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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    going to church at 2 after church coming home and back on GW


      Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
      afternoon all how is everyone doing today?
      Doing fine, reading some / ship fic.
      No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
      It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


        Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
        going to church at 2 after church coming home and back on GW
        Sounds good

        How about some basic math?

        + =

        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


          Originally posted by yessika View Post
          Sounds good

          How about some basic math?

          + =

          now that is math I can understand


            Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
            afternoon all how is everyone doing today?
            you're a sam/jack shipper? tell us why you like this couple. what is your fave episode? what is your fave moment?

            if you're interested in shooting the breeze with shippers, there's the shipper lounge (or whatever name it's going by now) for the pure pleasure of talking to shippers.



              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              you're a sam/jack shipper? tell us why you like this couple. what is your fave episode? what is your fave moment?

              if you're interested in shooting the breeze with shippers, there's the shipper lounge (or whatever name it's going by now) for the pure pleasure of talking to shippers.
              I love Jack/Sam I think they have great chemistry ever since episode 1! Off the top of my head I would have to say my favorite Sam/Jack moments are in season 4 episodes Upgrades and Divide and Conquer... there are so many of them


                Evening Shippers.

                So I bought (and have now finished) Four Dragons one of the latest two Fandemonium novels. I remember someone who shall remain nameless *coughTrupicough* piquing my interest by suggesting that certain "shippy" bits had been left in... so, now would be a good time to review it right?

                Yeah, thought you might say yes.

                Firstly, most of this will be in spoilers because it's, well, spoilery, albeit only mildly, but before I do that I will say, as Fademonium novels go, this is one of the better ones. The author clearly knows the Stargate universe well, knows the characters well and understands the dynamic of the Sam/Jack ship well enough to do credit to it. In general the pace and action is good, writing pretty slick, characterisation good (with a few minor gripes) and plot good (again, a few minor gripes). In terms of overall shippyness factor... well so long as you don't go reading this expecting much more than you'll get in the average episode, you won't be disappointed. I'm going to peg it as about as shippy as Metamorphosis on my shipometer. If you've read other Fandemonium novels, it's almost -not quite - on a par with the Sally Malcolm ones.

                Onto the spoilers... yes, this does contain them (although no actual book excerpts) so beware before you click:


                Synopsis: Daniel gets kidnapped by Yu. The rest of SG-1, with Bra'tac are sent to recover him but have restrictions imposed on them by the Chinese ambassador. Bizarrely, the SGC agree to those (ah, all becomes clearer as you read on) and go in half! Most of the rest of the book centres around the rescue mission and Daniel's interactions with Yu whilst waiting for his knights on white steeds.

                Other CharactersThere's Hammond, Jacob, Bra'tac, Major Davis, Janet... all my favourite characters. Plus a couple of original characters... I thought one of these was going to turn out to be a Mary Sue but, actually didn't but, in the end, felt completely superflous. The other SGC based one - the Chinese ambassador - and the other felt a bit contrived. I suspect there was a lot more exposition about the stuff that happens back at the SGC that got edited out for length but that might have been better served leaving it in, as the whole set up seemed a bit unbelievable.

                Characterisation: Jack was off at the start. It felt like a mid/late season 5 Jack to me - grumpy and snippy at Daniel. Given this was set post Glowy!Daniel being kicked out of the Oma Desala fanclub, and there's a huge development during most of season 6 of Jack's personality (and he softens considerably IMO, and becomes a lot more diplomatic) it felt a bit misplaced seeing him so gruff. However, grumpy/grouchy/snippy Jack is kind of integral to the plot since that leads to a situation that leads to Daniel being kidnapped by Yu in the first place. Pleasently enough, there's not too much eaten-up-with-guilt Jack here either. Just enough and then on with the story. By a couple chapters in you've kind of forgiven the slightly off characterness of Jack and it even makes a little sense sort of. He gets back on track but it's serious Jack here, not the flippant colonel we got far too much of on screen in the later seasons.
                Daniel, Teal'c Sam etc. all seem pretty spot on. This is mostly told from Jack or Daniel POV so hard to gauge but I can certainly see this on screen, in my mind.

                Shipyness: As I say, don't expect anything more than you would have seen on screen. However, much of the story is told in Jack's POV and there's a couple of "thoughts" there that are very overt. One, early on, seems a very blanket acknowledgement of those feelings - both sexual and emotional, and later on, another very blanket acknowledgement (again from Jack's thoughts) that he's be as good as dead without her. And the latter one made me squee just a little.
                In addition there's a number of times when they are paired up together, or working closely together; one where Sam's tending to a minor injury of his which echos back to Solitudes and some others too. A nice portrayal of their close working relationship.

                General thoughts: The ending of the book felt a bit... odd. Rushed? I don't know. Probably no more so that an average episode but I did feel like there should have been more to it, and I felt that I didn't really have a satisfactory explanation as to why Daniel was kidnapped by Yu in the first place. The whole denouement sort of made me go "Yeah? So? And the big deal is?..." Maybe it's because I'm just not that interested in the whole Chinese mythology thing... but then again, it is good to see an author tackle something other than the normal Goa'uld Eygptian/Greek mthology angle and, what's more, someone who clearly had an excellent knowledge of what they were writing about.
                There's also a bit of a WTF moment when Brat'ac and Teal'c separate from Sam and Jack to try and recruit jaffa to the freedom movement, in the face of all evidence that none of them are gonna go for it. However, since this means Sam and Jack get to go off exploring dark corridors alone, I didn't mind so much.

                I say, once you get past the rather dubious premise it's a good story. The book hints at a sequel and I certainly will be buying it when it comes out.

                Last edited by Cagranosalis; 26 September 2010, 01:36 PM.


                  Originally posted by yessika View Post
                  Sounds good

                  How about some basic math?

                  + =

                  If I were to write this in my exam tomorrow, do you think the teacher will consider it? :O

                  Cags, thanks for the wonderful review! Didn't read all of it - don't want to spoil myself. But I think I'm going to give it a shot!
                  Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                  My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                  Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                    Evening Shippers.

                    So I bought (and have now finished) Four Dragons one of the latest two Fandemonium novels. I remember someone who shall remain nameless *coughTrupicough* piquing my interest by suggesting that certain "shippy" bits had been left in... so, now would be a good time to review it right?

                    Yeah, thought you might say yes.

                    Firstly, most of this will be in spoilers because it's, well, spoilery, albeit only mildly, but before I do that I will say, as Fademonium novels go, this is one of the better ones. The author clearly knows the Stargate universe well, knows the characters well and understands the dynamic of the Sam/Jack ship well enough to do credit to it. In general the pace and action is good, writing pretty slick, characterisation good (with a few minor gripes) and plot good (again, a few minor gripes). In terms of overall shippyness factor... well so long as you don't go reading this expecting much more than you'll get in the average episode, you won't be disappointed. I'm going to peg it as about as shippy as Metamorphosis on my shipometer. If you've read other Fandemonium novels, it's almost -not quite - on a par with the Sally Malcolm ones.

                    Onto the spoilers... yes, this does contain them (although no actual book excerpts) so beware before you click:

                    While it sounds kind of interesting, I have the impression that it's more focussed on Jack than anybody else?


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      While it sounds kind of interesting, I have the impression that it's more focussed on Jack than anybody else?
                      No. I would say mostly written in either Jack or Daniel POV, in so much as the action playing out come from their POV, and most of the introspection (thoughts/feelings) are in their characters. But Sam and Teal'c do get a little bit of monologue here and there. On the whole, the "action" side of it is fairly evenly spread and it feels quite teamy. Not focussed on Jack so much as focussed from him, if that makes sense.


                        Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                        If I were to write this in my exam tomorrow, do you think the teacher will consider it? :O

                        Cags, thanks for the wonderful review! Didn't read all of it - don't want to spoil myself. But I think I'm going to give it a shot!
                        No harm in trying
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          respectfully and lovingly snipped...
                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Evening Shippers.
                          ... The whole denouement sort of made me go
                          OMG. I think I just swooned.

                          Carrie, you big tease, casually tossing in wonderful literary terms.

                          Awesome review, thank you.

                          Er...oh yeah. Back to the math: + = That last gif not by me.

                          Or... (again, gif's not mine)

                          leads to which leads to . Then... with some (with some thrown in).

                          All of which means:
                          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                            Originally posted by Pol View Post
                            respectfully and lovingly snipped...

                            OMG. I think I just swooned.

                            Carrie, you big tease, casually tossing in wonderful literary terms.

                            Awesome review, thank you.

                            Er...oh yeah. Back to the math: + = That last gif not by me.

                            Or... (again, gif's not mine)

                            leads to which leads to . Then... with some (with some thrown in).

                            All of which means:
                            Okay--that's just too stinkin' cute. Happy Shippy Squee!
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                              Playing catch-up. Oh, this was truly lovely. One of the few I've seen that I want to save onto my drive.

                              Thanks for the rec.
                              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                                Originally posted by yessika View Post
                                Sounds good

                                How about some basic math?

                                + =

                                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                                respectfully and lovingly snipped...

                                OMG. I think I just swooned.

                                Carrie, you big tease, casually tossing in wonderful literary terms.

                                Awesome review, thank you.

                                Er...oh yeah. Back to the math: + = That last gif not by me.

                                Or... (again, gif's not mine)

                                leads to which leads to . Then... with some (with some thrown in).

                                All of which means:
                                The only thing to add is...

                                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                                My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!

