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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Hope everyone is having a good evening!


      I was watching Metamorphosis the other night. When Jack goes back at the end and picks up Sam to carry her to the machine and save her, she whispers "Sir" as he picks her up. I'm not sure I noticed it before, and I don't know why, but I just found that to be very sqee worthy. The way she said it with such a quiet longing and implicit trust. Like she want to tell him how she felt because she was certain it was the end, but she didn't have the strength.


        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
        She couldn't sleep.
        The day had gone as well as could be expected, Sam's hard earned experience had taken her through each presented crisis. The weight of leadership though, rested heavily on Sam's shoulders on days like these, and losing one of your own was the greatest burden of them all. One which couldn't be explained or shared with someone who hadn't lived through it themself.
        Sam sat in the familiar dark of the den. It matched her mood. But then the door opened slowly and Jack's silhouette appeared in the doorway. He didn't say a word; just stood there for a moment before moving over to where Sam was. Quietly, Jack sat beside her, deliberately taking Sam into his arms, holding her against him, as though to reassure her. He'd been here too many times himself - alone.
        The tears finally came. Sam let them fall, now that she was in this safe place.
        Neither of them said a word.
        They didn't have to.
        Trinity...there had better be more! I can't stand being toyed with that way! Between you and hlndncr I'm going to have a squee aneurism...

        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        I was watching Metamorphosis the other night. When Jack goes back at the end and picks up Sam to carry her to the machine and save her, she whispers "Sir" as he picks her up. I'm not sure I noticed it before, and I don't know why, but I just found that to be very sqee worthy. The way she said it with such a quiet longing and implicit trust. Like she want to tell him how she felt because she was certain it was the end, but she didn't have the strength.
        I completely missed that! Just the fact that Jack went before Nirti and in effect begged for her life (something he doesn't normally do and coming from a postion of well as demonstrating to Nirti that Sam can be a barganing piece) induced all kinds of squee for me. Of course...him trying to make them take him instead of Sam before she got put in the machine twisted my innards, too.
        sig by Ikorni

        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


          OK Shippers, we're going to give this a try. Not sure how will go over, but remember it's all in fun!!!

          Between June 23 and July 7 nominations for favorite Sam/Jack stories will be accepted on the Jack/Sam Fic Recs Thread in the following categories:

          Overall Favorites
          Long (50,000+ words)
          Medium (Between 5,000 and 50,000 words)
          Short (Up to 5,000 words)

          The Three Pillars of Ship


          On July 10 you will find a complete list of nominations on the Jack/Sam Fic Recs Thread and the Sam/Jack Ship Appreciation Thread.

          Between July 10 and July 25 you may vote for your favorite story in each category.
          One vote per person, per category.
          Send your votes by PM to hlndncr on GW Forum.

          All nominations will be listed on the Ship Day Thread on July 28.
          Favorites will be announced throughout the celebration.

          Before you ask me questions read the complete rules, definitions, and other details below. (Then when you are more confused than before ask away, but you should know that I'm making this all up as I go and I'm very arbitrary. )

          Category Definitions

          All stories must be rated for essentially a general audience. No M ratings. (I can’t link to them on the Forum and I want to keep this to the broadest possible audience.)

          Favorit Overall Fic

          Long (50,000 + words)
          May be single or multi-chapter, and address any topic. A series of stand alone stories combined into one multi-chapter/multi-volume set can be nominated as a single work in this category. Can be nominated in other categories.

          Medium (Between 5,000 and 50,000 words)
          Stories may be single or multi-chapter, and address any topic. Can be nominated in other categories.

          Short (Up to 5,000 words)
          Stories may be single or multi-chapter, and address any topic. Can be nominated in other categories.

          The Pillars of Ship

          Stories may be single or multi-chapter, of any length. Shiptionary definitions will be used as the basic guidelines for each category.

          “One of the three pillars of shipdom. Gives its name to a cavern, rumoured to be a dark, scary (or comforting, depending on your point of view) place. Denizens of the Angst Cavern emerge occasionally, blinking at the light, before retreating to their home of pain and torment. Signs of angst include long (and longing) looks and quickly restrained attempts at touching. Mis- or lack of communication plays a large part.”

          “The second of the three pillars of shipdom, giving its name to a cloud, where everything is happy and light and full of cake. Food for Fluff Cloud dwellers is rare outside of fanfic, sadly, but can be found if you look hard enough, and often include hugs and touchage. The sound of fluff is 'squee'.”

          “The third pillar of shipdom, and a place in which to splash, either on occasion or with great frequency, depending on your tastes. A well-trained gutter dweller has the ability to 'gutterise' (see below) almost any situation by finding the potentially non-PG implications. Not to be confused with smut, which is what happens when the gutter turns into an abyss.”

          Stories may be single or multi-chapter of any length.

          The placement of one or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a Sam/Jack story. Crossovers from any fandom, including Stargate spinoffs (SGA or SGU) will be accepted.

          Any story that does not fit within the current Stargate cannon (with no end of story reset). Any pre-Threads, Sam/Jack relationship (screw the regs) will be considered non-cannon; however, a Sam/Jack post-Threads relationship will be accepted as cannon (and therefore not necessarily AU). The published Stargate novels will not be considered cannon. The basics of the original movie (it gets murky when you look at the details) is cannon. Sam and Jack meeting (unless it is a brief encounter in passing) and having a relationship before Children of the Gods is not cannon.

          Team Fic
          Stories focus on team interaction and contain significant participation by all members of SG-1 (whichever incarnation being used) while still including important references to the Sam/Jack ship.

          Must be based in or around a specific Stargate episode or movie. Can be set pre-, post-, or during referenced source material.

          Since many of our Ship celebrations take place around the holidays, we have many excellent holiday themed fics to choose from. Any holiday, including the more obscure choices (like Pi Day), will be accepted. The holiday must play a significant role in the story, mere reference to a holiday is not sufficient.

          1. Any fic published (on any site) through 2010. (I’m leaving out 2011 in case we want to do this again for just new fics.)
          a. Multi-chapter works of which any portion was published by December 31, 2010 may qualify, even if not completed until 2011 (must be marked complete before being nominated).
          b. For multi-chapter/multi-volume works where the author has specified that each chapter/story stands alone, only those portions of the work which were published before January 1, 2011 qualify and each chapter will be treated as an individual story, except in the Overall Long Fic category where the entire work may be nominated as a single story. Please specify the volume/chapter when nominating and voting.
          2. Must be pro-Sam/Jack Ship (happy ending not required, for the Angst lovers).
          3. Must follow all category guidelines. Any questions or ambiguities will be resolved at the discretion of the Awards Committee (me).
          4. Stories may be entered in multiple categories as long as all category guidelines are met.
          5. Stories must be available for public reading on the internet. (If an author has taken a story down or the link is no longer available, even if you have a copy saved on your hard drive and it is the best Sam/Jack story ever written, it’s still not eligible.)
          6. All stories must be in English. (Sorry to our non-English writers. I’m sure you have some great stories. Sadly, not enough of us can read them.)

          The Process

          1. The nominations period will commence today and close on July 7.
          2. Anyone may nominate as many stories as they would like by any author (including your own stories) during the nominations period.
          a. Authors will not be contacted personally. All stories must be published on the web for public viewing and therefore discussion, sharing, critique and voting on those stories must be expected. (Be polite!)
          b. Stories will, however, be removed from consideration if requested by the author.
          3. Nominations must be posted to the Jack/Sam Fic Recs Thread by 11:59 pm U.S. EST of the closing date.
          a. Must include the author, title, and a working link to the story.
          b. Category or categories the story is being nominated for must be clearly specified.
          4. After the end of the nominations period the Awards Committee (me) will make an extremely cursory review of all nominated stories for eligibility. All decisions of the Awards Committee (me) are final.

          1. All nominations will be listed by category on the Sam/Jack Ship Appreciation Thread and the Jack/Sam Fic Recs Thread on July 10.
          2. Voting will begin as soon as all nominations to all categories have been posted and the Awards Committee (me) states that voting is open.
          3. Voting will close on July 25.
          4. Votes will be accepted by PM to the Awards Committee (me) until 11:59 pm U.S. EST of the closing date. (I promise to clean out my inbox.)
          5. One vote per person, per category. (Choose your favorite story.)
          6. Votes must clearly state the category, story, and author.
          7. Votes may be cast for an author’s own work. (Hey, if your own story is your favorite who am I to say otherwise?!)
          8. All votes will be kept confidential.
          9. In the case of a tie, the stories will be declared co-favorites. (We can have a run-off in November.)

          1. Presentations will be made during the July 28, 2011 Ship Day celebration on the Ship Day Thread.
          2. All nominated works will be listed on the Ship Day Thread.
          3. Favorites will be announced throughout the celebration.


            Wish me luck, peeps. In just 10 short hours I will be defending my dissertation proposal. Ugh.

            I'll either pass...or I won't.

            Gosh, I wanna pass. I even named my new hard drive "Carter." LOL
            Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post

              OK Shippers, we're going to give this a try. Not sure how will go over, but remember it's all in fun!!!

              Between June 23 and July 7 nominations for favorite Sam/Jack stories will be accepted on the Jack/Sam Fic Recs Thread in the following categories:

              Overall Favorites
              Long (50,000+ words)
              Medium (Between 5,000 and 50,000 words)
              Short (Up to 5,000 words)

              The Three Pillars of Ship


              On July 10 you will find a complete list of nominations on the Jack/Sam Fic Recs Thread and the Sam/Jack Ship Appreciation Thread.

              Between July 10 and July 25 you may vote for your favorite story in each category.
              One vote per person, per category.
              Send your votes by PM to hlndncr on GW Forum.

              All nominations will be listed on the Ship Day Thread on July 28.
              Favorites will be announced throughout the celebration.

              Before you ask me questions read the complete rules, definitions, and other details below. (Then when you are more confused than before ask away, but you should know that I'm making this all up as I go and I'm very arbitrary. )

              Category Definitions

              All stories must be rated for essentially a general audience. No M ratings. (I can’t link to them on the Forum and I want to keep this to the broadest possible audience.)

              Favorit Overall Fic

              Long (50,000 + words)
              May be single or multi-chapter, and address any topic. A series of stand alone stories combined into one multi-chapter/multi-volume set can be nominated as a single work in this category. Can be nominated in other categories.

              Medium (Between 5,000 and 50,000 words)
              Stories may be single or multi-chapter, and address any topic. Can be nominated in other categories.

              Short (Up to 5,000 words)
              Stories may be single or multi-chapter, and address any topic. Can be nominated in other categories.

              The Pillars of Ship

              Stories may be single or multi-chapter, of any length. Shiptionary definitions will be used as the basic guidelines for each category.

              “One of the three pillars of shipdom. Gives its name to a cavern, rumoured to be a dark, scary (or comforting, depending on your point of view) place. Denizens of the Angst Cavern emerge occasionally, blinking at the light, before retreating to their home of pain and torment. Signs of angst include long (and longing) looks and quickly restrained attempts at touching. Mis- or lack of communication plays a large part.”

              “The second of the three pillars of shipdom, giving its name to a cloud, where everything is happy and light and full of cake. Food for Fluff Cloud dwellers is rare outside of fanfic, sadly, but can be found if you look hard enough, and often include hugs and touchage. The sound of fluff is 'squee'.”

              “The third pillar of shipdom, and a place in which to splash, either on occasion or with great frequency, depending on your tastes. A well-trained gutter dweller has the ability to 'gutterise' (see below) almost any situation by finding the potentially non-PG implications. Not to be confused with smut, which is what happens when the gutter turns into an abyss.”

              Stories may be single or multi-chapter of any length.

              The placement of one or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a Sam/Jack story. Crossovers from any fandom, including Stargate spinoffs (SGA or SGU) will be accepted.

              Any story that does not fit within the current Stargate cannon (with no end of story reset). Any pre-Threads, Sam/Jack relationship (screw the regs) will be considered non-cannon; however, a Sam/Jack post-Threads relationship will be accepted as cannon (and therefore not necessarily AU). The published Stargate novels will not be considered cannon. The basics of the original movie (it gets murky when you look at the details) is cannon. Sam and Jack meeting (unless it is a brief encounter in passing) and having a relationship before Children of the Gods is not cannon.

              Team Fic
              Stories focus on team interaction and contain significant participation by all members of SG-1 (whichever incarnation being used) while still including important references to the Sam/Jack ship.

              Must be based in or around a specific Stargate episode or movie. Can be set pre-, post-, or during referenced source material.

              Since many of our Ship celebrations take place around the holidays, we have many excellent holiday themed fics to choose from. Any holiday, including the more obscure choices (like Pi Day), will be accepted. The holiday must play a significant role in the story, mere reference to a holiday is not sufficient.

              1. Any fic published (on any site) through 2010. (I’m leaving out 2011 in case we want to do this again for just new fics.)
              a. Multi-chapter works of which any portion was published by December 31, 2010 may qualify, even if not completed until 2011 (must be marked complete before being nominated).
              b. For multi-chapter/multi-volume works where the author has specified that each chapter/story stands alone, only those portions of the work which were published before January 1, 2011 qualify and each chapter will be treated as an individual story, except in the Overall Long Fic category where the entire work may be nominated as a single story. Please specify the volume/chapter when nominating and voting.
              2. Must be pro-Sam/Jack Ship (happy ending not required, for the Angst lovers).
              3. Must follow all category guidelines. Any questions or ambiguities will be resolved at the discretion of the Awards Committee (me).
              4. Stories may be entered in multiple categories as long as all category guidelines are met.
              5. Stories must be available for public reading on the internet. (If an author has taken a story down or the link is no longer available, even if you have a copy saved on your hard drive and it is the best Sam/Jack story ever written, it’s still not eligible.)
              6. All stories must be in English. (Sorry to our non-English writers. I’m sure you have some great stories. Sadly, not enough of us can read them.)

              The Process

              1. The nominations period will commence today and close on July 7.
              2. Anyone may nominate as many stories as they would like by any author (including your own stories) during the nominations period.
              a. Authors will not be contacted personally. All stories must be published on the web for public viewing and therefore discussion, sharing, critique and voting on those stories must be expected. (Be polite!)
              b. Stories will, however, be removed from consideration if requested by the author.
              3. Nominations must be posted to the Jack/Sam Fic Recs Thread by 11:59 pm U.S. EST of the closing date.
              a. Must include the author, title, and a working link to the story.
              b. Category or categories the story is being nominated for must be clearly specified.
              4. After the end of the nominations period the Awards Committee (me) will make an extremely cursory review of all nominated stories for eligibility. All decisions of the Awards Committee (me) are final.

              1. All nominations will be listed by category on the Sam/Jack Ship Appreciation Thread and the Jack/Sam Fic Recs Thread on July 10.
              2. Voting will begin as soon as all nominations to all categories have been posted and the Awards Committee (me) states that voting is open.
              3. Voting will close on July 25.
              4. Votes will be accepted by PM to the Awards Committee (me) until 11:59 pm U.S. EST of the closing date. (I promise to clean out my inbox.)
              5. One vote per person, per category. (Choose your favorite story.)
              6. Votes must clearly state the category, story, and author.
              7. Votes may be cast for an author’s own work. (Hey, if your own story is your favorite who am I to say otherwise?!)
              8. All votes will be kept confidential.
              9. In the case of a tie, the stories will be declared co-favorites. (We can have a run-off in November.)

              1. Presentations will be made during the July 28, 2011 Ship Day celebration on the Ship Day Thread.
              2. All nominated works will be listed on the Ship Day Thread.
              3. Favorites will be announced throughout the celebration.

              Hey, I'm a bit confused here, when exactly did we decide to vote? I don't want to be a spoilsport, but to me it seemed as if there are a lot of us who did not really want a voting. Maybe we should vote about voting.


                Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post

                Hey, I'm a bit confused here, when exactly did we decide to vote? I don't want to be a spoilsport, but to me it seemed as if there are a lot of us who did not really want a voting. Maybe we should vote about voting.
                I told you I'm being arbitrary. If you don't want to vote, you don't have to. (But me boys may wants to have a little talk wit' yous about it.)


                  Originally posted by Pol View Post
                  Wish me luck, peeps. In just 10 short hours I will be defending my dissertation proposal. Ugh.
                  I'll either pass...or I won't.
                  Gosh, I wanna pass. I even named my new hard drive "Carter." LOL
                  Didn't see your note until this a.m. -but since it's 11:50 EST, I'm guessing you haven't gone into the defense yet. Prayers, crossed fingers, and good thoughts being aimed your way! Go get 'em wonderful woman!! *putting on game face*
                  sig by Ikorni

                  "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                  "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                  SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                    Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                    Didn't see your note until this a.m. -but since it's 11:50 EST, I'm guessing you haven't gone into the defense yet. Prayers, crossed fingers, and good thoughts being aimed your way! Go get 'em wonderful woman!! *putting on game face*
                    Sorry, meant to post that in the Lounge as it's off-topic.

                    Er...on-topic and 'cause I need the shippy goodness...

                    Edit: SB, thanks!!!
                    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                      Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post

                      Hey, I'm a bit confused here, when exactly did we decide to vote? I don't want to be a spoilsport, but to me it seemed as if there are a lot of us who did not really want a voting. Maybe we should vote about voting.
                      I'm glad it's not me who also thought of this

                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      I told you I'm being arbitrary. If you don't want to vote, you don't have to. (But me boys may wants to have a little talk wit' yous about it.)
                      I also kinda got the impression that most people said they would offer recs and not vote, but I guess we'll see when the time comes.


                        Originally posted by Pol View Post
                        Wish me luck, peeps. In just 10 short hours I will be defending my dissertation proposal. Ugh.

                        I'll either pass...or I won't.

                        Gosh, I wanna pass. I even named my new hard drive "Carter." LOL
                        Hey Good Luck!

                        And my home pc is called 'Jack'


                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          I told you I'm being arbitrary. If you don't want to vote, you don't have to. (But me boys may wants to have a little talk wit' yous about it.)
                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          If we're just looking to do a list of favorite fics by category than I would suggest someone start a list on the Ship Day Thread and just let people add to it. No adminstration/collation necessary.

                          Are people really that uncomfortable with voting? I didn't grow up with the notion that competition was bad and everything and everyone has to be equal. I just don't get that.
                          Oh I won't vote, be assured. And are you threatening me? Just making sure, cos my English isn't so good. You know, you said you grew up with the notion that not everybody has to be equal. I grew up with the notion that everbody can speak his/her mind without being threatened.


                            Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                            Oh I won't vote, be assured. And are you threatening me? Just making sure, cos my English isn't so good. You know, you said you grew up with the notion that not everybody has to be equal. I grew up with the notion that everbody can speak his/her mind without being threatened.
                            I would never threaten anyone. I just keep some big goons around to encourage people to see things my way. (I am kidding of course; sorry if my low brow humor doesn't translate well.)


                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              I was watching Metamorphosis the other night. When Jack goes back at the end and picks up Sam to carry her to the machine and save her, she whispers "Sir" as he picks her up. I'm not sure I noticed it before, and I don't know why, but I just found that to be very sqee worthy. The way she said it with such a quiet longing and implicit trust. Like she want to tell him how she felt because she was certain it was the end, but she didn't have the strength.
                              We could probably categorize the various types of 'Sir' eps *looks around for Hedwig* The casual Sirs, the desperate Sirs, the I want you but I can't say it Sirs, the You're lucky we've got this rank and regs thing between us Sirs

                              Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                              Trinity...there had better be more! I can't stand being toyed with that way! Between you and hlndncr I'm going to have a squee aneurism...
                              Uhh. No. No more. Just did something as I was about to go to bed and the thread was really quiet

                              Originally posted by Pol View Post
                              Wish me luck, peeps. In just 10 short hours I will be defending my dissertation proposal. Ugh.

                              I'll either pass...or I won't.

                              Gosh, I wanna pass. I even named my new hard drive "Carter." LOL
                              With a hard drive named "Carter" how can you fail?

                              That does however bring to mind a whole number of guttery questions about what Carter would name her hard drive **wags eyebrows**

                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              I told you I'm being arbitrary. If you don't want to vote, you don't have to. (But me boys may wants to have a little talk wit' yous about it.)
                              sig by Mada
                              As a matter of FIC


                                I passed. I'm now officially "Doctoral Candidate Robinson"

                                I'm not voting, I'm just looking forward to the generated list.

                                Anyone notice now when you hit "spoiler" it is now "strikethrough"? Weird.
                                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."

