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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    There's a crack fic (using any and all cliches possible) presently being written on the Fanfic Pet Peeves thread that's getting pretty hysterical. Anyone wanting to contribute might want to wander over there and read through it and see if they want to add to it.

    EDIT: Actually, it has it's own thread, entitled "It Came From Netu", and here's a linky:
    Last edited by hedwig; 22 January 2010, 03:07 PM.


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      There's a crack fic (using any and all cliches possible) presently being written on the Fanfic Pet Peeves thread that's getting pretty hysterical. Anyone wanting to contribute might want to wander over there and read through it and see if they want to add to it.

      EDIT: Actually, it has it's own thread, entitled "It Came From Netu", and here's a linky:
      OOoh thank you! I shall probably need to do some pelvic floor exercises before reading though, since I am already shaking with laughter after just the first post.


        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        I'm much the same way - I just pulled the OOC from the thing itself (because people write OOC pairings for the Day of Indulgence) - I prefer to stick with my S/J in a cliche when the fics are posted
        Yup, that's what I'm planning on doing as well. I'm thinking about a fic where they're stuck together really close somewhere and break the regs...muhwahaha! I just have to you least try to keep it in character.

        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


          Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
          Yup, that's what I'm planning on doing as well. I'm thinking about a fic where they're stuck together really close somewhere and break the regs...muhwahaha! I just have to you least try to keep it in character.

          Oh my.

          I read that and got a mental image of Sam and Jack actually *physically* stuck together. Now there's a fic I'd like to read!

          In fact, I liked the idea so much, I drabbled my first Crack!Fic!
          “Carter, is that your hand on my six?”

          The Major’s face blanched as she realized she couldn’t remove her hand from its present location. “Um… yeah. And it seems to be… stuck.”

          “That could be a problem,” The Colonel replied.

          She was quiet for a long moment. “Um… sir…? Is that your hand on *my* six?”

          “Yeah.” A sudden jerking movement from the Colonel nearly knocked her off her feet. “Seems to be stuck.”

          Sam was quiet again for another long moment. “How in the world are we going to explain this one?”

          “I told you not to turn that thing on,” he said snidely.

          “And I told you that you should stay back,” she returned with due snarkiness. “Why you translated that as ‘put your hand on my six’ I’ll never understand.”

          “It was an accident,” the Colonel answered with due chagrin. “I was losing balance.”

          “Well, maybe if I just turn it off…” She reached back over to the alien device that was apparently responsible for their present dilemma and pushed a few buttons. The electrical hum whirred down and the lights went out.

          “Nope,” the Colonel said in the darkness. “Still stuck, and now it’s pitch black in here. Any more bright ideas?”

          “Well, I could—

          “Hey now!”

          “Sorry, sir.”

          “That wasn’t my six.”


          “You could call it that.”
          Last edited by BrenRen; 22 January 2010, 05:05 PM.
          Love and hot fudge,
          Bren Ren
          My stories!



            Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
            I can't do Vegemite. Blech. When I lived in Australia the girl next door could eat it out of the jar with a spoon. I have however met an Aussie that doesn't like it (and he has to preface all his trips outside Australia with this fact because apparently people will go to some lengths to get it for him).

            Er. On topic.

            I'll be Sam and Jack don't like Vegemite...

            Chocolate is so much tastier to use for...
            oh wait... We're trying to be PG here...
            According to one of my best friends and a born Aussie, "You were either raised on it or you're crazy."
            Me, I was raised on it. And even so I could never eat it by the spoonful. Just a little bit on some toast with butter. It is soooooo good.

            And as for SJ. Yes, I do believe this is a PG forum, so uh...
            Never mind. Let's just say that + =


              Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
              And as for SJ. Yes, I do believe this is a PG forum, so uh...
              Never mind. Let's just say that + =
              It is?

              Oh... yeah... I guess it is... Not that it has ever stopped me... just increased my use of spoiler buttons...
              Love and hot fudge,
              Bren Ren
              My stories!



                Oh my gosh! 3 days of no Internet or TV at home. I turned to S today to ask, "What's next? Go out back and hoe 40 acres and begin grinding our own wheat for flour?" Yeesh. I'm converted.


                And...oh yeah...Sam still luuuuurrrrrrrves Jack.

                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                  Originally posted by Pol View Post
                  Oh my gosh! 3 days of no Internet or TV at home. I turned to S today to ask, "What's next? Go out back and hoe 40 acres and begin grinding our own wheat for flour?" Yeesh. I'm converted.


                  And...oh yeah...Sam still luuuuurrrrrrrves Jack.

                  :: starts to twitch :: What??? How... :: hyperventilates :: Must. Be. Connected. I'm still waiting on this Matrix upload thing so I can just connect to the internet in my head. (By the way - funniest observation I've ever read about "The Matrix" - using humans as energy sources rather than geothermal energy is like using a billion hamsters to generate electricity for New York - except these hamsters can rise up and kill you).


                  Jack and Sam. When the Stargate's a 'rockin', don't come a' knockin.


                    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                    Jack and Sam. When the Stargate's a 'rockin', don't come a' knockin.

                    How 'bout... if the Ship's a rockin', don't come a'knockin'!
                    Love and hot fudge,
                    Bren Ren
                    My stories!



                      Another ficrec. I know a bunch of us just "discovered" Akamimom, but I thought I'd share anyway. Can't put down her Wizard of Mazd. Great fun, fantastic writing, a little 'fantastical' but still really, really enjoyable. Not a grammatical error to be found (oh, be still my heart).

                      And, to all awaiting a Campfire and/or Embrace Me, patience.
                      Apparently winter break sucked out all of my mojo. Add to that a ruptured L5/S1 disc, managed by REALLY STRONG pain meds, and now the beginning of term, and I'm a bit behind on the writing. I'm not giving it up, I promise. First to be posted will be...wait for it, Embrace Me based upon Entity. I just need a few days to settle back in and learn how to effectively manage Percocet and driving/teaching/doctoral program. On the plus side, I've been invited to participate in a writing fellowship over the summer. On the down side, I have to have back surgery to fuse the spine.

                      I'm done whingeing now...I've got nothing to ***** about when you look at things globally.

                      Any new news since I've been off the grid?
                      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                        Originally posted by BrenRen View Post

                        How 'bout... if the Ship's a rockin', don't come a'knockin'!
                        I'm just sayin' in some strange time loop somewhere, what if Jack decided to be more adventurous than just a kiss in the control room. And that's all I'm going to say - you gutter girls feel free to run with it!

                        Originally posted by Pol View Post
                        Another ficrec. I know a bunch of us just "discovered" Akamimom, but I thought I'd share anyway. Can't put down her Wizard of Mazd. Great fun, fantastic writing, a little 'fantastical' but still really, really enjoyable. Not a grammatical error to be found (oh, be still my heart).

                        And, to all awaiting a Campfire and/or Embrace Me, patience.
                        Apparently winter break sucked out all of my mojo. Add to that a ruptured L5/S1 disc, managed by REALLY STRONG pain meds, and now the beginning of term, and I'm a bit behind on the writing. I'm not giving it up, I promise. First to be posted will be...wait for it, Embrace Me based upon Entity. I just need a few days to settle back in and learn how to effectively manage Percocet and driving/teaching/doctoral program. On the plus side, I've been invited to participate in a writing fellowship over the summer. On the down side, I have to have back surgery to fuse the spine.

                        I'm done whingeing now...I've got nothing to ***** about when you look at things globally.

                        Any new news since I've been off the grid?
                        Thanks for the fic rec!

                        Can I just say OUCH And you're not whining! It maybe that there is horrible pain in other places felt by other people but that doesn't negate your own struggles - you still feel them and they still weigh on you... so yeah... just validating you there...

                        But I'm looking forward to your fic. Wish I could give you some mojo - but I will say that it is always a pleasure to read your stuff!


                          Originally posted by Pol View Post
                          Another ficrec. I know a bunch of us just "discovered" Akamimom, but I thought I'd share anyway. Can't put down her Wizard of Mazd. Great fun, fantastic writing, a little 'fantastical' but still really, really enjoyable. Not a grammatical error to be found (oh, be still my heart).

                          And, to all awaiting a Campfire and/or Embrace Me, patience.
                          Apparently winter break sucked out all of my mojo. Add to that a ruptured L5/S1 disc, managed by REALLY STRONG pain meds, and now the beginning of term, and I'm a bit behind on the writing. I'm not giving it up, I promise. First to be posted will be...wait for it, Embrace Me based upon Entity. I just need a few days to settle back in and learn how to effectively manage Percocet and driving/teaching/doctoral program. On the plus side, I've been invited to participate in a writing fellowship over the summer. On the down side, I have to have back surgery to fuse the spine.

                          I'm done whingeing now...I've got nothing to ***** about when you look at things globally.

                          Any new news since I've been off the grid?
                          *fist pump* *huggles you*

                          I know what you mean about the mojo, seems it comes and goes sometimes.
                          *more huggles* I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, please be sure to keep us updated on your surgery!

                          *sobs at Jack's look*

                          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                            Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                            I'm just sayin' in some strange time loop somewhere, what if Jack decided to be more adventurous than just a kiss in the control room. And that's all I'm going to say - you gutter girls feel free to run with it!
                            Two Crack!Fic! stories in one nite! You all are killin' me!


                            Deep. deep, deep in the Gutter we go!
                            Got your scuba gear on?
                            And we're divin'!






                            “What in the world…?” Daniel Jackson was a little perplexed and thoroughly distracted from his Ancient translations by the repetitive noises emanating from somewhere down the hall.





                            Daniel dropped the book and left the room to investigate. The sounds seemed to be coming from Sam’s lab, and when he reached the door, he found it locked. Unusual, to say the least.





                            He raised his hand and was about to knock when Teal’c’s deep resonant voice boomed from the other end of the corridor.

                            “I would not interrupt, if I were you,” he told the intrepid archaeologist.





                            Daniel opened his mouth to reply when a crashing noise reverberated right through the door—followed immediately by a muffled curse, then a disturbingly loud female moan. And more thuds. His mouth snapped shut. His head shook from side to side slowly. He reluctantly met Teal’c’s gaze.

                            “That is not what I had in mind when I said ‘no consequences’.”
                            I swear, if this one don't get me modded, I am never again gonna worry about how deeply into the Gutter I dive.
                            Love and hot fudge,
                            Bren Ren
                            My stories!



                              Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                              :: starts to twitch :: What??? How... :: hyperventilates :: Must. Be. Connected. I'm still waiting on this Matrix upload thing so I can just connect to the internet in my head. (By the way - funniest observation I've ever read about "The Matrix" - using humans as energy sources rather than geothermal energy is like using a billion hamsters to generate electricity for New York - except these hamsters can rise up and kill you).


                              Jack and Sam. When the Stargate's a 'rockin', don't come a' knockin.
                              I think the longest time I've gone without internet is... from about the day after I registered (Sept. 29th) to mid about October (The 15th) And that was pure torture! Though it was kind of before I became a fully integrated part of this ship family.

                              SJ FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                                Two Crack!Fic! stories in one nite! You all are killin' me!


                                Deep. deep, deep in the Gutter we go!
                                Got your scuba gear on?
                                And we're divin'!






                                “What in the world…?” Daniel Jackson was a little perplexed and thoroughly distracted from his Ancient translations by the repetitive noises emanating from somewhere down the hall.





                                Daniel dropped the book and left the room to investigate. The sounds seemed to be coming from Sam’s lab, and when he reached the door, he found it locked. Unusual, to say the least.





                                He raised his hand and was about to knock when Teal’c’s deep resonant voice boomed from the other end of the corridor.

                                “I would not interrupt, if I were you,” he told the intrepid archaeologist.





                                Daniel opened his mouth to reply when a crashing noise reverberated right through the door—followed immediately by a muffled curse, then a disturbingly loud female moan. And more thuds. His mouth snapped shut. His head shook from side to side slowly. He reluctantly met Teal’c’s gaze.

                                “That is not what I had in mind when I said ‘no consequences’.”
                                I swear, if this one don't get me modded, I am never again gonna worry about how deeply into the Gutter I dive.

                                It's a dang good thing I wasn't drinking my soda anymore! That's hilarious! And yeah, if that doesn't get you modded...
                                Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa

