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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Just messing around in Photoshop to see what I can come up with for ShipDay… Got a few nice things done & in messing with this for the Thunk thread I thought I'd caption it for in here…

    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Got the urge for another sigpic....

      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        lol!! Great sig pic Shimmering Star!!

        and Bille Thank you for the shippy dream sequence! I needed that!

        I still haven't been able to read the posts properly tho because I haven't been able to see Avalon 2 yet and I don't want to read any spoilers before I watch it....

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
          glad you do! I was just talking about the good old days yesterday with 'thelittlesis' when we meet up lol! Aaawww that is so nice *is drowned in custard by the cunning Wendy so she strikes back by throwing over thousands of shipper cookies* !

          Thank you, I find out tomorrow which hospital I am going too!

          I will, I will! I am all in a shippy mood so I am definitely ready for it. Last night I watched Grace! I love that episode…
          that kiss is just so great

          Oh and my thoughts are with everyone who were effected by the events that happened in London today too. I have only this minute just heard about it! I was out all day!

          Cool! I remember thelittlesis. That's so great.

          I know you will be fine. Everything will be okay Trust me!

          I love how it's a dream in a dream, that whole scene with Jack is great and he's so supportive, Love it

          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
            Yeah! Definately pure diamond!

            Will and Grace was good tonight I thought Will was really sweet in the last one where he danced with Karen..

            I did mean bath and it was very nice thank you

            Absolutely. I'm looking forward to every scene that he is in.

            Awww, it was cute, and especially the kiss. I like the choir as well, I like singing you see.

            Your welcome, and I'm pleased you enjoyed it!

            Made by the lovely Jakie


              Originally posted by Billie
              Hey m_wendy_r

              Welcome in anticipation of your visit to London! I too am sure you will be okay I was on duty near to the The Oval where one of the incidents occured today, I couldn't believe it when the call came through, just too scary to think the events of a couple of weeks ago could happen again.

              After my mad day at work it's so nice to come home and catch up on all the shippy gossip, and sounds like some good stuff about S9! I haven't read the details so I'm gonna look at it through my rose tinted shipper glasses and pretend that its JACK THAT COMING BACK!! ok, indulge me my shipper friends it's been a long and scary day

              As for shipper day....plans are a foot!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Hugs to all the shipper family
              (((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))
              Hey Billie,

              You've obviously kept some calmness about and you should be proud of yourself. Thank you, I know I will be, I'll be scared and anxious but I won't let that stop me.

              As for Ship Day, I'm planning on baking a cake... hee

              Made by the lovely Jakie


                Originally posted by Ayiana
                I've been lurking here for a couple of months now, getting a feel for the way things work, and I've finally decided to come out of hiding to say hello to everybody. I'm actually a transplant from the JAG fandom, and it feels a little strange to be venturing out with a new show - kind of like the first day at a new school when I was a kid.

                I watched all 8 previous season of SG-1 within about 2 months. I'm thinking that puts me firmly in the category of the obsessed. I am, despite my determination not to get caught up in another ship, hopelessly addicted to the idea of Sam and Jack. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson from 9 agonizing years waiting for Harm and Mac to get together on JAG, but apparently not. I wonder if it's a genetic defect...

                I already run a readers' choice archive for the JAG fandom, as well as a message board for fanfiction authors and my own website with my JAG fanfic, so I'm thinking I must be a little bit nuts to be adding something else to my hobby list. Unfortunately, my muse tends to ignore my kicking and screaming, and keeps sending SG-1 plot bunny after plot bunny to plague my dreams. In a futile attempt to get her to leave me alone, I've finally written my first SG-1 fic, "Issues," which is archived here at Gateworld and which brings me, finally, to my questions.

                Can anybody recommend other places where I should publish my SG-1 fics? Are there any message boards out there where fics can be posted, or only archives and email lists? Are there any other places besides here at Gateworld where a lot of S/J shippers hang out? Any and all advice for the newbie is much appreciated.
                Hey Ayianna, I love the name.

                I used to post fanfiction on if that is still the address. Hang on, I'll fetch it...


                That is literally a stargate fanfic site.

                Made by the lovely Jakie


                  Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                  Welcome Ayiana. This is about one of the few threads that you can talk about the relationship (“ship”) between Sam and Jack. The good, the bad, and the ugly! In the past year and a half that I’ve been here we’ve gone up and down and back around regarding the ship. It’s a wonderful place to be able to be able to share your concerns, your rants, your highs and your lows with like-minded people.

                  Now in answer to your question… IMOHO we encompass every end of the S/J ship spectrum, from liking it a wee bit, to liking it a heck of a lot. For some it’s the sole reason they watch, for others, a very minor reason. For me, it wasn’t the S/J ship that got me hooked on the show. It was the ‘original’ team - their humor, the way they interacted with one another… I liked the stories, the SFX, the basic premise of the show… and the S/J ship was just the icing on my SG1 cupcake.
                  I didn't start watching the show for the ship. I just love sci fi and was wondering how RDA would do in the role. I loved it from the get go. But eventually I noticed the thing was leaning towards the ship and I loved it even more! I can't see how anyone could like the last 2 weeks of whatever this was suppose to be. Daniel and Tea'k aren't even sounding or acting like themselves. Doen't help that is saw 'The Island' yesterday and that was just great SciFi!


                    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                    Welcome Ayiana. This is about one of the few threads that you can talk about the relationship (“ship”) between Sam and Jack. The good, the bad, and the ugly! In the past year and a half that I’ve been here we’ve gone up and down and back around regarding the ship. It’s a wonderful place to be able to be able to share your concerns, your rants, your highs and your lows with like-minded people.

                    Now in answer to your question… IMOHO we encompass every end of the S/J ship spectrum, from liking it a wee bit, to liking it a heck of a lot. For some it’s the sole reason they watch, for others, a very minor reason. For me, it wasn’t the S/J ship that got me hooked on the show. It was the ‘original’ team - their humor, the way they interacted with one another… I liked the stories, the SFX, the basic premise of the show… and the S/J ship was just the icing on my SG1 cupcake.
                    I agree with Shimmering Star.

                    I started to watch the show because I like the team and the way they interacted, the Sam and Jack Ship came naturally of course. I must admit I do watch it for that, but it's not the only reason, it's a big reason, but not the only one.

                    I'm a science-fiction fan so I like others like Star Trek, Babylon 5, V, Lost in Space, The Outer Limits... the list is endless. So I like the scientific techno stuff and the special effects.

                    And the music...

                    Did I mention I like the ship....?

                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      (((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))) I know it's been a tough couple of weeks for us, and it was with that in mind that I penned my lastest shippy fanfic (shipfic?) :


                      Because SOMEDAY, the ship will sail again! Read, enjoy, and if you want to, let me know what you think!


                        Originally posted by ST-1
                        (((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))) I know it's been a tough couple of weeks for us, and it was with that in mind that I penned my lastest shippy fanfic (shipfic?) :


                        Because SOMEDAY, the ship will sail again! Read, enjoy, and if you want to, let me know what you think!
                        ST-1, I've just read this and I think it's a really great fic. I'd recommend it to everyone!

                        I like the idea of both polls for Ship Day and think it would be a good idea for the day to last as long as possible. If it's practical so members of the Ship family can all celebrate for the day
                        always and forever
                        My LJ
                        My History Website


                          Originally posted by girlgater
                          sg-1fanintn is absolutely correct in saying that SG-A is better than SG-1. It hurts me to say so since SG-1 is my first love. Still...I'm giving S9 a chance. Once AT gets back it's got to be better. I also have a hard time believing that she would stick with something that's on such rocky terrain. Also, Jack is back next week!!!
                          I haven't always thought it was better. SG-1 is my first love too. But right now, SGA is hotter, better paced and better written! Hurry back, Sam!

                          Originally posted by Ayiana
                          Third, I've been watching the posts here for several weeks, long before I actually joined, much less started posting myself, and I have a question. Do the majority of the people here watch SG-1 primarily for the S/J ship? Are there others, like me, who adore the ship but are quite content to watch the show for other reasons as well? I'm curious because of the number of folks who seem to dislike any episode that doesn't have ship or at least S/J in it.

                          Personally, I enjoy SG-1 for lots of reasons. Yes, the S/J ship is one of my favorite aspects, but I really like nearly all of the characters (except possibly for Landry who still seems a bit stuffy to me). Teal'c's understated humor, Daniel's tendency to stick his nose where it really doesn't belong, Mitchell's awkward attempts to find his place in the program, and Vala's outrageous behavior all interest me for different reasons, and while the show does seem a little rocky at the moment, I attribute that in large part to the fact that they're blending a new group of actors and it always takes time for the new folks to get their footing on a show - whether it's the first episode or the 200th.

                          Just my humble opinion - my apologies if I've caused offense...
                          You can express almost any opinion here, as long as you do it politely, and it will be accepted/tolerated. We're such a nice group! As to your question, no, I don't watch SG-1 mainly for the ship. I love lots of sci-fi, and always have. In fact, when I first started watching the show, I liked the fact that Sam was a wholy formed character without any particular attachment to any of the men. Besides that, she didn't flaunt her sexuality through costuming or actions. She was smart, professional and had a lot of respect for herself. You see that so rarely on TV that it was really refreshing.

                          I also wasn't drawn to the show because of RDA. I never watched McGyver, and wasn't really a fan of his. I had just heard a lot about what a good sci-fi show it was, and hubby and I became fans.

                          Now, some six years later (We don't have Showtime, so we saw it first in syndication), my motivations for watching are the same.....and different. First, I am now a huge fan of RDA and AT. I really appreciate their talent, and after virtually ignoring him for 20 years, I now think he's one of the sexiest men on the planet! AT has just gotten prettier over the years, and I think she is one of the most gifted actresses I've ever seen. Even the subtlest nuances are understandable, because of the way she plays them.

                          And, the S/J ship has become extremely important to me. It has grown naturally and slowly, and these two actors have played it so well that they have convinced me that the characters truly belong together. I want my official resolution and acknowledgement of that!!!!!!

                          As I've said before, I'm not getting interested in any other ship dangled at me by TPTB. I'm interested in this one ship, because I believe it HAS TO BE that way. I can wait a little longer, but I can't accept these two people with anyone else.....because any resolution that doesn't include S/J together doesn't make sense with what I have witnessed over the past six years!

                          Whew! What a mouthful! Sorry if I went on too long, but that essay was just itching to get out!


                            Originally posted by Silver
                            Howdy, Ayiana!

                            I can't remember how long ago I started watching SG-1, but I was quite young--about 10/11, I think (and even then I loved the S/J romance ). But I do remember that from the very first time I saw it I began to adore the character of Jack O'Neill. I won't lie when I say I've primarily watched the show for Jack. He makes me laugh and RDA is a wonderful actor. If it hadn't been for his face on screen, I probably would have watched it when I could be bothered, from time to time, but never with the, er, obsession and love that I have done for the past six years. But there again I am going to watch season 9 when it hits the UK so it can't all be about him.

                            But yes, with Jack came the S/J ship, and I loved it! Unlike you, although I do enjoy different aspects of Stargate, I don't think I'll be as content in season 9 without the ship. Let me rephrase that... I won't be content if there's no emotion between the main characters. I don't think it's the actual romance that captures my imagination, it's the emotion. And despite the teary moments relating to Teal'c and Daniel, one of the best sources for emotion and feelings in the show, for me, centres around Sam and Jack's relationship and predicament.

                            I do watch SG-1 for other reasons. The "fantasy" genre--the abnormal and unknown--sucks me in like a big whoppin' black hole. In addition, I love action and adventure and the fighting scenes. But to me the best episodes come as a package. Action/capture/adventure usually leads to angst/hurt/danger, which brings about comfort/reassurance/honesty, which in the case of Sam and Jack equals SHIP. These are episodes such as Upgrades, Message in a Bottle, Into the Fire, Solitudes, Metamorphosis, Heroes and Lost City.

                            What I'm trying to say is that without emotion the episodes with or without their fancy ships, unusual aliens and big shiny guns don't mean a thing. Threads and Grace to me are two of the best episodes they've made, merely because of how sentimental they are (and even more emotional was Abyss, which is my absolute favourite due to Jack's pain and Daniel's comforting presence). Even in Window of Opportunity, which was one of my most humorous TV moments ever, the best, most powerful scene involved Jack shouting that he'd "lost his son" and seeing the reactions play across the faces of the three other SG-1 members.

                            So yeah, I do watch Stargate for the ship--because to me it's one of the most prominent and central sources for emotion and feelings in the show. It's rich in angst (aren't I nice? ). And whatever new dynamics they introduce to us in season nine, I somehow doubt they could ever replace the depth of our favourite pair's feelings for the other... Mitchell or no Mitchell as a newly-intergrated part of the team.

                            Anyway, folks, it's good to be back, once again indulging Sam and Jack shippiness! I have a lot in this thread to read! What's Avalon like?

                            Silver you are my twin sister ....Just like me ...can't say anything else ...All you said is what I fell



                              Originally posted by ses110
                              I agree 1000%.I do not want to upset anyone but IMO the Daniel character is just not leading character material on this Show.The same goes for Teal'c.TPTB need to give something else besides the
                              Jaffa rebellion to Teal'c.TPTB also need to lose the Mitchell flashbacks real quick.I was expecting to hear the Rocky theme during the Sword fight.I though the Jonas character worked well because he was not the instant Hero and had to gain respect.I never got the feeling Jonas was trying to replace Daniel.I think the Sam character has the ability to be the lead character and TPTB should have Daniel and Teal'c play off Sam as much as possible and not have Daniel or Teal'c go off on there own.I always though Daniel and Teal'c worked real well with Jack and Jack had the ability to keep the Daniel character from being way out there.

                              I agree with that SES ...I liked Jonas too because he had to prove himself ...but Cameron seems to be a heroe and we saw nothing of what he actually did on screen ..This is so lame's probably because BB is more famous than CN !!!! it makes me sick

                              LONG LIVE JONAS . He was the best new regular added character to the SG1 show



                                Jonas was great to the show in season 6


