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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
    i was wondering about them putting CJ after Threads because isn't when Jack
    was supposed to meet with a CIA agent named "Johnson"?
    because in Threads [spoilers]he had a relationship-of sorts-with Kerry Johnson-therer are two?[/spoiler]
    oh! I forgot about that.... oh well my plan seemed good for a few minutes at least
    The Johnson he was on about was Kerry so Citizen Joe was definately before Threads, dvd people must have just got it mixed up..

    Thanks for pointing it out

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      And just how did Jack stay warm at night with no blankets? Snuggle up with Harry??? I don't think so Nice warm dreams perhaps?



        Originally posted by ChevronSeven
        Fly by post!

        awww thats lovely Chevron Seven!! Perfect image to see just before i go to bed I'll have nice shippy dreams tonight.

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by Billie
          Yep, here's one!

          Whilst on a mission with the newly reformed SG1 ( RDA )Sam is captured.

          Jack is called to the SGC where he’s told that Sam has been captured and that the Goauld responsible will only negotiate with him for her release. Coordinates have been sent with instructions for Jack to gate there alone, any deviation from these instructions will result in Sam suffering a very painful and slow death.

          Jack goes through the stargate to the coordinates and upon arrival comes face to face with Baal…

          Shippy aspects

          1. An entire episode devoted to Jack and Sam (shipper heaven!!)
          2. Jack wrestling with his feelings when he finds out that Sam has been captured (with lots of shots of those adorable chocolate brown eyes!!)
          3. Sams reaction when she sees her beloved Jack coming to save her (my hero...big sigh)
          4. Jack and Sam together on the planet in adjoining cells but kept apart by a force field (sound familiar!!)
          5. Plenty of time for a much needed and long awaited ‘we really really may not make it out of this one and so to hell with the regs…I love you’ moment

          Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!

          Hope I haven't plagiarised anyones fanfic, if so apologies and could you let me know coz I'd really like to read it!
          I would pay a LOT of money to see that!!! its Shipper Heaven!

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            Originally posted by Oma-1
            Just a little taster of the treats. As for the rest ..... roll on July 28th
            Thanks for the taster I really can't wait, and like you say roll on July 28th!! Better just check my diary coz I'm so hoping I'm not working that day so that I can laze around the shipper pool with blue jello and shipper cookies a plenty!!

            Must just say that my flat mate has sellotaped me to the computer desk ....I think she's somehow got the impression that I spend most of my day here chatting with you guys!! I've absolutely no clue where she gets that idea!!
            I'd also like to point out while I'm on the subject that sellopate on the skin really hurts, ouch!!


              Originally posted by ses110
              I Loved that episodes as well and that was the Sam I loved as well.I loved how Sam got in Dr.Lee Face and was not afraid to step on some Toes.I though the Sam in Season 7 and 8 lost that spark.I hated how Sam acted with
              Baal in Reckoning.Jacob had a look on his face like he wanted to Kill Baal and Sam did not even defend Jack after Baal insulted Jack.I know Sam was on a mission but Baal is the one who Killed Jack over and over and it would have been nice to see the Sam from Paradise Lost and let Baal have it.
              I agree! I would loive to see that angry defensive Sam again!! Especially to do with Jack! Sams character has changed a lot in the last few seasons and some to be honest i haven;t liked much.

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by Oma-1
                Love the idea Billie! It has all my fave elements - S/J ship & Ba'al I foresee lots of sarcastic discussion occurring too Maybe you could post it on sueKay's S9 thread too.
                Thanks! Where's sueKays S9 thread?? I had a quick look but no see


                  Originally posted by Oma-1
                  And just how did Jack stay warm at night with no blankets? Snuggle up with Harry??? I don't think so Nice warm dreams perhaps?

                  Oma those pics are great!! When I do finally decide to go to bed I will have to best shippy dreams!!

                  @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                  ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                    Ok, going to go now.....i don't want to but i don't want to wake up with a qwerty keyboard layout printed on the side of my face

                    I'll be back tomorrow!...actually it is tomorrow! so I guess i'll be back in a few hours!

                    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))))))

                    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                      GOOD MORNING CAMPERS

                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      Couldn't agree with you more

                      But I can understand why some people are loathe to admit to being shippers (hence why lurkers exist in the first place)

                      After I arrived proclaiming I was a shipper, a began to go to other forums, because I'm a stargate fan first, a shipper second. But when I went to other forums with the same attitude, I found myself cast out in a sense. I was lucky I came to GW first...If I'd went to one of the other forums that's not as ship friendly...I might have kept my shippiness a secret. It's a sad, but true fact.
                      I must admit I did go elsewhere first(shame on me) but forgive me as I knew no better. They were very anti ship and especially anti Jack/Sam. I kept my obsession quiet whilst I was there but I felt dirty for denying my true self so I came over to the good side when I heard about all the nice shippers that resided in GW. All I can say is HOORAY, I have been saved and my guilt is gone.

                      GW SHIPPERS, YOU SAVE MY SHIPPER SOUL.

                      What a way of waking up, cleansing my soul and telling you all how much you've helped.

                      TOGETHER FOREVER,
                      NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                        Hi Shipper Sisters! Well, I'm launching, again , my new sig pic. Actually, I'm having fun with writing captions. I am not a graphic arts person so I depend on words to express my, um, creative side! So, I hope you enjoy it.

                        And now it's time for me to remind you all that

                        If it's June 28 in your part of the world there are 17 days until Season 9 Premiere.
                        And, if you're in my part of the world, and it's June 27 there are 18 days left.

                        Hee, hee!! There I go again with that creativity!


                          Originally posted by nell
                          Hi Shipper Sisters! Well, I'm launching, again , my new sig pic. Actually, I'm having fun with writing captions. I am not a graphic arts person so I depend on words to express my, um, creative side! So, I hope you enjoy it.

                          And now it's time for me to remind you all that

                          If it's June 28 in your part of the world there are 17 days until Season 9 Premiere.
                          And, if you're in my part of the world, and it's June 27 there are 18 days left.

                          Hee, hee!! There I go again with that creativity!

                          Well Nell, Unless we watch it on the net God knows what our day count will be.


                          TOGETHER FOREVER,
                          NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                            you can't forget that theres also only 30 days left to shipper day. i love knowing that probably the best day is only a day after my birthday.
                            Jack- "As much as I might otherwise think this is nice..."
                            Sam- "Shh, sleep"
                            Jack- "Is that what we're doing?"

                            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team, but there's only one he'd live for: Sam Carter


                              I'll have to make sure that I have a nap during the day so that I can talk to you guys all through the night for shipper day.

                              TOGETHER FOREVER,
                              NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                                Originally posted by divcon
                                I'll have to make sure that I have a nap during the day so that I can talk to you guys all through the night for shipper day.
                                Shipper Day will be new for me, too!! What day of the week is it on? A weekend I hope!

