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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Billie

    Any ideas on what jack and sam would call the twins?
    how about: janet and jacob?

    if it's two girls: janet and grace.

    two boys: jacob and jon.




      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
      Hello Shippers...

      Not sure if this has already been posted as I haven't had a chance to catch up on the thread yet, but I just read at Stargate Project that...

      Richard Dean Anderson is listed as a guest star [via telephone] in the episode Beach Head (the first episode with Sam in it )

      Hmmm, wonder what that could mean???

      *fans self*

      soooooo much potential!




        Originally posted by lonely_star
        just love that pic .... thank you for sharing.... our couple looks so HOT together ... now if only we can get TPTB to give us that BIG HONKING KISS in real time.

        avatar and sig by flidget


          Originally posted by Billie
          Ok.... here we go my first attempt at posting a pic....drum roll please....

          Whayhey!!!...*sits back and pats oneself on the back*

          Might just have to do a little downsizing though!!
          it is perfect .... ah ah ah ah ah ah ah .... and this was real time at that ah ah ah

          avatar and sig by flidget


            spoilers for season 9

            Originally posted by Oma-1

            Or to go one better, the
            joke could be that Sam's not available for the SGC cos she's got a new assignment in Washington ......

            I know, I'm a dreamer
            you know what i'd love the joke to be?....

            that landry's calling sam, and jack answers.




              Originally posted by Silver
              Ooh, I've been wrapped up in shippery thoughts for season nine. In relation to ON-screen ship, I'd love to see something like this... maybe at the end of a later episode.

              Jack enters Sam's lab quietly. She is sat down on a high lab stool with her back to him so doesn't see him approach. He bends down and kisses the spot behind her ear, massaging her shoulders, and Sam smiles and dips her head to escape his kisses.

              Sam: Jack?

              Jack (kissing her neck): Mmm?

              Sam (still smiling): It's wonderful that you're here, but, um...why are you here, dear?

              Jack: Does it matter?

              Sam (sighing happily): Not really, but...

              Jack: Thought I'd pay you all a little visit...I need to speak to Landry, and it's not very busy in Washington at the minute...they'll call if they need me...

              Sam: Oh! So you're...?

              Jack straightens up again as she swivells round to face him and grins.

              Jack: Here for the weekend, yep.

              Sam: (grinning herself): That's great! (stands up) Why didn't you say something?

              Jack wraps his arms around her and they hug. She chuckles as he sways her.

              Jack: Can I not surprise from time to time?

              Sam: Of course, providing there are more surprises to come...

              They pull back and Jack holds her face tenderly.

              Jack: Oh, I can guarantee it, Carter...

              He leans in and kisses her. Daniel and Teal'c walk in but the couple don't notice. Daniel seems stunned for a moment at their oblivious embrace, Teal'c just smiles smugly, and then Daniel composes himself and they both swirl around and walk out of Sam's lab, leaving Sam and Jack alone once again... *fade out*

              Wishful thinking.
              that is so so beautiful .... ah but to dream ...thank you for sharing

              avatar and sig by flidget


                Originally posted by Buc252
                This reminds me of the S5 episode Menace. In the audio commentary, they say that when Daniel was in the room with Reese and Jack and Sam were in the observation area, that the director had to finally send them to their trailers because they kept cracking each other up and making each other laugh. I wish we could see some pics or clips of THAT! LOL
                me too, mary! that's always been one of my fave at/rda stories, because it just sounds *so* much like them!




                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                  Hello Shippers...

                  Not sure if this has already been posted as I haven't had a chance to catch up on the thread yet, but I just read at Stargate Project that...

                  Richard Dean Anderson is listed as a guest star [via telephone] in the episode Beach Head (the first episode with Sam in it )

                  Hmmm, wonder what that could mean???
                  I almost fainted reading this .... oh dear ... they are actually going to have a talk in real time .... am I dreaming ... pinches self ...okay I am awake.... I am not drunk ..I know it is 2 a.m

                  avatar and sig by flidget


                    Originally posted by Buc252
                    This reminds me of the S5 episode Menace. In the audio commentary, they say that when Daniel was in the room with Reese and Jack and Sam were in the observation area, that the director had to finally send them to their trailers because they kept cracking each other up and making each other laugh. I wish we could see some pics or clips of THAT! LOL
                    wow that is so amazing ... AT and RDA cracking each other up. I do not have that dvd ... weeps ...thanks for sharing

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      me too, mary! that's always been one of my fave at/rda stories, because it just sounds *so* much like them!

                      If they ever came out with just dvd of blooper, I would so save my money and buy it ... sound really cool

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                        where did you get these pics?
                        Ya Billie ... where did you get those pics ... AT laughing looks so great

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          spoilers for season 9

                          you know what i'd love the joke to be?....

                          that landry's calling sam, and jack answers.

                          that would be awesome if that happened Majorsal. Today's tiny bit of news has made my day.

                          avatar and sig by flidget


                            Originally posted by gatebee
                            If they ever came out with just dvd of blooper, I would so save my money and buy it ... sound really cool
                            oh, man... can you imagine if they came out with an all-ship behind the scenes thinger on a dvd?.... like, all TWELVE takes of the filming of the Grace kiss!




                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              oh, man... can you imagine if they came out with an all-ship behind the scenes thinger on a dvd?.... like, all TWELVE takes of the filming of the Grace kiss!

                              wow 12 kiss Grace retakes and all those fun and jokes and more kisses retakes ... I would be in shipper heaven

                              avatar and sig by flidget


                                My dream:
                                On fighting:
                                Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                                Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."

