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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rogue
    Well, IMO they are together. What was the point of Threads if they weren't going to be together.
    I totally agree that the only logical outcome of Threads is that they're together. However, the S/J ship was well established through the first six seasons, right? At that point, I never in my wildest imagination thought they would do anything like Chimera - but they did. That made no sense at all to me at the time, and it was unpopular with the fans, but that didn't stop them.

    After that, I just feel that I have to brace myself for another big upset. If we had had a more definite conclusion shipwise to season 8, I would be eagerly anticipating season 9 (RDA or not) but a little voice inside me keeps saying, "Watch out! TP's have more trickery up their sleeves!" I guess it's just a reaction to having been burned by .

    s u g a r s h a k e r


      Originally posted by sugarshaker
      I totally agree that the only logical outcome of Threads is that they're together. However, the S/J ship was well established through the first six seasons, right? At that point, I never in my wildest imagination thought they would do anything like Chimera - but they did. That made no sense at all to me at the time, and it was unpopular with the fans, but that didn't stop them.

      After that, I just feel that I have to brace myself for another big upset. If we had had a more definite conclusion shipwise to season 8, I would be eagerly anticipating season 9 (RDA or not) but a little voice inside me keeps saying, "Watch out! TP's have more trickery up their sleeves!" I guess it's just a reaction to having been burned by .
      Your right, we have been burned many times. I just hope this isn't one of those times.
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        I watched Death Knell last night. It is one of my favorite eps.
        Jack is so worried about her. You know when he is looking for survivors, he is specificly looking for Sam. He has got to have a knot in his stomach knowing that he could find her among the dead. Of course, the ending is great too. It looks like Jack wants to say something to her, but the words just don't come out. The best he could do is put his arm around her. What I find ironic about this ep is that it right after Chimera.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by Rogue
          Yeah, I think they are probably beyond help anyway. I won't be shipping for anyother pairings from these guys because I really don't trust them.
          I reluctantly have to agree. After 6-7 seasons of quiet longing, seen in the characters of Jack and Sam, more in some episodes than others, they give us Pete. Pete? A too young, wet behind the ears, stalker cop? Sorry, guess you can tell I didn't like Pete.

          Anyway, I have NO interest in any ships in the "new" SG-1 or in SGA. I think tptb, sat around in conferences and every once in a while had a laugh about fan reaction to their latest "twist" on the Jack and Sam ship. Just my opinion.....

          For right now, I'll think of them as being together....


            I agree that, as sugarshaker commented, we've been tricked before (establishing S/J ship then bringing in )...but I don't think we will be again. I don't think they can pull it off realistically, believeably.

            Prior to Sam and Jack ship existed but there were absolutely no indications that they were going to do anything about it.

            In Threads,
            it's clear from what happens with Kerry and Jack, and from Sam's almost admission to Jack at his house, and even more so from their fishing together, that they want to do something, that they want to progress with their relationship.

            I truly think after that, there is no way TPTB can NOT give us a good, solid, logical resolution. Even if they don't want to, they've backed themselves into a corner and there is only one realistic, workable way out. Bring it on, S9!


              Originally posted by Rogue
              I watched Death Knell last night. It is one of my favorite eps.
              Jack is so worried about her. You know when he is looking for survivors, he is specificly looking for Sam. He has got to have a knot in his stomach knowing that he could find her among the dead. Of course, the ending is great too. It looks like Jack wants to say something to her, but the words just don't come out. The best he could do is put his arm around her. What I find ironic about this ep is that it directly follows Chimera.
              I too found it very odd that they chose the episode immediately after Death Knell to throw into the mix like they did. Why show
              Jack so obviousely worried about Sam and then have Sam jump into bed with . Talk about inconsistent writing.
              Of course, I would never have chosen Pete for Sam anyway. He was too immature for her.


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                Here's the French version...

                Eh non! Toutefois, en attendant que Richard revienne pour un ou deux épisodes, Samantha dit à qui veut l'entendre qu'elle n'est pas célibataire...a vous de juger!

                And a link to the original interview:

                Does anyone know if AT knows French well enough to have given the interview directly in French? For some reason I have it in my head that she knows French. Anyone been to a con in France where Amanda appeared?


                  Originally posted by Atteria
                  I reluctantly have to agree. After 6-7 seasons of quiet longing, seen in the characters of Jack and Sam, more in some episodes than others, they give us Pete. Pete? A too young, wet behind the ears, stalker cop? Sorry, guess you can tell I didn't like Pete.

                  Anyway, I have NO interest in any ships in the "new" SG-1 or in SGA. I think tptb, sat around in conferences and every once in a while had a laugh about fan reaction to their latest "twist" on the Jack and Sam ship. Just my opinion.....

                  For right now, I'll think of them as being together....
                  Hello ship family...

                  I see that the mood has changed

                  Well, to put my 2 cents into this. I sorta agree and disagree at the same time. Weird, huh?

                  Anyway, the way I feel about the whole Petey situation... Even though I hate it, I am almost thankful for it in the long run, WHEN we will get the confirmation that Jack and Sam are DEFINITELY together. And this is why...

                  Jack and Sam have been dancing around their feelings for the longest time. If they were to just simply get together, people would say that the writers just set it up, just like any soap opera/other series. It is too obvious when 2 main characters get together. It is even expected. So, the TPTB used Petey as a tool to prove that Sam couldn't be with anyone else and that she was truly in love with Jack. It was sort of like a test. Can their relationship survive the ultimate test? Are Sam and Jack really in love, or is it just UST? Are they ment to be together for the rest of their lives, or is it just a fling (fling that never resolted in anything physical... ).

                  So, the way everything turned out with Petey PROVED that Sam cannot be with anyone else, because she belongs to Jack. The same with Jack. He had a chance to move on, even more so after Sam got engaged to Petey (the horror...). I hope you guys are following my trail of thought. Kerry and Petey were tools to prove to the critics that Sam and Jack are in this for the long run. They are each other's soulmates. (Obviously, we, the shippers, don't need any proof, but not everyone is as smart and perceptive as we are ).

                  In conclusion, although our hearts skipped 100s of beats, we had to go through the struggle, so that no one can say that Jack's and Sam's feelings are not strong and not lasting. We have our proof!!! Jack and Sam belong together. It would be simply dumb of TPTB to deny it. Scratch that word... it would be childish. Jack and Sam are not hormonal teenagers. They truly love each other. Their love was tested by time, long distance, denial, turmoil, angst and outsiders. They survived all that and went fishing!!! Jack and Sam belong together. That was underlined in Threads. So no matter what silliness we hear from spoilers we can be assured that they are together!!! Sam + Jack = LOVE )


                    Originally posted by Grace O'Neill
                    Hello ship family...

                    I see that the mood has changed

                    Well, to put my 2 cents into this. I sorta agree and disagree at the same time. Weird, huh?

                    Anyway, the way I feel about the whole Petey situation... Even though I hate it, I am almost thankful for it in the long run, WHEN we will get the confirmation that Jack and Sam are DEFINITELY together. And this is why...

                    Jack and Sam have been dancing around their feelings for the longest time. If they were to just simply get together, people would say that the writers just set it up, just like any soap opera/other series. It is too obvious when 2 main characters get together. It is even expected. So, the TPTB used Petey as a tool to prove that Sam couldn't be with anyone else and that she was truly in love with Jack. It was sort of like a test. Can their relationship survive the ultimate test? Are Sam and Jack really in love, or is it just UST? Are they ment to be together for the rest of their lives, or is it just a fling (fling that never resolted in anything physical... ).

                    So, the way everything turned out with Petey PROVED that Sam cannot be with anyone else, because she belongs to Jack. The same with Jack. He had a chance to move on, even more so after Sam got engaged to Petey (the horror...). I hope you guys are following my trail of thought. Kerry and Petey were tools to prove to the critics that Sam and Jack are in this for the long run. They are each other's soulmates. (Obviously, we, the shippers, don't need any proof, but not everyone is as smart and perceptive as we are ).

                    In conclusion, although our hearts skipped 100s of beats, we had to go through the struggle, so that no one can say that Jack's and Sam's feelings are not strong and not lasting. We have our proof!!! Jack and Sam belong together. It would be simply dumb of TPTB to deny it. Scratch that word... it would be childish. Jack and Sam are not hormonal teenagers. They truly love each other. Their love was tested by time, long distance, denial, turmoil, angst and outsiders. They survived all that and went fishing!!! Jack and Sam belong together. That was underlined in Threads. So no matter what silliness we hear from spoilers we can be assured that they are together!!! Sam + Jack = LOVE )
                    Wow. You said everything that needs to be said. Jack and Sam are definitely together and in a twisted kind of way, perhaps we should be grateful for and Kerry.


                      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                      Does anyone know if AT knows French well enough to have given the interview directly in French? For some reason I have it in my head that she knows French. Anyone been to a con in France where Amanda appeared?
                      Yes I saw AT, CJ, MS, in Paris a couple of years back if I recall though she did not really seem to know much french. perhaps a little I think she at least tried the guys I seem to remember did not.


                        I have come to this thread, to make an apollogy.

                        About six months ago, I made a post that was obscenely rude and opinionated. I offer my deepest apologies and hope that all of you here could some day forgive me.

                        I would have apologized earlier, but i did not return to the forums until recently. When I saw the pms, and realized what I had said, I was shocked, and ashamed. I was so embarassed and ashamed that I felt sick to my stomache. I don't know why I said those things but I hope that you can all forgive me.


                          Heres some banners guys! I made them i hope yuo like them!!

                          hope you guys like them!! xxx


                            Sam Fan, I like #1 and #2 and #3 and... OK, I like them all.

                            They are great! I love all the shippy ones... what is not to like! and the alt Sam and Daniel, LOL... RDA? No comments.... drooling here

                            Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                            Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                            Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                              Dear Family... Need help...

                              I joined GW because I loved SG-1, I joined this thread because I was a shipper, but after joining I realized that I was nowhere close to being a shipper, only my good intentions... so.... this said....

                              I will be watching Abyss tonight for the 2nd time, first time in my shippy life... I DO NOT WANT TO MISS A THING!!!! so please... bits and pieces I want to know what to look for and not miss a thing

                              Many thanks and Love,

                              A fellow shipper

                              Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                              Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                                Happy Birthday lonely_star!!!!!

