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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    All talk of the "Grace" kiss makes me....yeah, happy I need more of those kissable moments please!
    by Sapphire_Jade


      Vid rec:

      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        You left out an important part of that paragraph!

        That Amanda would be seeing Rick soon so she'd do her research and get back to the fans.

        I was more excited about that than hearing her flip flop back and forth as to who was the best kisser. It was RDA during her last con.
        i'm waiting to hear if anyone asked amanda an s/j question on whether they're together, or if we'll see proof if they're together in the 3rd movie.

        i know she's asked s/j all the time, but we also get diff answers all the time too.



          Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
          The only kiss they shared was in the webbies...

          And I completly agree on the Grace kiss.
          But if AT feels that THIS was restrained, I can't wait to see an 'unrestrained' kiss between the two of them. (Let's hope for movie 3! <3)
          Well, I don't have a clue to what Amanda was thinking when she said CH was the better kisser. I just watched the webisodes on my Sanctuary DVD, and the only kiss Helen and Druitt shared was in the carriage when he proposed to her, and then they kissed.

          I'm sorry, but in my opinion there was no passion whatsoever in that kiss. (And my comment has nothing to do with the fact that I like Sam and Jack way better than Helen and Druitt.) Put that scene side by side with the "Grace" kiss and I dare anyone to say the one from Sanctuary was passionate or better (from our perspective, of course) than the one in "Grace".

          Unless there's another kiss between Druitt and Magnus that didn't make it onto the DVDs, I'd have to suggest this kiss doesn't even count.


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            Well, I don't have a clue to what Amanda was thinking when she said CH was the better kisser. I just watched the webisodes on my Sanctuary DVD, and the only kiss Helen and Druitt shared was in the carriage when he proposed to her, and then they kissed.

            I'm sorry, but in my opinion there was no passion whatsoever in that kiss. (And my comment has nothing to do with the fact that I like Sam and Jack way better than Helen and Druitt.) Put that scene side by side with the "Grace" kiss and I dare anyone to say the one from Sanctuary was passionate or better (from our perspective, of course) than the one in "Grace".

            Unless there's another kiss between Druitt and Magnus that didn't make it onto the DVDs, I'd have to suggest this kiss doesn't even count.
            Though I get what you're saying, I think what AT was talking about goes beyond kissing. Sam and Jack have always been reserved when it comes to their relationship, whereas Helen and John were free to pursue each other for a long time. I think that AT, a woman whose aware of the backstories surrounding both couples, could have been talking about what their relationships are like in general, not just what we see on screen.

            Just speculation of course.
            The Return of King Arthur
            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


              I was reading this report of AT5 at and this bit caught my atttention:

              Nothing has happened between Tesla and Magnus, unless it was 60-ish years ago, when everything was all *handwave*. Antagonism born of respect. Not a brother/sister relationship, but not lovers. Sort of like Jack and Sam. They can't live without one another.
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                Someone linked to this report on AT5 over on the Samanda Thread and I thought I'd pass it along because it's really good (and we're still waiting for the shippers who went to stop by with their own reports *taps foot impatiently*).

                sar101 AT 5.

                I'd just like to highlight one of the interesting things Amanda said:

                "When asked who was a better kisser Jack (RDA) or John (CH), Amanda said John as the kisses were allowed to be more passionate and free where as the Sam/Jack kisses were always restrained even in alternative realities they felt they couldn’t let loose."

                So this is restrained:


                Can't wait for that confirmation!
                Thanks for sharing this! I really enjoyed reading about what went on for something that I would loved to have gone to, but couldn't. I hope others can share their experiences -- I'd love to read more.

                And, I agree about the Grace kiss -- it's probably the hottest kiss in television history.

                Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                You left out an important part of that paragraph!

                That Amanda would be seeing Rick soon so she'd do her research and get back to the fans.

                I was more excited about that than hearing her flip flop back and forth as to who was the best kisser. It was RDA during her last con.
                Yes, I noticed she said this, too, and it made me so happy to know what good friends they still are. I think it's wonderful that the SG1 actors still get together, despite how many years have passed since the show ended. John Lenic, in his interview (see the GW homepage) alluded to the same thing. IIRC, he said something about AT and RDA and what good, genuine chemistry they have as actors, and that he can tell right away when he watches a movie and knows if the actors get along in RL or not.

                Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                Just finished "Affinity"! Good thing you are talking about the Grace kiss at the moment! Lucky me.
                You're a braver person than I am! That's one episode that I stay away from.


                  Originally posted by yessika View Post
                  I was reading this report of AT5 at and this bit caught my atttention:

                  Nothing has happened between Tesla and Magnus, unless it was 60-ish years ago, when everything was all *handwave*. Antagonism born of respect. Not a brother/sister relationship, but not lovers. Sort of like Jack and Sam. They can't live without one another.

                  yeah, interesting and depressing :/

                  i'm talking about sam/jack.

                  why does amanda keep changing the story on this? she used to think they were together!



                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    yeah, interesting and depressing :/

                    i'm talking about sam/jack.

                    why does amanda keep changing the story on this? she used to think they were together!
                    Very depressing...I'm tired of depressing news!


                      Anyone else fall in love with the Song of the Year from Lady Antebellum, Need you Now? Anyone else fall in love with Jack and Sam? hehe.

                      If so, watch the Purdy video.


                        Originally posted by yessika View Post
                        I was reading this report of AT5 at and this bit caught my atttention:

                        Thanks for sharing this one, too. Interesting that RDA was invited on Sanctuary, but couldn't do it at the time. I hope he holds out for a juicier part than playing Helen's "old assistant"!

                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        yeah, interesting and depressing :/

                        i'm talking about sam/jack.

                        why does amanda keep changing the story on this? she used to think they were together!
                        I wouldn't worry too much about it. AT doesn't spend as much time as we do in analyzing and re-watching the show, so I don't think she really thinks too much about whether Sam and Jack are together or not. Whereas, we shippers are, in some respects, better versed at the relationship, and can cite, at the drop of a hat, all of the clues that the writers/producers have dropped since "Threads" indicating that they are, indeed, together. The most important thing is the intent of the writers/producers, and I do believe the intent is for Sam and Jack to be together post-"Threads". Just think about all of the clues, and you'll feel better (I'll start you off.... "Not exactly".)

                        Well, that's it for me tonight.... good night, everyone!


                          Originally posted by yessika View Post
                          I was reading this report of AT5 at and this bit caught my atttention:

                          Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
                          Thanks for sharing this! I really enjoyed reading about what went on for something that I would loved to have gone to, but couldn't. I hope others can share their experiences -- I'd love to read more.

                          And, I agree about the Grace kiss -- it's probably the hottest kiss in television history.

                          Yes, I noticed she said this, too, and it made me so happy to know what good friends they still are. I think it's wonderful that the SG1 actors still get together, despite how many years have passed since the show ended. John Lenic, in his interview (see the GW homepage) alluded to the same thing. IIRC, he said something about AT and RDA and what good, genuine chemistry they have as actors, and that he can tell right away when he watches a movie and knows if the actors get along in RL or not.

                          You're a braver person than I am! That's one episode that I stay away from.
                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          yeah, interesting and depressing :/

                          i'm talking about sam/jack.

                          why does amanda keep changing the story on this? she used to think they were together!
                          Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                          Very depressing...I'm tired of depressing news!
                          Thanks for the link yessika. It's fun reading about the event and getting different points of view on what was said.

                          Personally, I take AT's comment to be refering to Sam and Jack during the main run of the show; so they couldn't be together but also couldn't live without one another. That thought doesn't depress me at all. It goes back to the chemistry AT and RDA had because watching them together I can really believe that Sam and Jack are two people who are connected in a deep and abiding way that doesn't necessarily rely on any physical demonstration (not that I wouldn't enjoy some tangible, demonstrative proof ).


                            Hehe, here is a deleted scene that shows lots on what Sam and Jack are up to after SG1. From SGA episode Trio.


                              Hey, is it pathetic or what? I watched this like a hundred times and it still puts a smile on my face:


                              And again something funny to start the day, if it's been posted before, just ignore it. If not have fun:


                              And since we are talking about proof:



                                Ooh those videos were great! Put a smile on my face to help face the day!

                                I have really started working honest....

