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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    okay, I just gotta do it.




      Originally posted by LOL4JACK
      Sam was infected but Jack wasn't!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least not yet....
      He WAS after that big, honkin' kiss!


        Originally posted by LOL4JACK
        I haven't answered before because I was thinking about this so.... I think I would have hated anybody who would have interfered with S/J regardless of how cute he is...

        pete had to be the most *unwanted* character to arrive on stargate ever!




          Has everyone gone to sleep?

          maybe I can help to wake everyone up!






            Originally posted by majorsal

            pete had to be the most *unwanted* character to arrive on stargate ever!

            IF...and I do stress if...and this is a big, ol' HONKIN' IF here...

            If Pete was a necessary component in forcing the Sam/Jack story to a resolution...and by that I mean forcing Sam to realize that her feelings for Jack were genuine after all and forcing Jack to recognize how close he came to losing Sam...

            ...THEN, as shocking as it may seem, Pete was the biggest gift TPTB has ever given shippers to-date (that is until we get our this reality BHK). Without Pete, there would have been no house scene, no major watershed moment where Sam realizes she's about to make a huge mistake and why it would be a huge mistake (because she figures out that she loves Jack) and there would have been no back yard scene with her finally willing to take her chances, let the cards fall where they may and find out where Jack stands once and for all. We can thank Pete and his pushiness for her coming to some very important...and this time correct...conclusions about her feelings.

            I personally am of the opinion that this was Pete's be hated by shippers and to make Sam realize that she wanted Jack for REAL, for HONEST and for ALWAYS...and not for the bizarre, convoluted reasons she gave herself in Grace.

            But I know I'm in the minority here and many think she could have come to that on her own...and I must respectfully disagree. She had YEARS to come to these conclusions on her own and she, well, didn't.

            It was only after she gave herself permission to be happy, to acknowledge that she deserved to love and be loved in return and to try a relationship with someone other than Jack that she realized that she really loved and wanted him.

            And THAT'S the kind of interference I can handle...because it could have gone the other way, my friends...but it didn't. She realized where her heart was because she tried something else, and it just didn't fit.

            So...*gasp* DARE I SAY IT???? Thank you PETE!

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Here's one more before I go and make dinner.

              I thought you said it wasn't illegal!!!

              TOGETHER FOREVER,
              NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                Originally posted by Billie
                Just heard that one of my best friends had her first baby this morning (have been squeeeeeeing ever since!! ) Anyhow the link here is that as she and I both love the good old USA and spent a very long and happy holiday in Florida (before she deserted me and went and got married!) I thought it very appropriate that little Johnny was born on Independance Day!! (also coz now all thoughts of popping out to the pub or the cinema on an independant whim are so over!!)

                So in tribute to all you lovely American Shippers and to my new little 'nephew' Johnny.

                Oooo just had a revelation....Isn't Jacks real name actually Jonathon??? Wow there's even a stargate connection!
                Congratulations! Welcome to Johnny Hope mum and baby are doing well

                And since we're talking about babies I have an announcement to make ...... cough cough ......

                On that most wonderful of shippy days (no, not July 28th - the other RL one ) Valentine's Day, hubby and I are expecting baby number 6! Here's hoping this one is actually on time


                  Originally posted by divcon
                  Here's a moment that I have taken to my shippy heart. OK so I put a shippy spin on it but I'm sure you guys will forgive me or even applaud me.

                  Sam:- Sir your pulse rate is extremely high!
                  Jack:- That's because you're holding my arm Sam.
                  Sam:- Oh! Is that the real reason?
                  Jack:- Well you do look hot in that outfit. It fits you well. I could look all day.
                  Sam(grinning):- Oh you too Jack. You too!!
                  Great cap divcon! I love that ep - mainly because there's an excellent shot of Jack's a$$ in those lovely tight trousers

                  I always thought it a pity tptb didn't put Jack in Teal'c's top - then he and Sam would have been in matching outfits Just a little shippy thought.


                    Originally posted by Oma-1
                    Congratulations! Welcome to Johnny Hope mum and baby are doing well

                    And since we're talking about babies I have an announcement to make ...... cough cough ......

                    On that most wonderful of shippy days (no, not July 28th - the other RL one ) Valentine's Day, hubby and I are expecting baby number 6! Here's hoping this one is actually on time
                    CONGRATS OMA !!!

                    Baby number 6 ? Wow ! Really impressive ! I hope everything will be fine for you
                    Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                      Originally posted by divcon
                      I wonder if Sam was truely infected at this time or was she just taking advantage of the situation. Notice that Jack didn't put up to much of a struggle at first. Can anyone say "HAPPY,HAPPY,JOY,JOY"

                      Sam: Don't you want me?
                      Jack: No! Not like this! Couldn't we take this somewhere without security cameras?



                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                        IF...and I do stress if...and this is a big, ol' HONKIN' IF here...

                        If Pete was a necessary component in forcing the Sam/Jack story to a resolution...and by that I mean forcing Sam to realize that her feelings for Jack were genuine after all and forcing Jack to recognize how close he came to losing Sam...

                        ...THEN, as shocking as it may seem, Pete was the biggest gift TPTB has ever given shippers to-date (that is until we get our this reality BHK). Without Pete, there would have been no house scene, no major watershed moment where Sam realizes she's about to make a huge mistake and why it would be a huge mistake (because she figures out that she loves Jack) and there would have been no back yard scene with her finally willing to take her chances, let the cards fall where they may and find out where Jack stands once and for all. We can thank Pete and his pushiness for her coming to some very important...and this time correct...conclusions about her feelings.

                        I personally am of the opinion that this was Pete's be hated by shippers and to make Sam realize that she wanted Jack for REAL, for HONEST and for ALWAYS...and not for the bizarre, convoluted reasons she gave herself in Grace.

                        But I know I'm in the minority here and many think she could have come to that on her own...and I must respectfully disagree. She had YEARS to come to these conclusions on her own and she, well, didn't.

                        It was only after she gave herself permission to be happy, to acknowledge that she deserved to love and be loved in return and to try a relationship with someone other than Jack that she realized that she really loved and wanted him.

                        And THAT'S the kind of interference I can handle...because it could have gone the other way, my friends...but it didn't. She realized where her heart was because she tried something else, and it just didn't fit.

                        So...*gasp* DARE I SAY IT???? Thank you PETE!

                        MB I understand your pov completely, and being the angst fan I am, I even agree. It got us past the every-boyfriend-of-Sam's-dies-in-some-horrible-way-or-gets-left-on-a-hostile-alien-planet thing - definitely don't want that for Jack! And cleared up the Grace questioning of her feelings fiasco and brought Sam finally and irrevocably to Jack. Doesn't stop me from disliking intensely though


                          Thanks Florence


                            Originally posted by Oma-1
                            Congratulations! Welcome to Johnny Hope mum and baby are doing well

                            And since we're talking about babies I have an announcement to make ...... cough cough ......

                            On that most wonderful of shippy days (no, not July 28th - the other RL one ) Valentine's Day, hubby and I are expecting baby number 6! Here's hoping this one is actually on time
                            Oh my..number 6!!! Congrats and respect to you Oma-1!! Do any of your kids names have a stargate link?? So many to chose from. As I have no plans for babies right now (even thou my jack clone inspires me to have a few!) I am toying with the idea of two hamsters instead. Names for them???? well there's no contest gonna have to be Jack and Sam even if they are both the same gender!!!


                              Hi all how are you?????? Hope you are fine. I am enjoying my vacation. Today we are organizing a big Stargate Day at our forum and well I don't want to beg but I am going to do it any way ! we still looking for more members and especially lot of shippers !! so please oma 1, billie, florence,uber sg.1, caty,divicon, majorsal,atteria,LOL4Jack,sg-1 fanintn....... other please join our forum I beg you thank you ! (((ship family)))
                              Magna Defender


                                OMA CONGRATS ON THE BABY NEWS!!!!!

                                Wow, I stopped at 2. You are certainly brave to have 6. Here's some shippiness for you

                                Hope you like.

                                TOGETHER FOREVER,
                                NEVER TO BE TORN APART

