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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    Fictional they may be but still dear to us. And, just think, if we lived in a world where they didn't exist it would never have brought the ship family members together and created so many friendships and acts of kindness which have spanned the globe! I still have the bear I was given by a fellow S/Jer when we did a UK/Australia swap of blue jello for Jaffa cakes many years ago!
    Blue Jello for Jaffa cakes???? this sounds interesting. what was involved in this exchange? why did it start? can we start another one?

    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    On a slightly different note, I was just refreshing my knowledge of season 7. It seems before Sam started seeing Pete we got pretty much no ship (except for the Grace kiss that never was). After, however, we get:
    An arm around the shoulder/shoulder lean (Death Knell)
    A snuggle (Heroes )
    A mention in conversation with *the President* (Inaugration)
    An almost "I love you" #1 (Lost City part 1)
    A very almost "I love you" #2 and an obvious unsaid "I know you do, me too!" (Lost City part 2)
    A "Jack, don't you dare leave us now, we won!"
    And arm stroking (New Order part 2)

    ... So, maybe in a way, Pete was good.
    It has been speculated that once Sam had a definitive boyfriend, Jack was more comfortable touching/consoling Sam as it was less likely to be seen as "inappropriate" since she was "taken. (of course, this doesn't explain the angst.)

    Then again, several fairly epic events did happen in seasons 7/8 that had no comparison in the years before.


      Originally posted by picardythirds View Post
      Blue Jello for Jaffa cakes???? this sounds interesting. what was involved in this exchange? why did it start? can we start another one?
      I was saying that I'd never tasted blue jello and you can't buy it in the UK, likewise Jaffa cakes in Australia so myself and a fellow S/Jer sent each other a shoebox full of the item we couldn't get in our own country.
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
        I was saying that I'd never tasted blue jello and you can't buy it in the UK, likewise Jaffa cakes in Australia so myself and a fellow S/Jer sent each other a shoebox full of the item we couldn't get in our own country.
        New shipmas idea...?
        Last edited by Ikorni; 15 January 2013, 04:29 AM.
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          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
          I was saying that I'd never tasted blue jello and you can't buy it in the UK, likewise Jaffa cakes in Australia so myself and a fellow S/Jer sent each other a shoebox full of the item we couldn't get in our own country.

          I have no idea how blue jello tastes but I love Jaffa cakes


            I had no idea there was any such thing as Jaffa cakes. But I introduced Wild Flower to blue jello when she visited for Shipmas (I always have a supply around the house) and I would be happy to pass the love on.


              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              From the FAQ:

              Character bashing. Every main character and cast member has a devoted fan following, so it's not conducive to the atmosphere we want to foster to outright bash one of the show's main characters. You can criticize a character to your heart's content, but please keep it constructive and tactful, and avoid outright hate.
              Well, to be fair Pete's not a main character on the show...

              But all joking aside, I don't think there's anything wrong with listing the reasons as to why you don't like a character; just because they are negative points doesn't make it "bashing". Spud boy is also just a nickname, the same way as some of the actual main characters have gotten nicknames either from the fans or in the show. It just isn't a very complimentary one. I honestly don't see why that should be a problem as "" isn't the nicest term either; just because it's an emoticon rather than spelled out in letters wouldn't technically make it a better or more polite/respectful way to refer to someone.

              Then again, these days you can hardly say anything negative (especially about actors/characters on TV) or people will fall all over themselves to call you a bully, racist, plain bad guy or evil etc. simply because you're not being nice and/or praising. It seems that (constructive) criticism isn't allowed anymore and everything is supposed to be wonderful and if you don't agree you're not allowed to say anything.

              It's the same thing with competitions etc where nowadays everyone gets a medal or something simply for participating otherwise their feelings might get hurt... and people wonder why younger generations have such a sense of self-entitlement
              Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
              Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
              On FFnet or AO3

              My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                I had no idea there was any such thing as Jaffa cakes. But I introduced Wild Flower to blue jello when she visited for Shipmas (I always have a supply around the house) and I would be happy to pass the love on.
                image.jpg behold a Jaffa cake! It's a circular sponge base with a layer of orange flavour jelly covered in dark chocolate.

                There are also Australian candy things called jaffas which are balls of milk chocolate in a crispy orange sugar shell (like smarties)
                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                My fanfic


                  Hey Shippers. Wow! lots of Pete discussion going on while I was away (for like a day )

                  Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                  It's funny how there seem to be so many people coming back to this suddenly, myself included.
                  And it's so wonderful to have you guys back, as well as the Probies.

                  Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                  I agree but I think it was mostly 1 and 2. Shippers don't dislike Kerry nearly as much as Pete (her little ship-ship-hooray retire speech at the end of Threads notwithstanding), it took her all of 5 minutes to work it out. Smart woman, very perceptive, but I think Pete was far too dense and childish to be taken seriously by fans either way and I think that's what annoyed everyone so much.

                  Sam needed a relationship before Jack but they could have done much better than Pete. Agent Barrett maybe? Personally, if wishes werehorses, I wouldn't have minded Jensen Ackles from Supernatural (a bit young at the time maybe?) or David James Elliott from JAG (yum!)

                  As a side note I googled "all-American actors" for examples of famous guys and guess who popped up? Michael Welch (AKA young Jack from Fragile Balance" - even google is an S/J shipper lol!)
                  Pete wasn't dense though. When Sam finally broke it off with him he basically hinted that he had an idea something wasn't right but 'I just thought..when you said yes...'

                  Who can blame him for trying to hold on to the slightest possibility that Sam would try to make it work with him. Hey, if she was prepared to give it a try, he wasn't going to say no.

                  I get that about Pete.

                  Originally posted by wacky_jacqs View Post
                  Hey everyone; apologies for gatecrashing the thread!??

                  I’ve been a S/J shipper for years now, but only recently have I fallen head-over-heels in love with the couple all over again. I think it’s probably because I’ve had a lot more free time on my hands since Christmas which has allowed me to rewatch a few episodes and see the amazing chemistry they have.. which in turn, has inspired me to enter this year’s Valenship. I hope!

                  Looking forward to chatting with you all and hopefully contributing a little more to the forum than I have before.

                  We look forward to you jumping in.

                  Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
         - final Harm/Mac scene, they literally took the words right out of Sam and Jack's mouths! If you take out the "your father" line and the bit about one of them having to give up their career (because Sam and Jack could just move commands) I could hear them having the exact same conversation in "Threads".
                  I agree.

                  That scene could easily have been written for S/J, although some of it came out a bit corny, and the kiss was a tad bit awkward for me. But that's just me and like I said, you're right, it could fit S/J almost to a 't'.

                  Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                  I think that RDA ruined me for life cuz for me none of Sam's "boys" (or even Cam) are particularly interesting or attractive.
                  Can not see Sam with anyone else.

                  Originally posted by trupi View Post
                  Loved it!


                  *tackle hugs*

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  i'm glad pete was bland and badly written, or else fans might have actually liked him or preferred him to jack!
                  Not the Shippers

                  Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                  I really loved this one shot that I read the other day. It makes me sad to think of them so near the end, but they have been together twenty years. That's a lot longer than they were apart!


                  A nice read. Thank you.

                  Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                  Something I didn't come across years ago was this awesome little snippet of commentary on Stargate Atlantis! Just love Martin Wood here... "Yeah, all this is very general"


                  *Misses JenniferJF*


                  Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                  you say that like it's a BAD thing...

                  You are so good for me Sara.



                  Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post

                  I don't necessarily think he 'picked' the meeting -he responded to Sam dodging the question about why Pete called her, which had just happened. I don't see it out of character for Jacob to draw Sam's attention to the fact that she's not being entirely honest. Parents do that...and at the most annoyingly inconvenient moments. I also agree that he knows his time is short and he has an agenda to see that Sam not blindly follow duty over love.

                  It is also a wickedly funny moment that most people can identify with (the my parent just said something awkward that embarrassed me moment): the withering looks she shoots him should have set him on fire on the spot.

                  I also love that scene.

                  "I'm sure that's what you said."

                  "For the wedding."

                  Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post

                  I always interpreted the discrepancy (which I assume was a continuity flub) in this way:

                  Mark's wife is the peacemaker -she has insured that the kids see Sam as often as the distance and her work will allow. Mark is still bitter toward their Dad and cold to Sam because she has chosen to follow in his footsteps, so he distances himself from her, maybe even intentionally not being at the house when she visits. Mark's wife doesn't give up, over the years she has worked subtly on him to soften the relationship between brother and sister in hopes of restoring the family relationship.

                  But I'm an optimist.
                  An eternal one.

                  Originally posted by picardythirds View Post
                  Blue Jello for Jaffa cakes???? this sounds interesting. what was involved in this exchange? why did it start? can we start another one?

                  It has been speculated that once Sam had a definitive boyfriend, Jack was more comfortable touching/consoling Sam as it was less likely to be seen as "inappropriate" since she was "taken. (of course, this doesn't explain the angst.)

                  Then again, several fairly epic events did happen in seasons 7/8 that had no comparison in the years before.

                  Someone posted a link to 'Rings and Things' which addresses that. I enjoyed it and I think could have an element of truth to it on some level.

                  I've always maintained that I don't hate Pete. In fact I enjoyed the side of Sam we sometimes got to see when she was around him - I actually thought the coffee-house scene was kinda cute, although completely out of the blue.

                  I longed to see her that way with Jack, but it showed us that Sam could lighten up and just be a woman out of the BDUs.

                  Was Pete the guy I would have expected her to hook up with. NO. But again, how many of us have been with guys at one time or another that seemed completely opposite to our 'type'. I'm just sayin'

                  We also have to remember that the main thing the character of Pete had going for him was the fact that the actor who portrayed him, was the brother of one of the Directors of the show.

                  I've really go no problem with that, I just think that's the main reason DDL got the job of 'Pete'. Otherwise I really can't see him as being a first choice.

                  He's not a bad looking guy - just not really the kind of guy we can see Sam with, particularly knowing that Jack was the man she really wanted.

                  Also, after that initial season, he put on some weight which really didn't help his cause.

                  That being said, and at the risk of being banned from the thread, I don't hate Pete and I'm actually glad Sam had a Pete in her life for a while there. I respect her more for at least taking the chance at normal.

                  I love her even more for having the strength to call it off once she dealt squarely with her feeling for Jack on her own.

                  All in all, I get everybody's reasoning, but I don't hate or even seriously dislike the guy.

                  And just to make sure you all still know where I stand......

                  .........Sam and Jack FOREVA!!!!!!!
                  sig by Mada
                  As a matter of FIC


                    The only Blue Jellos I ever had were a couple of jello shots at AT5. But I think that the main taste was I still need to try the original one
                    My vids Sig made by me


                      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                      The only Blue Jellos I ever had were a couple of jello shots at AT5. But I think that the main taste was I still need to try the original one
                      Every time I travel to the US or Canada I bring heaps of the stuff back - my family and boyfriend think I'm crazy lol
                      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                      My fanfic


                        Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                        Every time I travel to the US or Canada I bring heaps of the stuff back - my family and boyfriend think I'm crazy lol
                        You guys don't have jello where you are?
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

                          I've really go no problem with that, I just think that's the main reason DDL got the job of 'Pete'. Otherwise I really can't see him as being a first choice.

                          He's not a bad looking guy - just not really the kind of guy we can see Sam with, particularly knowing that Jack was the man she really wanted.

                          Also, after that initial season, he put on some weight which really didn't help his cause.

                          That being said, and at the risk of being banned from the thread, I don't hate Pete and I'm actually glad Sam had a Pete in her life for a while there. I respect her more for at least taking the chance at normal.

                          .........Sam and Jack FOREVA!!!!!!!
                          I don't see why you should get banned from the thread because you hate a character. As long as it's not outright 'bashing', any articulate response about it would (and should) be accepted.

                          I feel differently about Sam getting a life. In fact, I thought that her actions were out of character and her chance at normal stemmed from a brain trauma/hallucination which she thought was real, an action that any rational human being would dismiss as soon as the danger and immediate trauma had passed and he/she were thinking clearly again. Within a day at max. More so because she has always prided herself as a rational scientist. But Sam seemed to grab that idea in a desperate hold and ran with it, almost as if chanting a mantra to prevent herself from acknowledging she was doing something immeasurably stupid.

                          And Pete came about because of this? I have to admit I lost my respect for the both of them throughout this story arc. Some might argue it's a flaw in her character that makes her realistic. But even the reasoning during the hallucination made no sense to me, no matter how much I try to examine that argument about Jack 'being the safe bet'.

                          But I still ship because I can't imagine anything else other than S/J.
                          Last edited by Ikorni; 15 January 2013, 06:28 AM.
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                            Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                            You guys don't have jello where you are?
                            No we don't...
                            My vids Sig made by me


                              So Jello is an American thing?

                              Shippers in Canada: Can you guys get Jello there?
                              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                                Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                                So Jello is an American thing?

                                Shippers in Canada: Can you guys get Jello there?
                                We call it jelly in Australia. I was so confused by the term "peanut butter and jelly" as a child. Seemed like an awfully weird thing to put in a sandwich!
                                The password is fishing...

