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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by canadianfolk View Post
    So 'the biggest announcement in FanExpo history' will be made tomorrow, according to their facebook announcement. I thought the RDA announcement was pretty big ... Maybe it's an SG1 reunion?!? People are commenting with other ideas but I would so love it to be Amanda, Michael, Christopher and RDA...
    You're kidding.

    'the biggest announcement in FanExpo history'

    **iz a bit excited**

    sig by Mada
    As a matter of FIC


      Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
      You're kidding.

      'the biggest announcement in FanExpo history'

      **iz a bit excited**

      I think I'm missing something here...what RDA announcement? And I'm still unclear what FanExpo has to do with SG-1... Are we just talking about Convention guests?
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        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
        I know that I need to watch the episodes. But I have exremely limited access to SG1, (only have the first two seasons).
        gateworld has an excellent list of episodes and all the characters. you can go to the home page and find out all the info you'd like.



          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
          Yeah I could see that too. She needs someone with a bit of intelligence. Sam (with the exception of Jack and maybe Joe) has terrible taste in men, at least Jack has reasonably good taste (Laira not withstanding). He also kinda has a type, intelligent, tall, pretty, blonde, blue-eyed. Aside from the hair, Sam and Kerry weren't all that different. Tall, smart, curvy, cute smile... I liked Kerry. I think the writers were too quick to say we didn't like Pete because he wasn't Jack but they gave Jack a normal girlfriend who made sense and I don't think she was too badly received.
          pete was a tool. and casted that way.



            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            yeah she did. and i actually liked her more than Pete but only because she had the decency to know that her and jack would never worked out because of his feelings toward sam and she's get an A in my book. Pete, well we all know how we all feel about him.
            i do wonder, though, that if pete has seen sam and jack interacting, would he have bought a clue and quit the relationship? he 'knew' something wasn't right with the relationship, but if he finally saw it wasn't a what but a who that was the prob...

            i really don't think he would have, b/c he was playing the ignore-the-elephant-in-the-room as much as sam and jack were. i think he would have kept trying and hoped that sam would love him the same as he loved her.



              Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
              Yep, I could totally see Jack serenading Sam with "You've lost that lovin' feeling"
              or having danger zone playing during an F-302/Death Glider fight.


                Originally posted by SGSuzi View Post
                Oh yeah Top Gun remake please with RDA and AT
                i'd like to see a 'abyss' remake with them. anyone that knows that movie knows how *awesome* it would be to see amanda and rick in those roles!!



                  Originally posted by Amara D'Angeli View Post
                  That whole situation was handled in a classy way. I didn't like Kerry getting in the way of the Jack and Sam dynamic but I did like the character and though it spoke volumes about who Jack was as a man. Honestly, it just made me like him more. (And considering how much I liked him to begin with, that's really saying something!)
                  well, rick was the leading man, he's going to get a good girlfriend. and amanda got, uh, pete. nuff said.



                    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                    That's not typical for her is it? Must have been something she really couldn't get out of.
                    that is *very* not typical of amanda! the only time (i can think of) that she had to cancel a con appearance was when she was pregnant. amanda really cares, so this was something she couldn't control/get out of i'm sure.



                      Originally posted by canadianfolk View Post
                      So 'the biggest announcement in FanExpo history' will be made tomorrow, according to their facebook announcement. I thought the RDA announcement was pretty big ... Maybe it's an SG1 reunion?!? People are commenting with other ideas but I would so love it to be Amanda, Michael, Christopher and RDA...
                      or another sg1 movie or series!! or another stargate series, with sg1-atlantis peeps making appearances.

                      *hopes x, like 10*

                      edit: wait, this is con info, not franchise. so there went the franchise info i'd like



                        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                        you ever think that maybe sam was trying to play it low key and not let keller know that she was married and or seeing jack?
                        Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                        Very true! I dunno, Sam seemed a bit weird about it. I don't watch Atlantis so I don't know if Keller would know who Jack was (I vaguely remember Jack being on Atlantis once with Weir and saying something about going home to a "hot shower, hot toddy and..." Hot blonde, maybe? ) but she seemed kinda embarrassed or ashamed mentioning it to Keller. Maybe it's the whole "he used to be my CO" thing, I suppose many people would think she was sleeping with him all along, people being pessimistic and all.
                        I think that they got into a discussion to distract themselves from their perilous situation -Sam was leading, trying to make small talk, and the question she asked Keller got returned, and she started talking about it and opening up just a little, but she realized that it was a little too close to home and it quickly became 'familiar' for a leader with the staff (think of it like an office -the office manager would likely not be talking about her love life with an employee: only more intense, because a command structure is involved).

                        Keller may not be super familiar with Jack, but he is head of Homeworld Security, and I think if the name came up, she would be able to place a face with the name.

                        I also believe they were married at this point, and while I like this cut scene on one hand, I don't appreciate the implication that they are still waiting around for things to resolve -I prefer to live in my own uncomplicated world that says that they're married and the content of her words was not significant because she is trying to back peddle from the conversation she has gotten into with Keller.

                        There's a nice fanfic where Keller sees a picture of Jack (in Sam's room or office) and asks her if that is 'the guy in Washington', and Sam flips the photo facedown with a little embarrassment for being found out. I can't remember the title or the author, but it was very sweet and it rang true for me. hedwig -you remember one like this??

                        Originally posted by avp60685 View Post
                        What do you guys think of the song I posted?
                        I always think of them when I hear this song.

                        Of course, by the time Jack would ask her to stay, I don't think he would have to make a very big argument- LOL.

                        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                        Truth be honest i'm sure jack and sam both had a LONG talk about where there relationship should go. i mean you gotta wonder who left the SGC first Jack or sam to take on their new posts. it's been a while since i saw the season 9 premiere.
                        Yeah...that particular fic is giving me SO much trouble. I do you even begin that conversation and keep it realistic??!

                        I always imagined that prior to the trip to the cabin in 'Threads', Jack submitted his resignation letter to Hammond, but the President refused, citing his invaluable experience (Presidents are allowed to decline a resignation if they feel the general is too important to a program to let him/her go). I see the administration offering the change of station to Sam to remove her from Jack's chain of command, freeing them up to really begin this relationship.

                        Hey, military types -if Jack submitted a resignation letter before the fishing trip, and didn't hear about the President's refusal until returning to civilization, would that be enough in his mind or in procedure for him to start things with Sam during that trip??? Or is there a process of confirmation he would have to wait for??

                        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                        You raise a very interesting point Amara.

                        If we like Kerry even though she also was in the way of S/J, and think her character spoke to the type of man Jack was. Are we saying that, whether Pete turned out to be a jerk or just a poor guy that fell in love with an amazing woman and basically did everything he could do to keep her; are we saying that that somehow makes Sam less of a woman or less of the woman we thought she was? <snippy>
                        If she had been introduced as more threatened by Sam and less professional in her bearing, I think we would have found her more annoying. I think the level-headedness we see when she tells Jack that they are over makes her appealing: she's confident and there is a strength of character present that makes us like her. She doesn't whine. She doesn't scheme. She just tells him that his heart is bent elsewhere and he shouldn't let that slip away. That takes a stand-up woman to take it that well.

                        If we had seen more of her and she had appeared needy or catty, we would have disliked her. I prefer the image that I am left with: one classy lady.

                        EDIT: I think the reverse question is fair -what if an actor like Ben Browder or David James Elliott had played Pete, they had never had him stalk her, and he had acted like Kerry did when he noticed that *something* between S/J. I think we would have respected him, as well. Fair enough?
                        Last edited by SaraBahama; 05 March 2013, 06:36 PM.
                        sig by Ikorni

                        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                          Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                          I also believe they were married at this point, and while I like this cut scene on one hand, I don't appreciate the implication that they are still waiting around for things to resolve -I prefer to live in my own uncomplicated world that says that they're married and the content of her words was not significant because she is trying to back peddle from the conversation she has gotten into with Keller.
                          i can't remember the exact wording sam and keller used, but couldn't sam and jack still be married? i know sam mentioned it being complicated, and being in a long distance relationship would be a very difficult 'complication'.

                          does anyone have the dialog?

                          If she had been introduced as more threatened by Sam and less professional in her bearing, I think we would have found her more annoying. I think the level-headedness we see when she tells Jack that they are over makes her appealing: she's confident and there is a strength of character present that makes us like her. She doesn't whine. She doesn't scheme. She just tells him that his heart is bent elsewhere and he shouldn't let that slip away. That takes a stand-up woman to take it that well.
                          and pete's not. i just get the feeling he's a puppy dog during their entire relationship. he came off very insecure, which i feel lead him to continue the relationship, even though he had to have seen the clues that she wasn't as into him as he was with her.

                          EDIT: I think the reverse question is fair -what if an actor like Ben Browder or David James Elliott had played Pete, they had never had him stalk her, and he had acted like Kerry did when he noticed that *something* between S/J. I think we would have respected him, as well. Fair enough?
                          i think *that* ship could have very well gotten it's own popularity and possibly taken off...

                          we would have been in big trouble.

                          but to answer the question: i might have respected him more, but i'd still not want him around.



                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            i can't remember the exact wording sam and keller used, but couldn't sam and jack still be married? i know sam mentioned it being complicated, and being in a long distance relationship would be a very difficult 'complication'. does anyone have the dialog?
                            Carter: So…you seeing anyone?
                            Keller: What?
                            Carter: Around the base, you seeing anyone?
                            Keller: I dunno…I had a moment with – with this…guy. He’s not exactly easy to read so…I guess the short answer is “no”. You?
                            Carter: Well, I’m the boss, so I can’t really…
                            Keller: Right Anyone back home?
                            Carter: Uhm…
                            Keller: Un-huh, I thought so. Spill.
                            Carter: Well, it’s complicated.
                            Keller: Show me a relationship that isn’t.
                            Carter: He’s in Washington…I’m here.
                            Keller: Ouch. Long distance relationship.
                            Carter: He’s going to retire soon, so maybe -
                            Keller: Really! Retire? So…an older man, huh?
                            Carter: Not that much older.
                            Keller: Washington, older man…is he like a Senator or something? Someone famous? Would I know him?
                            Carter: Probably not.

                            The arguement would be that she didn't say 'married' -there is an implied future deepening of the relationship. I like to interpret it according to my mental pre-set: *so married and avoiding the conversation*

                            Carter: Well, it’s complicated.
                            **hear: married a couple of years, deployment for over a year across the galaxy is not exactly simple**

                            Carter: He’s in Washington…I’m here.
                            **repeat of above**

                            Carter: He’s going to retire soon, so maybe -
                            **maybe he'll move to Atlantis to be with his wife???**
                            sig by Ikorni

                            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                              jack o'neill as a senator??? yeah right. i think jack would rather shoot himself than become a senator.


                                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                                jack o'neill as a senator??? yeah right. i think jack would rather shoot himself than become a senator.
                                Yeah, considering he probably already dislikes the Washington job.
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