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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    Our artists have been hard at work; so we need more of our writers to step up.

    OK, writers it's your turn!
    Write a drabble or a ficlet inspired by one of these pics!
    Yes General!

    Inspired by Ikorni:

    Reach Into the Silence:

    Jack's mouth was the stuff her dreams were made of. Sam had tasted it before, but the experience had been veiled by the fact that it wasn't fully her; the woman she was in this present, but a version of herself; a throwback to the Broca Divide. In spite of that, Samantha Carter had tucked it in the same room she had locked memories of time spent beneath the surface of an alien planet, and of zatarc confessions. Safely away.

    Sam knew this wasn't real, or the reality she dreamed of, but this was her dream nonetheless, and it would not be wasted.

    If this was it, then at least she could have this.

    The movement of Jack's lips was hypnotic. Before her mind could shake right thinking free, Sam reached in past the silenced rules that had held desire back; her mouth now taking Jack's full in.

    Intoxicated, she drew in again and again. Each taste growing more desperate than the last and Sam held on now with both hands. Refusing to be submissive, she pressed into Jack establishing her dominance as the agressor.

    Then suddenly, like grasping a fistful of sand, it was gone. Samantha Carter's concussed mind refused to submit any futher, expelling the image of her base need, to focus on, for the moment, the more pressing one; her safety.

    Like the good Officer she was, Major Carter rose slowly from her position to follow the projected Colonel's instructions to go save her own life.
    Last edited by trinity3; 28 January 2013, 11:48 AM.
    sig by Mada
    As a matter of FIC


      Virtual green to all!
      My vids Sig made by me


        So has the thread died? No post in hours but we have 7 members on.

        Wazz up?
        sig by Mada
        As a matter of FIC


          K then. Since no one's playing I'm off to bed. See you guys tomorrow.


          sig by Mada
          As a matter of FIC


            I've been reading...just pop in from time to time to see what's up


              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
              I got a little behind on everything yesterday; so I'm playing catch-up today.

              First, here's my little ficlet inspired by UhSir's vid from last week:

              What Passes with Time

              The Hammond was approaching a suspected Lucian Alliance stronghold, but they still would not arrive for several more hours. Sam was tense. They were going to gather intelligence, but there could be a firefight. Earth and her allies had suffered a lot of casualties to the Alliance in recent months and Sam was not about to let her ship or any of her people join that list.

              Dr. Carmichael, her ship's physician had ordered her to get some rest, but sleep elluded her. So she slipped off to the gym for a jog. That would relax her and she'd be ready to face whatever might be coming.

              Sam hopped on a treadmill and set it for a moderate pace. She put on her headphones and turned on the music and began to pound out the rhythm with her feet. The playlist had come from Jack; although Sam suspected Cassie had more than a little to do with it. Most of the tunes were wordless melodies with a strong beat. Good for jogging and clearing her mind, but also reminding her of the people she loved on earth. That's why she did this. For them. To keep them all safe; to come home to them - to Jack.

              As Sam ran images flashed across her mind: the first time she walked into the briefing room and saw him; keeping each other warm in Antarctica; the first time he asked her to go fishing. Little snippets of the life she had with Jack played like a video set to the haunting echo of sonorous chants, flooding her senses with with peace.

              Even through the exertion Sam's heart felt true calm. With every breath she felt the wrapped in the warmth of Jack's love. She remembered the moment of first revelation when they stood before each other at a blue forcefield and she felt her heart would burst. She thought of the day they lost Janet and how he held her and she felt safe in his soul. She thought of all the struggle and pain and heartbreak and those sweet moments of joy. She could here him whisper, "Always" and the sense of completeness she felt only with him filled her.

              An hour later when the bridge called with news they would soon arrive Sam was ready to go. The running had helped, but the remembering had helped more. She had found her center. It was Jack. As it had been for years, as it would be 'til the end of time.

              Sam stepped back onto the bridge and confidently began giving orders.
              OMG! *wipes tear* That is beautiful.


                Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                I have no idea where this ficlet came from. All I did was to see Selene0789's picture, thought of the episode Unending, and out popped this...thing.


                When the team breaks out into song one day after a drunken night of poker, she thinks of Jack and the Guinness bottles that she’s got stocked up in the fridge. A year has passed in the time-dilation field that encircles the Odyssey, and it’s a year without him.

                It gets harder to cling onto the memories of him as the team sombrely marks the tenth anniversary of their stay on the Odyssey. Each day is now a searing reminder of her failure to find a solution that should only be so easy because he’d once told her she could do anything she wanted.

                She looks into the mirror and sees a woman in her late fifties when the second decade passes quietly by. On her nightstand, a framed photo of him sits next to her bed, the outcome of endless days of mourning. It’s blurred in parts because she can’t remember too well each time she tries to focus her thoughts into tangible reproduction using the matter converter. No matter how hard she tries, she never manages to recreate the tiniest nuances of Jack O’Neill found only in the corners of his lips and in the crinkles in his eyes.

                She still spends days in the engine room well into the third decade of their imprisonment, poring over the Asgard logs. Another variation, another command line. She looks up to see the familiar holographic image of Thor who says that that function is not possible. She’d sooner listen to a thousand of these recordings than to look at the bittersweet happiness that Daniel and Vala found sometime in the first year of their imprisonment.


                She ignores the sound of footsteps outside her door, leaning over the instrument to coax another tune out of it. The cello is her only comfort these days. The melancholic music spills out from her practised fingers and into a place that has been carved out by over forty years of despair.

                The blinding light of the Ori energy beam catches the smooth surface of the ship’s view port and illuminates her weathered face. A second before it pierces the Odyssey’s hull, his name is a whispered prayer on her lips.

                smilies by zuz


                  Originally posted by fems View Post
                  And Sam would bump into him, causing Jack to lose his balance and then they'd tumble over the desk together?

                  smilie by myn


                    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                    Yes General!



                    Inspired by Ikorni:

                    Reach Into the Silence:

                    Jack's mouth was the stuff her dreams were made of. Sam had tasted it before, but the experience had been veiled by the fact that it wasn't fully her; the woman she was in this present, but a version of herself; a throwback to the Broca Divide. In spite of that, Samantha Carter had tucked it in the same room she had locked memories of time spent beneath the surface of an alien planet, and of zatarc confessions. Safely away.

                    Sam knew this wasn't real, or the reality she dreamed of, but this was her dream nonetheless, and it would not be wasted.

                    If this was it, then at least she could have this.

                    The movement of Jack's lips was hypnotic. Before her mind could shake right thinking free, Sam reached in past the silenced rules that had held desire back; her mouth now taking Jack's full in.

                    Intoxicated, she drew in again and again. Each taste growing more desperate than the last and Sam held on now with both hands. Refusing to be submissive, she pressed into Jack establishing her dominance as the agressor.

                    Then suddenly, like grasping a fistful of sand, it was gone. Samantha Carter's concussed mind refused to submit any futher, expelling the image of her base need, to focus on, for the moment, the more pressing one; her safety.

                    Like the good Officer she was, Major Carter rose slowly from her position to follow the projected Colonel's instructions to go save her own life.
                    This is going to be what I think from now on, every time I watch that scene!

                    smilie by Nolamom


                      Originally posted by A. Karswyll View Post
                      Hi guys.

                      Tomorrow, January 29th, is National Puzzle Day.

                      I have got a drabble I'll be sharing for the holiday but I was also wondering, to celebrate it further, if those who have made crossword or other puzzle art that has showed up during ship holidays would please post them tomorrow?
                      I didn't know there was a National Puzzle Day! I've done a few over the years and I've been working on making a new Crossword that I'm hoping to have done for Valenship.

                      A Jigsaw puzzle
                      Sam/Jack Grace Kiss

                      Valenship 2009
                      It might be a quote, a variation of a quote, or just a simple shippy thought.
                      1. COAL UNDER PAJAMA CAKES
                      2. MINION FORCE INEVITABLE
                      3. IRIS DIMS MY SEAWATER
                      4. SAY CHECKED TO HER NEOLITHIC MIST
                      5. WE CITE FOLLY MEMO

                      1. Sam and Jack are a couple
                      2. Believe in confirmation
                      3. It's my side arm I swear
                      4. Doohickeys is the technical term
                      5. Welcome to my life

                      Crossword puzzle


                      4 threads
                      8 urgo
                      9 desperate
                      11 penguins
                      12 glasses
                      14 divide
                      16 kerry
                      17 sidearm
                      20 adore
                      21 angst
                      23 fluff
                      24 confirmation

                      1 pete
                      2 believe
                      3 fishing
                      5 squee
                      6 hug
                      7 feelings
                      10 always
                      13 shipper
                      15 broca
                      16 kiss
                      18 ifonly
                      19 conquer
                      22 woo

                      Shipmas 2009
                      Crossword puzzle
                      Using words from the Shiptionary.


                      These are the same words as used in the crossword.

                      Anagram Double Puzzle



                      unscrambled phrase is
                      shipper glasses

                      Valenship 2010


                        Looking for answers from Pol & anyone one of you who are military-savvy out there

                        Just read this article about women in combat (it's super interesting POV) and had a thought.

                        If SG1 is a frontline combat team, why is Sam on it? Don't the regs have something about Female soldiers in combat roles? (I do realise it's fiction....just curious)

                        Or is SG1 not considered a frontline combat team?


                          I wouldn't consider it a "combat" team. They're a "first contact" team.


                            Originally posted by picardythirds View Post
                            Looking for answers from Pol & anyone one of you who are military-savvy out there

                            Just read this article about women in combat (it's super interesting POV) and had a thought.

                            If SG1 is a frontline combat team, why is Sam on it? Don't the regs have something about Female soldiers in combat roles? (I do realise it's fiction....just curious)

                            Or is SG1 not considered a frontline combat team?
                            According to the list of teams in the Stargate wikia, SG-1 is an exploratory team rather than a frontline combat one.
                            Fics | Art | Tumblr


                              Happy National Puzzle Day!

                              Thanks UhSir for those puzzles! Jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, word-searches, and anagrams -- you got the holiday well covered!

                              My contribution as mentioned, is a drabble.

                              Title: National Puzzle Day
                              Author: A. Karswyll
                              Rated: K
                              Words: 795
                              Summary: January 29th is a holiday that Jack O'Neill enjoys but when he asks for help one too many times, he finds himself making an unexpected bet over crosswords.

                              Season 7
                              29 January 2004

                              Jack turned the page of his morning newspaper with a soft rustle. The sound was lost in the low murmur of conversation and the rattle and clicking of cutlery and dishes in the commissary. Nine days after inauguration the news of the new president's swearing in no longer dominated the front page but it was still prominent in the interior pages and his eyes skimmed headlines and articles.

                              At last he reached the funnies and puzzles and he folded the paper back on itself to isolate the crossword puzzle. A crossword was an excellent way to take part in today's National Puzzle Day if he did say so himself. He might even try his hand at one of those Japanese math puzzles to really celebrate.

                              He pushed his tray to the side, careful not to push it into any of the trays of his teammates, and set the paper down and searched through his pockets for something to write with. Finding a pen, he uncapped it, and began penning in his answers to the clues. After writing in a handful of the answers he frowned at twenty-two across and looked up across the table at his second-in-command. "Hey Carter?"

                              "Yes Sir?" Carter looked up from her breakfast.

                              "I need a four letter word. Prefix with matter, proton or particle."


                              "Thanks," he looked down at the puzzle and penned her answer in.


                              "Yeah?" Jack kept his eyes on the crossword as he studied the next across clue.

                              "Don't you think you can finish one without asking for help?"

                              "What?" he looked up at her in surprise.

                              "Your crosswords. You always ask me for help."

                              "I don't."

                              "You do too," Daniel interjected from his seat diagonal across the table as he looked up from his linguistic journal.

                              "Don't," Jack insisted.



                              "You do O'Neill," Teal'c ended the argument from his seat on the left.

                              "Oh," Jack cleared his throat and looked back at Carter. "Sorry Carter, didn't mean to bother you with it."

                              "It isn't a bother Sir. It's just..." Carter looked a bit uncomfortable, "I think if you thought about it instead of asked me right away, you would get the answer yourself."

                              Jack thought about it and then thought about what holiday it was, and he leaned across the table. "Is that a challenge Major?"

                              Carter responded in kind and leaned across the table. "Do you want it to be Sir?"

                              "I don't know Major. What are you offering up?"

                              "Well," Carter leaned back to ponder things and then her expression brightened and she challenged. "A week worth of KP duties Sir."

                              "That's quite a bet there. You ready for a week of KP Major?" Jack taunted.

                              "Are you Sir?" she countered with a saucy little grin. "So this is the bet Sir. You finish a crossword without help and I do a week's worth of KP. You don't finish the crossword and you do a week's worth of KP."

                              Jack thought it over and then nodded his agreement. "Deal."

                              "So it's a bet." Carter stood beside the table and picking up her tray. "I'll go find another crossword for you—"

                              "No science journal stuff!" he objected.

                              "Don't worry Sir, I'm just going to find a different newspaper to get today's crossword from. There should be a New York Times or even a Cheyenne Edition around somewhere. And remember Sir, no getting help!"

                              "Don't worry Sam," Daniel chimed in, "I'll make sure he doesn't get any help from me."

                              "Good," Carter gave a satisfied nod and head high, sauntered away.

                              Jack watched her go. When the doors swung shut behind her, he pulled his eyes away and cleared his throat upon finding Daniel and Teal'c were giving him looks. "What? It's National Puzzle Day you know, I can't turn down doing a puzzle today."

                              Daniel shook his head. "If you say so Jack, if you say so."

                              "It is!"

                              "Oh, I don't doubt it's one of your weird holidays but really Jack, if you wanted to do a week of KP why didn't you just say so?"

                              Jack wagged his pen at Daniel who was looking oh so innocent. "Just you wait Daniel, just you wait. I'll complete the crossword and the next couple missions you'll be suffering through Carter's cooking."

                              He frowned. Actually, on second thought, maybe he should lose the bet. Nah, he shook his head, Carter hadn't managed to mess up MREs yet and besides, he hated doing dishes. Decision made he turned back to the crossword he'd started to get some more practice in. And if worst came to worst, and he didn't manage to finish the crossword and win, he could always bet double or nothing and give it another go.

                              My stories at or


                                Originally posted by picardythirds View Post
                                Looking for answers from Pol & anyone one of you who are military-savvy out there

                                Just read this article about women in combat (it's super interesting POV) and had a thought.

                                If SG1 is a frontline combat team, why is Sam on it? Don't the regs have something about Female soldiers in combat roles? (I do realise it's fiction....just curious)

                                Or is SG1 not considered a frontline combat team?
                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                I wouldn't consider it a "combat" team. They're a "first contact" team.
                                I do consider SG-1 and most SG-teams (except for the medical, diplomatic and perhaps solely scientific ones) to be combat teams because of the work they do. However, even if you don't consider them to be a combat team they (SG teams and everyone at the SGC, really) are still on the front lines. They are the first line of defense for Earth, after all.

                                That's also why I believe the SGC (Atlantis too, for that matter) is the exception to the rule and in the case of Sam, they needed her because of her expertise and at that time they thought the people would only go to Abydos which was considered a friendly planet after Daniel's message. Then, once the teams were officially created, Jack already knew Sam was a good officer, knew how to handle weapons, explosives and firefights and she was also very smart so it's possible he insisted on keeping her and maybe argued that he also had a civilian and an alien on his team so why not a female officer?

                                Plus, after the whole Hathor incident the higher-ups were probably convinced that more women on the front lines and SG teams would be a good idea considering the highly unusual circumstances and dangers they could/would encounter off-world, seeing as how Earth would have been lost if it hadn't been for the dozen or so women (and Teal'c) working at the SGC who were able to stop Hathor.

                                After hearing the news about women being allowed in combat in the US military I already joked I wouldn't be surprised if Jack had been behind it or at least encouraged it greatly, with him having worked with many female combatants at the SGC and knowing the importance of women in the military now that he's at HWC.
                                Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                                Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                                On FFnet or AO3

                                My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.

