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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):
    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." :
    I completely agree with you. For so many years AT has potentially sided with shippers rather than the anti-shippers, and all of a sudden she changes her mind? Doesn't anyone else find that weird? I think that the rate that we've heard protest from AT against ship is a tiny bit suspicious - as if TPTB are trying to throw us shippers off and get us worried because after the end of season 8 a lot of the shippers were rather complacent that sam and jack would get together. So this is just another tactic to get us on the edge of our seats again - even though TPTB plan to get them together anyway.
    Lets hope so right!
    Anyone else think so to?

    (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


      I don't know anymore. This is just starting to confuse me.
      Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

      Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


        Originally posted by Nikki
        I completely agree with you. For so many years AT has potentially sided with shippers rather than the anti-shippers, and all of a sudden she changes her mind? Doesn't anyone else find that weird? I think that the rate that we've heard protest from AT against ship is a tiny bit suspicious - as if TPTB are trying to throw us shippers off and get us worried because after the end of season 8 a lot of the shippers were rather complacent that sam and jack would get together. So this is just another tactic to get us on the edge of our seats again - even though TPTB plan to get them together anyway.
        Lets hope so right!
        Anyone else think so to?
        i wish i could go along with you-really! but i think it is just something that won't happen.
        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


          Originally posted by Buc252
          On the topic of Sam's "admirers," I was watching my new S4 boxed DVd set today and had sort of a revelation.

          Looking back, I'm not so surprised anymore that Sam would let herself be domineered and stalked by She set up a precedent in 2010. (Cn a precedent be in the future? Well, you know what I mean.)

          Her annoying and highly disrespect "husband" Joe was actually standing there making decisions for her right in front of her!! And yet she didn't say a single word.

          Any self-respecting woman would have broken in, married or not, and said, "hold on a minute, this is MY decision!" To have Joe standing there treating her like a child rather than an adult who is his wife was pretty amazing.

          But, maybe she has a predisposition to be that way with her men, and we've just never seen it because other than Jack - who respects her too much to treat her that way - the only men we've seen her with were *allowed* to. Specifically, Pete and Joe.
          I disliked what Joe said to her when she talked to him in the beginning about what those lying Aschen Drs. had said to her. He said something like he had thought they'd have several children by now. He probably didn't mean it in a hurtful way or at least thought he didn't, but a woman having problems getting pregnant does not need that kind of comment from her husband. And he turned out to by a liar by omission later in the episode.


            I'm going to side-step the whole AT debate...

            at the end of the day...this is just her opinions...I'd be MUCH more worried if she was one of the writers...

            As for ship songs...

            One that would have fit a few years back - 'Keep me a Secret' - don't know who it's by...

            And some more...
            Hopelessly Addicted - the Corrs
            Even If - the Corrs

            And my brain's fried...looooooong back soon
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by nickatell
              Buc252 I totally agree with you. Everytime I see that segment in 2010 I am just about yelling at the tv. I hate when TPTB play woman like that. There is just no way I could have stood there while my husband is telling my commanding officer that I can't participate in the mission. I am quite capable of deciding that for myself especially since the whole mission was my idea. Defending the country is Sams life work; she made it this far doing what she does it is her right to continue. I just think it was a way for TPTB to have a confrontation between Joe and Jack about how much they both love Sam, that came across, but I think it really just made Sam look bad.
              That made me angry too. I remember the bedroom scene between her and Joe, when she realized that he had been in on the infertility plot. She was so angry that I'm surprised she didn't just leave then. But, she needed Joe to get the GDO, so she couldn't. And in the scene you reference, I thought it strange that she just stood there and Joe discuss her like she was property. Thankfully, she did the right thing in the end.....or the timeline wouldn't have been restored! I guess it kinda redeemed her.....since her actions showed she preferred to die with Jack O'Neill than live with Joe Faxon.


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                I guess it kinda redeemed her.....since her actions showed she preferred to die with Jack O'Neill than live with Joe Faxon.
                (((((((((((sg-1fanintn)))))))))))) Can't rep 'ya, but I totally agree! Sam could have chosen to leave well enough alone and live out her life with Joe. INSTEAD, she sacrificed herself to ensure THAT reality never happened again!

                Semi-OT, but I was in DE over the weekend for a wedding. I've never driven that far from home before , all by myself with a set of directions. The parental units wanted me to call when I reached the Del. Mem. bridge. So all the way I'm picturing an ordinary, garden-variety bridge...but looked like this ---> when I got there. The D-M is HUGE! I made the call as promised, but when mom picked up the phone the first words out of my mouth were, "This is a BIG HONKIN' bridge!"

                Yep. Stargate has officially overwritten parts of my brain.


                  Originally posted by ST-1
                  (((((((((((sg-1fanintn)))))))))))) Can't rep 'ya, but I totally agree! Sam could have chosen to leave well enough alone and live out her life with Joe. INSTEAD, she sacrificed herself to ensure THAT reality never happened again!

                  Semi-OT, but I was in DE over the weekend for a wedding. I've never driven that far from home before , all by myself with a set of directions. The parental units wanted me to call when I reached the Del. Mem. bridge. So all the way I'm picturing an ordinary, garden-variety bridge...but looked like this ---> when I got there. The D-M is HUGE! I made the call as promised, but when mom picked up the phone the first words out of my mouth were, "This is a BIG HONKIN' bridge!"

                  Yep. Stargate has officially overwritten parts of my brain.
                  Tee-hee! That's happened to all of us, at one time (or two or three....) or another. I trust you made it across the bridge and had a big honkin' time!


                    FANFIC Recommendation!

                    Ok. She's a personal friend of mine, so I reserve the right to plug her awesome writing incessantly!

                    Anunnaki's "Missing Something" series. Fills in some of the season nine gaps with Sam and Jack. Some of it's really hot and some of it's totally PG. But it's so worth a read if you haven't already! She keeps Sam strong and in character, I like that.



                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      M.G - Is she an RL friend of yours?????
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by Anunnaki
                        Well, a friend of mine in the USA scanned in the Dreamwatch article for those who might wish to read it but not have it available in your market. I don't know how long it'll be online and this isn't a publicly accessible link so it probably will only be up for a few days. Here it is, anyway. Be warned, however, Amanda really is quoted as saying that Sam and Jack should ...
                        get it on and get it over with; so they can move on with their lives seperately.

                        PAGE ONE:

                        PAGE TWO:

                        PAGE THREE:

                        Truly though, I wouldn't lose heart over these sorts of comments. A friend and I were (laughingly) joking the other day that there's an a Shakespearian quote from Hamlet (act 3, scene 2) which seems to apply to Amanda's quoted comments regarding Sam/Jack of late.

                        "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

                        thanks for the links, haven't read them yet, but i will.

                        i still have severe doubts as to amanda's supposedly (and sudden) decision that s/j shouldn't be. she has pretty much been in favour of it under the condition that it not become the sole focus of her character all along. she has, as far as i've seen, been more often positive about the ship than negative. so while she might get quoted on occation as being opposed to the whole thing, i don't think that these interviews reflect her true feelings. of course it could be that up until now she has been misquoted or taken out of context or whatever, and now were seeing her true opinions, or perhaps her opinions have changed in recent times, but i'm not so sure.

                        she never seems to react negatively to this stuff in convention footage i've seen, even the recent stuff.

                        i just don't trust these interview articles. i think they can edit and manipulate anything they want in any way they want too easily if they think they'll sell more from it.

                        sorry to anyone who writes for one of these things, and do correct me and shatter all my dreams if i'm wrong.


                          All right. We've been pretty bummed around here since word of the Dreamwatch article got around. In hopes of improving the spirits of the Ship Family, I present:

                          A Sam & Jack Story by SG-1fanintn:

                          Sam, what’s this I hear about you dissing OUR SHIP??????

                          Oh, uh, hi, Sir. Well, you were gone, and TPTB said……

                          TPTB?!? For cryin’ out loud, Sam, how many times have I told you?
                          Never, ever listen to those guys! They’re just here to upset our Shippers!

                          Oh, gee, Jack—you’re right. I was weak. You know what people are
                          always saying about me…..

                          Sam, you really know how to hurt a guy……

                          If it makes a difference, Jack, they tied me up and gagged me
                          and threatened to give Vala all my lines if I didn’t cooperate…..

                          Well, since you put it that way, I’ll let you make it up to me.
                          There must be SOME WAY you can do that…..thinking now……


                            Originally posted by stargate barbie
                            thanks for the links, haven't read them yet, but i will.

                            i still have severe doubts as to amanda's supposedly (and sudden) decision that s/j shouldn't be. she has pretty much been in favour of it under the condition that it not become the sole focus of her character all along. she has, as far as i've seen, been more often positive about the ship than negative. so while she might get quoted on occation as being opposed to the whole thing, i don't think that these interviews reflect her true feelings. of course it could be that up until now she has been misquoted or taken out of context or whatever, and now were seeing her true opinions, or perhaps her opinions have changed in recent times, but i'm not so sure.

                            she never seems to react negatively to this stuff in convention footage i've seen, even the recent stuff.

                            i just don't trust these interview articles. i think they can edit and manipulate anything they want in any way they want too easily if they think they'll sell more from it.

                            sorry to anyone who writes for one of these things, and do correct me and shatter all my dreams if i'm wrong.
                            i think that you may be riht there... i had always thought that Amanda was pro-S/J, but i have had some doubt.... ie this interview.... but still, tryin t stay positive.. yep, thats me... positive
                            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                              All right. We've been pretty bummed around here since word of the Dreamwatch article got around. In hopes of improving the spirits of the Ship Family, I present:

                              A Sam & Jack Story by SG-1fanintn:

                              LOL ! Excellent !
                              I wanted to give you some green jello but I have to spread it around first...
                              Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                                Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                                i think that you may be riht there... i had always thought that Amanda was pro-S/J, but i have had some doubt.... ie this interview.... but still, tryin t stay positive.. yep, thats me... positive
                                ya know, i'm willing to make a slight wager here that AT doesn't give nearly as much consideration to this whole this as we do. so she probably just likes to play around with different senarios, and sometimes she might just say whatever pops into her fron.

                                there has been the odd occassion, i.e the "jacks girl" comment from fairly early on, and the beginning of the potato age, but each of these have been fleeting, and the majority of reports i've heard have been along the lines of, at the end of the show they'll go fishing and have babies. or ooh look how they look at each other here, etc.

                                if she's changed her mind, or is going through a non shippy phase i'll totally respect that, cos she's on the inside, and she only wants what she thinks is good for character right now. hey i went through a brief troi/worf phase, so who am i to judge.
                                let he who is without sin... um... do something with a brick or somethin'?

                                now who has something nice to say!?! where's my positive shiplets? hhmm? c'mon!
                                remember how they looked at each other in evolution? wasn't that great?

