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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by gatebee
    Oh, Dani, when answering a post with pics, take of the [img] & [/img] so the pics become links so that dial-up people will not have a hard time
    Where do you find those letters(img)? Sorry to be so dumb but I just did a green square for the first time last week, so you can see I need all the help I can get with computers.


      Hi Shippers,
      Lots of RL going on Sunday. Hubby and I went to an Elvis Costello/Emily Lou Harris concert. Great show! I took a quick spin through tonight's posts. Still mixed emotions about Season 9 and Origins, huh? Same here! I did read Silver's fanfiction about the way Season 9 might be for our Sam and Jack. What a pick me up!!! I was just recollecting that this time last week we were all looking forward to Ship Day and Origins with Jack!!! Now Ship Day is over and Origins was
      disappointing as far as Ship was concerned
      . Well, there are lots of Sam and Jack fanfiction noms to read at Stargate Fan Awards. That and visiting with my Shipper friends will be what I'm looking forward to this week. Oh, and my hubby and I are having a long weekend together coming up. Our son is flying to Florida tomorrow to visit friends. Well, time for bed. Good Night (actually it's morning)!


        Originally posted by plague
        Hi lonely_star! I saw the picture slideshow you made and it is absolutely beautiful. Nice choice of the music too. I have been having a problem of identifying one of the scenes played in the slideshow. I have seen that in many music videos of Sam/Jack (I'm a major shipper) and I want to know which episode it came from. I cannot recall an episode with that happening so I hope you can help me in this.

        It is the first embracing pictures of them together. After the message "They'll be there for each other", the pictures are shown. It is around the time frame of 2.08 and I'm lost in where it happens or when it happens. I have seen all the episodes and I cannot remember seeing this scene. So help me out please if you can.

        Anyone else can budge in too if you know which scene I'm talking about. Thanks for your help.
        WELCOME PLAGUE .... a ship pic just for you

        avatar and sig by flidget


          Originally posted by Gatetrixer
          Where do you find those letters(img)? Sorry to be so dumb but I just did a green square for the first time last week, so you can see I need all the help I can get with computers.
          ok .... where to find the [img].........[/img]
          .. on the lower right hand of a post there is QUOTE and QR
 on one of them and it will take you post with the links
          ....if the post had a picture, the picture link would be manifested by [img]........[/img].
          .....delete only the [img] & [/img] and the picture becomes a link when you repost the message attached with your own personal comments.

          You can try it on this post....

          avatar and sig by flidget


            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
            I'm sorry to post this again, but I since I posted this late Friday night, I wondered if it might have been missed in all the great posts on Saturday. I would really like to know what others who saw the ep think........

            Hubby and I watched the RDA/MS scene back a couple of times (even though I'm very hacked at what a waste of RDA's time it was), and in our most humble (but professional media background) opinion.....

            .....we don't think they shot the scene together!!!!! Look at how Jack's hand first appears in the front of the picture. Then, while they're talking, you see just the back of one man's head (could have been done with stand-ins or by layering), then the other.

            Notice that the only time you actually see them in the frame together is when they're heading to the cafeteria. And I think it looks layered in. I mean, that kind of technology has been available since the 60s. I've heard it called "Patty Duke" technology. If you don't know what that means, ask, and I'll explain.

            If hubby and I are right, it could have been a scheduling thing.....or for some other reason, they couldn't or wouldn't be on the set at the same time. Couple that with the fact that Gekko is no longer involved in the show, and I can't help but wonder if some people may have had a serious parting of the ways.

            Please look at the scene again if you can, and let me know what you think. I'm don't mean to be negative, but this scene just doesn't look consistent with the way the show is filmed. There has to be some reason.

            Again, I'm leaning on Amanda's comments at Comic Con, and her history of being a good barometer for fans. We know she also tries to be as truthful as she can be without revealing the plots. If I didn't have faith in that, I'd be totally ticked off!

            Ok.....I'll check back in a few hours. Gotta go finish Harry Potter before I find out somewhere else who dies!
            I looked at it again and you have some points.
            They never had a solid two-shot until the end, which isn't compatible with past camera work. It definitely seemed liked they were avoiding too much exposure of the one, while the other was talking. And there were definitely times when we see the back of one of them talking and it wasn't very synched with the actual voice of their character. Like the stand-in was talking and they later dubbed in the character's voice. I couldn't tell if the two-shot of jack and daniel walking out was fake.

            Maybe that's part of the reason why that scene felt so stale.

            ship sistah

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              Just started reading "Twilight". It's awesome, it's just...perfect.
              Now I know what you all meant when you said you couldn't put it down.
              Off to bed to read a bit more.

              Thank you, Skydiver


                Originally posted by galaxy
                tsaxlady posted that in the Sam's a great character - thread:

                Okay this one is for all you S/J shipper fans AT was asked 'What about Sam and Jack?' to which she said they are being purpose fully vague about that - but there are a few phone calls - Basically they are leaving it open were people can draw their own conclusions abot what is happening between them.
                season 9
                You're kidding?! "Vague," did she say? TPTBM being vague with ship?! No way! They would never use that ole tool.

                ship sistah

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by Silver

                  Everyone seems so depressed. Cheer up! Season nine isn't over yet, it's barely begun! I feel really behind the times because I haven't seen Avalon yet but looking over all these posts I'm not sure I want to! (I noticed Harry Potter was mentioned... you poor reader(s)... HBP really doesn't supply much comfort.)

                  At least we'll have RDA on the Simpsons. (not that I'm a huge fan or anything) Did that sound really bitter?

                  But despite the sad faces, I am, for the moment, trying to stay positive!
                  I think some of us are suffering from shipper burnout. We're Shippers, so there is always hope (even a wittle, wittle bit, down weally, weally deep), but we've been through a lot and heard it all (or a lot of nothing, depending on your perspective) and we keep expecting more and better and keep getting less and worse. We really want to be happy, shiny, lovely, bouncy shippers again, but it just gets harder and harder when TPTBM give us no respect. It's like we're waiting for the next blow all the time.

                  ship sistah

                  ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                    Originally posted by divcon
                    Sexy Amazing





                    THIS is what we want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    my emphasis added

                    ship sistah

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      Originally posted by Ship Nana
                      Hey Gatebee, I don't live too far from Florida so you and I could take turns helping Jack with his daily workouts!
                      Hey, I'm not close, but I'll come down from NY to help with the sponge bath!

                      ship sistah

                      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                        Originally posted by sacme
                        ... and we keep expecting more and better and keep getting less and worse.
                        That's a really good point actually.

                        I only wish the ship had been resolved in season 8. If RDA was still wholly part of the show I wouldn't really care about a resolution, as long as we had more hug scenes... But now he's gone, at least partly, and it's like they've left the storyline to fade away without a proper finish.

                        But I do keep reminding myself to look at what we have as opposed to what we're missing! I.e. Heroes and D&C.


                          Originally posted by Buc252
                          Oh, you poor child!! You missed one of the best seasons for ship - season 6 - as well as the wonderfully enjoyable Jonas! I feel so sorry for your loss.

                          No, it's okay, because I work now, so I can afford to buy dvds.
                          +I thought I was a fool for no one
                          but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                            Originally posted by gatebee
                            Hi Ship Nana..... I think Sam would not like it too much if we only concentrated with Jack. We will also have to help Sam.
                            S'oaky, I'll help Sam
                            +I thought I was a fool for no one
                            but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              Okay...we need to cheer up!!!!!!!

                              I want people to write drabbles...lots of little drabbles...that place Sam and Jack in strange scenarios! ie. Sam at a science conference and meeting Jack at it, or something else that's crazy!
                              At work, I'll write at work. Because I need to write some Sam/Jack after joining this thread and reading it all but I'm not supposed to be writing anything else other than Dr Who/Rose (I have a deadline to meet).


                              Sa/Jack snogging in a rollercoaster?
                              +I thought I was a fool for no one
                              but oh baby I'm a fool for you


                                Hey guys... thanks for inviting me into the Shipper family. I'm a major shipper and since I've got hold of all the DVDs of all seasons (except 8), I have been watching it again & again just to see the interaction between Jack & Sam. So touching and sometimes I just want to hit them in the head & make them tell what they feel for each other openly... So many chances yet no conclusion.

                                I was so pissed off when Jack was made General and was not part of SG-1 because that made him less into the show and less scenes with Sam. I only watched Season 8 for the scenes between both of them. And Season 9 is SO going to be a disappointment for me (already is from the episodes so far). Ok.. that's what I feel so far. Now for the spoilers about Jack & Sam or whatever I could pick up from all the spoilers I have read so far.

                                SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):
                                Apparently Jack is supposed to come as guest starring in some episodes. I think he might be coming in the episode "Ripple Effect" in Season 9 since it is commented that someone we love and miss will appear in that episode. So I'm so hoping it would be him. And since Sam will be back in the team at that time and IS AVAILABLE, I think we will see some shipping and some sailing (or fishing) in that episode. But this is just an assumption and all the writers have mentioned that it is the best storyline they have come up with afer "Window of Opportunity". So I think it was a hint towards Jack & Sam. Or atleast I'm hoping it is.

