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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    oh, lida, those are cute!

    (i want them for christmas ornaments )

    Do you really? I made some similar ones this past Christmas. I'm certain I can get the materials I need by the end of the summer. I'll definitely make a pair for you. I'll make a pair for me too. If anyone else wants them, please, just say the word. My treat, to all shippers! We have to stick fight the evil anti-shippers. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
    On fighting:
    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


      Originally posted by Lida
      Whoa Sally, you are hiding that sizzling hot side of your personality. Mild mannered, proper lady by day and vamp by night. I like it!

      Have to agree though, she sure was stroking his handing in a very loving manner. Nuff said.

      As for your heart, it's the size of the British Isles....maybe larger.
      I kind of got the feeling that the actors were perhaps trying to instill in that moment what TPTB would not express in words. I like to think that, at least.
      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


        what does ship mean?


          Originally posted by briguy213
          what does ship mean?
          It is short for relationship. It refers, usually to a romantic relationship, ie, ship, between 2 characters. Hope that helps. But ships can be friendships too.
          On fighting:
          Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
          Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


            Originally posted by Lida
            Do you really? I made some similar ones this past Christmas. I'm certain I can get the materials I need by the end of the summer. I'll definitely make a pair for you. I'll make a pair of me too. If anyone else wants them, please, just say the word. My treat, to all shippers! We have to stick fight the evil anti-shippers. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
            Oh Lida , yo are so sweet. I would love one too but my family would most probably kill me if I put them on the christmas tree.

            avatar and sig by flidget


              Originally posted by majorsal
              spoilers for s8's threads

              sam wasn't just stroking his hand, she was making love to it!!

              k, had to get that off my heart.

              Majorsal , love your description on "hand strokes" .

              avatar and sig by flidget


                Originally posted by Buc252
                That's funny - I always thought that S6 was pack jammed full of ship! From them flying together in the X302, to being underwater and nearly drowned in Decent. Then there's the "please" in Frozen, and her search for him in Abyss . . . And it just got better and better.
                I always found S6 a major relief cos of all the ship! I had thought S5 was the let down season ship-wise. S4 was such a ship fest that in comparison, there was nothing there! Then I watched it again using those lovely shipper glasses and managed to find something in almost every ep! It's there if you look for it Still haven't found any in The First Ones though.


                  Originally posted by Lida
                  Whoa Sally, you are hiding that sizzling hot side of your personality. Mild mannered, proper lady by day and vamp by night. I like it!
                  lida, hon... if you found out the fics i've written, you'd be calling me something much racier.

                  As for your heart, it's the size of the British Isles....maybe larger.
                  oh, lida...


                  so is yours, my friend.

                  i'm *so* glad you're back!




                    Originally posted by Buc252
                    The quote was mine, and what I specifically said was, "Space is not the final frontier; the final frontier is in human relationships." And I firmly believe that. How can you possibly make any show that lasts any significant amount of time without showing how people relate to each other? A movie, okay - that's two hours in our lives and maybe a few days in the characters'. But SG1 has spanned eight years. Who in eight years wouldn't want *some* romance in their life with the man or woman they loved?

                    I do think, though, that a big chunk of the anti-shippers aren't the male 18-36 demographic, as mentioned previously. Personally, I think it's just a small portion, which also includes the Danielites (who don't want to see time dedicated to anything non-Daniel), and the slashers (who think that it's horrible to show Jack with anybody but Daniel.) Between the three groups, I guess they *could* have a considerable contingent, but i don't know if anybody's ever done a survey. All I do know is that they definitely scream the loudest.

                    And we, sadly, by being polite and quiet, have lost. Again.
                    That's a fantastic quote Mary and, personally, I couldn't agree more. I think the relationships between all the cast and characters add depth to what would be a sterile sci-fi world otherwise. To keep watching a show for 8+ years to have to feel for the characters and their relationships or what's the point?

                    The Sam & Jack relationship is such a big part of the storyline - every bit as much as the Jack / Daniel friendship and Jack / Teal'c friendship. I understand people wanting to ignore it out of personal preference, but I really don't understand people insisting it isn't there. How can you miss it!~%?#$?!

                    I do think that our politeness hasn't had a detrimental effect though. Despite all the noise from other factions of fandom and ambivalent ptb (except the lovely JM ), the ship still sails. I think that's a testament to how important tptb see the S&J storyline.

                    It's hard to find any sort of genre series or movie whether they be sci-fi, horror, thriller, action/adventure without some form of ship.

                    So in the end, I don't worry about the naysayers - the show speaks for itself.

                    *gets of soap box and goes looking for the strepsils*


                      Originally posted by Token
                      Nell, your killing me!!! LOL!!!! I like your style!!! "If today is JUNE 30 where you live and you have access to a station that broadcasts SG-1, there are
                      15 DAYS UNTIL THE JULY 15 PREMIERE!!!
                      Ack! *raises hand Jack style* Will you guys stop depressing me!

                      *grumbles about the unfairness of having to wait till OCTOBER to watch S9*

                      Seriously though, I love the countdown Nell, keep it up! It reminds me how fast time flies in shippy fandom. I'll be glued to the thread relying on my lovely family to feed my withdrawal until I get to see it too.

                      ((((((((((Shipper family)))))))))))


                        Originally posted by Billie
                        Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to plan in a S6 shipperthon then (all in the name of research obviously!) my flatmate is so gonna love me!

                        Also must rewatch shades of grey having heard some of your thoughts as I can't say I saw it in a shippy light. I remember feeling miffed on Sams part as his comment really stung and also coz he never really apologised (or did I miss that?)
                        I get a bit frustrated at the end of Shades of Grey cos I'm sure there's a look that passes between Sam and Jack after Jack's "I'm back".

                        Daniel and Sam figure out what happened and do the whole "just to clarify" bit, then you see Sam looking at Jack (while Daniel's talking) and you see her face relax a little. I think there's a moment of understanding there, but we don't see how Jack looks at Sam! I have to supply that bit myself - and its a doozy


                          Originally posted by Lida
                          Do you really? I made some similar ones this past Christmas. I'm certain I can get the materials I need by the end of the summer. I'll definitely make a pair for you. I'll make a pair of me too. If anyone else wants them, please, just say the word. My treat, to all shippers! We have to stick fight the evil anti-shippers. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
                          Lida - you're such a gem! You don't play here often enough


                            I don't want to sound like I'm preaching here (actually its more the voice of experience having had my wrists slapped by a moderator before for this very thing when I was a newbie), but we aren't supposed to diss other fans in the thread. We can express disbelief at their sentiments, but anti-bashing and calling them names usually brings a visit from the moderators.

                            I certainly don't say this to make anyone feel unwelcome or their opinions unimportant, so I apologise if I upset anyone - its not intentional. Just trying to avoid an "offical" visit from a moderator.


                              Originally posted by blueiris
                              I kind of got the feeling that the actors were perhaps trying to instill in that moment what TPTB would not express in words. I like to think that, at least.

                              Yeah - kind of like the way they cut the dialogue out of the D&C forceshield scene made it more powerful. Gives our shippy imaginations far more reign than if they had actually said something.


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                spoilers for s8's threads

                                sam wasn't just stroking his hand, she was making love to it!!

                                k, had to get that off my heart.

                                More hand porn

                                *Where's those pics gone ........*

