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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Hey all...

    I know I've not been participating here much as of late...but...OT...I need a hug
    *hugs* Whats up??

    YAY! S9 starts in about an hour.. Im well excited!


    and another YAY.. Ive just realised Im up to 50 posts pretty pathetic compared to most of you.. but still.. *is happy*



      Hello across the ocean! Did you survive the opening episode?


        Originally posted by trupi
        Hello across the ocean! Did you survive the opening episode?
        I survived... my dad fell asleep though.. lol.

        It was kinda.. different. I was a little confused at first... the way they just started, and explained what happened to everyone... it didn't seem to follow from the last season in the same way as previous ones...
        I suppose that would have been difficult to do with the way S8 ended ..but still.
        What happened to Jack! They didnt even mention anything about him, and why he'd left etc..

        But.. I dont mind Mitchell.. he's pretty ok..
        As soon as Vala came in....*sighs*. Its like, can't they go for 5 minutes without making some sort of sexual reference.

        And I really missed Sam&Jack... it was nice to see them.. but for like 2 scenes.. *cries*

        LOL... but bless Daniel's beard.. *giggles*

        Guess we'll have to see how it goes from here..


        Oh.. and what happened to the credits! Its all short.. and wrong



          I never watched Avalon...and my mum and dad turned away from it!

          Really liked Mitchell
          Really liked T (as usual...what's not to like )
          Daniel was so-so
          Vala - no likey
          Landry - WTF?!?!?! I HATE him!
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            ok watched avalon, and just cos i'm lazy i'm going to snip my opinion as posted on the sam thread

            now on to season 9. i saw Avalon Part 1 tonight. and.... i quite liked it!

            first of all, sam was in it a lot more than i expected, and her scenes were placed fairly evenly throughout the episode so it seemed like even more. something like RDA in the last season. you just thought she was there more than she actually was. and she was fantastic as usual.
            loved jacks scenes, scruffy daniel doesn't look too bad, teal'c's hair just seems.... odd. and rak'nor was in it! i love him!

            and now the newbies;
            i'm not too sure about landry, although he does have a lot of potential. its becoming quite apparent that he is a very different leader than either hammond or o'neill were.

            mitchell.... i'm not sure. for someone who is supposed to be such a natural leader (and i'm already starting to resent that part. i automatically cringed). i do give him kudos for saying right away that he never wanted to lead sg-1. that he wanted to serve on the team, under sam. to learn from her, and the others. but i'm not sure i buy his lack of cockiness in his leadership abilities. this is an issue i'll have to consider more, possibly after a second viewing.

            VALA! i'm really starting to enjoy her character a lot. i really do like her. its like she's daniels mckay! CB does a brilliant job, and in the absence of AT for several episodes, i just might survive. not sure this wackiness will stand up for 6 episodes, and from what i understand, we do explore more serious elements of her character, but she is a hoot and a half. i would love to see her have scenes with AT, i can see them having some wonderful chemistry.
            there was one line i had a problem with, "i haven't been this disappointed since i had sex with daniel". this line just seemed unneccesary. as if they were saying, ok just in case you didn't get that they had sex from PU, or from the first few implications from this episode, we'll smack you on the head with it one more time.

            i did love the "give it a try muscles and i'll split it with you" line to Teal'c though.

            now, i'm still counting the weeks until amanda gets back, but i do feel better about the show now. there were a lot of things i loved about it, several things i'm not quite sure about, but it did for the most part still feel like stargate to me. when the "band" gets back together, i'm sure it'll feel much more like it too. hopefully the coming weeks with not change my opinion for the worst.

            i know a lot of this was a tad OT, so thanks for reading, as i'm sure nobody really gives a monkeys what my thoughts on avalon were.

            and for the sake of the sam/jack thread i'm adding this, as i didn't want to take too many liberties on the sam thread;

            i am going to miss jack. and i know that people are saying that he was just off in his appearances here, and he phoned it in, but i don't think so. i do think that part of him is sad to be leaving the show behind, and that that is coming through in his performance, but it works, because his character is sad about leaving the sgc behind.
            and one thing i did notice was that he said he was getting rid of his house, truck and the motorcycle! and i have other fanfic inspiring thoughts on what we didn't see but i'll save those. <vbg>



              Finally S9 begins in the UK!!

              Here's my thoughts

              Got to the first break and realised that I hadn't seen any of the original cast (not including the flashbacks!) except for Walter!! This is so not sg1 I thought but you know what? I'm ok with that. Maybe it's because I've prepared myself for the new 'spin off' or maybe it's because I was on the phone to a friend for most of it and so wasn't really giving it my full attention! shock horror!! I never thought I'd ever utter words like that!

              I wasn't keen on how gushy they all were over CMs bravery it just seemed way OTT and out of character, especially Jack, who btw it was soooooo lovely to see even if he did seem oddly un-Jack like (so needed an RDA fix that I'd take anything right now!)

              So there's my first thoughts but the most telling thing about it all is that I didn't video it and that I'm afraid my friends says it all!!

              Feeling in need of some cheery ship fic me thinks


                Originally posted by smea
                Oh.. and what happened to the credits! Its all short.. and wrong
                You guys didn't get the new credit sequence (premiering over here in January)? Shucks, I wanted to see what they did for Amanda.


                  Just watched Avalon, over an hour ago.
                  I actually thought it was pretty good, although you guys are right, it just didn't feel like stargate without sam and jack. It felt like a new show with a few old characters.

                  Even though sam and jack are my fav characters and i miss them loads, it did make it easier to enjoy the episode with such good actors as new characters. Both cameron and vala were really funny, really liked both characters, although i didn't like vala's character in prom unbound, but i thought she was pretty good in avalon, although i am a fan of BB and CB from farscpae, so may be a little baist there .

                  Overall i thought it was a pretty good ep considering sam and jack weren't in it, although i'm gonna have to get use to not seeing RDA anymore , i miss him loads, but i see a bit of his character incorporated into cam's which is nice and i loved the 5 second jack scene in tonights ep - funny as usual .

                  BTW what happened to the title bit, is it gonna stay that short or are they gonna bring back the old one soon?

                  (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                    Originally posted by parsifal
                    You guys didn't get the new credit sequence (premiering over here in January)? Shucks, I wanted to see what they did for Amanda.
                    actually now that you mention that, i was pretty peed off when the names came up and ben browder was first. so it just shows how good the episode was that it managed to redeem itself after that. i hope every episode it that good if not better, because i'm going to have that reaction everytime i see the brand spanking new guy's name come up before those who have been there for 8 and 9 years. i hope this doesn't last.

                    bad enough not getting my s/j fix on a weekly basis, but then they take away my weekly AT fix for several weeks, and then they smack me in the face with the new guys name up front. not impressed. (great episode though.)


                      Some quick thoughts on Avalon -


                      I liked it.
                      Sam - in it more than I thought she would be. Nice to see

                      Daniel - shave, man!! I'm not to enthusiastic about the stubble! I liked his banter with Vala - no substitute for Jack/Daniel, but it was fun. I can see it getting annoying if it's the same for the next five episodes though.

                      Teal'c - he rocks! End of story.

                      Jack - a bit of a wasted oppertunity IMHO. I'm gonna miss him so much!!
                      Mitchell - I like him. Good humour and timing, and just enough of his backstory to make me want to know more. I like the dynamic he has with the others. And his enthusiasim is infectious! He reminded me a little of Jonas in that regard.

                      Landry - he's okay. He's not Hammond, and he's certainly not Jack, but I think he'll grow on me.

                      Overall, I enjoyed it. Not too impressed with the credits though.....


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        i know!

                        i immediately cracked up at that and tried to rep you. BUT, of COURSE, i couldn't...

                        but i loved your nickname for that character.

                        (sam deserved someone that treated her better, even if he were going to be replaced with jack in the future)

                        Thanks, Sally, but I didn't coin the phrase. stargate barbie did. I just happily repeated it!


                          General principles bump!

                          Where is everyone tonight?


                            SAM: Jack, where have all the shippers gone?

                            JACK: Shh, Sam.....the Americans are watching Commander in Chief,
                            the Brits and Europeans are sleeping and the Aussies are at school
                            or work. Let's just stay here.....and cuddle.


                              I don't usually post here, although I lurk from time to time and some might think that's it's not my place to say this, but I am an S/J shipper and with this post I want to plead to SAVE Beneath The Surface FROM GETTING VOTE-OFF & other S/J shippy episodes in the TOURNAMENT

                              Like Katerine once ask you guys to join, the Tournament now is handled by Da_Hippie, same rules, you choose 6 of THE LEAST favorite episodes from the list of above link, then every 24 hour or so Da_Hippie would vote-off the episode that got most vote ala Survivor-show. Do not choose the episode that already got kicked out.

                              Although the voters are more diverse now, there're still a tendency to NOT LIKE shippy episodes, or just a matter of ignorance. Broca Divide, Entity & Divide&Conquer already gone, so if you want to save Solitudes, Beneath The Surface, WOO, etc, come & join the voting. Vote OTHER episodes, so in total the shippy episodes can get lower vote. If you're confused or need more info, PM me, I'll gladly help. Thank you. Please return to your regular thunking

                     : lilferret


                                I'm bumpin' this thread back up for good measure, because I love this post!

                                mini(the shipper)geek

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

