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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    February 4
    February 11
    February 18 (4)
    February 25



      February 4
      February 11
      February 18 (5)
      February 25


        Sending everyone some Shippy Green because I can.

        by Zuz

        Edit: GW cut me off so I couldn't green everyone!
        Last edited by hlndncr; 07 January 2012, 10:05 AM.



          February 4
          February 11
          February 18 (5)
          February 25
          No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
          It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


            Wow, three posts at the exact same time. Just correcting the count.


            February 4
            February 11
            February 18 (6)
            February 25


              I won't vote for a Valenship day, I don't know what's going on by then, I hope that I will have time on the date you pick


                Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                Big Bang Theory
                Does anyone else get 'Soft kitty, warm kitty' stuck in their head and get freaked out by it?!
                ...little ball of fur. Sleepy kitty happy kitty, purr, purr, purr...

                Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                I love this show and do wish there were more Stargate references. There was an episode where Howard was fantasizing about Katie Sackoff of Battlestar Galactica fame, so I can see him with pics of Carter, too! I think it would be hilarious to have Amanda Tapping as herself and Sheldon going up and talking to her about wormhole theory and Amanda saying, Dude I'm not a astrophysicist I just play one on TV!
                That would be incredibly cool!! Now I want to see it -who do we petition??

                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                Back on topic, I was just reading a fic where Daniel finds out about Sam and Jack being together several months into S9 and he had no idea and was kind of ticked not just about not being told but about them being together.

                It really bothers me when fics have Daniel totally clueless. I know he can be really narrow in his focus and sometimes lose track of what's going on around him, but he's not an idiot. While it's never been as obvious as with Teal'c that Daniel knows and approves of Sam and Jack being together I think he knew for some time about their feelings for each other and would be supportive their relationship.

                So I'm curious what other shippers think. When did Daniel know? How did he put it together? What was his reaction?
                The fic was VERY well written (the author has a wonderful command of language) -if you're curious, it's on the S/J fic rec thread.

                I had always gotten the impression that Daniel did pick up on the 'something' between them, but in that slow, deliberate way that Daniel has. His area of study calls for thorough research that can take years to reach conclusions (archeologist & anthropologists don't RUSH). I like that Shannon pointed out the Danny look in 'Grace' -I didn't exactly pick up on that during my first watch (I was focusing too much on Jack's reaction to missing Sam).

                I think that Daniel being who he is, and knowing Sam and Jack like he did, he would never broach the subject unless they invited it -especially because he was probably aware that they were precluded by the frat regs.

                While I could believe that Sam and Jack could surprise him by getting together after the end of Season 8, I believe it would only have been in the timing, not in the inevitability: I think that he saw the evidence early on & remembered what he saw, but left it to them to choose what they would do. After his return from the Ascended cafe in 'Threads' and Sam's split from spuds (and the fishing trip), I think that it was S/J that initiated the transfers so that they could pursue a relationship...and that Teal'c and Daniel were well aware. I don't think they would have talked about it per se...that seems a little OOC for them, rather I think it would have been obvious to all four of them (and I agree with those who say they just don't see S/J secretly dating and T & Daniel don't know about it).

                Remember Me ...mine. mildly shameful self-promotion, but it includes a little of what we've been talking about.

                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                sorry for the double post, but I was thinking that we should start voting about Valenship date! (especially cuz I feel inspired to make something with PS )
                I'll go with the date chosen by the group (no fuss, no muss).
                sig by Ikorni

                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                  Valenship...I'm makin' arties (I've got 3 done) just cuz it's just so d*** facinating (to quote Jack).
                  sig by Ikorni

                  "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                  "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                  SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                    So I'm working on a fic (lo siento - it won't be for Valenship. This one is for our lovely canadianfolk). I need to know - when is Continuum (the non-AU parts) set. My son is currently watching Toy Story and I'm just trying to do a sketch out (it's part of an arc) and I can't remember if she's a Colonel yet...if this is pre-SGA or post-SGA...and while I could look all that up, I have you all :: huggles shippers ::


                      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                      So I'm working on a fic (lo siento - it won't be for Valenship. This one is for our lovely canadianfolk). I need to know - when is Continuum (the non-AU parts) set. My son is currently watching Toy Story and I'm just trying to do a sketch out (it's part of an arc) and I can't remember if she's a Colonel yet...if this is pre-SGA or post-SGA...and while I could look all that up, I have you all :: huggles shippers ::

                      Haha. I'm watching Pixar right now too. (No toodler as a front. I'm just childlike. )

                      Continuum begins right after Colonel Carter returns from Atlantis and is fired by Woolsey in SGA S5 Ep1 Search & Rescue.

                      Hope that helps.


                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        Haha. I'm watching Pixar right now too. (No toodler as a front. I'm just childlike. )

                        Continuum begins right after Colonel Carter returns from Atlantis and is fired by Woolsey in SGA S5 Ep1 Search & Rescue.

                        Hope that helps.
                        Perfect. Then her attitude will fit perfectly with the emotional agony I'm planning to put her through *cough* Cuz. Y'know. I live in a cavern. A deep, dark, dank cavern.



                          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                          Perfect. Then her attitude will fit perfectly with the emotional agony I'm planning to put her through *cough* Cuz. Y'know. I live in a cavern. A deep, dark, dank cavern.


                          Continuum angst!!! I love it!
                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6



                            February 4
                            February 11
                            February 18 (7)
                            February 25
                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post

                              Continuum angst!!! I love it!
                              Well. It's more like late S.10 through the end of Continuum angst (but since Sam doesn't remember the AU...). But I promise angst. Lots and lots of it.


                                We can always count on Nyn to bring on the angst.

