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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I'm watching "Thor's Chariot" at the moment, and every time I watch it I giggle a little, because there's a rather large continuity "error" in regard to the gate on Cimmeria. Seems it must have gotten moved from where it was in "Thor's Hammer", because in the Hammer episode it was placed on a sandy slope with no vegetation or trees anywhere near it (off in the far background, though). In "Chariot", it has been moved to a place where there's no sandy ground (unless its under the shrubbery), and lots of trees and shrubs and vegetation surrounding it. All that greenery doesn't grow that densely and high in the year since the team first visited Cimmeria.

    I rather doubt the folk on Cimmeria moved it to a different place in between episodes, since they don't have the knowledge to hook it all back up appropriately.


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      Happy Birthday from me too JackandSamAddict!

      Yep it was.

      Okay...perhaps there is a translation error here, but what is the difference between homey and homely? I thought I knew what it meant, and for good measure even put it through the translation but it comes back as one and the same
      In my Brit English book "homely" means "homey" or unpretentious. It says a woman can be both attractive and homely there. Interesting, as it probably had that meaning in the US originally and it evolved. But I never think of homely being as bad as ugly, just not that good-looking. A bit worse than plain.


        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        I'm going to watch Divide and Conquer today (it's on my important things to do list ).

        Anyone else want to join me?

        We can make it a spontaneous group rewatch.

        Just watch the ep sometime today and share your thoughts, picspam, arties, whatever. It will be like a mini-ship day. Just for the fun of it.

        Anyway, that's what I'm going to do. And maybe later in the week I shall declare a WoO day. (Can you tell I'm on season 4 of my rewatch?)

        So to kick off my Divide and Conquer day, I offer you this:[

        Okay, this is my take on Divide and Conquer (sorry that it is so small, but for some reason I only saved this version ):



          I saw to Jack crying not want death for sam. Aww... Jack want save Sam life. You need close loop video is Jack had crying.



            Shippy Moments from Divide and Conquer:

            He’s got his arm around her as they come down the ramp, right in front of Hammond

            Their first discussion on being za'tarc's

            Him pushing Anise away and not answering the question of whether there is someone else

            His deciding to sacrifice his brain for her

            The look as she tries to stop him as he's walking past in the corridor

            Her realization of what they were hiding

            Her discussion with him on why they were not telling the whole truth

            Jack's confession about his feelings for Sam 'I would rather die myself than lose Carter'

            The moment at the force-shield

            Her (off screen) confession and their agreement to 'leave it in the room'


              Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
              Okay, this is my take on Divide and Conquer (sorry that it is so small, but for some reason I only saved this version ):

              I love it! I'm probably never going to see Playmobil in the same light again, you know...


                Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                I love it! I'm probably never going to see Playmobil in the same light again, you know...
                Wait till we get to Grace!


                  [QUOTE=hlndncr;12280018]I'm going to watch Divide and Conquer today (it's on my important things to do list ).

                  Anyone else want to join me?

                  We can make it a spontaneous group rewatch.

                  Just watch the ep sometime today and share your thoughts, picspam, arties, whatever. It will be like a mini-ship day. Just for the fun of it.

                  Anyway, that's what I'm going to do. And maybe later in the week I shall declare a WoO day. (Can you tell I'm on season 4 of my rewatch?)

                  So to kick off my Divide and Conquer day, I offer you this:

                  I am supposed to be watching that today, but haven't found the time yet! Stinking real life and responsibility!!!
                  My Stories: FFdotNet
                  My Stories AO3
                  Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    I am supposed to be watching that today, but haven't found the time yet! Stinking real life and responsibility!!!
                    Still plenty of time.

                    (And I knew I'd catch up with you eventually. )



                      We didn't get to see Sam's confession. What do you think she said?


                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post

                        We didn't get to see Sam's confession. What do you think she said?
                        I love you Jack...Marry me?


                        Something similar to Jack I think. " I like you more than I'm supposed to." "Feeling more than I should." Whatever

                        And why do you all have to do a spontaneous rewatch while I'm at work? So unfair!


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          I love you Jack...Marry me?


                          Something similar to Jack I think. " I like you more than I'm supposed to." "Feeling more than I should." Whatever

                          And why do you all have to do a spontaneous rewatch while I'm at work? So unfair!
                          Work doesn't last forever. Watch it when you get home.

                          I think you're right. I think it was something subtle and vague. Or else they would have been in a lot more trouble.

                          Hey Aka, how about a ficlet?


                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            Work doesn't last forever. Watch it when you get home.
                            *looks at clock*

                            One more hour*sigh*

                            (Can you see how busy I am?)

                            I think you're right. I think it was something subtle and vague. Or else they would have been in a lot more trouble.
                            Indeed. Although I liked the first version! It would totally make for a crack fic...


                            Now I want a crack!fic for D&C


                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              *looks at clock*

                              One more hour*sigh*

                              (Can you see how busy I am?)

                              Indeed. Although I liked the first version! It would totally make for a crack fic...


                              Now I want a crack!fic for D&C
                              Go for it! Can't wait to read it!


                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                Go for it! Can't wait to read it!
                                Who said I was going to write it? Was more like suggesting it to the more talented writers among us!

                                Plus I'm at work...can't write a fic in here...tsk tsk

