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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
    I'm thinking of signing up, but how exactly are you setting it up. I don't want to commit if I'm not going to like the way you are going about the arrangements and orginization. I don't mean to offend you, but I've gotten very used to how Eve did it, so I'm not sure if I'll like a drastically different way.
    Sorry I'm not doing it like Eve did it. You will get a person to make a present for that will be chosen at random (just like drawing names for a gift exchange) and it's your choice. There will be a survey posted on the thread that everyone can answer, which will generate fun conversation on the thread (I hope) and give one another ideas on what you could include in your present.


      Happy Friday!




          Originally posted by Pol View Post
          Oh, so get this! I'm in class today, lecturing, and we took a short break. One student, who's quite quiet and shy, came up to me and said, "Dr. Robinson, do you write Stargate fanfic?" It was quite the random question and I was startled, but said, yes. She said, "oh, I think I found you."
          Since there are a ZILLION ff authors out there, I thought, no way. She pulled me to her laptop and pulled up...Campfires, Season One!
          I just cracked up! She totally outed me to the class (a writing class) and we spend the next two hours discussing the merits of fanfic.
          What's really funny is they know I'm a published author and screenwriter, but no...THIS impressed them. LOL.
          Awesome day.

          That is SO awesome! Was she already a Campfires convert? Bahahaha...

          Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
          Did they tell you how the figured out it was you? Did they already know you were a fan of the show? This has really got me curious!
          Pol's pen name is her name -it's pretty easy to figure out.

          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
          Wait. What?
          I thought I had at least another 12 hours or so before I turned 30 LOL. I guess it's the 26th somewhere.
          And Pol, that's awesome. I live in fear of people finding out I write fanfic.
          Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
          Happy early birthday Nya! It's still the 25th in my neck of the woods, too!
          HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
          A gift of Angst for you:
          jack & Sam Hug Heroes 3.jpg

          Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
          Okay, this is a little out there, but I have to share it.
          I was driving to work, and at an intersection I saw a bird perched on the lamp pole. As I watched, a second bird flew up to join Bird #1. Bird #1 turned its head away, like it didn't really want to hang out with #2.
          After a minute of #2 trying to get #1's attention, a third bird flew up. There was clearly only room for two birds on the top of the pole, so Bird #3 ended up taking the place of Bird #2-- who flew off in a huff of ruffled feathers.
          Bird #3 just kinda hung out for a bit, not really making a move towards her, leaving her be. Eventually, Bird #1 took one look at Bird #3 and instantly looked more at ease. I believe I even saw an affectionate peck or two.
          Now, take this story, and consider it as I did. As in, with this cast of characters:
          Bird #1:
          Bird #2:
          Bird #3:
          Instant shippage. Definitely put the right spin on my day!
          *snort* -that was great...thanks, selene!

          Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
          Hi all!
          I've been lurking for the past couple of weeks as working in a Halloween shop is busy (as you can imagine) at the moment. I'm still working on a Goa'uld costume for the day itself, currently trying to rig a hand/ribbon device together. It's fun!
          you will post pics, right?

          Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
          Well, it's not new, but I always enjoyed this Halloween fic by AkamaiMom

          Ohhhh! This is one of my all time favorites!
          sig by Ikorni

          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            Sorry I'm not doing it like Eve did it. You will get a person to make a present for that will be chosen at random (just like drawing names for a gift exchange) and it's your choice. There will be a survey posted on the thread that everyone can answer, which will generate fun conversation on the thread (I hope) and give one another ideas on what you could include in your present.
            I get that she was extensive in how she did it, so I understand if you don't have time for that, or aren't obsessive enough lol. I just...I really want to do it this year, but I'm hesitant to say I'll do it, only to either be unhappy with what I get or make another person unhappy with what they get. And I tend to lurk, so I'm afraid I'd miss anything my person said for a survey, or that I'd miss posting for whoever has me to see and get ideas. And I don't want to sign up, only to end up telling you I've changed my mind and give you extra work in trying to figure out how to get that person a new person.
            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              Hey, nice gifs, Nolamom. I definetly could see Jack as a handsome, charming vampire!
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                I get that she was extensive in how she did it, so I understand if you don't have time for that, or aren't obsessive enough lol. I just...I really want to do it this year, but I'm hesitant to say I'll do it, only to either be unhappy with what I get or make another person unhappy with what they get. And I tend to lurk, so I'm afraid I'd miss anything my person said for a survey, or that I'd miss posting for whoever has me to see and get ideas. And I don't want to sign up, only to end up telling you I've changed my mind and give you extra work in trying to figure out how to get that person a new person.
                Well it's up to you, but I'm sure anything S/J would be appreciated. And if there's something that would really make you unhappy let me know and I'll communicate that to your Secret Santa if that's what would make the difference for you in choosing to particpate.

                I plan on getting assignments out by the end of the month and the exchange would be just before Shipmas. That's at least six weeks. So hopefully everyone will have plenty of time to put something together.


                  OK, I may be a little thick, but I just figured out that if I make all the Secret Santa assignments then I don't get to play.

                  I guess I'll just be the back up, or in other words Santa's elf.

                  Nola can you make me an elf gif?


                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                    OK, I may be a little thick, but I just figured out that if I make all the Secret Santa assignments then I don't get to play.

                    I guess I'll just be the back up, or in other words Santa's elf.

                    Nola can you make me an elf gif?
                    You should assign yourself to someone and I'm sure one or more of our shippers will send you a prezzie for running the whole thing


                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      Nola can you make me an elf gif?
                      sure! give me a minute...Oh, do you want one of Sam and Jack as elves? Or just a generic elf?


                        oops - forgot their belts!
                        Last edited by Nolamom; 27 October 2012, 08:43 AM.


                          That looks awesome Nola ;D


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post

                            oops - forgot their belts!
                            I love it! GW has locked my fridge again! So GREEN!!!!


                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              Well it's up to you, but I'm sure anything S/J would be appreciated. And if there's something that would really make you unhappy let me know and I'll communicate that to your Secret Santa if that's what would make the difference for you in choosing to particpate.

                              I plan on getting assignments out by the end of the month and the exchange would be just before Shipmas. That's at least six weeks. So hopefully everyone will have plenty of time to put something together.
                              Couldn't everyone just post the things they really enjoy and then their gift giver could check and see the things their person really likes? That way everyone's happy. You don't *have* to do any one thing but you sort of know the things your person might like - sort of like when you do Secret Santa with your family and you get your sister and you know she goes nuts over unique, hand made earrings so you look for something but she doesn't get to say "I want blue hand made earrings with ribbons, but cotton not silk ribbon, and beads, silver not gold, etc..."

                              I just imagine the general guidelines are precisely what your survey will uncover. Besides, gifts are more fun when their from the heart rather than filling an order. I think your SS is going to be great and I'm really looking forward to it!
                              Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                                how about dancing?

