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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Anyone want to help me here?

    I have an idea for a new Sam/Jack vid. Really dark, and serious...

    The song is The Fragile by Nine Inch Nails.

    I was wondering if someone could help me compile a list of specific scenes that I would need.

    Of course, I'd need Death Knell and Grace and... Metamorphosis, and Threads and Fire and Water and... stuff.

    See? This is why I'm asking for help

    I hope to do this vid after this Alias vid I'm doing right now but... depends if I get my list or not

    Thanks in advance...

    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


      Originally posted by LOL4JACK
      WAVES*** Loved, loved, loved your poem....

      Do you have it all together....?

      Spooky, I was about to start a post... saying something similar.

      I've been going thru the ship day thread and I can only say that I'm touched, it's amazing how big our family is and how they all come to share this special day.

      So many people learning how to post pics... learning how to make videos, manips... everybody working on their little project for ship day or making it special enough to come back that day even though they have not had the chance to post often lately, being present even if they were absent.. I'm touched... it's hard to explain to my other friends what happens here... but this is my special place...

      I'm glad you liked the poem. I have it as one piece, but I'll see if Token can post it as she added a couple of verses to it.
      This definitely is a special place! Thanks to the shipper thread I've been lucky enough to make so many friends from all over the world because of our love of the show and the ship.


        I was just watching Stargate Monday night TV and I suddenly realized something.

        I realized that another thing that I really MISS is Stargate episodes that makes me feel something. And I mean "F E E L S O M E T H I N G".

        I was watching "Shadow Play" and here was a great story about a man who felt guilty for developing a weapon of mass destruction and how he wanted so badly to make things right and I felt something from the story. Even "The other guys" at least made you laugh. And look at "Heroes", what a story. Tell me that you didn't CRY watching that episode. Need I say more?!

        There used to be so many stories where we actually FELT SOMETHING. They told a story worth telling and entertained us along the way with wonderful characters and of course SHIP.

        What happened to those writers? The ones who use to write those wonderful stories? And write those stories and our beloved characters soooo well?

        Just a thought.
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by LOL4JACK
          Sugarshaker... Lynn is also coming... although I don't know, there was something about Trupi's naked husband... and Lynn.... do you think that's a secret code for Jack
          Did you say naked Jack!?!?!?!?!?! I'll be there a day early.

          s u g a r s h a k e r


            Originally posted by sugarshaker

            Is anyone besides LOL4JACK, trupi and me going to the NJ con this weekend at the Meadowlands? If you are please PM me. We're going to have a blast!
            Lynn is also coming to the cabaret and Sunday! She said she's buying the drinks (one round)! I"ll buy the next! We're drink to the whole shipper family and Sam and Jack's real big smooch!


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz

              I spent a glorious five hours today reading through the 3rd Annual Ship Day thread, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was going to mention individual posters by name, but then I realized I would be listing practically the whole shipper family! Everyone contributed so much to the day, and every post was fun to read. What a talented family we have here, with all the pictures, videos, captions, polls, stories, and, of course, all the posts talking about our favourite couple.
              Thanks must go to Sacme, our wonderful Ship Sistah, who works so hard to provide us with all our shipper goods. I must buy a new shipper mug as I’ve cracked the one I am drinking out of as I speak (write!).

              It was also fun to see some of the ‘older’ members of the family return, and I’d like to say hello to all the new members of the family who joined us on our special day
              Bev I couldn't have said it better myself, so I'll steal yours. Thank you all for the shippiest day yet. ((((((((((shippers))))))))))

              s u g a r s h a k e r


                Originally posted by trupi
                Lynn is also coming to the cabaret and Sunday! She said she's buying the drinks (one round)! I"ll buy the next! We're drink to the whole shipper family and Sam and Jack's real big smooch!
                Once we drink to it, they HAVE to do it. See you Friday!

                s u g a r s h a k e r


                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  So...out of the people I've asked about Stargate...the responses have mainly been.

                  You watch that cr@p?
                  I hate Sci Fi
                  What? Is that like Star Trek
                  Oh yeah...I watch that sometimes...the big alien guy's pretty hot.
                  Oh yeah...I watch that sometimes...the brainy blonde is pretty hot.
                  Is that that show that Macgyver's in now??

                  So nothing academic or intellectual...
                  I have gotten a couple people say 'You watch the crap?' and others saying 'oh, I don't like that show.'

                  And my one friend who watched it a bit here and there said to me, 'Daniel's hot. I don't really like the big guy that much.'

                  But then her parents got obsessed and she borrowed all the DVDs from me so she's a big fan now

                  Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                  Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                    Originally posted by SG1Poz
                    I agree that there are both shippers and non shippers who do not even possess a computer. I also have been lurking at the Anti-Season 9 thread but I was here when my bubble burst and I had to release.
                    I just ask..pulleeze!... that TPTB stop with the AU's and give us something we can sink our teeth into and not get indigestion afterwards. Hmm, I'm hungry.
                    I will continue to watch, hoping that as in the past, the episodes get better.
                    How's that for a 'positive" statement?

                    My point was (and I see others have since said the same) that he may not have been talking about this thread with reference to those who don't like S9 so far. However,I am baffled about his earlier mention of fans who didn't like SG-1 until this season, unless he means Farscapers. He was so evasive that I thought he was talking about people who watched SG-1 for 8 years without liking it and who would do that?

                    Two signs that the apocalypse is near: RDA/Jack's scenes in Origin and TVLand's dropping of the second daily showing of MacGyver episodes.


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      Has Daniel got more fans than Jack ?!! I should not think so because Jack was the soul of the show .
                      I suppose Daniel will become the favourite now but I'm not that keen on Daniel myself since he came back from his ascension only because Jonas had to leave and I didn't like that .Jonas was great and should not have left the show ..and I prefered innocent Daniel from season 1 to 4
                      Don't like him as he is now ..He thinks he knows too much and he does speak too fast and is not very verstile anymore .

                      I agree 100%, Caty. I miss Jonas, and his being on is possibly the only thing that could get me watching S9. But certain very annoying PTB's won't even give him a chance! Instead, they make stupid, childish excuses when asked. It ticks me off!

                      As for Daniel, yes, he was okay until the end of S4. Even then, it was creeping in. (Remember when he didn't want them to tell Sam that Jack was sacrificing himself for her in D&C?)
                      - Mary
                      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                        Originally posted by waterfall
                        I know how to find about views on ship for non-electronic people!
                        Just walk around your town with a Stargate SG-1 shirt on and see how many people comment on it.
                        I work in a resteraunt and have to be subtle about my Stargate obsession while at work.I just wear my Stargate necklace that I bought at the last con I went to.
                        I use it as my conversation starter and you'd be surprised how many people actually recognize and comment on it, and I always ask what their views are on S/J ship.
                        I have actually done this and only 2 people out of about 100 I've asked have had negative views on S/J ship.
                        How's that for scientific???

                        Ohhh, I want a Stargate necklace!!
                        I don't think I've asked a hundred people yet, but of the people I have asked, they were either shippers, or they just considered it part of the story, not negative or positive about it. One person did say that they honestly hadn't noticed the attraction, but he was like "Hey,that'd be a great idea!"
                        About comments and T-shirts, I wore my MST3K "Bite Me" t-shirt to a con last May and only two people recognized Crow. TWO!! at a CON!!! A lot of others asked what MST3K was though. I guess I'm at the fringe of the fringe....
                        sig by PM


                          Originally posted by Buc252
                          I agree 100%, Caty. I miss Jonas, and his being on is possibly the only thing that could get me watching S9. But certain very annoying PTB's won't even give him a chance! Instead, they make stupid, childish excuses when asked. It ticks me off!

                          As for Daniel, yes, he was okay until the end of S4. Even then, it was creeping in. (Remember when he didn't want them to tell Sam that Jack was sacrificing himself for her in D&C?)
                          Hmmm, Now you have me thinking maybe Jonas is the much loved character returning in "Ripple Effect." That would make more sense. He's still alive as far as we know although again the title sounds like it may be another 'ack' AU episode.



                            One of my favorite "Real Time" Sam and Jack you-look-so-good-to-me smiles!!!
                            ***Credit Mala50 for the "sweet" cap!!***

                            (((((Hi Shippers)))))

                            Seems like I'm at the tail end of conversations the past two nights. I scrolled through today's posts and I'm feeling a little dizzy. You see, throughout the posts there will be some hope for ship, a dash of doubt, a pinch of promise, a smattering of anguish, a dollop of desire, well, you get the picture. So, I find myself withholding my excitement for ship. Why be let down again? Post-traumatic Ship Disorder. Yep, that's what I got. I can't stop thinking about the recent disappointment and let down. I've been reading really good fanfic but then I look ahead to this Friday night and there will be no Jack. No Sam. Ya know what makes the fanfiction so good besides the obvious good writing, plots, and RST? The images of Sam and Jack while I read. Well, not one for wallowing in the negative, I will continue to read fanfics, watch music videos, and come visit my Shipper Friends for recharging myself during these lean Sam and Jack times. Hey, has anyone read Toulouse's Dancing on the Volcano? When you do, let me know. There are PG and Super Mature versions. Later!


                              Originally posted by SG1Poz
                              I'm trying to live up to my moniker but all I see is TPTB throwing negativity at the shippers (Joe Mallozzi's latest blog, Don't they see the Shipper numbers here at GW verses any other thread?
                              joe was *not* talking about shippers here at gateworld in his blog. i know *exactly* who he was talking about, and i'll be glad to discuss it with you privately. (it's not this forum)

                              we might get irritated with joe not answering our questions directly, but he's a good guy and deserves respect. (i'm not talking about this thread in particular).




                                Originally posted by sueKay

                                Pull up a beanbag and join us...we feel the exact same way.

                                Hope you stick around this time

                                As far as I'm concerned...
                                SG1 finished with Threads, and season nine is another show with cameos from SG1
                                yes, this season *is* a new show. but a show that has sam returning, jack coming back at some time for appearances, and whether ship is on the back burner or not, it WILL come back. there's a LOT to be happy about!



