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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    Option 2: They go to bed.

    Hmmmmmmmm. Decisions, decisions.
    Why was I not surprised by that?

    Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
    OT but Stargate related:
    Just found a fanvid that gave me a really good chuckle.
    Brilliant - have added to favourites

    Originally posted by iiradned View Post
    There's a deep end? I thought there was only one depth, a bottomless abyss.
    Of which we are all in it seems but we are happy

    Forgot to say - sorry can't do 100 days - the angst on Sam' face is just too much. And Jack, still can't believe how ever much it was shoved in his face, he'd just take it. But hey he's a man and there are a strange breed. Was that episode written by someone different to the usual people?
    Last edited by Fluffy17; 04 November 2010, 09:05 AM.


      Originally posted by iiradned View Post
      There's a deep end? I thought there was only one depth, a bottomless abyss.
      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      Yes, a bottomless abyss where we all like to splash and play. WheeEEeeeEEeeeEEee!
      There's not only a deep end, and a bottomless abyss, but lovely little sleeping chambers for those that choose to never leave and who sleep here all the time.


        Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
        OT but Stargate related:

        Just found a fanvid that gave me a really good chuckle.

        Stargate SG-1: The Movie
        I Would SO go see this movie. and How MANY Times has SG-1 been captured by the bad guys?


          My Favorite Sam/Jack "Wedding" Video.

          I really wish they had Don S. Davis (May he Rest in peace) made a cameo in that "Dream wedding" sequence.


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            There's not only a deep end, and a bottomless abyss, but lovely little sleeping chambers for those that choose to never leave and who sleep here all the time.
            You guys are so much fun. I’ve been torturing my friends with my endless Stargate and Sam and Jack talk for years. And here you are, just as crazy about this stuff as I am. I would have spared them a lot had I found you sooner.


              Re: One Hundred Days

              Odd thing is, I can totally understand Laira's reasons for doing things in this ep more than I can Jack's. Aka - your reasoning regarding having more children to help the village makes sense. In fact most people have a view on her motives... but not Jack's...

              I may have to go with the drunk theory....

              Originally posted by cdm View Post
              I think Jack was suffering from "Romantic Stockholm Syndrome". He was, due to Mother Nature, nothing more than a prisoner on this planet. And Laira was the person who watched over him. He had to be so mentally screwed by the loss of his entire life, and the person he had true feelings for, that he grasped on to the illusion Laira was offering.
              Although for me this ep was a turning point with regards to Sam and Jack recognising their feelings for each other. For Sam more than Jack actually because I think this is the one major incident which makes her realise the truth of her feelings as opposed to just attributing what she was feeling to something else.

              You could tell Jack was pining for Home, but I jsut never got the sense it was Sam in particular at this point. Although this probably has to do with Laira and his relationship with her.


                Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                You guys are so much fun. I’ve been torturing my friends with my endless Stargate and Sam and Jack talk for years. And here you are, just as crazy about this stuff as I am. I would have spared them a lot had I found you sooner.
                So happy you found us crazy folk.


                  Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                  Re: One Hundred Days

                  Odd thing is, I can totally understand Laira's reasons for doing things in this ep more than I can Jack's. Aka - your reasoning regarding having more children to help the village makes sense. In fact most people have a view on her motives... but not Jack's...

                  I may have to go with the drunk theory....

                  Although for me this ep was a turning point with regards to Sam and Jack recognising their feelings for each other. For Sam more than Jack actually because I think this is the one major incident which makes her realise the truth of her feelings as opposed to just attributing what she was feeling to something else.

                  You could tell Jack was pining for Home, but I jsut never got the sense it was Sam in particular at this point. Although this probably has to do with Laira and his relationship with her.
                  I think Jack's reasoning for going along with it was that he was making the best of the situation. He was stuck. The best option for him would have been to settle in for the long haul. Home, companionship, supplies. He had all of that with Laira--and he even liked her son. I totally understand why he decided to stay with her when she asked. I don't have to like it. . . but I understand it. It was a pragmatic decision based on the fact that there wasn't much else available, and he DID have chemistry with Laira.

                  I wonder what Sam would have done in the same situation. My thinking is that she would have resisted partnering with someone specific and found some scientific way to find the 'Gate. For some reason, I think that she would have had a problem being happy there, while Jack could have found some kind of happiness.

                  I think that there's a fic in that. . .
                  My Stories: FFdotNet
                  My Stories AO3
                  Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    I think Jack's reasoning for going along with it was that he was making the best of the situation. He was stuck. The best option for him would have been to settle in for the long haul. Home, companionship, supplies. He had all of that with Laira--and he even liked her son. I totally understand why he decided to stay with her when she asked. I don't have to like it. . . but I understand it. It was a pragmatic decision based on the fact that there wasn't much else available, and he DID have chemistry with Laira.

                    I wonder what Sam would have done in the same situation. My thinking is that she would have resisted partnering with someone specific and found some scientific way to find the 'Gate. For some reason, I think that she would have had a problem being happy there, while Jack could have found some kind of happiness.

                    I think that there's a fic in that. . .
                    I'm sure I have some fics where Sam is the one stranded. Some of them have both she and Jack stranded and, of course, they wind up together. In one, Sam does wind up getting married, but only after she's been there for a year with no rescue in sight. And she doesn't marry for love. She winds up having two children with the man she married, and after a few years a ship shows up with Jack, Daniel and Teal'c to rescue her and take her back to earth. Her husband winds up dying somewhere along the way, so she and Jack then wind up together. The ones I've read so far do have her resisting for a long time the whole idea of settling down and accepting their fate in staying on Edora. But eventually she does, regardless of whether Jack is there or she's alone on Edora with the villagers. In one, the Edorans don't like her much because of all her scientific endeavors and they don't think she's trying hard enough to fit in. Until, of course, she "invents" some easier ways for them to do things and make their lives easier.

                    Sam is, after all, a scientist, and she needs her scientific pursuits (IMO) to stay sane (figuratively speaking). And I can't see her adapting to that way of life very easily or very quickly. She needs to be able to use her mind and intellect in order to feel worthwhile (IMO). And farming isn't something she'd take to very easily. Though eventually, she might.

                    (Regardless of how well written they may be, I tend not to enjoy some of these because of how picked on Sam is -- even by Jack in some of them.)


                      Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                      You guys are so much fun. I’ve been torturing my friends with my endless Stargate and Sam and Jack talk for years. And here you are, just as crazy about this stuff as I am. I would have spared them a lot had I found you sooner.
                      Most people (sorry I think everyone) outside this little world thinks I'm mad. I had to change my password at work today, usually it's a variation of abydos or chulak but now, well you'll all know what it is, but I can't divulge it... I watched the Sight Unseen audio commentary today and they mention the "inter personal relationship", another crumb


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        (Regardless of how well written they may be, I tend not to enjoy some of these because of how picked on Sam is -- even by Jack in some of them.)
                        I don't tend to enjoy these much either. Though that's probably because, despite what happens during the episode, everything turns out right in the end, so I don't feel the need to explore the 'what ifs' so much.

                        Having said that I was the one who started this debate so maybe not...

                        And yet when Jack gets stranded again in Paradise Lost, well, there's a whole lotter stuff to explore there!


                          And of course, I have to miss the day there's a big discussion going on. That always happens, right?

                          On A Hundred Days - You guys covered the subject pretty well. I don't have much to had.

                          I feel quite 'meh' about Laira. I don't agree with her motives, but I a do believe they were founded, for her, and I think I can understand them. My problem is more with her wanting a child from someone she knows doesn't love her - 'cause I believe she knew - when she hesitated to tell him his radio made noise proved it to me. That's not how you treat someone, IMO. The fact that she wanted until Jack was 'drunk' also tells me that she didn't think he'd say yes he was thinking clearly.

                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          I think Jack's reasoning for going along with it was that he was making the best of the situation. He was stuck. The best option for him would have been to settle in for the long haul. Home, companionship, supplies. He had all of that with Laira--and he even liked her son. I totally understand why he decided to stay with her when she asked. I don't have to like it. . . but I understand it. It was a pragmatic decision based on the fact that there wasn't much else available, and he DID have chemistry with Laira.
                          I totally agree.

                          Being pragmatic is who Jack is and that's also why it took him so much time to see potential into his and Sam's relationship - because it wasn't supposed to be real and work out in the end.
                          Laira did help him in the episode, so, if he wanted to move on, I can see him going to her and wanting to explore a possible relationship. Sure, I don't think he would have loved her right away, but they had something that was worth exploring - and that's what Jack saw.

                          I wonder what Sam would have done in the same situation. My thinking is that she would have resisted partnering with someone specific and found some scientific way to find the 'Gate. For some reason, I think that she would have had a problem being happy there, while Jack could have found some kind of happiness.
                          Science is, I think, one of the biggest - if not the biggest - differences between Sam & Jack. Had she been the one stuck on a planet, she would have explored every possible way science offered her to get back. Jack couldn't do much on that part except digging. And you don't dig for three months when you don't know what you're looking for, especially when you have a woman like Laira looking after you.
                          So, had Sam been the one on the planet for three months, I don't think she would have settled with they way of life. Jack is already closer to the ground than she is with her scientific doohickeys.

                          He has the cabin; she has her lab.
                          But that's why they make such a great couple.

                          I don't know if I made sense, but for what it's worth... It was only my 2 cents.

                          Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                          My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                          Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                            Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                            And of course, I have to miss the day there's a big discussion going on. That always happens, right?

                            On A Hundred Days - You guys covered the subject pretty well. I don't have much to had.

                            I feel quite 'meh' about Laira. I don't agree with her motives, but I a do believe they were founded, for her, and I think I can understand them. My problem is more with her wanting a child from someone she knows doesn't love her - 'cause I believe she knew - when she hesitated to tell him his radio made noise proved it to me. That's not how you treat someone, IMO. The fact that she wanted until Jack was 'drunk' also tells me that she didn't think he'd say yes he was thinking clearly.

                            I totally agree.

                            Being pragmatic is who Jack is and that's also why it took him so much time to see potential into his and Sam's relationship - because it wasn't supposed to be real and work out in the end.
                            Laira did help him in the episode, so, if he wanted to move on, I can see him going to her and wanting to explore a possible relationship. Sure, I don't think he would have loved her right away, but they had something that was worth exploring - and that's what Jack saw.

                            Science is, I think, one of the biggest - if not the biggest - differences between Sam & Jack. Had she been the one stuck on a planet, she would have explored every possible way science offered her to get back. Jack couldn't do much on that part except digging. And you don't dig for three months when you don't know what you're looking for, especially when you have a woman like Laira looking after you.
                            So, had Sam been the one on the planet for three months, I don't think she would have settled with they way of life. Jack is already closer to the ground than she is with her scientific doohickeys.

                            He has the cabin; she has her lab.
                            But that's why they make such a great couple.

                            I don't know if I made sense, but for what it's worth... It was only my 2 cents.

                            I like the cabin/lab thing. I might snurch that, if you don't mind. . .
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                              I like the cabin/lab thing. I might snurch that, if you don't mind. . .
                              Go right ahead! I'll be happy if you use it.
                              Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                              My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                              Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                                Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                                So, had Sam been the one on the planet for three months, I don't think she would have settled with they way of life. Jack is already closer to the ground than she is with her scientific doohickeys.

                                He has the cabin; she has her lab.
                                But that's why they make such a great couple.

                                I don't know if I made sense, but for what it's worth... It was only my 2 cents.

                                I've already read a fic where Jack and Sam where stuck together on a planet and he built her a lab. Of course, it wasn't on Edora but some other planet, there's even some time dilation involved.

                                Gail Delaney's Twilight which be read on Always & Forever, or on her homepage with pictures!
                                No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                                It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.

