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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    And just for your amusement (as if we haven't got enough fics to read ) - Just A Kiss by iamdragonrider. It's an SG-1 twist of The Frog Prince fairy tale. I thought it was hysterical


      Welcome to the SJ family majorAl and Susie_SG1 !

      Have a seat, take a cookie and tell us what's your fav SJ moment

      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


        Originally posted by majorAl
        wooh hooh!!!!!! i've just read my first fanfic - cool how could i not realise all this was out hear????????
        Another fanfic addict ! Welcome to the wonderful world of ff !
        Lots and lots of hours of fun, angst and "aaaawww" moments !

        I see that dipsofjazz already gave you some links. I just want to add this one, if you like loooong stories
        The Stargate Novel Archive
        Every kind of ff in this one, not only SJ.
        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


          Originally posted by Queen Eleta
          Then what the he.. heck is it doing in the 'Get ready for something new' promo if it is not, in fact, new? I'll have to watch.. that episode you mention week and see.
          Yeah, welcome to the rollercoaster of hell TPTB put us in
          I think the only reason these pics are in the S9 promo is to keep shippers waiting in front of their tv...
          Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            Feel free to read mine as well...I've written the first drafts of The Darker Side of Night and Eclipse...posted here:


            And trying to work on the finale: The Emergence of Dawn...but have been held up by a major Amanda Tapping project, a major Sam/Jack shippy project and real life....

            But please feel free to read what I have so far and be sure to post reviews for both!
            Really good stories if you want my opinion !
            So, Uber, you're working on the sequel ? Good ! And you have a major SJ shippy project as well ? Very good !
            Keep on working !
            Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


              Originally posted by nell
              OK, I voted. Puh-leese, A Hundred Days is not yet eliminated??? That simply has to go! That is my mission! **Stomp**Whine**Growl**
              year i garee there! as nice as it is to see how lost sam is withought him i really hate the brush off he gives her at the end for the *other woman*
              SAM AND JACK - ALWAYS ( )


                Originally posted by SuSiE_SG1
                does anyone know if anything is actually going to happen between the lovely couple???
                from reading the back pages here, and i am a newbe as well remember, oppinions are devided. but i carnt thing they would end sg for good withought some kind of resolution- however naff - but remember that it is a thred they keep comming back to..........

                to all the help ful shippers out there thanks for all the good lings. i'm working my way through then asap. i'll also chekc out the video links you put up for me. thank for help

                *newbe smiles and feels welcom*
                SAM AND JACK - ALWAYS ( )


                  I just stop by to say WELCOME !! to all the newbies!!

                  It's also cool to welcome back some members!

                  Congrats Florence and Oma for 700 and 900 posts !! and this is great when you know that Gateworld took you a LOT of them when it was down !! keep posting guys! you rock !!!

                  Nell thanks for the Fanfic idea!! it was just what I needed I've read some very good stuff since the titles were posted.

                  I'll give you mine when I'll find one because there are SO many!!! I just thought of a site I've found once. It's a writer site, there are a black sky with stars everywhere. The fics have pics inside and most of the time the fics are great !! longs but great ! I remember one where S&J are stuck in a planet for years so of course they "get a life"... together in a nice little cabin and then Hammond and Daniel (I think) show up and they discovered only a fews weeks have passed. I like the way those fics are written, if this rings a bell to someone could you please give us the link to this site ??


                    Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                    Help!!!! I'm trying to find a fic that I read when I joined here, I know it was a recomendation from the shipper family, maybe Florence or Oma, J/S and stranded in a planet oops, what I surprise, I know.... and the DHD is broken, it's very, very, very long, does it ring a bell?

                    Welcome back Mad_Gater, you're in time for ship day, I was looking around last year's and you where actively participating
                    I think Shimmering Star wrote that one. I'm struggling for the title (as usual). Why can I remember the author, but not the title? Choices, maybe? Try searching for it on and see what you come up with. Does it start with Jack
                    kidnapping Sam from the Alpha site after coming under the influence of some alien drink while he was on a diplomatic mission?

                    If so, that's definately the one! Hope this helps. I'll try to find it in my large stack and get back to you in the morning.....if someone hasn't let you know by then.


                      Originally posted by lonely_star
                      I just stop by to say WELCOME !! to all the newbies!!

                      It's also cool to welcome back some members!

                      Congrats Florence and Oma for 700 and 900 posts !! and this is great when you know that Gateworld took you a LOT of them when it was down !! keep posting guys! you rock !!!

                      Nell thanks for the Fanfic idea!! it was just what I needed I've read some very good stuff since the titles were posted.

                      I'll give you mine when I'll find one because there are SO many!!! I just thought of a site I've found once. It's a writer site, there are a black sky with stars everywhere. The fics have pics inside and most of the time the fics are great !! longs but great ! I remember one where S&J are stuck in a planet for years so of course they "get a life"... together in a nice little cabin and then Hammond and Daniel (I think) show up and they discovered only a fews weeks have passed. I like the way those fics are written, if this rings a bell to someone could you please give us the link to this site ??
                      I know I read this one a few weeks ago as well. I think it found it on too.


                        Originally posted by lonely_star
                        I just stop by to say WELCOME !! to all the newbies!!

                        It's also cool to welcome back some members!

                        Congrats Florence and Oma for 700 and 900 posts !! and this is great when you know that Gateworld took you a LOT of them when it was down !! keep posting guys! you rock !!!

                        Nell thanks for the Fanfic idea!! it was just what I needed I've read some very good stuff since the titles were posted.

                        I'll give you mine when I'll find one because there are SO many!!! I just thought of a site I've found once. It's a writer site, there are a black sky with stars everywhere. The fics have pics inside and most of the time the fics are great !! longs but great ! I remember one where S&J are stuck in a planet for years so of course they "get a life"... together in a nice little cabin and then Hammond and Daniel (I think) show up and they discovered only a fews weeks have passed. I like the way those fics are written, if this rings a bell to someone could you please give us the link to this site ??
                        Argh ! I'm sure I've read this one but I can't remember the title...
                        Must do some searching
                        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                          well when it comes to ringing my own bell (and no ding-aling jokes here)-I have written a few fan fics-you can find it on marimba's site.
                          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                            and just cause I loved the pics posted by Billie about the looks exchanged by J&S in entity and heroes here are some from a so lovely episode!!!....



