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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Hi shipper family!

    Welcome sg1Rox--hope you have a great time here.

    Where is everyone? I know things have been hard with GW being up and down all day. Hopefully it's back on for good.

    I'm getting ready to watch Divide & Conquer and then Window of Opportunity! My two favorite episodes.

    By the way...I tried watching Heroes, Part 2 (and Lost City, Part 1) on my new Season 7 DVD's and guess what...the video is messed up. I couldn't see anything shippy (the hug from Heroes) or the house scene from Lost City. I can't believe what a total disappointment. Oh well...I'll keep shipping as best as I can. I don't guess I can take them back, or even complain to MGM, but I'd like to.

    Hugs all around.


      Dear fellow shippers,

      It has been too quite on the ship front for three days now! I know GW has had its outages, but I'm beginning to worry about where you all are.

      Hope you're all well, and thinking shippy thoughts (Of course, with D & C and WoO on tonight, how could you not be?)!!!!


        Hi Gals,
        I don't visit regularly but when I do I really enjoy this thread!! Anyway, I was on the Sci Fi website last night looking for the schedule of this week's episodes. I clicked on Season 8 Episode Guide and read the Threads and Moebius reviews. Awesome! See the references to Sam and Jack for these episodes. Shipper friendly!!! Let me know if you agree!! nell


          They're some of the best ship episodes ever!


            Whew! I'm glad I found you guys. I don't post to forums very often, mostly because I tend to be a bit shippy and have found myself getting battered for that. I've just been reading one of the Stargate novels and was really glad that they didn't pretent there was nothing between Sam and Jack. I mean, it was just nice to see then being human about the whole thing.
            So finally, I think it's not just me. This is great. Now I can sit back and relax instead of being frightened to say a word that might imply something!



              If you're a shipper, you're in friendly territory now.

              Welcome, ayowza!


                Originally posted by ayowza
                Whew! I'm glad I found you guys. I don't post to forums very often, mostly because I tend to be a bit shippy and have found myself getting battered for that. I've just been reading one of the Stargate novels and was really glad that they didn't pretent there was nothing between Sam and Jack. I mean, it was just nice to see then being human about the whole thing.
                So finally, I think it's not just me. This is great. Now I can sit back and relax instead of being frightened to say a word that might imply something!


                WELCOME !!!

                don't worry here you can tell all the words you want !
                I'm sure you're gonna enjoy this family...we take a good care of our two little kids S&J

                and just to let you know here the main sentence is

                SAM AND JACK FOREVER !!!


                  Originally posted by ayowza
                  Whew! I'm glad I found you guys. I don't post to forums very often, mostly because I tend to be a bit shippy and have found myself getting battered for that. I've just been reading one of the Stargate novels and was really glad that they didn't pretent there was nothing between Sam and Jack. I mean, it was just nice to see then being human about the whole thing.
                  So finally, I think it's not just me. This is great. Now I can sit back and relax instead of being frightened to say a word that might imply something!

                  Welcome, That's how i felt when i found this thread lol
                  Those who know the truth must rise up boldly and be a light into the darkness, if the truth bearers stay quiet, then the lost are already gone.


                    OK, I just watched Divide and Conquer, again, and everytime I see it, I start to cry when Jack finally admits his feelings for Sam, and vice versa. I know, I'm a wimp......but don't you think that show really solidified the fact that Jack and Sam had deep feelings for each other, but knew they were not able to act upon them? I know it was only Season 4 and sometimes, romance between major characters in a series can spell the kiss of death and I know Air Force regs got in the way, but couldn't TPTB work something out?

                    It's now the end of season 8 and they are still not together. How much longer do we have to wait?????? As a former Scaper (I still love it), I was in agony when Aeryn and John split, but it was sheer heaven when they finally got together and married. Now I know the series ended.....BUT, with Jack leaving this upcoming season, after making only 2 appearances, couldn't we at least have an off screen romance??? PLEASE??????????

                    OK, I'll be quiet now.......(quietly sniffs and shuffles off to her room, for a box of tissues).
                    On fighting:
                    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                      a nice little fantasy played out for me while i was taking a bath. i 'think' this scenario's been done here before, actually, but here goes...

                      fun seaon 9 speculation


                      It's Sam's return ep. Sam, Gen Landry, Teal'c, Mitchell, and Daniel are all in the briefingroom, discussing their upcoming mission. As the briefing ends, and everyone begins to get up from their seats, Landry says...

                      Landry: "So, Colonel, do you want to go by Carter, Carter-O'Neill, or O'Neill?"

                      Sam's taken aback a moment, and quickly glances at Daniel. She grins, seeing Daniel's frown grow into surprise.

                      Sam: "Carter will be just fine." She glances at Daniel again and grins more. "For now at least. It'll probably be easier on everyone here anyways."

                      Daniel: "Uh, Sam.... uh.... "

                      Sam: "Daniel, close your mouth, it's getting dusty in there."

                      Daniel: "But-- "

                      Sam: "I'll explain everything, but in the commissary." She holds up a hand. "Food first, Daniel, then I'll spill the beans." She glances at Teal'c and Mitchell. "Care to join us?"

                      Mitchell: "Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

                      Teal'c: "Indeed."

                      Daniel mumbles.

                      Sam chuckles.


                      I just like the idea of this being sprung on everyone like this, that Sam and Jack got married!




                        Hey all!!!

                        Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone! *hugs*

                        For the rumors about the travel between Canada & So Cal regarding RDA & the show I believe I got that from some article w/ Michale Shanks... But I can't remember exactly... If I find it again, I'll be sure to let you know... We know he's in, at least, 2 episodes... My remark about 6 eps was a wishful thinking thing of my own making... If they're willing to "come to him" to film stuff when he can't make it up to Canada, maybe they can work out a deal for a few more eps & we can see him from time to time & they'll "REALLY" do something about Sam & Jack (I hope, I hope, I hope)... Make some REAL progress...

                        It's nice to see there's another California based fan out there (Sally)!
                        Take care & God bless...
                        ~Roxanne T (Vallejo, CA-USA)


                        "I've always found that sticking your fingers in your ears and humming loudly solves a whole slew of problems."
                        -Brigadier General Jack O'Neill, US Air Force
                        (Richard Dean Anderson, Stargate SG-1)

                        ***Stargate fan for life! But I'll still miss Jack/RDA!***


                          It was interesting listening to the audio commentaries for Lost City, when they're discussing Sam/Jack and when they first noticed it. I think RCC said it was the scenes from Out of Mind with Jack looking at her back and of course the hall scene...and of course Into the Fire with the hug...and with that scene, he said when they were watching the playback that they were like "well wait a minute now!"

                          So it's neat to see that this is where they (TPTB) felt the definite vibe between Sam and Jack...

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            a nice little fantasy played out for me while i was taking a bath. i 'think' this scenario's been done here before, actually, but here goes...

                            fun seaon 9 speculation


                            It's Sam's return ep. Sam, Gen Landry, Teal'c, Mitchell, and Daniel are all in the briefingroom, discussing their upcoming mission. As the briefing ends, and everyone begins to get up from their seats, Landry says...

                            Landry: "So, Colonel, do you want to go by Carter, Carter-O'Neill, or O'Neill?"

                            Sam's taken aback a moment, and quickly glances at Daniel. She grins, seeing Daniel's frown grow into surprise.

                            Sam: "Carter will be just fine." She glances at Daniel again and grins more. "For now at least. It'll probably be easier on everyone here anyways."

                            Daniel: "Uh, Sam.... uh.... "

                            Sam: "Daniel, close your mouth, it's getting dusty in there."

                            Daniel: "But-- "

                            Sam: "I'll explain everything, but in the commissary." She holds up a hand. "Food first, Daniel, then I'll spill the beans." She glances at Teal'c and Mitchell. "Care to join us?"

                            Mitchell: "Oh, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

                            Teal'c: "Indeed."

                            Daniel mumbles.

                            Sam chuckles.


                            I just like the idea of this being sprung on everyone like this, that Sam and Jack got married!


                            I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Quick, email this to TPTB, right now, this instant!!! That's an order! Hop to it?

                            Well, did you email yet????? (taps her foot)
                            On fighting:
                            Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                            Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                              I have been a Sam/Jack shipper since I started watching SG1 so long ago. And I finally found a safe place to admit to this addiction. I have to agree with Ayowza, there definitely are places it is dangerous to go if you are a shipper. Thank goodness for this thread. I am a true believer that Sam and Jack will eventually get together.

                              We were told at the Vancouver Con that RDA asked that Jack O'neill not be written out so he could come back at a later date. So there's always Hope!
                              In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                              Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                              so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                              Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                              Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                              Hic Comitas Regit
                              Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                                Originally posted by LadyJeep
                                I have been a Sam/Jack shipper since I started watching SG1 so long ago. And I finally found a safe place to admit to this addiction. I have to agree with Ayowza, there definitely are places it is dangerous to go if you are a shipper. Thank goodness for this thread. I am a true believer that Sam and Jack will eventually get together.

                                We were told at the Vancouver Con that RDA asked that Jack O'neill not be written out so he could come back at a later date. So there's always Hope!
                                Wow, someone really said that aloud about RDA!! Great! Was it a writer or one of the actors? I know on JM's thread a fan proposed that if the series was going to kill off characters that it would be very dramatic to kill off Jack. (sob) JM replied that Rick wouldn't like that and then he added,( tongue in cheek, I hope) except maybe if he were handed a script with that in it, he would go along .

