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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Great pic spam Pol.

    Happy New Year Shippers!

    I have been checking in but haven't been very chatty lately because I went out of town for the holidays and brought a stomach flu home with me. Still feeling poorly.

    Hoping to get back to some intense shipping when I'm feeling better.

    Meanwhile, thinking of Sam and Jack at the cabin for the holidays and both reluctantly getting ready to part at the end of their vacation - Jack back to DC and Sam to the Hammond for another mission to save the universe. (Anyone wanting to write a ficlet has my permission. )



      I would just like to mention that last night I watched Paranormal Activity 2-- with the lights OFF!-- and was thoroughly scared out of my wits. I loved it.

      I mention it here because I had to watch 2 shippy episodes to be able to sleep afterwards. Okay, well, 1969 might not be overtly shippy, but its there if you know where to look. And it did the trick-- so did Window of Opportunity.

      But of course, my concern after those episodes that I'd have nightmares about a possessed Sam. Which was not a happy thought.... Heheheh...


        Cannot do scary movies. I had nightmares last night just from watching Food Network.

        I'm such a wimp.

        I bet Jack and Sam like scary movies. Jack wanting Sam to hold him and Sam not actually scared but not unwilling to take the excuse.


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          I bet Jack and Sam like scary movies. Jack wanting Sam to hold him and Sam not actually scared but not unwilling to take the excuse.
          Or just for grins, Sam holding Jack because he got scared () by something in a scary movie (unintentionally, of course).


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            Or just for grins, Sam holding Jack because he got scared () by something in a scary movie (unintentionally, of course).
            Or, like what with my family, Sam gets scared by Jack reacting badly to a "gotcha!" moment. I freaked my parents out big time by spazzing at one point. And my dogs. Well, one of my dogs. The other one didn't even wake up, he's so old...


              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
              awwwwwww I got a belated b-day vid!!! But hey her nickname is "bradipo" (sloth)...
              And she used the song that I wanted!!!
              *is happy*
              *jumps around*

              Awesome vid, so very angsty and heartbreaking!!


                Originally posted by Pol View Post

                True love. You think this happens every day?
                Indeed, it does not! Ours is the one true ship!
                Last edited by Lucycat; 02 January 2012, 03:37 PM.


                  In case you ever start thinking Sam and Jack
                  are the saddest love story ever...


                    Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                    In case you ever start thinking Sam and Jack
                    are the saddest love story ever...



                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      I have been checking in but haven't been very chatty lately because I went out of town for the holidays and brought a stomach flu home with me. Still feeling poorly.

                      Hoping to get back to some intense shipping when I'm feeling better.

                      Sorry you are under the weather hlndncr, I hope you are feeling better soon! {{{SHIPPER HUGS}}}


                        Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                        In case you ever start thinking Sam and Jack
                        are the saddest love story ever...

                        That is, ... like totally hilarious!



                          That video is soooo funny!

                          Edit: Is anyone else having trouble with GW eating up their posts and leaving a blank post on the forum?
                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post

                            That video is soooo funny!

                            Edit: Is anyone else having trouble with GW eating up their posts and leaving a blank post on the forum?
                            Yeah, Sam and Jack know how to do love right!

                            Re: blank posts
                            Yep, having the same problem. If you're using Firefox you should be able to hit the back button and recover your text. What I do is copy all of the text then hit submit.


                              Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                              In case you ever start thinking Sam and Jack
                              are the saddest love story ever...


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post

                              That video is soooo funny!

                              Edit: Is anyone else having trouble with GW eating up their posts and leaving a blank post on the forum?
                              The blank post happens sometimes when you edit your posts (or at least that's when it has happened to me)
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                                Very nice, Goodfairy!! Lovely...
                                Thanks, Sara.

