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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
    Now, Nyna, you can't mention a fic without a link!! I'm not sure I've read this one... is it on
    Originally posted by starlover View Post I don't know if she is online:
    Part 1: Supposed Crime and part 2: Professional Boundaries
    Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
    Thanks for posting the link! I have it marked to read when I have the time for a lengthy fic.
    I have such a complex about my fic SC and PB took me a long time to write and I'm still mixed as to how it turned out. I think one day, in ten years, I might try to do some more work with PB (not change it, but fill out the latter part of the plot more). Welcome to my head where I critique everything I write over and over. But I hope you enjoy it, it seems many people did

    And Happy Birthday Akamai! If I hadn't spent the last 48 hours processing year end checks for a million people, I'd have something. Instead I'm going to just do this


      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      I have such a complex about my fic SC and PB took me a long time to write and I'm still mixed as to how it turned out. I think one day, in ten years, I might try to do some more work with PB (not change it, but fill out the latter part of the plot more). Welcome to my head where I critique everything I write over and over. But I hope you enjoy it, it seems many people did
      I know what you mean about being self-critical. I'm probably not as hard on myself as you seem to be (and you should give yourself a break because you are very talented ), but I was just thinking yesterday when I finished my latest story that it always seems so much better in my head than what I manage to get on paper.

      I particularly envy the ability many of you have (and this is definitely one of Aka's strengths) to use such expressive language and interesting imagery. My excuse is that I am trained as a lawyer, which means I normally write for volume and obfuscation rather than pith or vividness. I hope what I write for fun doesn't read like a legal document!


        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        i don't know who cavalli is either!
        Big wig design. My eye glass frames were designed by him. Look him up Sally. I wonder what he thinks about her penguin shirt Maybe she can enlist him to our cause


          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          Akamaimom I just read your Glinda series. It is awesome I hope to see more fanfics in the future! At first I didn't understood the whole baby on accident thing till my friend pointed out that you have a whole series instead of just that one fanfic! I've been happily reading it all day!
          Was confused too...

          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

            For anyone in the mood for smut, I've written some PWP-- a Threads tag for an LJ secret santa. Linked to the journal home page due to content. Title is It's all in the Preparation. Enjoy it if you feel so inclined. *presses submit in hopes GW doesn't freak out*
            Thanks for the link to the fic... nice -n- hot!!


              Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
              Thanks for the link to the fic... nice -n- hot!!
              You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know.

              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                I know what you mean about being self-critical. I'm probably not as hard on myself as you seem to be (and you should give yourself a break because you are very talented ), but I was just thinking yesterday when I finished my latest story that it always seems so much better in my head than what I manage to get into writing.

                I particularly envy the ability many of you have (and this is definitely one of Aka's strengths) to use such expressive language and interesting imagery. My excuse is that I am trained as a lawyer, which means I normally write for volume and obfuscation rather than pith or vividness. I hope what I write for fun doesn't read like a legal document!
                Writing OT
                I tend to think of my words like a paintbrush. I totally suck at any sort of actual drawing and the only way to try to share what I'm seeing is to use words. I appreciate that you think I'm talented! I think I've got something to work with - I started writing stories in the 3rd grade and just haven't stopped - and certainly my creative writing classes in college helped. Still, we've got some pros here and it's so hard sometimes for me not to feel in total awe and fangurlishness LOL.

                You do an excellent job too And hey - you're a lawyer - how awesome is that! I have a friend who practices environmental law. I, on the other hand, do payroll. It's not very exciting. I hope one day to be a "real writer" :: looks wistful :: LOL.

                And to be on topic. Here's the banner I made for Melissa for Secret Santa.


                  Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                  I know what you mean about being self-critical. I'm probably not as hard on myself as you seem to be (and you should give yourself a break because you are very talented ), but I was just thinking yesterday when I finished my latest story that it always seems so much better in my head than what I manage to get on paper.

                  I particularly envy the ability many of you have (and this is definitely one of Aka's strengths) to use such expressive language and interesting imagery. My excuse is that I am trained as a lawyer, which means I normally write for volume and obfuscation rather than pith or vividness. I hope what I write for fun doesn't read like a legal document!
                  Definitely not! And I should know since I worked in law offices for 25+ years. You do very well, indeed.


                    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                    You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know.
                    i enjoyed it too!

                    (i tried to green you, more than once, but gateworld was being poopy)



                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      I know what you mean about being self-critical. I'm probably not as hard on myself as you seem to be (and you should give yourself a break because you are very talented ), but I was just thinking yesterday when I finished my latest story that it always seems so much better in my head than what I manage to get on paper.

                      I particularly envy the ability many of you have (and this is definitely one of Aka's strengths) to use such expressive language and interesting imagery. My excuse is that I am trained as a lawyer, which means I normally write for volume and obfuscation rather than pith or vividness. I hope what I write for fun doesn't read like a legal document!
                      What you mention in here is one of the reasons I don't write that much.

                      I like writing and love to do it too. My problem on the other hand is that English isn't my first language and thus I struggle with finding the right words when I am writing a fanfic. Twi did beta some fics for me, and she did a great job helping me with that, but in general I just hate it that I can't express myself in English as well as I can in some other languages.

                      I also hate it when I make a lot of grammatical mistakes. That is why I stopped rereading(and editing) my posts (over and over again) and just post them, because I will only annoy myself...
                      In general I know my English should be okay since I just got an A(on an American university) for my Media Writing(Journalism) class!


                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        I know what you mean about being self-critical. I'm probably not as hard on myself as you seem to be (and you should give yourself a break because you are very talented ), but I was just thinking yesterday when I finished my latest story that it always seems so much better in my head than what I manage to get on paper.
                        I'm the same way, I have great ideas but can't write worth a darn.


                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          i enjoyed it too!

                          (i tried to green you, more than once, but gateworld was being poopy)

                          I'm so relieved GW is working again. I need the distraction.

                          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            What you mention in here is one of the reasons I don't write that much.

                            I like writing and love to do it too. My problem on the other hand is that English isn't my first language and thus I struggle with finding the right words when I am writing a fanfic. Twi did beta some fics for me, and she did a great job helping me with that, but in general I just hate it that I can't express myself in English as well as I can in some other languages.

                            I also hate it when I make a lot of grammatical mistakes. That is why I stopped rereading(and editing) my posts (over and over again) and just post them, because I will only annoy myself...
                            In general I know my English should be okay since I just got an A(on an American university) for my Media Writing(Journalism) class!
                            I had a great time beta-ing your fic But I understand struggling to write in a foreign language. I hated my papers that I had to write in Spanish. Egads.

                            But the beauty of fanfic is that it's a great way to practice writing. That's why I do it. I don't need to create the characters, they already exist, and so I can try out different PsOV, voices, dialogue, description, etc.

                            And S/J are just so darn fun


                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              What you mention in here is one of the reasons I don't write that much.

                              I like writing and love to do it too. My problem on the other hand is that English isn't my first language and thus I struggle with finding the right words when I am writing a fanfic. Twi did beta some fics for me, and she did a great job helping me with that, but in general I just hate it that I can't express myself in English as well as I can in some other languages.

                              I also hate it when I make a lot of grammatical mistakes. That is why I stopped rereading(and editing) my posts (over and over again) and just post them, because I will only annoy myself...
                              In general I know my English should be okay since I just got an A(on an American university) for my Media Writing(Journalism) class!
                              Your English is great... I would not have guessed it's your second language. I have such admiration for those of you who are bi-lingual. I know I couldn't do it!

                              Back on topic... = aren't these guys the best??


                                In case anyone is interested, I did a fanfic meme about my own fic over on LJ...there are a few links to S/J stories and a few of my thoughts.

                                Nynaeve's/Twi's LJ

