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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    My opinions on Season 9 so far
    GOOD GOD, SOMEONE WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE!!!!! These writers are sucking the life out of Ben B. and Claudia B. and making me drop to my knees and beg for another Farscape movie so they can be released from Stargate Hell!!" I love Ben and I love Claudia, but these writers are so inept that they are giving them absolutely nothing to work with here!!. They continue to shove Claudia at Michael Shanks, who can't muster an ounce of chemistry with this beautiful and talented woman, mainly because I find him and his character Daniel so utterly boring, that I can't stand it anymore. I know that Daniel can only be attracted to "submissive women" and Sha're proves that point, because if it was any other way, he wouldn't have a problem with Vala, a woman with an actual backbone who can kick his speed talking behind!! The only good stuff I've seen in this season so far, has been when the writers have "allowed" Ben and Claudia to interact. They have tons of chemistry just by looking across the room at each other. The writers blew their chance at something great because they were so afraid that by putting Vala and Cameron together it would turn into 'Fargate'. They obviously have no faith in Ben and Claudias talents, like I do.

    This season has proven to me, at least, that Michael Shanks cannot carry this show and Christopher Judge has had so little to do that Teal'c has become pointless. Daniel has definately ripped out my last nerve this season and much like I have to do with Sam and Jack, I'm forced to live for the little moments between Cameron and Vala. They are all that interests me about the show these days.

    The one and only reason I am still hanging in there is Amanda Tapping. Amanda has brought so much to this show (especially with RDA, but alas, I can't wait for his return, just hope that he decides to make a few more appearances) and I know she will continue to do so, but I am just afraid that Sam Carter will be sacrificed at the sainted alter of Daniel Jackson upon her return. Why must the PTB continue to cater to Michael Shanks and Daniel when this is supposed to be a "team" show? Richard was definately "the star" of Stargate, but he never felt the need to put himself in that role, but instead made stars out of Amanda, Michael and Chris by playing his character of Jack as a member of a team. Michael S. or his character of Daniel do not have the ability to play the "lead" or should he be written that way. There should have been equal time given to all the characters that are now on the canvas, but there hasn't been.

    They give Claudia alot of airtime, but then waste her talents by trying to make her character, the only lead female at present, into a sex kitten. Vala still could have had a sexy, sarcastic side and still been written as a strong and capable woman, and the only scenes they've given to her to portray that have been few and far between. Claudia got to show snippets of her talent during one scene in TTTB when she was explaining to Daniel how her life wasn't all peachy and how she had to fight her demons, and the writers automatically turned it into nothing but a joke she was trying to pull on Daniel. She also got to show some great emotions from Vala when she was being burned at the stake. If the writers had any common sense, they would have played these things up more, instead of turning it into another "humor" moment. I wish she'd stay around just to have scenes with Amanda/Sam , cause they could have some amazing moments, in the hands of a competant writer.

    Ben has had little to do except the occasional flashback to give us insight into his character of Cameron, but again, instead of the writers letting Ben flesh out his own character, they write him as an RDA replacement and have some very similar lines coming out of his mouth. They'd do better letting Ben write his own stuff.

    Christopher Judge. Is he even still on this show? Granted I don't want to see weeks on end of Jaffa driven stories, but they should at least give Teal'c something to do, besides follow Daniel around so he doesn't get hurt by falling debris. Actually I wouldn't mind seeing that LOL.

    This whole season so far has been way to Daniel heavy and since I can hardly stand Daniel, it's not a good thing for me.

    Amanda, any chance you can hurry up and get back? LOL. I'll try and hang in there. I live for that rumored phone call, sad as that is.

    Okaye, I'm done screaming for the night. For all you Daniel/Shanks fans out there, this is only my opinion and if I have offended you in any way, well all I can say is remember my screen name and maybe not read any more of my posts LOL.
    Jack and Sam=Grace




      Wow! Miss a couple of days here, and you miss a lot! It sure is gloomy here, though. I'd like to say:

      Welcome, Hulabaloo and Archimedes3.14!

      Welcome back, jafacakes, Alaskhah, Sir Ruff and mjj1993!

      I do think it is very sad that it's been 30 hours since I taped SG-1 (while we were out at dinner celebrating my Mom's 84th birthday).....and I still haven't watched it back. I just don't feel a rush, but will watch it before the weekend is over. Right now, we're watching National Treasure, which we bought tonight. Good movie!

      And now, to try to add a little cheer to our otherwise dreary forum, I submit for your consideration the following short photo story:

      JACK: Back off, Vala! My heart belongs to Sam!


        Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
        My opinions on Season 9 so far

        This season has proven to me, at least, that Michael Shanks cannot carry this show and Christopher Judge has had so little to do that Teal'c has become pointless. Daniel has definately ripped out my last nerve this season

        Ben has had little to do except the occasional flashback to give us insight into his character of Cameron, but again, instead of the writers letting Ben flesh out his own character, they write him as an RDA replacement and have some very similar lines coming out of his mouth. They'd do better letting Ben write his own stuff.

        Christopher Judge. Is he even still on this show?
        I mostly agree I think
        that this whole new plot line with merlin and stuff is just wrong. Don't know how. It feels that every new episodes takes a little bit of the original magic of stargate and throws it to a blackhole. The show has come so far away from the orignal plot the original idea that made this show what it is.. these few new eps are actually the first eps ever I've watched while surfin on the net That's how lame the Ori feel.. And the way they speak..

        Feels like writers are out of ideas and they're tryin to rebirth the show by coming up with this new storyline and changin the lead characters and hopin they get away with it. This is startin to feel like another spin off. And I agree Daniel can not carry the show on his own. So far I don't think any of the new characters can. And as for Vala.. I hope she's just a visiting star. Don't like they way she's being written. I hope this all changes to the better so that i can keep watchin



          I noticed the piccy that I tried to post yesterday didn't appear, so it must be to do with directly linking from thanks to Majorsal for pointing that out to me!

          it's a rather fuzzy behind the scenes one from season one (i think)

          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            What about this pic?

            Sweet, it was on the side of a Amanda and Rick interview.
            Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
            LOVE HIM-> DT
            ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


              This one made me laugh:

              Question from tessamac:
              Hi Rick! At Gatecon last year, Amanda described the way you smelled in 22 words or less. Could you do that for her too, please? :-)

              Richard Dean Anderson:
              She described how I smell???? [To Amanda] You described how I smell??? Come over here, Amanda, let me smell you... I'm smelling Amanda now! Mmm... she smells like hairspray. She smells like the very essence of life itself. It means she should shower. Soon. She's smelling me now... I'd put her on the phone, but her nose is between my toes. Come on, get up!
              Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
              LOVE HIM-> DT
              ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


                Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
                My opinions on Season 9 so far
                GOOD GOD, SOMEONE WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE!!!!! These writers are sucking the life out of Ben B. and Claudia B. and making me drop to my knees and beg for another Farscape movie so they can be released from Stargate Hell!!" I love Ben and I love Claudia, but these writers are so inept that they are giving them absolutely nothing to work with here!!. They continue to shove Claudia at Michael Shanks, who can't muster an ounce of chemistry with this beautiful and talented woman, mainly because I find him and his character Daniel so utterly boring, that I can't stand it anymore. I know that Daniel can only be attracted to "submissive women" and Sha're proves that point, because if it was any other way, he wouldn't have a problem with Vala, a woman with an actual backbone who can kick his speed talking behind!! The only good stuff I've seen in this season so far, has been when the writers have "allowed" Ben and Claudia to interact. They have tons of chemistry just by looking across the room at each other. The writers blew their chance at something great because they were so afraid that by putting Vala and Cameron together it would turn into 'Fargate'. They obviously have no faith in Ben and Claudias talents, like I do.

                This season has proven to me, at least, that Michael Shanks cannot carry this show and Christopher Judge has had so little to do that Teal'c has become pointless. Daniel has definately ripped out my last nerve this season and much like I have to do with Sam and Jack, I'm forced to live for the little moments between Cameron and Vala. They are all that interests me about the show these days.

                The one and only reason I am still hanging in there is Amanda Tapping. Amanda has brought so much to this show (especially with RDA, but alas, I can't wait for his return, just hope that he decides to make a few more appearances) and I know she will continue to do so, but I am just afraid that Sam Carter will be sacrificed at the sainted alter of Daniel Jackson upon her return. Why must the PTB continue to cater to Michael Shanks and Daniel when this is supposed to be a "team" show? Richard was definately "the star" of Stargate, but he never felt the need to put himself in that role, but instead made stars out of Amanda, Michael and Chris by playing his character of Jack as a member of a team. Michael S. or his character of Daniel do not have the ability to play the "lead" or should he be written that way. There should have been equal time given to all the characters that are now on the canvas, but there hasn't been.

                They give Claudia alot of airtime, but then waste her talents by trying to make her character, the only lead female at present, into a sex kitten. Vala still could have had a sexy, sarcastic side and still been written as a strong and capable woman, and the only scenes they've given to her to portray that have been few and far between. Claudia got to show snippets of her talent during one scene in TTTB when she was explaining to Daniel how her life wasn't all peachy and how she had to fight her demons, and the writers automatically turned it into nothing but a joke she was trying to pull on Daniel. She also got to show some great emotions from Vala when she was being burned at the stake. If the writers had any common sense, they would have played these things up more, instead of turning it into another "humor" moment. I wish she'd stay around just to have scenes with Amanda/Sam , cause they could have some amazing moments, in the hands of a competant writer.

                Ben has had little to do except the occasional flashback to give us insight into his character of Cameron, but again, instead of the writers letting Ben flesh out his own character, they write him as an RDA replacement and have some very similar lines coming out of his mouth. They'd do better letting Ben write his own stuff.

                Christopher Judge. Is he even still on this show? Granted I don't want to see weeks on end of Jaffa driven stories, but they should at least give Teal'c something to do, besides follow Daniel around so he doesn't get hurt by falling debris. Actually I wouldn't mind seeing that LOL.

                This whole season so far has been way to Daniel heavy and since I can hardly stand Daniel, it's not a good thing for me.

                Amanda, any chance you can hurry up and get back? LOL. I'll try and hang in there. I live for that rumored phone call, sad as that is.

                Okaye, I'm done screaming for the night. For all you Daniel/Shanks fans out there, this is only my opinion and if I have offended you in any way, well all I can say is remember my screen name and maybe not read any more of my posts LOL.

                Bravo...bravo (, clap. clap, clap ) my dear (((Heidi)))
                Loved your post You have what it takes to write something like that but I just love it and I'm with you Heidi are not alone



                  hey everyone i'm back from london! i've missed you all so much!
                  i can't believe its just been a week it seems so much longer!
                  i'm sad to hear that so many of you think that s9 is b******s. i'll have to wait til october to form my own opinion...that's too long!!!!
                  ah well.
                  has anyone got any new fanfics to recommend? nothin with pete in. i need cheering up, i can't deal with a ton of angst at the mo.


                    OT but a little announcement about LOST starting in the UK next wednesday on Channel 4 ,,There will be 2 episodes that night . Pilot 1 starts at 8.30 pm then half an hour break for Big brother then pilot 2 starts at 10 pm .

                    and Sam and Jack forever together in the comfort of their little cabin by the lake



                      Originally posted by Hulabaloo
                      This one made me laugh:

                      Question from tessamac:
                      Hi Rick! At Gatecon last year, Amanda described the way you smelled in 22 words or less. Could you do that for her too, please? :-)

                      Richard Dean Anderson:
                      She described how I smell???? [To Amanda] You described how I smell??? Come over here, Amanda, let me smell you... I'm smelling Amanda now! Mmm... she smells like hairspray. She smells like the very essence of life itself. It means she should shower. Soon. She's smelling me now... I'd put her on the phone, but her nose is between my toes. Come on, get up!
                      lol! it's cute!


                        This made me chuckle!

                        Question from flashpointe68:
                        Is Rick as great a kisser as he seems he would be??

                        Amanda Tapping:
                        Rick is phenomenal kisser. Wait, let me double-check that, I'm going to kiss him right now. That was a short one but he is, in fact, as phenomenal a kisser as one might imagine. That was a great question, because I got to kiss Rick. Any more like that and I'm all over... Rick fainted, though. [laughs] Thank you thank you thank you, this is so great!

                        And this interview was pre honkin kisses in S7&S8! I'd love to know how many takes were required to get those scenes just right!!


                          Originally posted by shipper hannah
                          hey everyone i'm back from london! i've missed you all so much!
                          i can't believe its just been a week it seems so much longer!
                          i'm sad to hear that so many of you think that s9 is b******s. i'll have to wait til october to form my own opinion...that's too long!!!!
                          ah well.
                          has anyone got any new fanfics to recommend? nothin with pete in. i need cheering up, i can't deal with a ton of angst at the mo.
                          Hi shipper hannah, hope you had a good time here in London! Like you I am having to wait until Oct to join in the discussions on S9 although I can't say that I'm desperate to see the first part of the season, lets just hope that when Sams return we get something to smile about

                          As for fanfic, I'm loving all the stories from Gail's site so if you haven't already delved in you must!!


                            Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
                            My opinions on Season 9 so far
                            GOOD GOD, SOMEONE WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE!!!!! These writers are sucking the life out of Ben B. and Claudia B. and making me drop to my knees and beg for another Farscape movie so they can be released from Stargate Hell!!" I love Ben and I love Claudia, but these writers are so inept that they are giving them absolutely nothing to work with here!!. They continue to shove Claudia at Michael Shanks, who can't muster an ounce of chemistry with this beautiful and talented woman, mainly because I find him and his character Daniel so utterly boring, that I can't stand it anymore. I know that Daniel can only be attracted to "submissive women" and Sha're proves that point, because if it was any other way, he wouldn't have a problem with Vala, a woman with an actual backbone who can kick his speed talking behind!! The only good stuff I've seen in this season so far, has been when the writers have "allowed" Ben and Claudia to interact. They have tons of chemistry just by looking across the room at each other. The writers blew their chance at something great because they were so afraid that by putting Vala and Cameron together it would turn into 'Fargate'. They obviously have no faith in Ben and Claudias talents, like I do.

                            This season has proven to me, at least, that Michael Shanks cannot carry this show and Christopher Judge has had so little to do that Teal'c has become pointless. Daniel has definately ripped out my last nerve this season and much like I have to do with Sam and Jack, I'm forced to live for the little moments between Cameron and Vala. They are all that interests me about the show these days.

                            The one and only reason I am still hanging in there is Amanda Tapping. Amanda has brought so much to this show (especially with RDA, but alas, I can't wait for his return, just hope that he decides to make a few more appearances) and I know she will continue to do so, but I am just afraid that Sam Carter will be sacrificed at the sainted alter of Daniel Jackson upon her return. Why must the PTB continue to cater to Michael Shanks and Daniel when this is supposed to be a "team" show? Richard was definately "the star" of Stargate, but he never felt the need to put himself in that role, but instead made stars out of Amanda, Michael and Chris by playing his character of Jack as a member of a team. Michael S. or his character of Daniel do not have the ability to play the "lead" or should he be written that way. There should have been equal time given to all the characters that are now on the canvas, but there hasn't been.

                            They give Claudia alot of airtime, but then waste her talents by trying to make her character, the only lead female at present, into a sex kitten. Vala still could have had a sexy, sarcastic side and still been written as a strong and capable woman, and the only scenes they've given to her to portray that have been few and far between. Claudia got to show snippets of her talent during one scene in TTTB when she was explaining to Daniel how her life wasn't all peachy and how she had to fight her demons, and the writers automatically turned it into nothing but a joke she was trying to pull on Daniel. She also got to show some great emotions from Vala when she was being burned at the stake. If the writers had any common sense, they would have played these things up more, instead of turning it into another "humor" moment. I wish she'd stay around just to have scenes with Amanda/Sam , cause they could have some amazing moments, in the hands of a competant writer.

                            Ben has had little to do except the occasional flashback to give us insight into his character of Cameron, but again, instead of the writers letting Ben flesh out his own character, they write him as an RDA replacement and have some very similar lines coming out of his mouth. They'd do better letting Ben write his own stuff.

                            Christopher Judge. Is he even still on this show? Granted I don't want to see weeks on end of Jaffa driven stories, but they should at least give Teal'c something to do, besides follow Daniel around so he doesn't get hurt by falling debris. Actually I wouldn't mind seeing that LOL.

                            This whole season so far has been way to Daniel heavy and since I can hardly stand Daniel, it's not a good thing for me.

                            Amanda, any chance you can hurry up and get back? LOL. I'll try and hang in there. I live for that rumored phone call, sad as that is.

                            Okaye, I'm done screaming for the night. For all you Daniel/Shanks fans out there, this is only my opinion and if I have offended you in any way, well all I can say is remember my screen name and maybe not read any more of my posts LOL.
                            I agree with your entire post, but for myself, I fell asleep during SG1 Friday night and woke up when Battlestar started. I've been a fan for 9 years now-and I fell asleep. That's how boring it's gotten. Glad I taped it. I was able to watch it later and yes, I could have fallen asleep again! I hope Amanda can make a difference when she returns.


                              Originally posted by dmovies
                              I agree with your entire post, but for myself, I fell asleep during SG1 Friday night and woke up when Battlestar started. I've been a fan for 9 years now-and I fell asleep. That's how boring it's gotten. Glad I taped it. I was able to watch it later and yes, I could have fallen asleep again! I hope Amanda can make a difference when she returns.
                              Falling asleep while SG1 is on is very very bad news .. dmovies ...Please Amanda /SAM ..come back quick and kick Vala out of the show so that Daniel can have something more Stargatey to do :

                              and Poor Teal'c probably needs you to be back too for those lovely chats you had together

                              Need to go now , need to delete all Stargate clips related from my drive so that I can upload all season 1 LOST for smashing videos ..Wish me luck ..gonna be sad to do but it has to be done ..and the time is now



                                Wow, the shippers are coming back to shipper town!!! YAY!!!

                                Welcome back
                                AncientKnowledge, Jafacakes, HailDorothy, Alaskhah, Sir Ruff, mjj1993, Shipperhannah and everyone I missed....
                                I'm glad you all are back!

                                Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                                I mostly agree I think
                                that this whole new plot line with merlin and stuff is just wrong. Don't know how. It feels that every new episodes takes a little bit of the original magic of stargate and throws it to a blackhole. The show has come so far away from the orignal plot the original idea that made this show what it is.. these few new eps are actually the first eps ever I've watched while surfin on the net That's how lame the Ori feel.. And the way they speak..

                                Feels like writers are out of ideas and they're tryin to rebirth the show by coming up with this new storyline and changin the lead characters and hopin they get away with it. This is startin to feel like another spin off. And I agree Daniel can not carry the show on his own. So far I don't think any of the new characters can. And as for Vala.. I hope she's just a visiting star. Don't like they way she's being written. I hope this all changes to the better so that i can keep watchin
                                Thanks! I thought I'm the only one who thinks this Merlin storyline thing is silly.
                                Don't know. I can't take that seriously.
                                But as long as they don't make SG1 fight against a magic dragon and Daniel doesn't begin to fly through the air on a broom to play Quidditch, I can live with that.... I guess.

