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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Welcome Sarah Jones 3

    Nell - Have a great time!

    Majorsal - CONGRATS!

    I'm apologising for my absense, but I'm not in a posting mood.

    BTW - preview of my website is now available...It's gonna be HUGE!

    So....if you want your fan art/ fanfic or other creations on the site, or if you want to contribute by writing Character Biographies, please join our forum at

    Pluggernugget done...gotta run
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Hi Family!!!!!!!!!!!

      What's shipping?

      Welcome to all new Shippers!!!!! Rosana, bienvenida.... yo soy de Venezuela y vivo en los Estados Unidos, aunque ahora estoy en Francia un cuento un poco raro...

      Shippers, you can practice your Spanish ....

      So... I've been reading and I'm sad because I'm reading post where our shippers are sad... we all know that Sam and Jack are together and not only that but they are meant to be and from the begining!!!! need proof?... please see them below.... you know how they say that people that are so in sync with each other start looking alike and even having the same expressions

      SAM & JACK : Ya think?

      PS: I'm fine I'm alive... still in France and hoping to get back home around Oct 24th!!!!! crazy.... 1 1/2 month after I left for 2 weeks.... I have the appointment to request my visa again on Oct 12th and that's the important day... if I get approved then I'm heading home, if not... well... I need lots of fanfics to hold me together.... LOVE... Carolina

      Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
      Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


        (((Carolina))) Good to hear you'll get back home soon! We're all thinking of you

        Yup...Sam and Jack are meant to be...everything else is just wrong!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)



          CAN SOMEONE HELP ME ??????????/PLEASE

          i was wondering how do u get to have a banner or is it a signiture em ... bit confused, at the end of your post can someone make me one please suekay i really like yrs how can i join stargate intel i love the stories over there


            Irishchick, to get a sig pic, you have to go to your control panel and go into edit signature. Then you can either type the URL of your pic and put image tags around it (that's [IMG] text here [/IMG] ) or click on the insert image button (it's the one that looks like a postcard) and type your URL there and it will do it automatically. If you don't have your own website, you can upload your pic onto a hosting site like

            Hope that all makes sense


              Originally posted by irishchick

              CAN SOMEONE HELP ME ??????????/PLEASE

              i was wondering how do u get to have a banner or is it a signiture em ... bit confused, at the end of your post can someone make me one please suekay i really like yrs how can i join stargate intel i love the stories over there
              To have a sig and/or banner in your posts, go to 'My Controls' (in the top right of the page). Then click on 'Edit signature' (on the top left). There you can make your sig : text, pic etc. Just be careful, there are size limits for sigs on GW (you can find everything here).
              I cant help you for your banner cause I don't know how to do one (my sig is the only thing I've done, and it's not really good... but hey, it's mine ! )

              To join Stargate Intel, follow this link
              Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                No! I didn't see it!!! ARGH.

       all know I'm a Sam/Jack shipper all day long, but I LOVE watching the scenes between Sam and Rodney because he's such a And I'm SOOOOOO looking forward to GUP. I'm seriously giddy over it. Rodney's delusions of Sam? I'll bet AT had a fun time playing it because she didn't play Sam, she played a deluded mind's version of Sam...

                Poor Rodney can dream all he wants to because she's taken but man this episode will be a whoot!
                i love watching the sam and rodney stuff, i loved seeing him like putty in her hands in-what was it? redemption?- it makes his character so funny, but its ok, because you know its NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN


                  thanks shelsfc and florence ill give it a go and see what happens


                    Curses! It's too late for me to cancel my s8 order from Amazon. I'll have to ship it back via UPS or however they tell you to do it. To whoever is responsible for us getting the shortened version of Threads, here's what I have to say to you:

                    s u g a r s h a k e r


                      You know this morning I happened to catch the ending of the last episode of MacGyver and as sad as that episode was because it was the last, it also was a good sad because it was good closure, does that make any sense? It was even nice that RDA came on and thanked the audience for 7 great seasons. That is what Stargate SG-1, the original SG-1 needed, closure. The show could have gone on of course but it would have given us the audience the respect that we deserve and the reasons to why everyone was split at the beginning of season 9 and I think people would have accepted it a lot better because they would have been ready for new. Especially the Sam and Jack relationship, if AT really is tired of it, and TPTB can't make up their minds on who started it, and RDA was leaving, than this would have been a good chance to have put it to bed (pardon the pun). It would have made it seems everyone happy; then at least I wouldn't be looking for Jack to pop around the corner. To me watching a television show is like reading a book, you need a conclusion. Instead I think I am having too much trouble trying to fit the old in with the new instead of just letting the old go.

                      Another thing have you guys ever wondered what that whole scene in Threads
                      was about when Kerry comes to Jacks office to break off their relationship? Why have a scene where Kerry tells Jack what he could do to be with Sam and do nothing with it?


                        Originally posted by sugarshaker
                        Curses! It's too late for me to cancel my s8 order from Amazon. I'll have to ship it back via UPS or however they tell you to do it. To whoever is responsible for us getting the shortened version of Threads, here's what I have to say to you:
                        just make sure amazon credits you for the full price you paid-I think that they don't if you return it on your own-and they didn't make the mistake.
                        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                          Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                          just make sure amazon credits you for the full price you paid-I think that they don't if you return it on your own-and they didn't make the mistake.
                          You are correct. I checked the return policy, and you pay a "shipping fee" which is $1.99 for DVDs I think. That's not too bad for getting rid of an unsatisfing product. I just wish I could tell them in detail why I was returning it! I have 30 days to decide to return the boxset.

                          ETA: A fellow GWer started a online petition about the Season 8 boxset. Here is the link if you are interested in signing.


                          BTW...Is anyone else having trouble accessing GateWorld's home page?

                          Token ~


                            Originally posted by Token
                            You are correct. I checked the return policy, and you pay a "shipping fee" which is $1.99 for DVDs I think. That's not too bad for getting rid of an unsatisfing product. I just wish I could tell them in detail why I was returning it! I have 30 days to decide to return the boxset.

                            ETA: A fellow GWer started a online petition about the Season 8 boxset. Here is the link if you are interested in signing.


                            BTW...Is anyone else having trouble accessing GateWorld's home page?
                            well they do have a review section on amazon-where you get to write reviews for the product. I had been tempted to write the review that the only thing season 8 did was make season 7 look good-but I suspect the sarcasm would be lost on some.
                            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                              i just wanted to say that i really love sam and jack together!!!


                                i just watched "threads" again on dvd. it just reminded me how frustrated and impatient im getting with the sam/jack think. why cant they just get together already!

