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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    i'm going to keep this paragraph so that when i'm feeling discouraged about sam and jack in season 9, i can read over your optimistic (and logical) thoughts and feel some hope.

    Well, RDA did specifically ask the TPTB not to write him off the series, but rather keep Gen. O'Neill alive and active, somewhere (in this case Homeland Security). However, so far, he has only agreed to do 2 episodes for season 9, but I'm hoping the time off will recharge his batteries, and he'll return. I think the TPTB are hoping for that also.

    I hope the time off shows him he was meant to be an actor, and I truly hope he misses SG-1. I know we'll all miss him......
    On fighting:
    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


      Here's yet another situation to ponder!!!!!!!!
      I wonder what the reason is going to be in Season 9 where after one year Jack is promoted I guess to Home World Security. I mean if it is not because of his relationship with Sam they why the urgency? First of all I was kind of shocked that Jack even took the position of head of the SGC. I know it made it easier in RL because of RDAs schedule but in the show Jack is an action man, sitting behind a desk is a slow death for him. Did he really accept this position solely for the purpose of being close to SG-1, the action, and in particular Sam? If so, than this position that he is not overly excited about is the main obstacle in keeping him from having a full relationship with Sam, so why keep it????


        RDA really did ask TPTB not to write him off Lida, that is really good news. I thought TPTB just didn't write him off with the hopes that he would still return. I like your way better.


          Originally posted by nickatell
          Here's yet another situation to ponder!!!!!!!!
          I wonder what the reason is going to be in Season 9 where after one year Jack is promoted I guess to Home World Security. I mean if it is not because of his relationship with Sam they why the urgency? First of all I was kind of shocked that Jack even took the position of head of the SGC. I know it made it easier in RL because of RDAs schedule but in the show Jack is an action man, sitting behind a desk is a slow death for him. Did he really accept this position solely for the purpose of being close to SG-1, the action, and in particular Sam? If so, than this position that he is not overly excited about is the main obstacle in keeping him from having a full relationship with Sam, so why keep it????
          I suspect
          it has more to do with keeping options open-having Jack still involved but not totally engaged leaves it open for his future involvements with the SGC-the Homeworld Security Guy can go off world-the civilian can't-which means if RDA is open for some guest visits it would make more sense his involvement than being recalled.
          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


            Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
            that is exactly what my major beef was with Threads
            there was absolutely nothing-nothing to show that anything had changed-and what? Kerry saw Jack and Sam interact once??? she is quite perceptive i'll tell ya-if all of the CIA was that astute...anyway-my guess a lot of it is on the cuttin room floor -never in this lifetime to be seen.
            Yep, thats my beef with Threads too. Too many holes in the storyline.
            They dragged in the significant others but didn't follow thru with the story.
            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



              Originally posted by Rogue
              Yep, thats my beef with Threads too. Too many holes in the storyline.
              They dragged in the significant others but didn't follow thru with the story.
              i even tried examing that awkward little scene at the end of Reckoing for some little breadcrumb that made Sam think about things-but really-they gave us nothing to know that something was going on. big frelling joke.
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                Okay folks...

                I'm gonna set up a site for the VIRTUAL SEASON


                (I'm the local library just now)

                What I will need, is for people interested to email me, and I'll take a tally of how many writers we have. Then we'll possible have a brainstorming session to see where they'd like to go with this. We'd need to work out some smaller arcs and some large full-season ones.

                Remember - for a virtual season to be successful, you have to write for EVERY character...that means that we will need some Danny and T centric episodes. We will also need to get all the technical stuff right.

                Unfortunately, I don't think we can break the canon of s8, as it's already done and dusted, so we will be writing for Jack and Sam as USAF officers. (should make things interesting )

                Also - I don't really want to run this single-handedly, and help would be greatly appreciated...I'm not necessarily just looking for writers, but people good with graphics would be very welcome too!

                So...whadaya all think????
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  i'm in , but you need to clear your mailbox. rosemary
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Righto...I've got space in my PMs!


                    Dang it...I've got 9 minutes left
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      Okay folks...

                      I'm gonna set up a site for the VIRTUAL SEASON


                      (I'm the local library just now)

                      What I will need, is for people interested to email me, and I'll take a tally of how many writers we have. Then we'll possible have a brainstorming session to see where they'd like to go with this. We'd need to work out some smaller arcs and some large full-season ones.

                      Remember - for a virtual season to be successful, you have to write for EVERY character...that means that we will need some Danny and T centric episodes. We will also need to get all the technical stuff right.

                      Unfortunately, I don't think we can break the canon of s8, as it's already done and dusted, so we will be writing for Jack and Sam as USAF officers. (should make things interesting )

                      Also - I don't really want to run this single-handedly, and help would be greatly appreciated...I'm not necessarily just looking for writers, but people good with graphics would be very welcome too!

                      So...whadaya all think????

                      And just the original team please one else

                      The virtual season 9 premiere should be very exiting



                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        I'm not sure
                        Pete knew who that "other one "was though?!!Pete never saw Sam and Jack together really and I don't think Sam talked to Pete about Jack
                        or did she?!!!

                        Consider if you will Pete's words to Sam:

                        THREADS SPOILERS:

                        PETE: I wish I could believe this had something to do with your father -- you needed some time to just work things out. I guess all I can say is: I hope you get what you want.
                        SAM: That's it?
                        PETE: What do you want? You want me to get down on my knees and beg?
                        SAM: God, no! Of course not! I just ... I thought you would react differently.

                        I think, like Kerry, Pete picked up on vibes between the two of them (not on screen) either that or he picked up on the tone of her voice when she talked about him....

                        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                          I thought I'd drop by and catch up on our shipper family.
                          It seems as time goes on, more and more of us are getting
                          highly discouraged by the potential of not seeing anything
                          between Sam and Jack on-camera in season nine. I wish I
                          could offer more words of encouragement, but I have to
                          admit I'm a bit skeptical myself. However, my belief that
                          Sam and Jack are together is as strong today as always.

                          Here's a little something to hopefully raise your spirits a
                          tiny bit.

                          The penguins are manned and ready to attack on our command.



                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                            I thought I'd drop by and catch up on our shipper family.
                            It seems as time goes on, more and more of us are getting
                            highly discouraged of the potential of seeing anything on
                            camera between Sam and Jack in season nine. I wish I
                            could offer more words of encouragement, but I have to
                            admit I'm a bit skeptical myself. However, my belief that
                            Sam and Jack are together is as strong today as always.

                            Here's a little something to hopefully raise your spirits a
                            tiny bit.

                            The Penguins are manned and ready to attack on our command.

                            Encouraging enough for me!
                            Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                            Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              Consider if you will Pete's words to Sam:

                              THREADS SPOILERS:

                              PETE: I wish I could believe this had something to do with your father -- you needed some time to just work things out. I guess all I can say is: I hope you get what you want.
                              SAM: That's it?
                              PETE: What do you want? You want me to get down on my knees and beg?
                              SAM: God, no! Of course not! I just ... I thought you would react differently.

                              I think, like Kerry, Pete picked up on vibes between the two of them (not on screen) either that or he picked up on the tone of her voice when she talked about him....

                              He guessed she didn't want him ..and wanted something else but if he didn't necesseraly think it was another man ..he would have said " I hope you get WHO you want " it could have just been that she didn't want to live with him in that big house ..I want to believe that he meant Jack but not sure' so vague



                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                He guessed she didn't want him ..and wanted something else but if he didn't necesseraly think it was another man ..he would have said " I hope you get WHO you want " it could have just been that she didn't want to live with him in that big house ..I want to believe that he meant Jack but not sure' so vague

                                Remember VAGUE is the credo of TPTB...

                                We more than likely will not get any real substantive shippy stuff next Season...

                                My thoughts is a subtlety here a phone call there...hopefully culminating in an actual on screen kiss....

                                But my guess is that Season 9 will contain vast wastelands of diddley-bubcus with a small shippy oasis every few eps or so...

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

