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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    spoilers for s7/s8/pete eps - careful not to read if you don't want to be spoiled

    i've thought about this before, and have probably said it before, but...

    my theory on how 'sam has a boyfriend but eventually goes to jack' could have been done --

    chimera: we see that sam is dating a guy. a nice, non pushy guy. he has no probs with what sam does. sam has no prob with him not knowing. it's a simple, uncomplicated relay. we see them together like we did (it killed me), but we 'don't' see any make out scene (which bothered me the most). since this bf didn't have a prob with what sam did, the entire second half of spying wouldn't be there. bf wouldn't be a dick, and sam wouldn't be a floormat.

    then, every once in a while, we'd find out sam's still seeing bf. no including him in missions (was painfully obvious that sam could have figured it out on her own. while asleep. or coma).

    bf doesn't ask her to marry him.

    THEN, when bf 'does' up the anti, THAT'S when things change between them and s/j. i'd have it that bf asks sam if he can move in with her (or she with him). 'this' would be the catalyst that would make sam wake up and smell the potatoes. so, bf asks her if he can move in with her. sam freaks, not wanting to take this relay deeper.

    let's say this is all happening in 'threads', when her father is dying too. so, sam's dealing with bf upping the anti, jack having a gf, and dad dying... the power of threads would still be there, but we would have been spared the worst of the sam/pete storyline.

    i still think we could have gotten to the same end result (dumpage of bf/gf and s/j admitting/stop running), without all the controversial and damaging aspects.

    (((((((((((((((((((((((aunite sally))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I SO TOTALLY agree with your way of handling the "alternative bf" thing!


      Hello, so I've just watched Grace.... again concentrating on the shippy parts and saw the light on one thing and have a question on another, the darkness :

      The Light: I know this has been said before and I apologize, but I guess I didn't get it until now... Sam was talking to herself when she was talking with SG-1, when she talked to Jack... she justified her feelings for him telling herself that her feelings for Jack where not real, they where basically there because she was protecting herself from falling in love (she's scared ) and he was a safety bet or a safe excuse for life, she doesn't have to fall in love with other people or be in a relation becuase she is in love with Jack, but she will never get him.

      So she meets and goes all the way, well almost... she accepts a marriage proposal. She puts herself out there in the most extreme situation, complete opposite to her relation with Jack to prove herself something, she has to figure it our herself and she does... that she can have a relationship if she wants to, that she can commit to a man, but at the end that she can not be happy because her true love is Jack.

      She had to go thru that so she could finally reach the point of the
      car/Jack's house scene in Threads

      The Darkness: Or the question, why if Daniel and Teal'c where dressed in SG-1 uniform, Jack came out very informal, handsome and gorgeous... what do you think?

      PS: 12 takes for the kissing!!!!!!!! WOW

      Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
      Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


        Originally posted by majorsal
        numerous spoilers for s9!


        in eps one and three. so far.

        area 51. she's taking care of cassie too.

        boobs are exploding with milk. well, they are!

        i'm watching eps 6-20. i'm waiting until my fave character (sam) returns.

        yep! joe mallozzi said to check out 'ex deus machina'.

        Thanks for that visual...

        I think we could done without the biology lesson on Sam's "enhancements" related to the pregnancy...


          Originally posted by mad_gater

          should fight fire with fire and tease your friend with the more numerous Sam/Jack pix!

          Oh...believe me I do, my friend. I tease her with...

          of Sam/Jack pics.

          Did I mention the SAM/Jack PICS????

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by LOL4JACK
            Hello, so I've just watched Grace.... again concentrating on the shippy parts and saw the light on one thing and have a question on another, the darkness :

            The Light: I know this has been said before and I apologize, but I guess I didn't get it until now... Sam was talking to herself when she was talking with SG-1, when she talked to Jack... she justified her feelings for him telling herself that her feelings for Jack where not real, they where basically there because she was protecting herself from falling in love (she's scared ) and he was a safety bet or a safe excuse for life, she doesn't have to fall in love with other people or be in a relation becuase she is in love with Jack, but she will never get him.

            So she meets and goes all the way, well almost... she accepts a marriage proposal. She puts herself out there in the most extreme situation, complete opposite to her relation with Jack to prove herself something, she has to figure it our herself and she does... that she can have a relationship if she wants to, that she can commit to a man, but at the end that she can not be happy because her true love is Jack.

            She had to go thru that so she could finally reach the point of the
            car/Jack's house scene in Threads

            The Darkness: Or the question, why if Daniel and Teal'c where dressed in SG-1 uniform, Jack came out very informal, handsome and gorgeous... what do you think?

            PS: 12 takes for the kissing!!!!!!!! WOW
            Jack = Good Side whereas = Dark Side

            NO CONTEST!!!! She was tempted by what the Dark Side offered, but finally snapped out of it and found peace in the Good Side

            Yes I'm mixing sci-fi shows sue me....


              Originally posted by LOL4JACK
              Hello, so I've just watched Grace.... again concentrating on the shippy parts and saw the light on one thing and have a question on another, the darkness :

              The Light: I know this has been said before and I apologize, but I guess I didn't get it until now... Sam was talking to herself when she was talking with SG-1, when she talked to Jack... she justified her feelings for him telling herself that her feelings for Jack where not real, they where basically there because she was protecting herself from falling in love (she's scared ) and he was a safety bet or a safe excuse for life, she doesn't have to fall in love with other people or be in a relation becuase she is in love with Jack, but she will never get him.

              So she meets and goes all the way, well almost... she accepts a marriage proposal. She puts herself out there in the most extreme situation, complete opposite to her relation with Jack to prove herself something, she has to figure it our herself and she does... that she can have a relationship if she wants to, that she can commit to a man, but at the end that she can not be happy because her true love is Jack.

              She had to go thru that so she could finally reach the point of the
              car/Jack's house scene in Threads

              The Darkness: Or the question, why if Daniel and Teal'c where dressed in SG-1 uniform, Jack came out very informal, handsome and gorgeous... what do you think?

              Great question - been so busy stressing over the aftereffects (ie ) I hadn't thought to question that one.

              Maybe its because what we are seeing are Sam's hallucinations, so we see what is in her head. So when she thinks of Jack she thinks handsome, gorgeous and pictures him in civvies cos then she can think about him and not the regs.

              Or maybe its because of the nature of her conversations. Daniel and Teal'c are both trying to keep her on track and focussed onthe problem of escaping the cloud. Jack's conversation is intensely private and so BDU's would be out of place for that particular chat.


                Originally posted by mad_gater
                Thanks for that visual...

                I think we could done without the biology lesson on Sam's "enhancements" related to the pregnancy...
                you're a guy, you know you loved it!





                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                  I have a friend going and she promised to take a lot of notes...

                  ...but then she isn't a Sam/Jack shipper and teases me relentlessly with Affinity Sam/Pete pictures...

                  The things I must endure...

                  Poking head in the door and hoping to not get blasted to badly - it's me I confess I have to much fun playing with Über

                  Okay Über tell the people how it started it by trying to convince me to become a S/J shipper

                  So the
                  stuff has been in jest - oh I put is name in spoilers for those sensitive folk here - out of respect

                  Yes I'm going to Comic Con and I will take lots of pictures and report ALL NEWS - you know the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - It is for you to decide what is what

                  And just so y'all don't think to badly of me I have said even though I'm not a S/J shipper - the shippy stuff does not bother me like some folks.

                  So here are a few pictures just for y'all

                  My View From The Peanut Gallery


                    nice pictures hihihi you can't see General Hammond's face on the picture but he was really shocked. First Jack quittes and say George here is m resignation. General Hammond: Whatfor? Jack: so I can do this and Hammond's face goes do you think Jack will ever tell Sam about that kiss???How will she react to it?? Any thoughts By the way do you like my avatar?
                    Lord Zedd


                      Originally posted by Billie
                      Hiya S_o_N. It does seem kinda quiet today I have to agree, I'm here for a while thou so if you are around give me a shout!

                      As for your ques:-
                      1. I will track down the episode and see if I can figure out the song
                      2. I have had a read through the stargate official mag and there's no mention of a pre season special but I'm sure they'll do something especially with all the personnel changes (Hardly any Jack )

                      Now.....just felt that I had to share this with my shipper family. My flat mate has seen one or two SG1 episodes but has yet to feel the allegiance that I do and since my joining the shipper family I get the feeling that she is feeling a little bit like a shipper widow (couldn't think of a word for friend feeling shipper neglected??). Anyhow having peeked in while I'm posting and seen my current status as Jaffa Fodder she duly went away and made me this (see below) well I was ROFL for ages!!

                      The small box at the top says..'Jaffaholics anonymous. If you think you've got a problem call in strictest confidence on .....' LOL!!

                      She is now waiting for me to get past 100 posts so that she can get creating my next award!!

                      As for the 'Award for SG1's No1 Fan' all I can say is I'm the only fan she knows so that explains that!!
                      Thanks Billie

                      The Jaffa thing is great!!

                      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                        Have you seen what's happening in London at the moment? There's been six explosions on the underground and public buses, they think they were terrorist attacks. There have been confirmed fatalities. If you're in London, please, please let us know you're ok!


                          Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                          Hi Sam, They are showing a special pre-season show next monday on the SCIFI channel, it said in my cable guide that it was to present SCIFI's friday line-up for Stargate SG-1, Atlantis and Battelstar Galactica it also said that included interviews with the actors... something is something
                          oooh thats good! Thanks LOL4Jack I hope that will be available for download along with tjhe episode

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            Originally posted by shelsfc
                            Have you seen what's happening in London at the moment? There's been six explosions on the underground and public buses, they think they were terrorist attacks. There have been confirmed fatalities. If you're in London, please, please let us know you're ok!
                            I don't know anything about an attack in London. When did this happen?
                            Lord Zedd


                              Originally posted by _Anubis
                              I don't know anything about an attack in London. When did this happen?
                              A couple of hours ago, during rush hour.


                                I just got home and I would dearly like to know that all our London friends are OK. Please, please let us know you're all alright.

                                TOGETHER FOREVER,
                                NEVER TO BE TORN APART

