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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Watters87
    I'm just after seeing this on SG1-Spoilergate. Thank Morjana for posting it on SG1-Spoilergate and Dove on the Yahoo rdandersonfans group for taking the time to type up this transcription. It is the frontispiece from The Stargate SG-1 Illustrated Companion for Seasons Seven and Eight...written by Richard Dean Anderson-

    [Major Snippage]

    Little story from Amanda Tapping from "Threads":

    AT describes how filming Jacob's deathbed scene reminded her of
    attending the death of her own step father about 12 months
    previous. She started to cry off camera and couldn't stop.
    Eventually pulling herself together she went to the observation room
    to film a scene with RDA, AT says - `We're getting ready for this
    little scene between Carter and O'Neill, which is quite wonderful
    and some interesting things are brought to bear. Rick turned to me
    and said `You're not crying are you?' and I went, `Yes, I am'. And
    he replied, `I hate it when you cry, I hate it'. And it was just the
    perfect prelude to the little scene between us'.

    If you are a member of SG1-Spoilergate, there are some more excerpts from Stargate SG-1 The Illustrated Companion Seasons 7 and 8. Rick goes on to say why he never does conventions and he explains his famed 'What', excuse me' or `Huh? expressions when techno babble is involved. It is post No. 18791.
    That is just such a damn cute story It made me go and read the reast of the post and its nice to hear the comments RDA made, even his writing is humorous but inteligent.


      Originally posted by Somnium
      That is just such a damn cute story It made me go and read the reast of the post and its nice to hear the comments RDA made, even his writing is humorous but inteligent.
      wow thank you ... can you post more since I can't find the site

      avatar and sig by flidget


        Originally posted by sueKay
        If they bring back
        Pete...I hope he dies some heroic, but ultimately meaningless death ala Martouf or Kawalsky...and it should also be very painful...

        hee hee hee
        I second that

        My brain shorted there for a mo - so happy was I with thoughts of 's demise, I completely forgot what happened to Kawalsky! I don't wish that on him (he might survive ).


          Originally posted by Somnium
          That is just such a damn cute story It made me go and read the reast of the post and its nice to hear the comments RDA made, even his writing is humorous but inteligent.

          Me, too!!! Me, too!!! Please post the excerpt or direct link!!! I went to Spoilergate site and it had spoilers on the homepage that I didn't want to see!! Plus, that joining thingy! Oy, maybe I'm lazy tonight! Please spoil me, I mean, not spoilers but spoil as in link me!!! thanks a bunch!


            Originally posted by josephine-paris
            Okk, so

            May I have the cookie for the PMS (postmoebiussyndrome) ??

            I really need it !
            Of course you may Josephine. Just bow at the Altar and praise Ship Nana for her wonderfulness in supplying them

            (just don't feed any to the penguins ... btw, what doeshappen if you feed them to the penguins????)


              Originally posted by gatebee
              gatebee, I had to borrow your fireworks to wish sueKay congratulations!!!

              sueKay, YOU ROCK!!!!!


                Originally posted by gatebee
                wow thank you ... can you post more since I can't find the site

                Originally posted by nell
                Me, too!!! Me, too!!! Please post the excerpt or direct link!!! I went to Spoilergate site and it had spoilers on the homepage that I didn't want to see!! Plus, that joining thingy! Oy, maybe I'm lazy tonight! Please spoil me, I mean, not spoilers but spoil as in link me!!! thanks a bunch!
                Okay hopefully this link will work for you if not Ill post the whole exerpt, Enjoy




                  I rock as in I like rocks?


                  Watters87 - Im going to get more spoilers just now since I'm in that back in a mo'
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    I have a sig! I never thought it would happen (I'm not very good with pics). Thank you Suekay!

                    Sig by Suekay

                    come visit Stargate Intel


                      Originally posted by sueKay

                      *sits down on a big, comfy bean bag*

                      *gets herself a tia maria and coke*

                      Oh THIS is the way to celebrate 3500 posts!
                      I hope you had gooey chocolate cake to go with that



                        Originally posted by Somnium
                        Okay hopefully this link will work for you if not Ill post the whole exerpt, Enjoy

                        NOPE, it didn't work!!**sniff, sniff**


                          Congrats Sue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (((((((((((())))))))))) I've got one of my favorite icons here but I'm not sure if I can post it...sorta spoiler-y *looks around*


                            Aw! That is so sweet! I suggest EVERYONE read's not shippy, but it just shows what a lovely man RDA is.

                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              CONGRATULATIONS SUEKAY!

                              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                                Okay so Im thinking maybe you have to be a member of the group to get in 'cos it works for me just fine. So heres the whole article, its long but well worth it

                                With many thanks to Dove from the Yahoo rdandersonfans group, for
                                taking the time to type up this transcription of the frontispiece
                                from The Stargate SG-1 Illustrated Companion for Seasons Seven and
                                Eight...written by Richard Dean Anderson.

                                Excerpt from Stargate SG-1 The Illustrated Companion Seasons 7 and 8
                                By Thomasina Gibson

                                Dear T

                                These are stream of conscious missives, begun on impulse and ending
                                when I lose interest in hearing my own voice in my head or when I
                                get hungry. Do with them what you will….

                                On a day in a western state of the Untied States, inordinately cold
                                and rainy, I would set out to infuse the Internet waves with some
                                sensible sentiments about the past eight years of my life. Failure
                                to do so would be failing the request of someone who has grown to
                                become a dear friend and confidante. Thomasina Gibson has asked me
                                to contribute to her book in anyway I could. (Synonyms for ask:
                                plead, beg, threaten, harass, bargain, beat). When not working I
                                have a hard time getting out from under my rock, so I feel it is
                                terribly unfair of her to be so damned polite when actually making
                                her request. The girl is plagued with what I perceive to be
                                terminal politeness, and it is downright disarming when she arrives
                                in Vancouver , bats her sleep deprived, puppy dog eyes at me and
                                broguishly utters, `Richard, wood yew doo thas far may, plas?' The
                                woman is ruthless. But a promise is a sign that I'll give it a shot.

                                `Anything' she said…..

                                What I really want the universe to know about the experience of
                                Stargate, from my perspective is that I never had the slightest idea
                                of what was happening. In oh, so many ways, this was a good thing.
                                Giving me too much information about anything is asking for trouble.
                                I think the writers early on sensed that things were cluttered
                                enough in my head, and took pity, sending Amanda and Shanks on those
                                technology-addled journeys of verbose which both of them handle with
                                astounding panache and creditability. If I could stay with either
                                of them to their conclusion, I would generally be so exhausted that
                                the famed `What' or `excuse me' or `Huh?' would be genuine. Bless
                                the people who can talk.

                                Thus O'Neill, the Dense.

                                One nondescript day in the southern part of California, I was
                                attacked by a debilitating need to jot some notes down, more or less
                                serving as an attempt to reflect. I had come to this moment in time
                                when all things, lofty and base, seemed even and fairly neutral.
                                Such insignificant matters as, oh say, what to do with the rest of
                                my life, suddenly loomed as fairly unimportant given that I had come
                                to some sort of agreement with my soul that whatever manifest
                                destiny, whatever the ultimate course of action and subsequent
                                result, would in fact, please me. Throwing proverbial caution to
                                the wind had historically been a credo held firm and true. Mine has
                                been a life of selfish preservation, clamouring about the globe
                                indulgently seeking no more or less than the adventure curiosity
                                affords. To be from Minnesota is to be prepared to engage people
                                with kind intentions, honest reflections, and willingness to assist
                                others in need of assistance. We are also prepared for cold
                                weather. It was twenty nine degrees below zero the day I was born;
                                my mother said, `That was just typical'.

                                So after eight year of regularly anticipating a re-entry into the
                                workforce after February of any given season, I sit here now
                                seriously contemplating life without Stargate. Gone is the social
                                and creative environment that has always been a cherished part of
                                any job I have held. I have relied upon `the set' to afford me the
                                comfort zone, the protected community in which I could romp and
                                play, create and collaborate, sass and support, hide and confide,
                                and indulge in the most cherished commodity of all: Laughter.

                                Without meaning to cast a pall on the festivities, I will say that
                                time and distance tends to whittle away at relationships, and the
                                intensity of the wonderful evolution of potential seems to naturally
                                diffuse. What I sense by the nature of the friendships sown and
                                nurtured on planet Stargate is that I am understood and that which
                                has been established will endure, even with time and at a distance.

                                And, from what I understand, it is easier to get work done when I'm
                                not around.

                                Other excerpts from the book that maybe of interest:-

                                RDA is asked about the possibility of attending a convention, his
                                reply - `Are you kidding me? You know what I'm like round people. I
                                get tongue-tied. I can't imagine they'd want to hear anything I
                                have to say. What would I say? I get nervous. `I'm not saying `No'
                                I'm saying it's not really me'.

                                And also a little story from Amanda Tapping from "Threads":

                                AT describes how filming Jacob's deathbed scene reminded her of
                                attending the death of her own step father about 12 months
                                previous. She started to cry off camera and couldn't stop.
                                Eventually pulling herself together she went to the observation room
                                to film a scene with RDA, AT says - `We're getting ready for this
                                little scene between Carter and O'Neill, which is quite wonderful
                                and some interesting things are brought to bear. Rick turned to me
                                and said `You're not crying are you?' and I went, `Yes, I am'. And
                                he replied, `I hate it when you cry, I hate it'. And it was just the
                                perfect prelude to the little scene between us'.


