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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by katethegater
    Inspired by your attention to 'shippy detail' i have been watching some of the older episodes with my 'ship specs' on!

    I saw Crystal Skull last night and in the scene around the briefing room table where Daniel is talking about his ' grampa Nick', Jack & Sam are sitting that close that their knees & elbows are touching. I swear any closer and she would be on his lap!

    Well, Jack never did pay much attention in least having Sam on his lap would be a good excuse.

    Ship Ahoy!
    Yep, I love that scene too.

    sig by PM


      Welcome, xkawaiix!

      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
      JM says that RDA is no longer an Exec. Producer. I don't know if that means he longer is investing in the show or what. Maybe it's just a courtesy to him to say he doesn't want his character to be killed off or maybe it's just good business. I suspect they'll do what they want.
      A question, where do you think he is in that picture beside the window with blinds? Washington? It's isn't Cheyenne mtn., I don't think. Anyway we'll find out Friday, except I will be out of town at a house with no cable TV and no Internet, so seeing Avalon will have to wait with me. I'll do what I was intending to do anyway, tape it and watch later, after I see comments on GW, just a bit later than I was going to.
      I think RDA gave up exec. producer duties at the start of S7. But I still think he's an investor. He and Michael Greenburg are Gekko Film Corp, and Gekko still produces the show. I know Greenburg is still actively involved. I imagine RDA is just a money partner now. Greenburg worked on McGyver and they've done several projects together since.

      I kinda thought that photo next to the window was either in D. C. or at the Air Force Hospital in Colorado Springs. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!
      Originally posted by scjon
      Actually, talking about my husband has just reminded me of something. We were watching Threads the other day (he for the 1st time and me for about the 4th) and
      spoilers (highlight to read)when it got to the bit where Kerry advises Jack to retire, my husband said. Does he? Do they get together? It'd be nice if they did. It seems my beloved husband is a closet shipper after all! Not that he would normally admit to it.
      Ah, isn't it nice to have a closet shipper for a husband? I have one too!


        Originally posted by nell
        A SHIPPY OPENER Part 9

        This is the next to the last part in my series. It's been alot of fun and thanks for the encouragement. Now let's see what's Vancouver!!!
        Nearby Vancouver in the Stargate Production Office sits a group of producers and writers that are stirred up into a frenzy. They just learned that the Shippers are developing their own versions of Season 9's opener that has them reeling with amazement for the perceived sheer audacity.

        One of their leaders, Brad Wright begins to speak.......
        Brad: "Who are these...these...Shippers?" His face is red, a small vein is pulsing in his temple and sweat is lacing his brow as he bellows. "We've spent the past 8 years maintaining a line between Sam and Jack that has yet to be crossed. The Great Wall of China has nothing on the boundary we built between them!!! Fishing? What's with this fishing business? They've had AU kisses! So, what's with the whining?"

        Across the table from Brad sits Joe Mallozzi, friend to Shippers, licking his spoon clean after consuming a particularly tasty pint of Ben & Jerry's Vanilla Oatmeal Fudgy Swirl Chips ice cream. Wiping the dribbles of melted cream from his chin he responds to Brad.
        Joe: Brad, snap out of it! Get a grip! I've been telling you since year 5 that it's time for Sam and Jack to fish. Are you really surprised that the Shippers have taken matters into their own hands???? Get real!!! With the chemistry between Sam and Jack enough to power a ZPM, how much longer do you think they can go on before they implode??

        Suddenly a man barges into the meeting and disrupts the group.
        Pete: "What about me?" He whines. "I'm the boyfriend. I've got rights."
        Brad and Joe together: "Shut up, Shanahan!!"
        Brad: "You buffoon! We wrote a script that landed you in the arms of a hot lady and"
        Joe: "you didn't stand a chance against O'Neill. You're lucky we didn't write a scene where Jack kicks your a$$."

        Jack: That's right, Petey-boy!!! You are so not a threat to me. Now, if you guys will excuse me, I have a beautiful woman expecting me and I don't intend to keep her waiting!! Oh, and Shenanigans. Dad. Likes. Me!!!!
        LOL! never stood a chance!
        Love them nell keep em coming!

        Happy Birthday Florence!!!


          Round 30 of the Fave Episodes Tournament has begun. Crossroads was eliminated in Round 29. Keep Divide & Conquer (the holy grail of J/S shippiness) from getting the axe! Please keep voting! Catch up on the tourney (and which eps have been eliminated so far) and vote now, at:

          Be careful! If you accidentally vote for an ep that has already been eliminated, none of your votes will count in that round.

          Sam and Jack thank you. I thank you!


            Originally posted by scjon
            Wow!! RL claims me for a week and I miss all this

            Actually, talking about my husband has just reminded me of something. We were watching Threads the other day (he for the 1st time and me for about the 4th) and
            spoilers (highlight to read)when it got to the bit where Kerry advises Jack to retire, my husband said. Does he? Do they get together? It'd be nice if they did. It seems my beloved husband is a closet shipper after all! Not that he would normally admit to it.
            SCJON .... you are so lucky ..... your hubby is a shipper ....

            avatar and sig by flidget


              A SHIPPY OPENER FINALE!!! 10 of 10
              Dear Shipper Friends, You may have noticed that I'm including as many episode and character cliches as possible. I also "borrowed" shamelessly from remembered ideas from favorite fanfics. Thanks for your kind words and encouragement to continue the Ship!!! **Takes bow**

              Now I present to you what we have all been wishing for............THE SHIP IS IN!!!

              Sargeant Walter Harriman: Unscheduled off world activation.'s the Tok'ra.
              IT'S DAD!!! ** uh, oh**

              Jacob: Hi kiddos! Just a quick visit to see my little girl.

              Daniel: Ahh....Jacob. Hi.
              Jacob: Daniel, where's Sam?
              Daniel: She...she's not here.
              Jacob: I can see that! Mission?
              Daniel: Um....don't know.
              Jacob: All right, where's O'Neill? He can fill me in.
              Daniel: Um, you see, Jacob. About that...Jack's retired. He's.... not.... here.

              Jacob: WHAT???? You're telling me that you don't know where Sam is AND Jack's retired?
              Later at Jack's House........

              Jacob: O'Neill. Open. This. Door, Mister! Where's my daughter? Sam, it's Dad.
              Selmak: Jacob, do not act the fool. I have been telling you for years that Jack and Sam are soulmates. They have finally found their way into each other's hearts.
              Jacob: Selmak, shut up! This is my daughter we're talking about.
              Selmak: Sam is an intelligent and passionate woman. O'Neill is worthy of her. Remember, my friend, I can read your thoughts. You know this is true.
              Jacob: Ahhh, I know it. I...but....well, I have a reputation to uphold. I can't very well let Jack know that I approve that easily. I want him to have a very healthy dose of fear that I will injure him severely if he hurts my little girl!
              Selmak: Sam's not a girl and Jack could break you in two. Friend, you, how do you Tauri say it, blow alot of hot air!
              Jacob: Yeah, you're right! Hey, Selmak, looks like nobody's home but I found Jack's spare house key. How's about we go inside and share an ice cold beer?
              Meanwhile, far, far away...........


              Our couple are out of our view.....

              Sam: So.
              Jack: So.
              Sam: I can't believe we did it. We're alone and nobody knows where we are!
              Jack: Even Daniel can't interrupt us. Nice!
              Sam: Jack, I love you.
              Jack: Sam, I never gave up on us. I'm not good with words but I'm good with you.
              Sam: Mmmmmmmmmm......
              Jack: Mrs. O'Neill?
              Sam: Yes, Mr. O'Neill?
              Jack: I love you, too. C'mere. I've got something for you.....
              A BIG HONKIN' KISS!!!!!!!
              THE END


                For those of you who have been keeping track of what the people at SG have been saying in the press, here's one I just got in the mail today.

                The "Inside TV" issue for the week of July 18 - 24 is where it appears. This is a fairly new magazine put out by TV Guide, and each day has it's highlights and some fun things like "remember when" and what certain stars and viewers are saying. On Friday, July 22nd, "The Daily Male" (where an actor - males only - makes a comment) was Michael Shanks. His quote is:

                "The first shows I ever saw filmed in Vancouver, where Im' from, were 21 Jump Street and Macgyver. Everything has come toether because now I work with (21 Jump Street star) Peter Deluise on a daily basis."

                Now, I suppose it could have been edited poorly, but it surprised and disappointed me that, after bringing up MacGyver, nothing was said about RDA. If it's not a matter of poor editing, MS should be ashamed of himself. JMO.
                - Mary
                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                  Another shippy Season 9 Opener:

                  Jack: Where are we going? Uh.....nowhere.....

                  Sam: That's right. We're just going to get a breath of fresh air, that's all.

                  Jack: Give it up, Sam. Let's just be upfront about it. We're going fishing, ok? Does anyone have a problem with that? If so, speak up now or forever hold your piece!


                    Originally posted by Buc252
                    For those of you who have been keeping track of what the people at SG have been saying in the press, here's one I just got in the mail today.

                    The "Inside TV" issue for the week of July 18 - 24 is where it appears. This is a fairly new magazine put out by TV Guide, and each day has it's highlights and some fun things like "remember when" and what certain stars and viewers are saying. On Friday, July 22nd, "The Daily Male" (where an actor - males only - makes a comment) was Michael Shanks. His quote is:

                    "The first shows I ever saw filmed in Vancouver, where Im' from, were 21 Jump Street and Macgyver. Everything has come toether because now I work with (21 Jump Street star) Peter Deluise on a daily basis."

                    Now, I suppose it could have been edited poorly, but it surprised and disappointed me that, after bringing up MacGyver, nothing was said about RDA. If it's not a matter of poor editing, MS should be ashamed of himself. JMO.
                    Mary,it wasn't poor editing it was just MS. (that is my opinion)


                      Originally posted by nell
                      A SHIPPY OPENER FINALE!!! 10 of 10
                      Dear Shipper Friends, You may have noticed that I'm including as many episode and character cliches as possible. I also "borrowed" shamelessly from remembered ideas from favorite fanfics. Thanks for your kind words and encouragement to continue the Ship!!! **Takes bow**
                      Now I present to you what we have all been wishing for............THE SHIP IS IN!!!
                      Sargeant Walter Harriman: Unscheduled off world activation.'s the Tok'ra.
                      IT'S DAD!!! ** uh, oh**
                      Jacob: Hi kiddos! Just a quick visit to see my little girl.

                      Daniel: Ahh....Jacob. Hi.
                      Jacob: Daniel, where's Sam?
                      Daniel: She...she's not here.
                      Jacob: I can see that! Mission?
                      Daniel: Um....don't know.
                      Jacob: All right, where's O'Neill? He can fill me in.
                      Daniel: Um, you see, Jacob. About that...Jack's retired. He's.... not.... here.

                      Jacob: WHAT???? You're telling me that you don't know where Sam is AND Jack's retired?
                      Later at Jack's House........

                      Jacob: O'Neill. Open. This. Door, Mister! Where's my daughter? Sam, it's Dad.
                      Selmak: Jacob, do not act the fool. I have been telling you for years that Jack and Sam are soulmates. They have finally found their way into each other's hearts.
                      Jacob: Selmak, shut up! This is my daughter we're talking about.
                      Selmak: Sam is an intelligent and passionate woman. O'Neill is worthy of her. Remember, my friend, I can read your thoughts. You know this is true.
                      Jacob: Ahhh, I know it. I...but....well, I have a reputation to uphold. I can't very well let Jack know that I approve that easily. I want him to have a very healthy dose of fear that I will injure him severely if he hurts my little girl!
                      Selmak: Sam's not a girl and Jack could break you in two. Friend, you, how do you Tauri say it, blow alot of hot air!
                      Jacob: Yeah, you're right! Hey, Selmak, looks like nobody's home but I found Jack's spare house key. How's about we go inside and share an ice cold beer?
                      *Meanwhile, far, far away...........

                      Our couple are out of our view.....

                      Sam: So.
                      Jack: So.
                      Sam: I can't believe we did it. We're alone and nobody knows where we are!
                      Jack: Even Daniel can't interrupt us. Nice!
                      Sam: Jack, I love you.
                      Jack: Sam, I never gave up on us. I'm not good with words but I'm good with you.
                      Sam: Mmmmmmmmmm......
                      Jack: Mrs. O'Neill?
                      Sam: Yes, Mr. O'Neill?
                      Jack: I love you, too. C'mere. I've got something for you.....
                      THE END
                      lovely .. lovely ... perfect ending to our ship ....

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                        Another shippy Season 9 Opener:

                        Jack: Where are we going? Uh.....nowhere.....

                        Sam: That's right. We're just going to get a breath of fresh air, that's all.

                        Jack: Give it up, Sam. Let's just be upfront about it. We're going fishing, ok? Does anyone have a problem with that? If so, speak up now or forever hold your piece!

                        Oh, yeah!!! Fishing for our couple is right on sooooo many levels!!!


                          Originally posted by trupi
                          My husband said the same thing as you. He was in the military and he said that Sam is no longer in the same location as Jack, plus she takes direct commands from Lawdry not Jack, they can date. THe higher ups might talk but no reg. would be broken. If Jack is retired, absolutely nothing can be said about them being together.
                          Maybe they should fire the so-called military advisor and replace her with your hubbie!


                            Mary I hope I'am wrong but it seems like something may have happened between some of the Actors and TPTB.Something that happened behind closed Doors we have not heard about or may never hear about.There's been too many examples of these types of interviews.I really hope some of the Actors and TPTB are not upset at RDA for leaving.I'am really starting to think they are upset.It is not RDA's responsibilty to stay on the Show because some of the Actors do not want to leave a cushy Job or are afraid they cannot find work elsewhere.It seems like when a certain actor left we did not hear comments like these.How come? I really wish some of Actors and TPTB would follow the lead of AT or BB regarding comments about RDA.


                              Originally posted by mad_gater
                              Maybe they should fire the so-called military advisor and replace her with your hubbie!
                              That would be cool! At least we would have somebody on the ship's side.


                                Originally posted by ses110
                                Mary I hope I'am wrong but it seems like something may have happened between some of the Actors and TPTB.Something that happened behind closed Doors we have not heard about or may never hear about.There's been too many examples of these types of interviews.I really hope some of the Actors and TPTB are not upset at RDA for leaving.I'am really starting to think they are upset.It is not RDA's responsibilty to stay on the Show because some of the Actors do not want to leave a cushy Job or are afraid they cannot find work elsewhere.It seems like when a certain actor left we did not hear comments like these.How come? I really wish some of Actors and TPTB would follow the lead of AT or BB regarding comments about RDA.
                                I think they are jealous (a harsh word) that RDA can just walk away and probably be offered a another big show, once he has had enough down time. He has two hit shows (one national network and one cable) under his belt. He even has a word in the dictionary named after his character McGyver. A lot of shoe to fill. If they were smart they wish him well and let him go with some grace (ha-ha). But they are making remarks which in my opinion are going to come back and bite them in the bu--s. He's older (as they have pointed out many times before) and needs a less rigourous role. If they were smart they would going dsing a guy who could offer a job opportunity down the road.

