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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    nickatell I'am very surprised TPTB are pretty much saying there's no hope for Sam and Jack Ship in Season 9.It's a strange way to get Shippers to watch Season 9.I'll never figure out TPTB.Maybe TPTB think they do not need the Shippers to watch Season 9.Knowing the Shippers luck RDA will say he is interested in coming back for Season 10 and Season 9 will tank and there will be no Season 10.I'am still not watching Season 9 on the slim chance RDA will be back for Season 10.I can see RDA come back for 4 or 5 episodes but I would be shocked if RDA came back fulltime.


      Mary it may sound strange but I have no interest in JackJr.IMO JackJr is nothing more than another Man Friend with the Hots for Sam.I just cannot see him as Jack even though he is Jack.I know that makes no sense.It sounds like Season 9 has enough Man Friends as it is.


        Originally posted by ses110
        Mary it may sound strange but I have no interest in JackJr.IMO JackJr is nothing more than another Man Friends with the Hots for Sam.I just cannot see him as Jack even though he is Jack.I know that makes no sense.
        I guess I see him differently because I don't see him as "Jack" where Sam is concerned. Even though he's got his mind, it's impractical for there to be any thoughts of his being with Carter while in a 16 or 17-year-old body. Not to mention that he's had over a year (or is it two now?) of exposure to teenage life, so I imagine he's adopted some very different habits from the real Jack. He's his own person now, but he does have Jack's memories.

        If Jack were indiposed (maybe even captured) and they needed his mindset in order to rescue himself, this would be the ideal solution. And honestly, I think Michael Welch did an amazing job. But I'd never see him as truly Jack. Just a fun character, kinda like Replicarter or the "other" team that Harlan created.
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          Originally posted by Oma-1
          I don't believe it. Joe finally answers a shippy question with a straight answer and look what we get. Never again will I complain about a vague one.

          I think I'm gonna think about this one and the ramifications for a bit longer before I say anything else ......
          It doesn't really surprise me though. IMHO
          they felt they gave us whatever resolultion they were gonna in Threads-I don't think it will be adressed, in fact I believe they will make believe it never happened. Look at how quickly they forgot about Janet and Cassie and Nyan and young Jack.
          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


            Well, for those of us still hoping, I made this...because, you know, we're still hoping.

            I was happy to find "younger" pics of RDA and AT, and thought it would be fun to put them together. Again, my efforts don't come anywhere close to most of the fanart I've seen, but it's fun to get shippy with photoshop.

            Hmmm, could that be a Will Smith remix? "Gettin' Shippy Wit' It?"

            I need to go to bed.


              Originally posted by Oma-1
              And on a completely different note …..Are there any plans to show us how Sam & Jack resolved the whole regs issue? It kept them apart for 8 long years, but wasn’t eradicated before they went fishing - surely it deserves some screen time? (No court-martial though I hope )
              Originally posted by Joe Mallozzi
              To be perfetly honest, the resolution of that issue is something we won't be touching on anytime soon.
              Originally Posted by sg-1fanintn

              Hi, Joe! I saw the following post from a fellow "shipper" today, and thought the emotion was so raw that you should see it. Many people who post on the "Sam & Jack" and "Sam's a great character" threads feel you're a shipper. I'm not sure, but this person's post seemed so heartfelt that I wanted to make sure you saw it. My question: can you promise us a happy ending for this wonderful pair?Thanks!

              Originally posted by Joe Mallozzi
              Truth is, I can't promise a happy ending for anyone.
     it's done. They have officially broken my heart. To bring us so far over the last two years......and now, it appears they're going to drop Sam and Jack's relationship nothing ever happened in S8.

              As far as I'm concerned, RDA doesn't even have to be there for the ship to be resolved.....or at least, its integrity maintained. Just mentions in dialogue that let us know Sam and Jack are seeing each other would satisfy me. Now, Lord only knows what they'll do. Have her start dating all the guest stars? Not mention her in the two episodes in which he appears? I'm just going to go have a good cry.....really.

              At least Joe FINALLY gave a straight (and not smart-alecky) answer. For those of you who are new to this forum, he's been giving us very flip answers in recent weeks. I have to believe that our complaints to mods and the general attitude we've shown on his thread over the past week or two contributed to that, because his answers today were delivered in a more respectful tone.

              I hate his answers to the questions above, and I feel they could throw us a bone through dialogue (and don't care enough about us or the integrity of their characters) to do so. Now, it appears we've been given a definitive enough answer for me to know that S9 is going to be ruined for me. If they would just acknowledge through dialogue references that S & J are together, I could accept the other changes with open arms. But they don't care enough about the S/J shippers to even do that.

              So sad. It didn't have to be this way. If anyone sees any good news in this at all, I'd love to hear it. But I don't see any. I know they didn't say "never," but it looks like if Rick doesn't come back, they'll just forget it ever happened.


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
       it's done. They have officially broken my heart. To bring us so far over the last two years......and now, it appears they're going to drop Sam and Jack's relationship nothing ever happened in S8.

                As far as I'm concerned, RDA doesn't even have to be there for the ship to be resolved.....or at least, its integrity maintained. Just mentions in dialogue that let us know Sam and Jack are seeing each other would satisfy me. Now, Lord only knows what they'll do. Have her start dating all the guest stars? Not mention her in the two episodes in which he appears? I'm just going to go have a good cry.....really.

                At least Joe FINALLY gave a straight (and not smart-alecky) answer. For those of you who are new to this forum, he's been giving us very flip answers in recent weeks. I have to believe that our complaints to mods and the general attitude we've shown on his thread over the past week or two contributed to that, because his answers today were delivered in a more respectful tone.

                I hate his answers to the questions above, and I feel they could throw us a bone through dialogue (and don't care enough about us or the integrity of their characters) to do so. Now, it appears we've been given a definitive enough answer for me to know that S9 is going to be ruined for me. If they would just acknowledge through dialogue references that S & J are together, I could accept the other changes with open arms. But they don't care enough about the S/J shippers to even do that.

                So sad. It didn't have to be this way. If anyone sees any good news in this at all, I'd love to hear it. But I don't see any. I know they didn't say "never," but it looks like if Rick doesn't come back, they'll just forget it ever happened.
                Well I personally have felt for sometime that they didn't respect the viewers in general and shipers in particular. At least however, we did get a straight answer-maybe not as straight as we would have liked or like-but there it is.
                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  i cant believe this... all the sexual tension... Threads... Mobius... and now they are telling us that S/J wont be an issue they will be exploring.... i have had it with the producers and alike... they claim to thrive and be inspired from fan response and yet they so easiy dismiss us...i am appaulled...Tell i am not the only one???


                    You aren't the only one, to build up something for 8 seasons and then drop it completely, well, it will put a lot of people off.
                    -I was, am, and will be, Aeon9570 (if I ever remember the password)-
                    -You want to mess with the Ancients? Please update your will...-
                    -S/J, you cannot stop it, it is not 'possible', it just is.-


                      Originally posted by Cheyenne
                      i cant believe this... all the sexual tension... Threads... Mobius... and now they are telling us that S/J wont be an issue they will be exploring.... i have had it with the producers and alike... they claim to thrive and be inspired from fan response and yet they so easiy dismiss us...i am appaulled...Tell i am not the only one???
                      you are not the only one. They have managed to show a lot of disrespect to their viewers and I have said before-in particular the shippers. any wonder why some of us have expressed the opinion that season 8 will not be purchased and season 9 will not be watched?
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        Although its possible they could just be messing with us, because then they can write the episode how they want, rather than have pressure from fans.
                        -I was, am, and will be, Aeon9570 (if I ever remember the password)-
                        -You want to mess with the Ancients? Please update your will...-
                        -S/J, you cannot stop it, it is not 'possible', it just is.-


                          Originally posted by An Ancient
                          Although its possible they could just be messing with us, because then they can write the episode how they want, rather than have pressure from fans.
                          one can only hope-but then i'm not the one.
                          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                            Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                            one can only hope-but then i'm not the one.
                            I know, with their responses, I'm incresingly becoming uninterested in Season 9. Though I may still watch some eps.
                            -I was, am, and will be, Aeon9570 (if I ever remember the password)-
                            -You want to mess with the Ancients? Please update your will...-
                            -S/J, you cannot stop it, it is not 'possible', it just is.-


                              Originally posted by An Ancient
                              I know, with their responses, I'm incresingly becoming uninterested in Season 9. Though I may still watch some eps.
                              i actually want to see what they do to Sam. They have treated her character so badly the last 2 seasons-I cannot even begin to fathom what they will do to her this season.
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                Although i am ultimately a loyal 'shipper' i started watched the show all those years ago because i am a sci-fi nut and because i thought (and still think) RDA was a hottie. I know we all want to see our 'fave duo' together and after everything that they have been through surely it is inevitable that TPTB will have to make some reference to it in the up and coming S9.....wether it be a passing comment from Daniel to Sam "what time do you guys want us round for the barbecue on saturday night" would be a good one, Sam being paged to take a phone call from DC...etc etc. I don't think we will ever see them 'together' on screen , which is fine by me as i have a very good imagination.

                                I am going to give S9 a chance as i do have a genuine affection for all the characters, and i am interested to see how the 'new guys' work out.

                                "well spank me Rosie" - O'Neill, Full Circle
                                sailing the ship to Sparkyville!

