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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
    Welcome to the thread, NerdyRaptor and fems!

    Though there was no in your face confirmation, there are tons of hints (obvious ones as well as the ones only the shippers see) that, to me, make it impossible to think they didn't get together.

    In fact, if you don't mind spoilers for Seasons 9 and 10, the movies, and Atlantis Season 4, you can take a look at Evidence That Sam and Jack Got Together page and decide for yourselves!

    I totally agree with them getting together at the end of season eight. In my opinion, it's probably the only time they could have gotten away with it considering they both transferred and probably didn't start their respective jobs at the same time, thus leaving time where they weren't in the same chain of command.
    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
    On FFnet or AO3

    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


      @SamJackShipper93: Thanks for the welcome!

      The evidence is there. I just think it's a little strange for the show not explicity revealing that they are involved. Even on the X-Files we got a little something (besides a terrible movie sequel).

      Maybe that's a bad example...


        Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
        The shipper lounge? Here is the link:
        Thanks for the directions, Lilac! You're the best!

        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        watching gemini on syfy right now and i gotta tell you fifth must REALLY hate Jack with a passion if he had repli-sam kill O'Neill.
        Yeah...that was disturbing. Replicarter has all of Sam's memories up to that point, so I assume she has the feelings for Jack in that scene that Sam does. Perhaps it is a control thing with Fifth, that he trains her to kill off Jack (and Daniel, Siler, etc), to excercise his control over her and tear away at her attachment?

        Or are my shippy glasses WAY too strong?

        Originally posted by NerdyRaptor View Post
        @SamJackShipper93: Thanks for the welcome!
        The evidence is there. I just think it's a little strange for the show not explicity revealing that they are involved. Even on the X-Files we got a little something (besides a terrible movie sequel).
        Maybe that's a bad example...
        Yeah...confirmation of a more blatant kind would have been nice, but it hasn't stopped the shippers from seeing their relationship unfold in our heads. There's some really good fanfiction out there, fueled in part by the sketchy confirmation.

        There's a thread for S/J fanfic recommendations (if you need it):
        sig by Ikorni

        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


          Love this thread, been a while since I've visited it. You'll are great! Love SG-1 and Sam/Jack! I've been looking for a good SG-1 book to read for a while and was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations, specifically one with Sam/Jack of course. )
          Thanks so much!


            Originally posted by k8tbug1 View Post
            Love this thread, been a while since I've visited it. You'll are great! Love SG-1 and Sam/Jack! I've been looking for a good SG-1 book to read for a while and was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations, specifically one with Sam/Jack of course. )
            Thanks so much!
            See my previous post ^ about the fic rec page. Also the GW fic nominations are out, and they have a S/J category...
            sig by Ikorni

            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


              Originally posted by k8tbug1 View Post
              Love this thread, been a while since I've visited it. You'll are great! Love SG-1 and Sam/Jack! I've been looking for a good SG-1 book to read for a while and was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations, specifically one with Sam/Jack of course. )
              Thanks so much!
              Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
              See my previous post ^ about the fic rec page. Also the GW fic nominations are out, and they have a S/J category...
              Don't forget the Favorite Fic Nominations for Ship Day that can be found here.

              Read and Vote!


                Thinking of Pol (and trying to not be insanely jealous that she gets to go to the early screening of Harry Potter tonight):

                This verse from Brad Paisley's 'Old Alabama' song reminds me of various images of Sam in Pol's fiction:

                She’d rather wear a pair of cut-off jeans than a fancy evening dress,
                And with her windows rolled down and her hair all blown all around, she’s a hot southern mess...
                She’ll take a beer over white wine and a campfire over candle light,
                And when it comes to love, oh her idea of a romantic night...
                Is listenin’ to old Alabama, drivin' through Tennessee...

                Thinking shippy thoughts of S&J tonight...

                I'm not suffering from insanity...I'm enjoying every minute of it...
                sig by Ikorni

                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                  Hey family. It's been a while. I hope somebody missed me

                  **looks around hopefully**

                  Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                  Rewatching Gemini:

                  O'NEILL: Alright, you've got our attention. Who are you?
                  REPLICATOR CARTER: My name is Samantha Carter.
                  O'NEILL: Alright, we've got a little conflict with that statement. We've already got one here.
                  REPLICATOR CARTER: There are two of us.
                  O'NEILL: If only. *smiles*
                  [Carter looks up at O'Neill, who stops smiling & clears his throat.]

                  *SNORT* I laughed so hard my dog just STARED at me!!

                  SaraB: Someone please throw Gen. O'Neill a life-preserver...he seems to have fallen into the gutter....

                  There's also a cute moment earlier in the scene when Sam is looking at the MALP telemetry and Jack comes over and leans down next to her (about a foot from her) to also look. They stay that way a moment and she shoots him a sidelong glance.

                  I can't find a picture of it to post, tho.

                  Loved the life preserver comment

                  Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                  Thanks for the directions, Lilac! You're the best!

                  Yeah...that was disturbing. Replicarter has all of Sam's memories up to that point, so I assume she has the feelings for Jack in that scene that Sam does. Perhaps it is a control thing with Fifth, that he trains her to kill off Jack (and Daniel, Siler, etc), to excercise his control over her and tear away at her attachment?

                  Or are my shippy glasses WAY too strong?
                  I don't think so. The fact that she hesitated when it came to killing Jack speaks volumes.

                  I was thinking about New Order when Fifth had Sam in his imaginary world with Pete as her husband, and this is what I came up with:

                  Fifth was basically a machine so he understood logic in a way that he would never understand human emotion. Sam was engaged to Pete so, to Fifth, logically that meant that he was the one she would believe to be her husband.

                  Despite the emotions he must have recognized she felt for Jack, he chose Pete because he was the logical choice.

                  Perhaps because even then Sam still would have chosen death if she couldn't return to her team *cough* Jack *cough* Fifth wanted replicarter to kill Jack.

                  *sigh* even the machine gets it

                  That's my story and I'm sticking with it

                  And PROBIES **waves**

                  Welcome to all. So good to see you
                  sig by Mada
                  As a matter of FIC


                    I am an Acme Lab Temp and I've invited Porky and Petunia over for a bar-b-que. **facepalm**

                    Oh well. I love me some ribs
                    sig by Mada
                    As a matter of FIC


                      Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                      I was thinking about New Order when Fifth had Sam in his imaginary world with Pete as her husband, and this is what I came up with:

                      Fifth was basically a machine so he understood logic in a way that he would never understand human emotion. Sam was engaged to Pete so, to Fifth, logically that meant that he was the one she would believe to be her husband.

                      Despite the emotions he must have recognized she felt for Jack, he chose Pete because he was the logical choice.

                      Perhaps because even then Sam still would have chosen death if she couldn't return to her team *cough* Jack *cough* Fifth wanted replicarter to kill Jack.

                      *sigh* even the machine gets it

                      That's my story and I'm sticking with it

                      And PROBIES **waves**

                      Welcome to all. So good to see you
                      erm ... hate to poke holes in this theory, but Sam wasn't engaged to Pete in "New Order". She had only been dating him for a couple of months at that time, and I doubt she even loved him at that point. She became engaged to Pete 6-8 months after this. However, I would go so far as to say that since she was "involved" with Pete, that Fifth didn't understand the difference between dating someone and being married to/seriously involved/in love with, and figured this scenario would please Sam somehow.


                        So what new theme is it this time?

                        The Return of King Arthur
                        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                          So what new theme is it this time?

                          Loony Tunes. There's a thread on the main forum that talks about this theme.


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                            So what new theme is it this time?

                            Cartoons, I think Looney Toons

                            + =
                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Personally, my theme will always be +=!

                              See yessika has the same theme in mind.


                                OT Harry Potter:

                                Poor Polly has had to deal with listening to me gush over Alan Rickman's performance since I saw the movie last week so I figured I'd spare her and see if anyone knows where to find some good Snape fic?

                                I even wrote one! I haven't written fic in... who the heck knows how long. Talk about inspiring.

                                I'm finding it much more preferable to the other more stressful writing I've been doing lately!
                                Any suggestions?
                                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!

