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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    So I loved the team pic and I decided to do a little manip of it.

    I call it "Family Portrait"

    EDIT: Can't you just see something like this hanging over Sam and Jack's mantel?
    Its Probably hanging in their Washington town house or Jack's cabin.


      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      Thesis OT

      I have all that stuff, but I tend to be very careful about WHAT information goes out. Google search me and you'll find things here or there, but you can't get my phone number or address (partly because I move so many times good luck keeping up...).

      :: shrugs :: I just try to be careful but people do what they do.

      Fanfic Question/Thoughts

      I'm thinking of pulling some of my fic down from until such a time as I revise them or...just remove them permanently. There are so many great writers on this board and I admit full intimidation. I use fanfic as writing practice and well...some of my stories I don't really like anymore with the way my feelings have changed about the show and as I've created more refined views of the characters.

      That said, I've been writing since I was in the third grade with my first bit of fanfic written (Picard/Crusher) when I was eleven. Periodically when I feel I've reached the "next level" in writing, I would go through purges, destroying and removing my stories. So I wouldn't go that far, I have them all backed up...but...


      I am not a writer but looking at this from a "reader only" point of view, I hate the thought of good writers pulling their stories.
      There's a writer, who has been writing fic since the beginning of SG-1. A couple of years ago someone rec'ced a couple of her earlier fics. When I went to her site, I noticed she pulled those and many other early stories from her website. Someone told me it was because the author wasn't really happy with them and thought they weren't as good as her later works. I got lucky and found the deleted ones on the WM.
      As a reader, I loved some of those early stories. I thought they were great. She's a wonderful writer, and although her earliest work is a little less polished, it still is entertaining, very well written and well worth the read.
      So I guess it makes me a little sad knowing that there are some really great stories out there, that are lost to people who would enjoy them.
      That being said, you have to do what makes you most comfortable. As long as you still have it saved on a HD, then nothing is permanent. So you can always change your mind if you find you're not happy with your decision.
      Some good fic writers have been around for 10 years or more. Because of that, I think FF writers could benefit from a website where they post early stories only: The fic they don't feel is up to their own personal standards. That way the readers are aware the stories might not be as polished as some later stuff, but they don't miss out on reading a good story.

      The writer's smackdown from reading the last paragraph may now gentle.


        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        Thesis OT


        Fanfic Question/Thoughts

        I'm thinking of pulling some of my fic down from until such a time as I revise them or...just remove them permanently. There are so many great writers on this board and I admit full intimidation. I use fanfic as writing practice and well...some of my stories I don't really like anymore with the way my feelings have changed about the show and as I've created more refined views of the characters.

        That said, I've been writing since I was in the third grade with my first bit of fanfic written (Picard/Crusher) when I was eleven. Periodically when I feel I've reached the "next level" in writing, I would go through purges, destroying and removing my stories. So I wouldn't go that far, I have them all backed up...but...


        OT Fanfic Question

        I think it's up to you what you do with your fanfic. Will it make you feel better or worse if you take down the ones that are bothering you?

        I know there are fics that I've written that I cringe at when I reread because my views of the characters have been honed and I don't think they'd quite respond the way they do in the fic anymore. Or because I look at it and think I could have written the idea/concept so much better now than I did at the time. But I tend to go view that writing is a journey and what's posted is posted flaws and all, (although I will go back and edit typos I spot).

        An alternative I once suggested on another thread where there was a similar debate was that if you are unhappy with the fics, want to acknowledge that but don't want to really take them down, is to add an author's note to the front of them, just stating a caveat of "early work" with a comment stating your own thoughts and opinions of the fic.

        Shipsgiving Timestamp meme:
        Just for those who may have missed my original post yesterday, for Shipsgiving, please send me any prompt for a missing scene from any of my fic (before the fic, during the fic, after the fic) if you would like to do so.

        You can find the full list of my fic in my signature link to or head to my LJ, choose the Stargate fanfiction index of the right navigation and all the Sam/Jack's are listed by category.

        Pics: I love those pics.

        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


          Okay, i'm giving an extension for another 6 hours because I can't do it until then, if you still wanna join, please e-mail me asap!!!!
          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          !!!SECRET SANTA!!!

          What is Secret Santa?
          Everyone who signs up for it makes something for another person. You can make anything you like. Music videos, fanmix, icons, wallpapers, headers, poem, fics, stories, picture stories, ... Be creative, everything is a go.
          So you'll be making something for someone but you'll also be getting something.
          You do have to make something that is related to Sam/Jack, unless you know that person will also be happy with something else.

          How does it work?
          Fill in this form, and mail it to: [email protected]
          Subject line should be: Secret Santa Sam/Jack thread. If you don't do this, it will end up in my spam!!!

          Your E-mail: So I can contact you (it will not go to the person who has to make something for you). Please do use the same e-mail when sending me your form, it makes things easier for me
          Nickname: and name if you want it to be personal. This is NOT COMPULSORY. Since I'm not on here much, nicknames (full nicknames that is) will help me!
          Age: or the rating, in case you get a fic.
          Things you want to make: Just tell me what your willing to make, if you are willing to do everything, just say so.
          Things you don't want to make:
          Things you really like made for you:
          Things you don't like made for you:
          Favourite colour, episode, moment, picture, song, quote, plotbunny,other shows: obviously you don't have to answer on everything but it might help the person who makes something for you to give you what you really like!
          message for your secret santa: be original, cause it is funny. Please don't skip it because your secret santa might like it

          Singing up can be until 5th November then I'll send the assignments out around the 8th of November.

          Assignments have to be in my mailbox before the 15th December! Then I'll be mailing them off to everyone And if you want you can post them on this thread.

          If I got your e-mail of signing up and also later when you send me the assignment i'll mail you back as soon as possible, so you know I got your e-mail. If you didn't get a e-mail back, I didn't get it. Sometimes it might take a few days though.

          I could also do with some people who wants to be a back-up when someone can't make something or forgot, cause i have experienced that from other years. If you wanna be a back-up please add that to your mail. Thanks!!!

          Also if you know shippers who aren't on this thread any more, or on GW any more but still wanna participate, you can always send this message.

          !!!SECRET SANTA!!!


            Originally posted by Pol View Post
            [COLOR="black"]Last comment from me re: research
            Researchers have VERY strict rules that must be followed. Very. In most cases we must pass an IRB, also known as "Human Subjects Review," which governs how we research and how we present data. Chief among these rules are the requirement to "anonymize" respondents. So, even though you use a screen name, the rules of research are that your screen name would have been changed. It's for YOUR protection.

            Now, several have argued that what we post here is fair game. It is not, and that is not the point. What I post here is intended for *here.* It is not intended to be discussed, analyzed, dissected, etc... without my permission. When posting/writing/commenting in a forum in which I have to log in and is, in fact, moderated, I have a reasonable expectation of protection of my online identity, such as it is.

            Ethical research demands that you follow the rules of the game. YOu anonymize your subjects, you destroy your data collected after one year (not, obviously, your thesis and/or dissertation, but the actual research data (audio tapes, transcriptions, etc...) Trust me, I'm not making this up.

            And note, as a researcher and a linguist, I like the thesis, I just disagree with the methods. I, too, cited Jenkins and several others the author of the study did, and if you read those things we both have cited, each author disclosed how they made their entree into the group they studied and noted how they informed their study groups of their study. And they anonymized their subjects. (Full disclosure time, Jenkins, whom we both site, has become a colleague and close acquaintance in the past few years.)
            Just as any legitimate reporter will identify themselves as a reporter, identify their news outlet, and provide you with their editor's name if you ask for it. Professionals have ethics. And while there are of course unethical people in any profession, most of the time when I've run into someone (either an academic or a reporter) behaving unethically and not following the guidelines of their profession, they're a student or a grad student who is cutting corners. And the best thing to do is call their professor or their school. Believe me, no social sciences professor wants to hear that one of their students has failed to follow correct procedures with human subjects!
            sigpicsig by Isolde


              Originally posted by leiasky View Post

              The bolded is the issue, actually. Put comments together out of context and misconstrue them and you've got an incorrect and potentially very damaging bit of text.

              If I found someone wrote about and published something using comments that I'd made without permission, I'd be very upset.
              Isn't the fact that it is a public forum where anyone can come and read the entire thread if you choose to and have the time, of course, make it non-private? If it were emails or private messages, it's private. Since it is out there for anyone to read, I don't see how anyone can call it a privacy issue. However, I do think this person should not have used the real user names without THEIR permission. You should remove identifying characteristics.


                Originally posted by cdm View Post
                I am not a writer but looking at this from a "reader only" point of view, I hate the thought of good writers pulling their stories.
                There's a writer, who has been writing fic since the beginning of SG-1. A couple of years ago someone rec'ced a couple of her earlier fics. When I went to her site, I noticed she pulled those and many other early stories from her website. Someone told me it was because the author wasn't really happy with them and thought they weren't as good as her later works. I got lucky and found the deleted ones on the WM.
                This is why (as a reader) saving any and all that you really like (or even all of a writer's fics) is a good idea. I've been doing that for a long time, and I don't think I've even read all of the ones I've got saved, though I've read a large number of them by now.


                  Originally posted by penjab View Post
                  Isn't the fact that it is a public forum where anyone can come and read the entire thread if you choose to and have the time, of course, make it non-private? If it were emails or private messages, it's private. Since it is out there for anyone to read, I don't see how anyone can call it a privacy issue. However, I do think this person should not have used the real user names without THEIR permission. You should remove identifying characteristics.

                  The bolded is the point Artie and Pol have made far better than I.

                  re-fic. You have to do what you feel is right. As a reader, I cringe to hear of any fic being pulled down. As a writer, I leave my old, horrible, terrible fic up because it's archived (and shows a progression in my writing complete with publish dates!) and I don't want to remove it in case someone may enjoy it. It amazes me how many people like my old stuff and I think its terrible.
                  Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                    *dances in*

                    I'm feeling in a very shippery mood today, so thought I'd drop in and say hi. Hi And post some recent-ish S/J art

                    I've a real urge to make some more S/J art, but no inspiration Anyone have any requests/ideas?

                    Oh, do we have a date for Shipsgiving yet? I'm sure it must be coming up soon.


                      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post

                      I've a real urge to make some more S/J art, but no inspiration Anyone have any requests/ideas?

                      Oh, do we have a date for Shipsgiving yet? I'm sure it must be coming up soon.
                      Do u wanna join us for Penguins Challenge of this month?
                      The quote is soooooo fluffy:

                      She is the sunshine stars.
                      She has my brains and heart.
                      She is the brightest part
                      of this black universe.

                      And I think that Shipsgiving will be on 20th November *has a vid already done*
                      My vids Sig made by me


                        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                        *dances in*

                        I'm feeling in a very shippery mood today, so thought I'd drop in and say hi. Hi And post some recent-ish S/J art





                        I've a real urge to make some more S/J art, but no inspiration Anyone have any requests/ideas?

                        Oh, do we have a date for Shipsgiving yet? I'm sure it must be coming up soon.
                        *huggles Oma* Lovely sigs

                        Shipsgiving is the 20th

                        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                        Do u wanna join us for Penguins Challenge of this month?
                        The quote is soooooo fluffy:

                        She is the sunshine stars.
                        She has my brains and heart.
                        She is the brightest part
                        of this black universe.
                        I would like to join but I'm busy (as always)

                        And I think that Shipsgiving will be on 20th November *has a vid already done*
                        *is jealous*
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          Mmm. Oma! You bring us such nice art! Do drop by more often! Not sure I can help with inspiration... How about Sam and her BIKE in all leather with Jack looking on in - admiration.... or in one of his many hot leather jackets.... Lots of different episode pics to cobble together but - I have faith in you! LOL!

                          Not sure if I've helped but I tried!
                          Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                            Yep, the pic with "Amanda" leaning into Rick's shoulder is indeed AT. On one of the DVD extras you see the behind-the-scenes clip it was taken from and it's easier to see that it's her.
                            thank you!

                            i've seen that pic before, but i kept thinking it was michael shanks, so i didn't keep it. now i'm going to have to go back and find the pic to keep it for real.



                              On the thesis: I concede to the wiser, more experienced members of our community. Hearing the discussion and participating with my thoughts, I officially change my opinion. (Not that anyone cares, but I always feel it's fair to admit when I'm wrong).

                              On fanfic: I like Rachel's idea of putting my thoughts at the start. Leia made a great point and made me feel better about showing a progression. For now the early stories stay.

                              And in the mean time...

                              I really need to work on some new S/J fic or graphic or something >.<


                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                On the thesis: I concede to the wiser, more experienced members of our community. Hearing the discussion and participating with my thoughts, I officially change my opinion. (Not that anyone cares, but I always feel it's fair to admit when I'm wrong).

                                On fanfic: I like Rachel's idea of putting my thoughts at the start. Leia made a great point and made me feel better about showing a progression. For now the early stories stay.

                                And in the mean time...

                                I really need to work on some new S/J fic or graphic or something >.<
                                I forgot to comment on this...please don't pull your fic! That is all.

                                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."

