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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
    Ok so people have been giving their ship pairing past and present, guess I'll give it a go...


    And of course...


    And I am on the way to being a Shep/Weir shipper. I said I wouldn't ship in Atlantis but I just can't help it (been watching season 1 again ).

    There are probably a lot more but I have to go now and visit my placement so see you all later!

    DS9 wasn't afraid of ship, and it didn't ruin the series.

    Worf/Dax was my favorite. They made a great couple. And OMG, they actually got married too! In fact they had several couples married and it didn't ruin the show.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      Originally posted by sueKay

      I have considered the police, but I don't know...I'm friends with a few local police officers (I used to give them free chips when they came into the takeaway while on the beat!) and they've suggested the idea...

      only thing is...the crime rate in this area's high and I'm a chicken****!

      And on topic...SAM AND JACK FOREVER!
      Oh very big hugs to you for giving your friends free chips, we pcs love that!! I bet you'd be a great police officer and as for being a chicken, I work in Lambeth (Brixton) and if I can do it I'm sureyabetcha you can!!

      And just to get back on topic here's a little pic of our lovely duo that I hadn't seen before. It's oozes atmosphere don't ya think!


        Originally posted by sueKay

        I have considered the police, but I don't know...I'm friends with a few local police officers (I used to give them free chips when they came into the takeaway while on the beat!) and they've suggested the idea...

        only thing is...the crime rate in this area's high and I'm a chicken****!


        I've been doing some hunting for clearance, and it's promising!

        Earth Science
        Social Studies

        I've contact Glasgow Uni via email, but I'm going to phone them later today to find out the entry requirements!

        But I can't find the UCAS tariff calculator on the UCAS site!!! So could you help me!
        Advanced Highers
        Intermediate 2

        What do I do with my standard grades?

        And on topic...SAM AND JACK FOREVER!
        Ok so I don't have to just go yet!

        Of course I will help you if I can!

        Right I have a link to the UCAS tariff calculator, it's one that my brother used (I used a points card our college gave us but have no clue where it has gone now) so it should still be ok....

        I hope it work. I don't have much of a clue now lol! I can't believe it was 2 years ago when I got mine!

        Oh and great that you have found some courses you might like to do on clearance (I wanted to do psychology, who knows, in many years to come I may ). I hope Glasgow uni gets in contact with you soon!

        And yes, Sam and Jack forever!


        By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

        My Livejournal

        My Myspace



          (I know...another OT post...apologies)

          I was working in the takeway one day, when one of the local pcs came in...He was chatting away about taking his kids to Florida to Disneyland, so I was talking about holidays too.

          The next second, a guy who was about 20 came in...he stopped dead in his tracks and babbled his order, quickly put his money on the counter before running out of the shop.

          The guy looked terrified! Of course the policeman thought that was hiliarious!
          he says that's pretty normal for that to happen and said I was a refreshing change as I had no problem talking to him.
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)



            I have 546 with all the bells and whistles (core skills etc)

            And 300 without (just counting my highers)

            I needed 324 for that course grr!

            but for my clearance courses...all I need is 168!!

            And on topic...

            What is everyones favourite S/J moment of ANGST??????
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay

              I have 546 with all the bells and whistles (core skills etc)

              And 300 without (just counting my highers)

              I needed 324 for that course grr!

              but for my clearance courses...all I need is 168!!

              And on topic...

              What is everyones favourite S/J moment of ANGST??????
              Ooohhh, well that was way better than me. And ouch! I can't believe they didn't take you with only 24 points difference. It is not that much really!

              Oh that's great! I hope you can get into a clearance course then!

              And yep, sorry about all the off topic-ness too guys!

              Anyway I really have to go now so see you later!


              By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

              My Livejournal

              My Myspace


                Greetings to U.K., EUROPE, AND AUSTRALIA and other parts of the globel!!!! I usually don't post before work (Eastern time) but I wanted to take a minute to say hello and wish you well!! Are any of you reading the Stargate Fan Awards nominations? You'll find an extravaganza of Sam and Jack stories!!


                  Okay...I've been looking for funny things...and I've found this list of's one relevant to Sam and Jack!

                  On a Scientist's door: Gone Fission

                  and the link -

                  Here's the real reason Jack left the springs

                  Colorado law
                  • No liquor may be sold on Sundays or election days.

                  wonder how he felt when Kinsey got voted vice president!

                  this one's in spoilers as it may offend...another dampener for S/J
                  • The only acceptable sexual position in Washington D.C. is the missionary position. Any other sexual position is considered illegal.

                  This may be a blessing for Sam while they're at the cabin - Kalamazoo: It is against the law to serenade your girlfriend.
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    I have a question before I head to get some sleep...

                    am I the only one here that really enjoyed s7 and the beginning of s8...I LOVE New Order, Lockdown and Zero hour...

                    Watched New Order 2 with my mum the other day...when fifth appeared as Pete, my mum proclaimed.. "There's that deranged stalker Sam's doing it with! I knew there was something not right about him...Now I know he's that replicator guy!

                    So now my mum thinks that Pete's been Fifth in disguise!!!

                    Night all!

                    Have to say first time I saw S8 I was really disappointed with a lot of the season - but this time around I'm loving it! Maybe my expectations were too high initially, but now I'm all happy Can't wait for Zero Hour later Lovely Jack centered eps


                      Hi (((((((Shipper Family)))))) Thanks all for your congrats on my 600 post.... thank you, thank you, thank you.

                      And on a shippy not... previous S/J.... Mulder and Scully

                      Caty I've never watched the X-Files and yesterday it was on and I managed to catch the last 5 min, the episode name was Millenium and my luck!!!!!!!!!

                      They KISSS!!!!!!!!! so lucky, so shippy, my first 5min of X-Files , Mulder was waiting for the ball to come down and he knew all the time what he had in mind BIG HINKING KISS! But I don't know what they said at the end... but Mulder got all sad

                      Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                      Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                        Originally posted by sclairef99
                        OK, after much ado and reading of the shipper thread, I am almost finished with my mini ficlet! My husband wants to get back to his writing so, I have come up with a writing night - where we have a nice dinner followed by writing. Tonight I put writing to a sound track....since I was the one to put together the ended up being slightly shippy music and we sat down to write. What is coming out is my mini shiplet based on my music and the thoughts of Bren Ren, Uber and ST1....

                        So, tomorrow, I shall hope to upload and share.....pending that my grammar is understandable after most of the bottle of white wine I was supposed to be sharing!
                        Nite all,
                        I've uploaded my mini ficlet to the Gateworld, for some ship...along the lines of the posts from Bren Ren, Uber and ST 1 of the last few days, infused w/some beer and music....

                        here it is:

                        Ok...well, Jack is very excited about it...

                        Now, here it is:

                        Hope you like it....any feedback appreciated...



                          I enjoyed both Seasons 7 and 8 there were some great eps in there

                          As for previous ships...................

                          Alonzo/Julia (Earth 2 Does anyone else remember this!!!)

                          thats all I can think of for now but I know there have been more But Sam/Jack are my shippiest (is that a word!)


                            Wow...this place has been quiet!

                            ...where have all the shippers gone?

                            I'll be uploading some shippy goodies later tonight!!!!
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Anytime Sam goes into techno-babble mode and Jack muzzles her. There are several moments throughout the seasons. It's a nice look at the characters underneath their military guise.


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                Wow...this place has been quiet!

                                ...where have all the shippers gone?

                                I'll be uploading some shippy goodies later tonight!!!!

                                Ooooohhh!!! Cant wait

