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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
    Did I see that challenges are NOT allowed?
    (Hum, one of my lines needs editing for clarity I think on the re-read.)

    Now, challenges aren't allowed on (FFN), but as hlndncr explained, the end result of the challenges as arranged together constitutes a unique creation and can be posted. It also side steps FFN's rule about posting multiple entries of the same material as well so that writers with FFN accounts can post their drabbles in their accounts and have their drabbles in the collection.
    My stories at or


      Three Days 'til Ship Day!

      Hey, what’s going on?

      Sam was just introducing me to a remarkable earth custom called Shipping.


      Yes. And did you know it has nothing to do with any kind of trade whatsoever? It seems some people spend hours on the internet imagining scenarios involving the romantic lives of their favorite television characters.

      And I need to know this because . . . ?

      Apparently you and I are an item.

      Yeah, right!

      I’m told we have history.


        Three Days 'til Ship Day!

        You do know you can’t trust everything you read on the internet?

        I know that. I mean some Shippers have actually imagined me having a thing for Muscles, or even with Samantha.

        Although I’m most often shipped with my dear Daniel, which I can’t wait to tell him.

        And you’re encouraging this?

        What’s the matter Cam? You have a problem discussing relationships?

        I’m a guy. Of course I do.


          Three Days 'til Ship Day!
          (continued again)

          I’d better go and figure out which one of my new outfits I’m going to wear to this lovely Ship Day party for Sam and her yummy General that’s happening in just three days.

          Vala, it doesn’t matter what you wear to an online party; its virtual . . .

          Wait a minute. What General?

          I’ll help you.

          Is there something you two aren’t telling me?

          Maybe Teal’c knows what’s really going on.


            Good one hln!


              Shipper U Quiz #7: Short Answer


              1. Why won’t Jack allow Sam to study the ZPM found in Giza?
              She has packing to do (so they can go fishing).

              2. What are the four things Sam does instead of going fishing with Jack?
              1. Works on a naquadah generator
              2. Examines replicator blocks
              3. Tunes her motorcycle
              4. Studies an alien artifact

              3. How does Jack react when Sam rescues him from Edora?
              Walks away from her while she’s talking (because he’s a big, dumb, poopy head).

              4. List every time Jack and Sam have hugged (one arm counts).
              1. Fire & Water—after she’s realized Daniel’s alive and they’ve left him behind
              2. The Serpent’s Lair—after SG-1 saves earth from Apophis
              3. Into the Fire—after Jack kills Hathor
              4. Death Knell—after Jack destroys the Super Soldier chasing her
              5. Heroes Part 2—after Janet dies
              6. Threads—as Sam’s father is dying

              NOTE: There But For the Grace of God and Point of View do not count because those hugs involved a Sam and/or Jack from an alternate reality; therefore, it was not Sam and Jack actually hugging. Also, Window of Opportunity is not a hug, it's a kiss.

              5. What does Jack do before kissing Sam in the control room in front of General Hammond?
              Hands General Hammond his resignation

              6. Which pictures of Jack did Sam take with her to Atlantis?
              Jack in the park the day he gave Cassie her dog
              Sam and Jack fishing at Jack’s cabin

              7. When do we see Sam in Jack’s bedroom?
              In Fragile Balance, after he is returned from the Asgard ship by Loki

              8. Why do Sam and Skaara share an amused look over Jack?
              Jack is uncomfortable when Skaara assumes Sam will be his date for the wedding

              9. Why is Jack reluctant about Sam going with Thor to help the Asgard fight the replicators?
              He thinks she might not be dumb enough

              10. Jack and Sam have both had aliens who were trying to seduce them ask if they were interested in someone else. Who were they? And how did Jack and Sam respond?
              a. For Jack it was Freya and he said it was beside the point
              b. For Sam it was Aden Corso and she said it was nothing she wanted to talk about

              Bonus Question: Who called out “Please, Jack. Please, don’t leave me.”?


                Shipper U Quiz #8: Ordering

                Place the following lists in the correct chronological order.


                a) Sam sets Jack up with a playstation.
                b) Jack meets Sam’s dad.
                c) Sam teases Jack about ejector seats.
                d) Sam tells Agent Barrett she’s not exactly single.
                e) There are 18 Sam’s at the SGC.

                a) Teal’c comforts Sam when Jack is lost.
                b) Jack invites Sam to lunch.
                c) Sam calls Jack at home.
                d) Jack kisses Sam from an alternate reality.
                e) Jack invites Sam to go fishing for the first time.

                a) Jack calls Sam Dorothy.
                b) Jack brags about Sam’s leadership skills to Colonel Young
                c) Sam goes to Jack’s house to confront him about her feelings.
                d) Jack approves of Sam calling their new enemy “super soldiers.”
                e) Sam is shocked when Jack closes the iris on Alar.

                a) Kerry breaks up with Jack.
                b) Jack fixes the DHD and saves Sam.
                c) Sam admires Jack’s abs.
                d) Jack wishes there really were more than one Sam.
                e) When Sam is finally having some fun racing space ships Jack warns her not to take any unnecessary risks.

                a) Jack moves to Washington.
                b) Jack grabs Sam by both shoulders in an SGC corridor.
                c) Sam convinces Jack to accept a Tok’ra symbiote.
                d) Sam and Jack discuss the new recruits over Jello.
                e) Sam is promoted to Lt. Colonel.

                a) Jack calls Sam an egghead.
                b) Sam blows up The O’Neill.
                c) Sam is promoted to Major.
                d) Jack is promoted to Brigadier General.
                e) Jack is disappointed when Sam informs him there is no BBQ on board Prometheus.

                a) Sam takes Jack’s sidearm.
                b) Jack calls Sam a National Treasure.
                c) Sam tells Jack to stop fighting with his robot double; they have work to do.
                d) We learn that Sam’s password is fishing.
                e) Jack learns that Sam talks to her plants.

                a) Sam teaches Jack about wormholes using the example of an apple.
                b) Kinsey suggests to the President that Jack and Sam are more than friends.
                c) Sam shoots a Jack imposter.
                d) Sam gets engaged to
                e) Jack comforts Sam and calls her by her first name after she loses two pilots.

                a) Jack tells Elizabeth Weir to bring Sam along the next time they come to his rescue.
                b) Jack eats marriage cake.
                c) Sam takes a position at Area 51.
                d) Sam bites Jack’s hand.
                e) Teal’c comforts Jack when Sam is lost.

                a) Sam calls Jack “quite charming.”
                b) Jack and Sam go fishing.
                c) Jack zats Sam twice.
                d) Jack and Sam are invited to Skaara’s wedding.
                e) Sam tries to clear Jack’s name when he’s accused of murdering Kinsey.


                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  Good one hln!


                    Shipper U Quiz #7: Short Answer

                    Provide brief answers to the following questions.


                    1. Why won’t Jack allow Sam to study the ZPM found in Giza? She has got to do some packing.

                    2. What are the four things Sam does instead of going fishing with Jack? Working on her Indian motorcycle, playing with a naquadah reactor, studying some replicator blocks and an artefact

                    3. How does Jack react when Sam rescues him from Edora? He turns around and hugs Laira

                    4. List every time Jack and Sam have hugged (one arm counts). Fire & Water, There but for the grace of God, Point of View, Solitudes, Death Knell, Heroes part 2, Threads

                    5. What does Jack do before kissing Sam in the control room in front of General Hammond? He hands in his resignation.

                    6. Which pictures of Jack did Sam take with her to Atlantis? The one where they're fishing together and the one when he gives Cassie the puppy

                    7. When do we see Sam in Jack’s bedroom? In Fragile Balance

                    8. Why do Sam and Skaara share an amused look over Jack? Because he's embarrased about inviting Sam to go to Skaara's wedding with him.

                    9. Why is Jack reluctant about Sam going with Thor to help the Asgard fight the replicators? Because she might not be dumb enough.

                    10. Jack and Sam have both had aliens who were trying to seduce them ask if they were interested in someone else. Who were they? And how did Jack and Sam respond? Anise (That's not really the point here, is it?') and Aden Corso (Nothing that I'd care to discuss)

                    Bonus Question: Who called out “Please, Jack. Please, don’t leave me.”? Jolinar
                    My vids Sig made by me


                      Shipper U Quiz #8: Ordering

                      Place the following lists in the correct chronological order.





















                      My vids Sig made by me


                        Originally posted by A. Karswyll View Post
                        (Hum, one of my lines needs editing for clarity I think on the re-read.)

                        Now, challenges aren't allowed on (FFN), but as hlndncr explained, the end result of the challenges as arranged together constitutes a unique creation and can be posted. It also side steps FFN's rule about posting multiple entries of the same material as well so that writers with FFN accounts can post their drabbles in their accounts and have their drabbles in the collection.
                        Two authors have posted their drabble challenge responses on already.
                        amaradangeli at and someone who posted as touchingtwilight at
                        No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                        It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                          Quiz #8

                          b) Jack meets Sam’s dad.
                          c) Sam teases Jack about ejector seats.
                          a) Sam sets Jack up with a playstation.
                          d) Sam tells Agent Barrett she’s not exactly single.
                          e) There are 18 Sam’s at the SGC.

                          d) Jack kisses Sam from an alternate reality.
                          e) Jack invites Sam to go fishing for the first time.
                          a) Teal’c comforts Sam when Jack is lost.
                          b) Jack invites Sam to lunch.
                          c) Sam calls Jack at home.

                          a) Jack calls Sam Dorothy.
                          e) Sam is shocked when Jack closes the iris on Alar.
                          d) Jack approves of Sam calling their new enemy “super soldiers.”
                          c) Sam goes to Jack’s house to confront him about her feelings.
                          b) Jack brags about Sam’s leadership skills to Colonel Young

                          c) Sam admires Jack’s abs.
                          b) Jack fixes the DHD and saves Sam.
                          e) When Sam is finally having some fun racing space ships Jack warns her not to take any unnecessary risks.
                          d) Jack wishes there really were more than one Sam.
                          a) Kerry breaks up with Jack.

                          d) Sam and Jack discuss the new recruits over Jello.
                          c) Sam convinces Jack to accept a Tok’ra symbiote.
                          e) Sam is promoted to Lt. Colonel.
                          b) Jack grabs Sam by both shoulders in an SGC corridor.
                          a) Jack moves to Washington.

                          c) Sam is promoted to Major.
                          b) Sam blows up The O’Neill.
                          a) Jack calls Sam an egghead.
                          e) Jack is disappointed when Sam informs him there is no BBQ on board Prometheus.
                          d) Jack is promoted to Brigadier General.

                          e) Jack learns that Sam talks to her plants.
                          c) Sam tells Jack to stop fighting with his robot double; they have work to do.
                          b) Jack calls Sam a National Treasure.
                          a) Sam takes Jack’s sidearm.
                          d) We learn that Sam’s password is fishing.

                          c) Sam shoots a Jack imposter.
                          a) Sam teaches Jack about wormholes using the example of an apple.
                          b) Kinsey suggests to the President that Jack and Sam are more than friends.
                          d) Sam gets engaged to
                          e) Jack comforts Sam and calls her by her first name after she loses two pilots.

                          b) Jack eats marriage cake.
                          d) Sam bites Jack’s hand.
                          e) Teal’c comforts Jack when Sam is lost.
                          c) Sam takes a position at Area 51.
                          a) Jack tells Elizabeth Weir to bring Sam along the next time they come to his rescue.

                          a) Sam calls Jack “quite charming.”
                          c) Jack zats Sam twice.
                          d) Jack and Sam are invited to Skaara’s wedding.
                          e) Sam tries to clear Jack’s name when he’s accused of murdering Kinsey.
                          b) Jack and Sam go fishing.
                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            Shipper U Quiz #8: Ordering

                            Place the following lists in the correct chronological order.

                            b) Jack meets Sam’s dad.
                            c) Sam teases Jack about ejector seats.
                            a) Sam sets Jack up with a playstation.
                            d) Sam tells Agent Barrett she’s not exactly single.
                            e) There are 18 Sam’s at the SGC.

                            d) Jack kisses Sam from an alternate reality.
                            e) Jack invites Sam to go fishing for the first time.
                            a) Teal’c comforts Sam when Jack is lost.
                            b) Jack invites Sam to lunch.
                            c) Sam calls Jack at home.

                            a) Jack calls Sam Dorothy.
                            e) Sam is shocked when Jack closes the iris on Alar.
                            d) Jack approves of Sam calling their new enemy “super soldiers.”
                            c) Sam goes to Jack’s house to confront him about her feelings.
                            b) Jack brags about Sam’s leadership skills to Colonel Young

                            c) Sam admires Jack’s abs.
                            b) Jack fixes the DHD and saves Sam.
                            e) When Sam is finally having some fun racing space ships Jack warns her not to take any unnecessary risks.
                            d) Jack wishes there really were more than one Sam.
                            a) Kerry breaks up with Jack.

                            d) Sam and Jack discuss the new recruits over Jello.
                            c) Sam convinces Jack to accept a Tok’ra symbiote.
                            b) Jack grabs Sam by both shoulders in an SGC corridor.
                            e) Sam is promoted to Lt. Colonel.
                            a) Jack moves to Washington.

                            c) Sam is promoted to Major.
                            b) Sam blows up The O’Neill.
                            a) Jack calls Sam an egghead.
                            e) Jack is disappointed when Sam informs him there is no BBQ on board Prometheus.
                            d) Jack is promoted to Brigadier General.

                            e) Jack learns that Sam talks to her plants.
                            c) Sam tells Jack to stop fighting with his robot double; they have work to do.
                            b) Jack calls Sam a National Treasure.
                            a) Sam takes Jack’s sidearm.
                            d) We learn that Sam’s password is fishing.

                            a) Sam teaches Jack about wormholes using the example of an apple.
                            c) Sam shoots a Jack imposter.
                            b) Kinsey suggests to the President that Jack and Sam are more than friends.
                            d) Sam gets engaged to
                            e) Jack comforts Sam and calls her by her first name after she loses two pilots.

                            b) Jack eats marriage cake.
                            d) Sam bites Jack’s hand.
                            e) Teal’c comforts Jack when Sam is lost.
                            c) Sam takes a position at Area 51.
                            a) Jack tells Elizabeth Weir to bring Sam along the next time they come to his rescue.

                            c) Jack zats Sam twice.
                            a) Sam calls Jack “quite charming.”
                            e) Sam tries to clear Jack’s name when he’s accused of murdering Kinsey.
                            d) Jack and Sam are invited to Skaara’s wedding.
                            b) Jack and Sam go fishing.



                              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                              My own gif! Thanks, Nola!!

                              More drabbles are coming! I spent my entire lunch hour writing (and counting, and then recounting) two drabbles. It was much harder than I'd hoped. But well worth it!


                                Here is #9 (I think)- Under the Influence:


                                Jack O’Neill never claimed to be a saint. He drank. He reveled. But he stayed away from the hard stuff. Drugs were never his thing. He’d always been able to say no.

                                That was before he met her.

                                He tolerated her at first, sensing potential. Then he came to trust her, and she him. With that trust came science jokes and bright grins.

                                Slowly, he began to need it. He went out of his way to get his fix, every smile of hers its own high.

                                He knew he shouldn’t. It could only end in disaster.

                                He didn’t care.

                                He was hooked.

