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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
    ok! I just got to see the new episode and i'm happy to say I managed to stay away from Gateworld until I had

    Here are my thoughts.(well some of them...the rest are over in the Avalon Thread )

    I was serverly disappointed at the opening credits, due to the fact that WE HAD NONE!! If you blink you miss em! No song or anything! That didn't put me in a happy mood for watching.
    At first Cameron seemed a bit 'stiff' no much character at all but I felt sorry for him when he found out all of SG-1 had gone there seperate ways and by the end..after some very funny lines I do like him
    The vibe going on between Daniel and Vala is excellent! I'm liking Vala more and more!
    I didn't think we had a good enough excuse for Sam being away, I know she said 'I have my reasons' but TPTB could easily have give us another line to make it shippy! anything! but they didn't and I don't think we saw as much of Jack as i'd hoped either Although as soon as Jack mentioned Motorbike I thought of Sam!! Lets hope thats the virst of many very subtle shippy hints TPTB are going to give us! Ones that only the trained eyes of shippers can see

    Anyways, I'm still not sure what I think of Landry but he seems to be a good guy. I'm definately going to watch next week, cause I have to admit even though it was wierd it was fun

    I'm just keeping my finger crossed for Sam and Jack in the next few eps!!
    Hiya **waves** I'm glad you were able to stay spoiler free as you wished. Now you can scroll through our posts from last night. Like most of us you were able to catch Avalon
    the shippy clue that we believe to be the MOTORCYCLE!!!! We don't know how Jack and Sam and the motorcycle are connected but we hope to find out this season!!!


      Originally posted by BrenRen
      Since there's nothing specific in this, I won't spoiler it...

      I said it before, I love the way she sets the sparks flying with Daniel. It's not something I see as sexual tension, though. I think Danny boy really hates that woman--and who can blame him?? She manages to get the upperhand, to kick his a$$, and she has taken to taunting him with dogged determination. She's quite a peice of work.

      I was never a big Farscape fan, but I did enjoy the post-series-mini-series. And I really liked the little nods to the prior "relationship" between Ben and Claudia. All in all, I don't think there are a great many things TPTB did very well with this attempt to transition the show into Stargate TNG. Cameron wanting the old team back, the backstory, a lot more time with Sam & Jack than I had dared hope for, and the great mystery vehicles debate... Vala is absolutely no replacement for Sam, but she definitely adds an *intersting* dynamic to the show. Since I know it's temporary, I'mhappy to go along for the ride, for now. They haven't lost me yet...

      On Topic? Sam looks pretty happy in her position at Area 51... And Jack looked more relaxed than he has in years. Wonder what that means....

      Very well BrenRen but still TPTB didn't
      use Sam and Jack in the same scene apparently !!!!( Haven't seen the episode and no intention of rushing to see it either )

      ....and why not ?!!! because let's annoy the S/J shippers a little bit more .

      The last we saw of Sam and Jack together was Threads or Mobieus if you like ...and this is it ..I doubt we'll see them again together on screen ..until may be the very finale of the series when Jack will do a come back to Cheyenne Mountain for a special celebration , whatever that may be ...I

      .... mean the end of the show may be big so why not have all the old cast back as long as the charcters are not dead ...

      ....Saying that I have seen another series finale recently and in the last scene of the series , somebody who left the show a year earlier and was a major character for a long time apparently didn't come back for the serie finale Could be the same with RDA/ SG1 ..who knows !!!!

      PS: I didn't know that Sam
      was in episode 1 ( I suppose it was the extra scene she filmed at the end of season 8 before she had her baby !!)..I'm surprised but not happy that her scene was with somebody else than Jack considering that the last scene of season 8 was both of them fishing ..Anyway I was expecting a zero ship so I suppose I may be happy to watch it and hear the comment on the bike



        Originally posted by nell
        Hiya **waves** I'm glad you were able to stay spoiler free as you wished. Now you can scroll through our posts from last night. Like most of us you were able to catch Avalon
        the shippy clue that we believe to be the MOTORCYCLE!!!! We don't know how Jack and Sam and the motorcycle are connected but we hope to find out this season!!!

        I suppose the
        motorcycle thingie is related to Sam and Jack , to be ..but what I'm not too comfortable with the fact that TPTB gives a stupid little crumb like that so that the shippers find their happiness somewhere in the episode ..I 'm kind of wondering even if they are not laughing at us if they read some shipper threads and get analysis of the motorcycle comment by Jack They probably are and I feel very uncomfortable about a word thrown in the episode which probably means ship but is so vicious in a way . Gosh ..I think they are really bad people ...who don't deserve such a dedicated fanbase



          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
          Does anyone know misstweedledee? She apparently used to post here a lot, then quit, but came back recently. She said that she had found a link on MSN that said
          that the Sam/Jack relationship is confirmed in episode 10----which would be the first part of The Fourth Horseman. I couldn't find the link and PM'ed her to please post it, but she hasn't been back since.

          Now, that would be worth seeing. If anyone else knows anything about that, please post it! If not, we'll go on with the shippy crumbs we think we've been thrown and hope that next week brings us something better!

          ****GULP**** I didn't see that post!!!!! So is that the first half or second half
          of season 9?


            Just wanted to add that if Jack said
            THE motorbike !!! and not MY motorbike !!! then it's because it may be Sam 's bike and not his bike . They may already be married and time has passed since Threads ...Now they share their belongings ..What is mine is yours kind of thing .



              Originally posted by Catysg1
              Just wanted to add that if Jack said
              THE motorbike !!! and not MY motorbike !!! then it's because it may be Sam 's bike and not his bike .

              Hi Caty,

              Jack's exact words:
              ....sign on my house and my car, the motorcycle..." So, that may be the only bone we get and I'm taking it.
              Believe me,
              I don't like it. I think they could have done so much more.
              Let's see how things develop.


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                I suppose the
                motorcycle thingie is related to Sam and Jack , to be ..but what I'm not too comfortable with the fact that TPTB gives a stupid little crumb like that so that the shippers find their happiness somewhere in the episode ..I 'm kind of wondering even if they are not laughing at us if they read some shipper threads and get analysis of the motorcycle comment by Jack They probably are and I feel very uncomfortable about a word thrown in the episode which probably means ship but is so vicious in a way . Gosh ..I think they are really bad people ...who don't deserve such a dedicated fanbase

                I agree with you 100%! I haven't seen the episode yet, but got enough details from the spoilers (THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR ALL THE DETAILS!!!! ) . For some reason I get
                a feeling that TPTB are toying with us, shippers, and they are probably enjoing it too... I am not saying that they are bad people, but the choices they have made over the years and now are bad... just very bad... As someone already mentioned, it would be unreasonable and unreal for them to pretend like there is nothing between Sam and Jack. Come on, they are 2 adults who love each other and have finally realized that they belong together (Threads anyone???).

                I really don't know what is stopping TBTP from admitting that Jack and Sam are together? Obviously, we won't get any on-screen ship since RDA is not available anymore (for very important reasons - I am proud of him for putting his family first!). So, the anti-shippers get what they wanted. But what about us? It is really sad that we have to cling on to someting so tinny - a comment about a bike that might or might not mean a thing. I am so sad... really... Why should we scrape for some tiny details that may or may not be there to keep us happy, when other fans get exactly what they want - no ship, new characters, action, humor, etc...
                It is unfair and unreal. I've got my proof that TBTP don't care about shippers even a bit. I have never been so disappointed in a TV show before...
                ***goes away with tears in her eyes***


                  Hey all

                  Just dashing in before bed and to have a quick spoiler fest! There is obviously plenty to discuss and I only wish I could join in properly but I have yet to see the episode -roll on October!

                  Anyhow seeing as I can't throw in my pennys worth I thought I leave you with a tribute to Jack who is going to be very sorely missed
                  I posted this on the thunk thread earlier but thought you guys might appreciate it too!

                  Keeping the shipper faith!!


                    Originally posted by girlgater
                    Ok. I have a question for those who saw Avalon Pt1. Remember how we have been grasping at the rumor that at the end of S8,
                    they called AT and RDA back to shoot additional scenes. Don't you think that the scenes they shot were RDA standing at the window apparently talking to Mitchell, and Sam presenting Mitchell with the Medal of Honor at the hospital. She definitely looked pregnant to me which makes me think that those two scenes were the call backs. In those two scenes, Mitchell was even shown.. Perhaps RDA was even called back for the meeting with Landry. Of course, it's not to say that they didn't shoot additional scenes that may come in additional episodes.
                    What does everyone think?

                    Agree with you GirlGater. Hi Shippers – been thunking for the last few weeks but definitely need every shipper crumb these days. Have to say I quite enjoyed it last night because I took a fellow Thunker’s advice and just treated it as if it were a new franchise. Loved Vala… mainly because I look like her and it warms my heart to see a gal with thick eyebrows and a slightly larger-than-average nose do well in this world of stick-thin Barbies!

                    DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                    WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      I suppose the
                      motorcycle thingie is related to Sam and Jack , to be ..but what I'm not too comfortable with the fact that TPTB gives a stupid little crumb like that so that the shippers find their happiness somewhere in the episode ..I 'm kind of wondering even if they are not laughing at us if they read some shipper threads and get analysis of the motorcycle comment by Jack They probably are and I feel very uncomfortable about a word thrown in the episode which probably means ship but is so vicious in a way . Gosh ..I think they are really bad people ...who don't deserve such a dedicated fanbase

                      I agree, Caty. No offense to those here - we're all so desperate for ship - but as I read and made posts today it occurred to me. This is pathetic!!!! We're getting all happy and excited over a WORD that could be just something tossed in and means nothing!

                      I don't think they put that word in to make us happy, I think they put it in so they could *torture* us.
                      - Mary
                      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        I agree, Caty. No offense to those here - we're all so desperate for ship - but as I read and made posts today it occurred to me. This is pathetic!!!! We're getting all happy and excited over a WORD that could be just something tossed in and means nothing!

                        I don't think they put that word in to make us happy, I think they put it in so they could *torture* us.
                        I know I am repeating myself, but oh well...

                        I agree with you Buc252! As I said earlier, it is so sad to see things unfold they way they have.

                        If any of the TBTP are lurking around, I only have 1 thing to say to you:

                        SHAME ON YOU!!!

                        And I do apologize to any of my fellow shippers if I offended you with this statement. This is just happens to be how I feel!
                        I am all for having faith and hope for shippy resolution (yep, there is still some of that hope left, but it's diminishing quickly), but we have to draw a line somewhere! We are a strong fan base and deserve some respect!

                        Say it with me, ladies: R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!!


                          Originally posted by Grace O'Neill
                          I know I am repeating myself, but oh well...

                          I agree with you Buc252! As I said earlier, it is so sad to see things unfold they way they have.

                          If any of the TBTP are lurking around, I only have 1 thing to say to you:

                          SHAME ON YOU!!!

                          And I do apologize to any of my fellow shippers if I offended you with this statement. This is just happens to be how I feel!
                          I am all for having faith and hope for shippy resolution (yep, there is still some of that hope left, but it's diminishing quickly), but we have to draw a line somewhere! We are a strong fan base and deserve some respect!

                          Say it with me, ladies: R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!!

                          Grace and Buc252, I appreciate your opinions because you have some solid points and you express them respectfully. This is a pretty good shipper community and our strength is that we accept and respect each others opinions and feelings. Not to mention we have fun!!! Speaking for myself, your opinions keep me on my toes although as you can see I tend to search for the ship and hold doggedly to each morsel!!! Hee, hee!!


                            Hey all... just got finished watching Avalon.

                            I might be in the minority here but I liked the first ep. I liked the ship references. The motorcycle was one for those paying attention, Sam having her reasons was another. But I also thought Daniel's demeanour when he told Cam that Sam wasn't coming back leant that way too. I took it as he knows that she isn't gonna budge from her spot with Jack for this.... hee (glass is half full kids).

                            I actually thought Vala was hilarious.. I'm looking forward to seeing Sam meet her... should be fun... but also Jack in ep 3 hopefully.. coz that'll be funny too. Remember he's not a single man now... maybe there'll be a clue there.

                            I was paying attention to time frames though. To me I think Jack had left a couple of weeks before, then Sam the week before and Teal'c the month before. To me that means Jack left and Sam's interest in the SGC left with him. Nice!

                            Anyway.. that was my take. But I ship L&O SVU.. I can find ship in the only rock left in the desert...


                              Oooh I made this last night too... couldn't resist.. but then who could



                                Originally posted by Myrth
                                Oooh I made this last night too... couldn't resist.. but then who could

                                WOW! SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

                                You did an excelent job! THANK YOU FOR SHARING!

