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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
    My memory of those episodes isn't the best either, but isn't there a scene at the end of that episode where AU Janet is telling Sam that she's on maternity leave in their universe but they won't say who's the dad. Except everyone KNOWS it's Jack. But Sam, for some reason, is acting really dumb and asking Janet to tell her because she doesn't know. That got me mad. Because we all know she really isn't thick.
    Maybe she was scared it wasn't Jack (maybe Pete or Martouf!) and didn't want to just assume and/or make it clear to the entire gate room that she's with Jack?
    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
    On FFnet or AO3

    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


      Originally posted by fems View Post
      Maybe she was scared it wasn't Jack (maybe Pete or Martouf!) and didn't want to just assume and/or make it clear to the entire gate room that she's with Jack?
      Good point. But from what I remember, she's just plain stumped, which seems really OOC to me. She didn't do the usual Carter blush if there's something that comes up which she doesn't want to talk about.
      Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

      Chapter 1


        Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
        Good point. But from what I remember, she's just plain stumped, which seems really OOC to me. She didn't do the usual Carter blush if there's something that comes up which she doesn't want to talk about.
        I think it's the pregnancy that stuns her, not having thought about having kids quite so 'soon' yet. I mean, she's pretty dedicated to her job and even if she and Jack had talked about it already I don't think she'd be ready for it just yet, especially not with a couple of states between them. Or maybe she wouldn't want to get pregnant while the Ori are still such a big threat. Also, she's only been a lieutenant colonel for about a year and a half at that time, has been transferred twice since (from SG-1 to Area 51 and back), stripped of her command (either SG-1 or the command of R&D) and is in a romantic relationship with her former (and now her CO's) CO... not exactly the best time to get pregnant. She'd probably be banished to the labs and could forget about ever getting command of SG-1 back (let alone Atlantis if that has even crossed her mind) and a promotion to full bird would be delayed as well, if it would even still be possible.

        At least, that's how I would rationalize it. samanime19.gif
        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
        On FFnet or AO3

        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


          Originally posted by fems View Post
          I think it's the pregnancy that stuns her, not having thought about having kids quite so 'soon' yet. I mean, she's pretty dedicated to her job and even if she and Jack had talked about it already I don't think she'd be ready for it just yet, especially not with a couple of states between them. Or maybe she wouldn't want to get pregnant while the Ori are still such a big threat. Also, she's only been a lieutenant colonel for about a year and a half at that time, has been transferred twice since (from SG-1 to Area 51 and back), stripped of her command (either SG-1 or the command of R&D) and is in a romantic relationship with her former (and now her CO's) CO... not exactly the best time to get pregnant. She'd probably be banished to the labs and could forget about ever getting command of SG-1 back (let alone Atlantis if that has even crossed her mind) and a promotion to full bird would be delayed as well, if it would even still be possible.

          At least, that's how I would rationalize it. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34272[/ATTACH]
          Again, it's a good point. Just had a quick look at the transcript and I think I had remembered there being more dialogue, with some confusion on Sam's part about who her partner was. Think I must have built it up with the aid of my (not so) faithful shipper tinted glasses
          Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

          Chapter 1


            vid rec

            My vids Sig made by me


              Originally posted by fems View Post
              Makes you wonder if those two Tok'ra were in on it together; one going after Sam and the other making a pass at Jack...
              Of course they were! That's why the episode is called "Divide and Conquer!"
              The Return of King Arthur
              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                Nice vid rec.

                I also like from the same vidder: How Samantha Won The World

                No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                  The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

                  Out of Mind/Into the Fire (1)

                  Divide & Conquer (12)


                    Love the vids, especially the second one! Cos the first was a little bit depressing....

                    I am officially done with my re-watch of SG-1, saw Continuum, too... Now I wonder about Atlantis...

                    My conclusion on Sam/Jack:

                    The "Not exactly" phrase practically makes it almost official, so I consider the end of season 8 the beginning of their relationship under one form or another. Now, if they started sleeping together I am not sure... I think they obey their "rules and regulations" way too much... But they are definitely in the dating sphere. I know that opposes what most people here think, but I like to go by the canon and the canon does not say for sure, so I leave it at guessing, too. I think they are both mature enough to postpone the physical part of their relationship until... well, idk until what point, since the facts here are quite fuzzy.

                    In Atlantis Sam says it is complicated, but she is seeing someone, but what does she mean by "seeing" and is it ok for her to be seeing Jack... Is it, really? I mean, she is almost his equal, commanding the Atlantis base, does that mean that the fraternization rules are over?

                    I still don't get why Jack doesn't retire, as he seems to really think about it when that CIA chick whose-name-I-forgot dumped him... it is unfathomable for me and I wonder did anyone ask Richard Dean Anderson about it on one of the SG conventions or somewhere....

                    Yeah.... really convoluted ship...


                      Originally posted by For_All_Eternity View Post
                      Love the vids, especially the second one! Cos the first was a little bit depressing....

                      I am officially done with my re-watch of SG-1, saw Continuum, too... Now I wonder about Atlantis...

                      My conclusion on Sam/Jack:

                      The "Not exactly" phrase practically makes it almost official, so I consider the end of season 8 the beginning of their relationship under one form or another. Now, if they started sleeping together I am not sure... I think they obey their "rules and regulations" way too much... But they are definitely in the dating sphere. I know that opposes what most people here think, but I like to go by the canon and the canon does not say for sure, so I leave it at guessing, too. I think they are both mature enough to postpone the physical part of their relationship until... well, idk until what point, since the facts here are quite fuzzy.

                      In Atlantis Sam says it is complicated, but she is seeing someone, but what does she mean by "seeing" and is it ok for her to be seeing Jack... Is it, really? I mean, she is almost his equal, commanding the Atlantis base, does that mean that the fraternization rules are over?

                      I still don't get why Jack doesn't retire, as he seems to really think about it when that CIA chick whose-name-I-forgot dumped him... it is unfathomable for me and I wonder did anyone ask Richard Dean Anderson about it on one of the SG conventions or somewhere....

                      Yeah.... really convoluted ship...
                      Technically Sam probably wasn't under Jack's command at Area 51 (end of season 8-Beachhead) since she was heading the Stargate R&D department which most likely answered either to the commander of Area 51 or someone at HWS who wasn't Jack. It's not even sure if Jack was already director of HWS at that time or if Hammond still held that function and was showing him the ropes or something like that.

                      When she was transferred back to the SGC/SG-1 she fell under Landry's command, who fell under HWS. So Jack was her CO's (not counting Mitchell since at first she wasn't technically at SG-1 and just on loan and later on she apparently shared command with the guy) CO. Still in the same chain of command though. Not sure how much distance would be needed for them to be allowed to be romantically involved at that time (unless they got hitched while she was at 51) because while Landry would probably be the one putting her up for commendation I'm guessing Jack would be the one to approve.

                      Personally I think they'd be having hot, passionate sex once their respective transfers came through at the end of season 8 if not because of the UST then because they would have no idea how long they'd stay in the clear, since there really aren't that many positions for either of them without being out of the chain of command.

                      As for Atlantis; it's unsure whether Atlantis falls under the IOA or HWS. The IOA seems to be in charge of the funding and making all the demands/recommendations and doing the performance reviews, but I find it hard to believe the military part (like Sam) would be under civilian command. So it's vague and I don't think it was ever clarified in the show.

                      However, Sam is in no means Jack's equal at that time, career-wise! She's a mere full bird in command of a base while he's a major general in charge of a command that's in charge of several bases.

                      I honestly don't think Jack's ready to retire; perhaps in his mind he is or at least wants to retire but there really isn't a suitable replacement for him. The one that comes closest would probably be Landry and he's been in charge of the SGC for how long? Before that the guy hadn't even heard of a Stargate or aliens. He is by no means ready to take over HWS, in my opinion. Now, if they had promoted some long serving colonel, who'd been in command of an SG team for a couple of years to base commander instead of Landry I could see that guy taking over for Jack. Unfortunately all those colonels seem to have disappeared (probably transferred to an off-world base, retired or killed) by the time Jack left the SGC. I wouldn't have minded Dixon or even Reynolds (since we all know he's already skipped at least one rank) to become base commander, since they're both experienced in all things Stargate-related. Hell, Reynolds probably even has some kind of scientific past considering he's from Area 51 and his work on Velona etc.

                      Also, I don't think the President would allow Jack to retire. Not when he was in charge of the SGC or now at HWS (or I should say HWC now). Even if he'd taken Kerry's advice it still wouldn't have been enough since the frat regs also apply to civilian personnel, so he and Sam still couldn't fraternize. As for HWS, like I said until there's a suitable replacement for Jack I don't think the President will let him retire. The only reason they let Hammond go was because of his health (bad heart) and even he was still in some kind of advisory position to the President afterwards.
                      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                      On FFnet or AO3

                      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                        The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

                        Out of Mind/Into the Fire (1)

                        Divide & Conquer (13)

                        I love OoM/ItF, but D&C is one of The shippy episodes, so it gets my vote.


                          The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

                          Out of Mind/Into the Fire (1)

                          Divide & Conquer (14)

                          It has to be D&C for the angsty ship factor!
                          The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


                            Originally posted by fems View Post
                            Technically Sam probably wasn't under Jack's command at Area 51 (end of season 8-Beachhead) since she was heading the Stargate R&D department which most likely answered either to the commander of Area 51 or someone at HWS who wasn't Jack. It's not even sure if Jack was already director of HWS at that time or if Hammond still held that function and was showing him the ropes or something like that.

                            When she was transferred back to the SGC/SG-1 she fell under Landry's command, who fell under HWS. So Jack was her CO's (not counting Mitchell since at first she wasn't technically at SG-1 and just on loan and later on she apparently shared command with the guy) CO. Still in the same chain of command though. Not sure how much distance would be needed for them to be allowed to be romantically involved at that time (unless they got hitched while she was at 51) because while Landry would probably be the one putting her up for commendation I'm guessing Jack would be the one to approve.

                            Personally I think they'd be having hot, passionate sex once their respective transfers came through at the end of season 8 if not because of the UST then because they would have no idea how long they'd stay in the clear, since there really aren't that many positions for either of them without being out of the chain of command.

                            As for Atlantis; it's unsure whether Atlantis falls under the IOA or HWS. The IOA seems to be in charge of the funding and making all the demands/recommendations and doing the performance reviews, but I find it hard to believe the military part (like Sam) would be under civilian command. So it's vague and I don't think it was ever clarified in the show.

                            However, Sam is in no means Jack's equal at that time, career-wise! She's a mere full bird in command of a base while he's a major general in charge of a command that's in charge of several bases.

                            I honestly don't think Jack's ready to retire; perhaps in his mind he is or at least wants to retire but there really isn't a suitable replacement for him. The one that comes closest would probably be Landry and he's been in charge of the SGC for how long? Before that the guy hadn't even heard of a Stargate or aliens. He is by no means ready to take over HWS, in my opinion. Now, if they had promoted some long serving colonel, who'd been in command of an SG team for a couple of years to base commander instead of Landry I could see that guy taking over for Jack. Unfortunately all those colonels seem to have disappeared (probably transferred to an off-world base, retired or killed) by the time Jack left the SGC. I wouldn't have minded Dixon or even Reynolds (since we all know he's already skipped at least one rank) to become base commander, since they're both experienced in all things Stargate-related. Hell, Reynolds probably even has some kind of scientific past considering he's from Area 51 and his work on Velona etc.

                            Also, I don't think the President would allow Jack to retire. Not when he was in charge of the SGC or now at HWS (or I should say HWC now). Even if he'd taken Kerry's advice it still wouldn't have been enough since the frat regs also apply to civilian personnel, so he and Sam still couldn't fraternize. As for HWS, like I said until there's a suitable replacement for Jack I don't think the President will let him retire. The only reason they let Hammond go was because of his health (bad heart) and even he was still in some kind of advisory position to the President afterwards.

                            I think there could very well be like a million opinions on this. I agree that jack probably wouldn' retire himself until there was a suitable replacement, because, given his job at HWC, being in charge of so many bases etc etc, he is essentially watching all their backs from afar. Because if someone else were in command, they could potentially mess with the order of things (like General Bauer stepping in in season 5).

                            I think Reynolds is a good choice for the SGC leader if Landry moves on, and he IS mentioned in seaon 10 Uninvited, seeing as Sam cant go up to Jack's cabin with SG-1 2.0 and Landry because Reynolds wasn't there to take command of the base, so she was the ranking officer. (At least Im pretty sure it was Reynolds they mentioned).

                            In the episode with Martouf, I think that Sam accepting the almost kiss was more about closer in a way, seeing as she never really got to say goodbye to Marty and her Jolinar feelings could very well have influenced her as well. That ep would have been improved had Jack been there, making some inane comment about the multiple Carter's at the SGC
                            "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                              Originally posted by fems View Post
                              Personally I think they'd be having hot, passionate sex once their respective transfers came through at the end of season 8 if not because of the UST then because they would have no idea how long they'd stay in the clear, since there really aren't that many positions for either of them without being out of the chain of command.
                              Ah, yes, I would totally believe that!!! They have this time in-between positions and yes, you are completely right they would take advantage of that :d Now that makes me a happy shipper

                              Now, honestly, the touching of their hands at the end of season 8 when Sam slides that document towards Jack.... Do you guys think the directors wanted to imply their closeness or was it just a close-up shot we read too much into? Have they done such close-ups before? I cannot remember....


                                Originally posted by For_All_Eternity View Post
                                Ah, yes, I would totally believe that!!! They have this time in-between positions and yes, you are completely right they would take advantage of that :d Now that makes me a happy shipper

                                Now, honestly, the touching of their hands at the end of season 8 when Sam slides that document towards Jack.... Do you guys think the directors wanted to imply their closeness or was it just a close-up shot we read too much into? Have they done such close-ups before? I cannot remember....

                                It definitely implies their closeness. Shippers are constantly reading into things like this and that is what makes it fun lol There is so much between them that is implied and so much that we shippers blow out of proportion just because we can
                                "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown

