed him. Assumably because of this, Sam wound up getting involved with and marrying Joe Faxon (the ambassador to the Aschen). So Jack retreated to his cabin and pretty much became a hermit.
                    Poor Jack!
                    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
           Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                      Btw, anyone read any good fics/missing scenes around this episode?
                      There are one or two where Sam actually dumps Pete when she finds out about the background check he did on her, together with the stalking and stake-out showed her she couldn't trust him.

                      In one she's going to the hospital (where he was taken instead of to the SGC) to tell him she's breaking things off with him.

                      I'm putting on a suit of armor in order to say this ...

                      If anyone wants a fic thread with stories, I have a whole file full of saved stories relating to the subject. What? I only saved them because Jack and Sam wind up together, of course!


                        I'd read them! As long as the end game was S/J happiness!
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                          I feel really bad for Sam and the judgement she got for wanting to have a life. Yeah Pete was the wrong guy by a mile but then if she'd showed up with someone handsome and charming then I think Jack really would have closed himself off completely. He's already got a complex about not being good enough for her, that's pretty obvious without him saying anything. I've said it before and I'll say it again but Jack loves Sam. I mean, completely and utterly adores her. You can see it on face in those moments he lets his guard down and it makes me want to hug him. In '2010' he's a broken shell of a man who has given up and is waiting for the end of the world without her.
                          I know that many people think this. But did I miss something where and when he actually said that? I know he's got a complex about what distasteful things he's done and that he's likely going to hell. Is it just because of those kind of statements that people think it's implied that he isn't good enough for Sam?


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            I know that many people think this. But did I miss something where and when he actually said that? I know he's got a complex about what distasteful things he's done and that he's likely going to hell. Is it just because of those kind of statements that people think it's implied that he isn't good enough for Sam?
                            Might also be because he called her a national treasure.
                            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                            On FFnet or AO3

                            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              There are one or two where Sam actually dumps Pete when she finds out about the background check he did on her, together with the stalking and stake-out showed her she couldn't trust him.

                              In one she's going to the hospital (where he was taken instead of to the SGC) to tell him she's breaking things off with him.

                              I'm putting on a suit of armor in order to say this ...

                              If anyone wants a fic thread with stories, I have a whole file full of saved stories relating to the subject. What? I only saved them because Jack and Sam wind up together, of course!
                              Links? I'm with Sparky on this one. As long as S/J end up together, I'm up for giving it a try.


                                Originally posted by brendini View Post
                                Links? I'm with Sparky on this one. As long as S/J end up together, I'm up for giving it a try.
                                Sig made by Nola
                                Latest fic Thin Blue Veil

